It isn't a case of right v left. There are plenty of us on the edges of the centre left who hate him and the lunatics he's brought in. In truth it's the hard left and the marxists vs everyone else. Sad thing is that many of the young, naive fools clamouring for him daren't even admit to themselves that they're rooting for marxism. The rest don't understand what's wrong with it.
Nothing wrong with Marxism. The 12 actionable points set out in The Principles of Communism are progressive taxation, the establishment of state companies to give competition to monopolies and the gradual mutualization of those monopolies over time, the confiscation of property of rebels against the people (this means monarchists and is now kind of redundant), the institution of a minimum wage, a benefits system for all people who are willing to work (UBI is literally more communist than Marx!), the establishment of a national investment bank, a cultivation of fledgling industries, free education for all provided by the state, the provision of social housing for all, the destruction of unsafe slums, equal inheritance rights for those born out of wedlock, and complete state ownership of the transport system.
Marx and Engels mostly talk about class relations - they surprisingly rarely advocated specific economic policies, and it's always surprising how moderate the policies they actually advance are (a product of their times, I guess - universal education free of charge was pretty radical in the 1850s). "Marxism" is a sociological theory, and has relatively little to do with direct economic policy. Of the above 12 points, most have actually already been implemented in Western countries to some degree or another.
/small history lesson
Now if you said "Leninism", we have more to agree about.