And that also. Of course!
Somehow it stresses my CPU more than stress test programs, so it gets hot and starts to hitch even though the framerate stays good. Heating was already kind of an issue, though, since my fancy cooler didn't fit with the way my MB is configured and I'm thus using a super basic one. I'm actually debating underclocking/volting to keep it level since it runs so well until it warms up from a few matches. I don't know why, but it's only Blizzard games that stress my CPU so much.Does anyone else get random slowdown in this game? I am playing on High/Ultra for the most part on a 1070 and I hold 60 fps even in the most intense situations but every two or three hours, I get some slowdown (in the range of 20 - 40 fps) that lasts for 10 - 20 seconds regardless of how much action there is on my screen.
Any PS4 top 500 players here? You tend to run into a lot of same people at that level. Wondering if I've played against some GAF people!![]()
Every Torb/Sym pair I've played with has used the teleporter instead of the shield, it's infuriating.Symmetra stay on for B defense, puts down teleporter instead of shield.
Symmetra stay on for B defense, puts down teleporter instead of shield.
Also works well on Anubis. Just gotta know to use the teleport and when to use the shield generator.Teleporter seems viable still on 1st point Volskaya/Hanamura. Especially if you lose your Rein early when your about to place it. Literally waited by my tele for their D.Va to destroy then built up like 50% ult back from her mech.
I got the Winston plush for Christmas
Teleporter seems viable still on 1st point Volskaya/Hanamura.
On the PS4 it normal for it to take more than 30 seconds to find a match?
Start with 'Training' on the menu to get your bearings with the characters. The tutorial isn't bad but if you've played shooters you're not missing much by going straight to the Practice Range and giving anyone a go. Some know-how:
- The three main game modes are: King of the Hill where you contest a single zone in a map, Payload where you either push or hold some kind of payload e.g. a car, and Assault where there are two zones you capture/defend, they unlock one after the other and once the first is captured by the attackers it's gone for good.
- If you're on console you'll want to change some bindings, try putting jump on L3. Note that each hero also has an individual page for bindings so you can do whatever you wantI have jump on different keys for a couple of heroes and the more you play the more you'll find what fits right for you
- Try entering a map in a custom game by yourself to get to know where all the paths are and health-pack locations. You don't have to learn them inside out running around by yourself but because of the random nature of the map and mode cycling it's not always reliable to try and learn through experience.
As far as playing the game goes, I'd say you can't go too wrong if you stick with your team. Always have at least one or two people that can help you in an encounter whether they're by your side or on higher ground beside you. You always want to enter a fight either even or outnumbering them. I'd also encourage you to run away from a fight if you think you're gonna risk death. Obviously you don't want to ditch your team so if the situation permits you're better off alive than respawning.
On the PS4 it normal for it to take more than 30 seconds to find a match?
Yo I'm a noob, somebody wanna play with me for a bit?
That feel when you try to contest a point by charging in as reinhardt and a junkrat trap right in front of the point snags you and you lose the point.
That feel when you try to contest a point by charging in as reinhardt and a junkrat trap right in front of the point snags you and you lose the point.
Tracer is perfect as is.Blizzard still awful at balancing their games, new Symetra gameplay is really good but God she's totally unstoppable, she's gonna be nerf in the next patch with Tracer.
That's pretty meta.Second holiday legendary and it is a zarya emote dupe.
Someone please kill me.
gonna be nerf in the next patch with Tracer.
ummmm is it already known that you can place shield generator in the corridor leading from spawn on the last point of gibraltar? the enemy literally can't go in there
i thought last patch fixed it
oh right might've been that pc exclusive patch
ps4 here
I'm so tired. People always make the same dumb mistakes. Surely when you're lvl 200 you realize you need to kill the Mercy first because she's just going to rez everyone.
I got the Winston plush for Christmas
Tbh I assume it's because of the holidays, I imagine cert isn't happening for anything this week :/Yeah it's not fixed on console, which is kind of inexcusable. You have an extremely powerful ultimate that hinges on it being destroyed to balance it, but you can't in certain situations because Blizzard won't patch it in for consoles until a big update comes.
I was gonna but then I saw your avatar.
What platform?
PC bruh xo
No worries. I'm on PS4 as well, I'll add ya later today when I go on. Would be good to take a break from the Competitive grind to reach Diamond ;_;Thanks for this, really helpful.
I'm in the UK and on PS4. If anyone wants to play with me PSN ID is Chobacca69
Need the full battlenet ID.
Mines Jellie#21742 if you wanna add. Probably be on after I have some Christmas dinner.
Tbh if you're lucky and get defense eichenwalde or something like that it's not TOO hard to do. But definitely go QP.Wha -- WHY are Trophies fucking disabled in Arcade mode?? Why is this game encouraging me, as Sombra, to fuck around in QP and Competitive to hack 15 people instead of securing health packs? In short, who's the cunt at Blizzard?
24 hacks in Arcade mode too. God dammit.
Tbh if you're lucky and get defense eichenwalde or something like that it's not TOO hard to do. But definitely go QP.
No problem, it's how I got itHmm. Defense on Eichenwalde could work well at the first choke point. Thanks!