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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Little Witch Academia-12
Diana somehow pulls the best duty/job in a game of pure chance? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? This is straight up insulting. It's completely goddamn random and she somehow tops out the fucking luck meter too? Oh and Diana you're head of the Festival despite being a freshman. Seniors what? Who?
Part of the issue with this cour as a whole is that so many of the scenarios are redundant. How many times do we need to see Akko in the loser position where she doesn't even progress? It's like the show is spinning its wheels. For example this episode Diana again gets the best position and Akko the worst. Why not try and mix it up to an extent and see how Diana handles being in a shitty position and Akko in a high level one? They sort of do that with the lame illusion spell, only from Akko's side, but they don't do much with it and it's so short that it feels like a waste of time.
Diana doesn't have a character at all besides being a Mary Sue and the writers seem to go out of their way to make Akko the most incompetent witch in all of history. The show tries its damnedest to trip over its own feet. Not to mention the show barely utilizes even a quarter of the cast. Lotte doesn't do shit and Sucy barely does anything now too.
This doesn't feel like Trigger gives a shit. I'm not just talking about the animation value but the level of energy in the work. It just comes across as a way of passing time for both the audience and staff. This is precisely why you need a good script at the core of any anime production.


Nobunaga no Shinobi 26 FIN

This doesn't get many posts anymore since it's a short but someone do me a solid and let the rest of us know if the second season gets back to its roots because this really sucks now. Just going to wait until S2 is done to watch it. maybe.


I forgot to mention because of the disparity in skills between Akko and Diana, their relationship doesn't come across as a convincing rivalry. Nobody else in the academy has a lick of ambition either so what the fuck ever. When there is such an imbalance, different stances taken by the characters can't be treated seriously by the audience as equal approaches. So instead of having two different styles and approaches to magic, you're only left with one serious pick.

The TV show feels like it was written by a person who barely understood or cared about the characters as shown in the original OVA and just flanderized the characters.


The TV show feels like it was written by a person who barely understood or cared about the characters as shown in the original OVA and just flanderized the characters.

Any chance of it turning around in the second cour? PV looked exciting to me and I've only seen the OG OVA. It was enough to make me wonder if that's where the real LWA TV is and the first half was meant to fulfill a length requirement for Netflix lol
The tv version of Little Witch Academia sounds like it wouldn't be enjoyable even if it was your first introduction to the series and you had nothing, series wise, to compare it to.


Any chance of it turning around in the second cour? PV looked exciting to me and I've only seen the OG OVA. It was enough to make me wonder if that's where the real LWA TV is and the first half was meant to fulfill a length requirement for Netflix lol
I have no clue. The writer wrote herself into such a corner with Akko that I feel like a timeskip is necessary. Maybe having a proper villain is the jolt the show needs.
Nobunaga no Shinobi 26 FIN

This doesn't get many posts anymore since it's a short but someone do me a solid and let the rest of us know if the second season gets back to its roots because this really sucks now. Just going to wait until S2 is done to watch it. maybe.

Oh really? That's unfortunate. I enjoyed what I watched of it, but I fell off at episode 14.

I forgot to mention because of the disparity in skills between Akko and Diana, their relationship doesn't come across as a convincing rivalry. Nobody else in the academy has a lick of ambition either so what the fuck ever. When there is such an imbalance, different stances taken by the characters can't be treated seriously by the audience as equal approaches. So instead of having two different styles and approaches to magic, you're only left with one serious pick.

The TV show feels like it was written by a person who barely understood or cared about the characters as shown in the original OVA and just flanderized the characters.

The funny thing is that the TV show has involved the writers of both short films.


Oh really? That's unfortunate. I enjoyed what I watched of it, but I fell off at episode 14.

The core of the show was the Chidori/Nobunaga relationship with the value derived from her work from him. As it progressed, the cast began to bloat, Chidori lost a lot of screentime, and the first batch of good characters like Toyotomi etc getting pushed to the side as well.


Kemono Friends 12

An ending that turned out exactly how fan art had predicted. In other words, a very Kemono Friends ending.

Turning out the way it did, it also answered a few questions on Mirai-san with little effort.

That's one of the qualities of this show's writing I admire, even in complete bewilderment at one point, it eventually manages to make sense by the end of it, without spending any explicit amount of time on explaining it. You can draw the lines easily.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 1


There's a very western, fist of the north star vibe to this first episode. It moves at a breakneck speed, I hardly felt the 20 minutes go by. It's a fun setup.

On the technical side, there's alot to like. Strong and motivated cuts, interesting framing choices, lovely background art, great 90s era effects animation (circular shockwaves, flickering energy beams, lightning bolts, heat shimmers, manga style background impact frames, that kind of stuff), great lighting, great music and an old school Dezaki frame at the end.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 1


There's a very western, fist of the north star vibe to this first episode. It moves at a breakneck speed, I hardly felt the 20 minutes go by. It's a fun setup.

On the technical side, there's alot to like. Strong and motivated cuts, interesting framing choices, lovely background art, great 90s era effects animation (circular shockwaves, flickering energy beams, lightning bolts, heat shimmers, manga style background impact frames, that kind of stuff), great lighting, great music and an old school Dezaki frame at the end.

Welcome to Imagawaland. Enjoy your stay.
Mobile Suit G Gundam 2




I sort of wish Chibodee put up more of a fight, maybe cut some time away from the evil executive subplot. Also, Article Three of Gundam Fight says a competitor can keep challenging as often as they like but why wouldn't every fight end with destroying the head.

Otherwise many of the strengths of the first episode return. Shots like Chibodee falling in front of his triumphant portraiture and The Shining Gundam (inexplicably) emerging from the fallen statue of liberty were some great imagery.


Apparently LWA is so terrible that fans just can't wait to watch every episode weekly asap regardless of legality. Sounds legit.

Well that's true of every anime.

Me...I watched a couple and was non plused enough that I couldn't be bothered. Of course that's true of most anime now. I'm at the too lazy point, unless it's stuff I know won't ever appear on streaming locally...like Macross.


I feel like I'm the only one here that likes LWA TV. The script isn't always great, but it's good most of the time and still better than most TV anime. And the direction, character designs, and animation are all top notch stuff.



Is that a counter to what I said? Again, I like G Gundam. I like the show a lot. I'm rewatching it with some friends right now (so I'm not saying this as nostalgia). But stuff like:


probably isn't going to fly in 2017. Or at least people would want and expect better.


Is that a counter to what I said? Again, I like G Gundam. I like the show a lot. I'm rewatching it with some friends right now (so I'm not saying this as nostalgia). But stuff like:


probably isn't going to fly in 2017. Or at least people would want and expect better.

oh not a counter, just Imagawa thinking it was all stupid as hell too
I doubt if some stuff from G Gundam would fly today, but I think it makes it better by making it so over the top. Like, it's hard to get offended by most of the stuff in G Gundam when it's like a Lumberjack Gundam for Canada, or a Statue of Liberty cannon, because it's like the show is going "yeah, this is dumb; isn't it great?"
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 3



I liked the conclusion to this fight much better than the Chibodee one. A draw makes more sense than a mercy save. Also, we got an explanation for why Domon and Rain go to the places they do (the list), so there's already a clear turning point coming up.

Some frequent usage of depth-of-field shots in this episode that the previous two didn't have.
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen - Completed

Based on how the story was told with the first season, I decided to hold off on watching this until after the season finished. I mentioned earlier, but I have to reiterate that I really really like Yotaro as a protagonist. I dug how his journey through Rakugou contrasted Yakumo's and Sukeroku's, not being a slave to tradition like the former while not being consumed by his vices like the latter.

Yakumo's send off this season with him finally making peace with the events that transpired throughout his life was also a joy to watch.

Though yeah, I did find the implication behind who Shinnosuke's father was to be rather skeevy.
Yuki Yuna: Washio Sumi no Shou - Movie 1
It was alright. As the first part of three, it's was mostly boring setup, showing how the three become good friends and their first fights against Vertex. I go into this fully for the fact that this probably ends up being Right of Left levels of prequel despair, so I guess an intro movie like this is necessary.


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