Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity


This is me as well. The timing worked out where my typical M-F work schedule got shifted to Tuesday-Saturday because of a Board meeting. Hoping to relax all weekend and spend some time with Kat.

I'm also going to adopt another cat tomorrow so....
I've got a commute Friday after training and then a big dinner. Have to exercise and then I'll be able to play. But hey, yeah, it's the weekend.

You're going all out adopting a cat. You need to name it Dusty.


so how does this compare to the first one? I'm only part way through but I like it very much. How different or similar are the two games? Most importantly the combat, is it improved?

I'm like 6 hours only but so far it's like the first but with improvements in combat and control.

btw, I just spent almost 2 hours collecting gems and doing photos. I need help....


What the heck is this



so how does this compare to the first one? I'm only part way through but I like it very much. How different or similar are the two games? Most importantly the combat, is it improved?

I liked the story of the first game more(still not finished with 2 tho)

Gameplay is much improved tho and side quests are better.
so how does this compare to the first one? I'm only part way through but I like it very much. How different or similar are the two games? Most importantly the combat, is it improved?

Is certainly a more polished, bigger game while retaining the great things of the first one. I only got one new style, but it offers several changes in the traversal mechanics, that IMO, adds quite a bit.

Combat is slightly improved, at least for now, with all three styles that might change.
Pre-ordered two minutes ago cause I found out the hard way that you can't put Kat off like I did with the Remaster and it's fucking OOP.


I've got a commute Friday after training and then a big dinner. Have to exercise and then I'll be able to play. But hey, yeah, it's the weekend.

You're going all out adopting a cat. You need to name it Dusty.

The adoption has been planned for awhile but this weekend worked out to try it because I have a three-day weekend and would like to be home to make sure there isn't WW3 in my home (I already have one cat).

Of course I just caught the crud going around so I likely won't be at work tomorrow, making the wait for the mailman even worse.
My copy just hit my state in another city. Should arrive on time tomorrow!

And there's a lot of them! Considering how huge the city is.

There's hours and hours on gem collecting lol
Yeah, I just considered how much bigger this game is too...

Honestly, it has me like this -



Just finished, now go back do side quest and wait for Raven DLC.
Anyone making spoiler thread?

I wasn't intending on making one. The OT and Photo Mode OT were the only threads I figured would be needed most. If anyone's up for making a spoiler thread, they can.


Sweet, Amazon delivered my copy a day early and I got it just now. Can't wait to play after work!

AND they actually shipped it in a box instead of a bubble mailer. I rolled high luck today apparently.
Very interested in this for art style and the movement systems, but am worried about bloat, forced stealth sections and other gripes mentioned in reviews.

But will probably take the plunge regardless. The game looks bloody gorgeous, and controlled hurtling just looks like a lot of fun, even if I don't end up completing it.
Played for 10 hours today, at least 4 of those were spent collecting gems. Sitting at around 25000 collected right now. This game is so so good, the treasure hunts are pretty fun, just wish they were a bit more challenging.
For those who are stuck in "Preparing to ship" limbo with, and have a Guaranteed Delivery day of the 20th:

I just spoke with a far-more-confident sounding Rep this time on the phone and was told that if there was an issue in getting the order out, they will ship with whatever shipping is required at that point for it to be delivered on time.

So if you originally had 2-Day Shipping and it needs to get to you tomorrow, they'll use One-Day/Overnight shipping to get it to you on time.


For those who are stuck in "Preparing to ship" limbo with, and have a Guaranteed Delivery day of the 20th:

I just spoke with a far-more-confident sounding Rep this time on the phone and was told that they will ship with whatever shipping is required to be delivered on time.

So if you originally had 2-Day Shipping and it needs to get to you tomorrow, they'll use One-Day/Overnight shipping to get it to you on time.

One Day shipping has always been fantastic when it comes to delivery times. Where I live it's at my door at like 9 or 10am. Regular Two Day gets in around a wide window of 4pm-8pm. And my impatient need to play it isn't gonna help.


Sweet, Amazon delivered my copy a day early and I got it just now. Can't wait to play after work!

AND they actually shipped it in a box instead of a bubble mailer. I rolled high luck today apparently.

Give me your luck please.

Very interested in this for art style and the movement systems, but am worried about bloat, forced stealth sections and other gripes mentioned in reviews.

But will probably take the plunge regardless. The game looks bloody gorgeous, and controlled hurtling just looks like a lot of fun, even if I don't end up completing it.

Do it, controlling gravity to effectively fly is an experience all gamers need to have imo


What the heck is this

I'm having the same problem. Thinking of cancelling my preorder. Apparently they don't ship until release date, as the game wasn't in their "fulfillment center". Talking to customer service got them to expedite me to Monday. But I also got Yakuza 0 preordered through them as well and I'm worried that that won't make Tuesday either.
A friend of mine went to buy the physical copy of gravity rush(1) in amazon and they're all sold out and I doubt there will be a hold on to those physical copies GravityGAF.
Can anyone give me some tips on the Cargo Challenge? Should I just shift around and grab as many as I can without worrying about being seen?


Can anyone give me some tips on the Cargo Challenge? Should I just shift around and grab as many as I can without worrying about being seen?
Yeah, that is what I ended up doing, just running around with 20+ guys and a few mechs all blasting away at Kat while she runs around like a loony, lobbing crates all over the place.


Neo Member
Got a text at work saying the game was delivered, only to come home and find out it was, in fact, delivered....but not to my building. Now I have no game and USPS has no idea where it went. :-(

Edit: Just got off the phone with Best Buy. They're reshipping another copy, no questions asked. I may not have it today, but at least i'm not out 50 bucks! Whew!
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