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Congress Deluged with 1.5 Million calls per day coming in, most about DeVos

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Matt House, a spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, said that as many as 1.5 million calls per day have been pouring into the Senate this week, according to data from Schumer's technical staff.
Multiple offices reported that a bulk of messages haves been related to Betsy DeVos, Trump's controversial pick for secretary of education. Her nomination moved ahead in the Senate on Friday, and she's expected to be narrowly confirmed Monday.



Good, bog em down, slow them down as much as we can and maybe, just maybe, we can reduce the damage.


listen to the mad man
I'm honestly surprised it's DeVos and not Sessions or Tillerson that ended up being the focal point for opposition to the entire slate.
The public usually doesn't dedicate much outrage to cabinet picks, so the fact that this is happening at all should be a testament to just how stupid of a decision it is.

But, Republicans can't stop fellating trust fund kids, so it will probably happen. Doesn't mean I won't add a few calls to the pile.

I'm honestly surprised it's DeVos and not Sessions or Tillerson that ended up being the focal point for opposition to the entire slate.

1) She's probably the easier target, since Sessions has other senators on his side, despite being a racist shitheel, and Tillerson was an Exxon CEO, and thus a favorite kind of human being among Republicans. 2) It's probably easier to rally educators around blocking DeVos; there are professional issues at stake. The impact that Sessions and Tillerson will have, while important, will be more nebulous.


I'm honestly surprised it's DeVos and not Sessions or Tillerson that ended up being the focal point for opposition to the entire slate.
I suspect your average voter cares way less about rights for minorities or foreign policy than they do about their child's education.

This is something they actually view as impacting them.


I'm honestly surprised it's DeVos and not Sessions or Tillerson that ended up being the focal point for opposition to the entire slate.

Well her shit is SO radical and transparent, even school choice advocates dont like her.

Also she is BLATENTLY not qualifies.

If you try hard you can argue that sessions and even tillerson are prepared for their roles, but you cannot even muster a defense for this woman.

Educators despise her.


I suspect your average voter cares way less about rights for minorities or foreign policy than they do about their child's education.

This is something they actually view as impacting them.

I'd even state that a lot more American voters are okay with racism than they are with stupidity.
Can someone summarize Devos' track record? What makes her such a bad choice?

Imagine that we had a job open for the Ultimate Cowboy. The person who would make decisions that would affect the entire cowboy industry.

Now imagine nominating someone who had never been a cowboy in their entire life, and had openly campaigned for changes to the industry that most decent cowboys disagree with.

That's DeVos.

I'd even state that a lot more American voters are more okay with racism than they are with stupidity.

If that was true, Donald Trump wouldn't be president. Maybe the combination of racist and stupid just caught people off-guard?


I'm honestly surprised it's DeVos and not Sessions or Tillerson that ended up being the focal point for opposition to the entire slate.
They're all absolute dog shit but she's the most obvious of the dog shit. It's just one shitty thing after another with her. Hell, I'm as qualified to be the Secretary of Education as she is.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm honestly surprised it's DeVos and not Sessions or Tillerson that ended up being the focal point for opposition to the entire slate.

I suspect your average voter cares way less about rights for minorities or foreign policy than they do about their child's education.

This is something they actually view as impacting them.

Also more than anyone other than perhaps Ben Carson she is supremely unqualified. At least Tillerson was able to speak with some credibility about....things that happen in other countries. DeVos is a moron and it shows every time she opens her mouth


Can someone summarize Devos' track record? What makes her such a bad choice?

She'd be in charge of public schooling in the country despite never attending one, never working in one, never sending her children to one, and making her life's work destroying public education. She can't answer basic questions that a first year education major could write you an essay on. She says that there should be guns in schools so they can defend themselves from bears.


Besides Sessions and Tillerson(they're awful too) she is the worst pick by far. Some ultra rich woman that never went to public school, nor her kids.


Imagine that we had a job open for the Ultimate Cowboy. The person who would make decisions that would affect the entire cowboy industry.

Now imagine nominating someone who had never been a cowboy in their entire life, and had openly campaigned for changes to the industry that most decent cowboys disagree with.

That's DeVos.


Also believes that rodeo clowns are an abomination against true cowboy values, so they should be allowed to be removed if individual rodeo promoters so choose at will without oversight or without consulting the cowboys

And owns the company that sells cattle trailers

And owns cattle farms

And owns the rodeo arenas

And (shockingly) donated millions to anti-cowboy think tanks that have advocated for deregulAtion of #'s 2-4 above while she is unable to identify a boot vs a hamburger when shown pictures


She'd be in charge of public schooling in the country despite never attending one, never working in one, never sending her children to one, and making her life's work destroying public education. She can't answer basic questions that a first year education major could write you an essay on. She says that there should be guns in schools so they can defend themselves from bears.

the best summary i've seen
I'm honestly surprised it's DeVos and not Sessions or Tillerson that ended up being the focal point for opposition to the entire slate.

I'm not. Sessions was always going to benefit from "is a sitting senator" credibility. Tillerson, for all of his apparent flaws, is basically what a Republican businessman looks like (and yeah, I realize that works on two levels), and -- unlike becoming President! -- you don't get to be CEO of a Fortune 500 company by being an idiot.

DeVos is just shockingly bad and facially incompetent.

You can paper over decades-old racism and modern day greed. It's much harder to paper over a literal trainwreck of a confirmation hearing.

Similarly, "Tilllerson has business connections with Russia" is vague enough; DeVos not knowing about the IDEA program and that godawful grizzly bear statement -- well, that threatens actual parents of actual kids in a concrete way.


Yeah every teacher or person related to a teacher I know is acting like this is life or death and posting everywhere to call in.

I'm really hoping she doesn't make it. The rest of the cabinet is bad, too, but goddamn our kids need a future at least...
How can the vote for her when the fucking people have spoken? Something needs to be done if the republicans vote her through. They're a disgrace to humanity.

Also believes that rodeo clowns are an abomination against true cowboy values, so they should be allowed to be removed if individual rodeo promoters so choose at will without oversight or without consulting the cowboys

And owns the company that sells cattle trailers

And owns cattle farms

And owns the rodeo arenas

And (shockingly) donated millions to anti-cowboy think tanks that have advocated for deregulAtion of #'s 2-4 above while she is unable to identify a boot vs a hamburger when shown pictures

You, sir/madam, are a scholar and gentleman. Won't someone think of the cowboys?!

Congress: "Will of the people unclear, voting to confirm DeVos"

"I mean, sure, we had millions of phone calls, but what about the silent majority?"


Sigh. Ben sasse on Nebraska tv just said most of the callers were paid to bother him. He's supporting devos


I'm honestly surprised it's DeVos and not Sessions or Tillerson that ended up being the focal point for opposition to the entire slate.

Her hearing was embarrassing enough to reveal how dangerous and unqualified she is. Sessions is plenty dangerous himself, but he's also had 30 years to learn from his last hearing experience and better conceal his problematic qualities.

Sigh. Ben sasse on Nebraska tv just said most of the callers were paid to bother him. He's supporting devos

Paid protesters, paid callers...where the fuck do these people think all this money is coming from? And why do they think these donors are concentrating all of their money on a Secretary of Education confirmation, of all fucking things?


You are AT LEAST as qualified as her to be the Secretary.

If anyone here was a TA in college or maybe a tutor, you're probably already more qualified than she is for the role. Hell, if you EVER filled out a FAFSA you literally have more experience than she does in terms of financial aid regarding college students, she's on record admitting have NONE of that.


Her hearing was embarrassing enough to reveal how dangerous and unqualified she is. Sessions is plenty dangerous himself, but he's also had 30 years to learn from his last hearing experience and better conceal his problematic qualities.

Paid protesters, paid callers...where the fuck do these think all this money is coming from? And why do they think these donors are concentrating all of their money on a Secretary of Education confirmation, of all fucking things?

george soros, obviously

didn't you get your check?
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