I'm really hating this game now. Doesn't matter how well I do, as just about everything is going against me right now.
My 11 year old nephew is getting into PC gaming and got some computer parts and Overwatch for Christmas. We've been playing quickplay and having a blast. Honestly he's pretty good! Really impressed with his grasp of the game already and even his aim considering he recently started kb/m at all. But it's just amazing to see him so excited about it.
The last match I played we lost objective and were failing to stop the payload so after dying 4 times I switched to Mercy. We instantly held strong and won and I got 8 points to get MVP but I'm not sure it made up for how boring it was to play as Mercy.You better be Fry in this situation
It's just because he pressed it late, he had to wade through all the people to get to the Soldier that was already behind a wall. So the cursor defaulted to the Earthshatter'd Lucio he standing on top of.Watching Twitch earlier and this Ana ult was so messed up:
Watching Twitch earlier and this Ana ult was so messed up:
You better be Fry in this situation
Absolutely. I think he likes Rein the most. But I've shown him the greatness that is Zenyatta and
You better be Fry in this situation
Same here. I've played 18 matches of Season 3 so far and I have won 4 of them; drawing 3. Those 4 wins were in placement matches but they've all but been wiped out as I'm now in the mid 1800s in rank. Every game I seem to end up with either a team full of idiots who think calling people dickheads will get them to do something (I always pick Hanzo when they do this just to rile 'em up, it's so fun) or I end up with a decent team with a decent composition that just ends up getting completely steamrolled.
I also only have Yeti Winston from the three skins I actually wanted (Zenyatta and Torb) this Christmas.
This fuckin' game man.
is the joke that fry is dumb and suggests mercy as a support?
is the joke that fry is dumb and suggests mercy as a support?
I just hate that I had to do placement matches again. Why? What's the point of doing that, especially since I worked my ass off last season to try to get away from all that toxicity?
I don't know. I want people to join me and help me on this forum, as I'm done being surrounded by idiots. StacticJam was great to join me, but he bailed before the match had ended.
LMAOis the joke that fry is dumb and suggests mercy as a support?
My much older brother tried the game for the first time today. He picked genji before even scrolling through all of the characters because he looked cool.My 11 year old nephew is getting into PC gaming and got some computer parts and Overwatch for Christmas. We've been playing quickplay and having a blast. Honestly he's pretty good! Really impressed with his grasp of the game already and even his aim considering he recently started kb/m at all. But it's just amazing to see him so excited about it.
She has the 2nd best healing output in the game, can defend herself and has amazing utility. I play on qp/ gold ps4 and she still shinesAs someone who sticks to quickplay on PS4 am I missing something with the Ana talk? Must be a pc/competitive thing
She has the 2nd best healing output in the game, can defend herself and has amazing utility. I play on qp/ gold ps4 and she still shines
Yeah man, just let him go wild.Hey man he's 11 he wants to see some kills pop up
But I mostly took over Zenyatta. Turns out grouping with a level 1 lets you dominate in quick play for some reason
QP was kind of a bag today, but damn if it still isn't fun losing. I'm almost about to prestige for a second time, so I was thinking about waiting for the January deal (if it happens) so I can roll in some easy loot boxes.
Plus, if I play this I run into the old World of Warcraft problem where I literally don't play any other game.
Yeah man, just let him go wild.
for lack of a better word. QP after dark is very stupid
CP too. All the fucking children finished up celebrating xmas and are now playing. Just got multiple teams where I was surrounded by 5 mongoloids. Screw this game sometimes.
As someone who sticks to quickplay on PS4 am I missing something with the Ana talk? Must be a pc/competitive thing
She has the 2nd best healing output in the game, can defend herself and has amazing utility. I play on qp/ gold ps4 and she still shines
its usually very rare that this happens but Ive had a lot of matches where no one picks healer but Widow/ Hanzo are instalocked. Some are decent but most are bad.
If you see Widow and Hanzo instalocked, it's usually a good sign that to quit and find a new game immediately. Doubly so if it's a KotH map.
Well I'm now at 2947 from my highest of 3412. Officially the worst season I've had primarily thanks to playing with people trolling and leaving. Better luck next season I guess.
My holiday loot boxes were good at least.
you no longer get easy first couple of levels after prestiging
Look on the bright side. You can play comp with me now!
Truly the best Christmas gift of all.
Still though, was looking forward to getting those boxes at a super quick pace.No. They changed it to make people stop putting the game down completely right before events. You actually get loot boxes faster on average now anyway, so it's really not a big deal.
Just wait until you see what I got you for Boxing Day.
Still though, was looking forward to getting those boxes at a super quick pace.
What the first 20 levels of each prestige aren't faster anymore??!
Just wait until you see what I got you for Boxing Day.
Triple tank meta is really starting to get on my nerves.
Well shit, I just assumed Mercy healed faster because she doesn't have anything else going for her. That's stupid as hell. I mean I know she doesn't need to aim like Ana does but I play Ana right next to my teammates so hitting them is hardly an issue, especially tanks.I usually play zen or Lucio when going support but if there are 2-3 tanks picked, I might go Ana because she shines so much on tank heavy teams. Large hit boxes and heavy healing speeds.
She's not the 2nd best healing. She is BY FAR the highest single target healing output. She heals 50% faster than Mercy without the grenade buff. The grenade does 100 instant healing and then lets her output 180 healing a second. She's capable of healing the speed of 3 mercies during grenade buff timeframe.
My much older brother tried the game for the first time today. He picked genji before even scrolling through all of the characters because he looked cool.
Stereotypes are real.
Hey. Why did you bail out on me?