Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity

The Auto-Statis skill is pretty OP. Also, is it me or are there a lot more enemies in missions compared to the first game? They just keep coming and coming.
Hmmm, depending on how this, Nier:Automata, and Persona 5 go, I may be tempted by Best Buy in the future.

Still stuck in "Being Shipped Soon" with a "By 8PM Tomorrow" delivery date on


I'm getting it tomorrow, couldn't resist. Psyched to play it.
I haven't followed much though, can anyone tell me if the framerate issues were ironed out? Playing on a Pro 1080p screen.
I'm getting it tomorrow, couldn't resist. Psyched to play it.
I haven't followed much though, can anyone tell me if the framerate issues were ironed out? Playing on a Pro 1080p screen.

They've been ironed out. Impressions say it's a super smooth 30fps, with 4K Geometry on the Pro. (Supersampled on 1080p screens)


Hmmm, depending on how this, Nier:Automata, and Persona 5 go, I may be tempted by Best Buy in the future.

Still stuck in "Being Shipped Soon" with a "By 8PM Tomorrow" delivery date on

Lol I like how you'll go through 2 more games before deciding whether or not to stick with Prime. As for me, I got no choice. $40 ea. too good to pass up for those 3 games, and I don't want to pay for GCU anytime soon.

I'm getting it tomorrow, couldn't resist. Psyched to play it.
I haven't followed much though, can anyone tell me if the framerate issues were ironed out? Playing on a Pro 1080p screen.

You're good to go now.
Lol I like how you'll go through 2 more games before deciding whether or not to stick with Prime. As for me, I got no choice. $40 ea. too good to pass up for those 3 games, and I don't want to pay for GCU anytime soon.

Admittedly, I don't know much about the GCU or if it's even available in Canada; and in all honesty, I've been fine with Prime so far. (Good Customer Service, Good Discounts, etc.)

I'll probably stick with them assuming they handle this well.


Admittedly, I don't know much about the GCU or if it's even available in Canada; and in all honesty, I've been fine with Prime so far. (Good Customer Service, Good Discounts, etc.)

I'll probably stick with them assuming they handle this well.

Same, they'd have to really fuck up for me to go elsewhere. And like you said, it's so easy to find additional discounts.

But I'm preordering a console for the first time from them, so if I get through that without a hitch, then I'll know Amazon truly is a keeper lol


Same, they'd have to really fuck up for me to go elsewhere. And like you said, it's so easy to find additional discounts.

But I'm preordering a console for the first time from them, so if I get through that without a hitch, then I'll know Amazon truly is a keeper lol

got my ps4 and ps4 pro through amazon without any problems at launch


Not looking good for my copy to arrive from Best Buy tomorrow. Normally I pickup preorder games on release but they didn't even have that option for my local store lol.


Some of these side quests are plain hilarious. The assumptions, twists and the final punchlines. Just did a delivery quest for Vogo and I was really cracking up at the end.
Man, there were some serious frame drops in Chapter
12. Trying to get through those tight spaces using Jupiter mode put a strain on my PS4 lmao.


I ordered this from Amazon and it said it would be here on Jan 24 instead of 20. So I cancelled to order again thinking it would get there on time instead of with Yakuza 0. Now I'm waiting for this game until the 26th :/

To follow up on this, my copy just shipped and will now arrive on the 21st. So ahead of original date and far ahead of the later date that I got when I screwed up my own order lol

I still have to re-download Gravity Rush Remastered and my saves onto the new console so I can get those OG costumes.

I wish there had been some sort of green light if you had the vita trophies or something to get those costumes. I never got around to remastered :/

The music in Banga is so good, I left it on the whole time I was making dinner earlier as background hah


Okay, so the side-missions so far: catch the geese, find this person somewhere, deliver newspaper...


Keep naming the good ones, I'll write them down and do those.


Got my copy but I probably won't be starting it for a couple weeks, need to wrap up GR1 tonight and finish up a couple smaller games before RE7 drops in a few days.

Excited though.
It is 3:35PM PST on January 19th, 2017.

The tracking page still states "Being Shipped Soon, Arriving Tomorrow by 8pm"

We'll see, We'll see.




Other than a few camera issues here and there, the game is awesome so far. Feels a bit better to control than the first game. Combat feels loads better to me.


Aftershock LA
I'm so pumped for this. My copy should arrive tomorrow from Amazon.

I just beat the PS4 version and got the Platinum Trophy today. I already beat the Vita version back when it came out, so it was fun revisiting the game on the PS4! I also forgot how many unanswered questions were left by the end of GR1. I hope GR2 actually addresses them.


Runs really well on PS4 Pro. If I had one complaint so far though it would be that I wish I could move the camera out a wee bit. I feel it's a tad too close to Kat. Otherwise it's an improved Gravity Rush and that's great.
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