None of these responses give me any confidence. I lost a bet and have til June to finish this show. I'll just take the L and detail my disappointment at a later date.
Watch as many as possible to get the pain over quicker. I've watched it at least four times. Yeah it's shit and Shinn...well I don't have nice words for Shinn, but at least the OST is nice. Do you have to watch all of the clip show eps too?None of these responses give me any confidence. I lost a bet and have til June to finish this show. I'll just take the L and detail my disappointment at a later date.
Watch as many as possible to get the pain over quicker. I've watched it at least four times. Yeah it's shit and Shinn...well I don't have nice words for Shinn, but at least the OST is nice. Do you have to watch all of the clip show eps too?
None of these responses give me any confidence. I lost a bet and have til June to finish this show. I'll just take the L and detail my disappointment at a later date.
If you're talking about episodes where it's just flashbacks the entire time, than yes I have to watch those as well. My punishment is the "entirety"of Seed Destiny.
P.S. I'm watching the HD remaster.
We made a bet about the NBA playoffs on who would advance between the Clippers and Jazz before game 1 was played. I clearly lost and am being punished. If my friend lost his punishment was gonna be G-Reco.
P.S. I'm watching the HD remaster.
I would take 25 episodes of G-Reco over 50 goddamn episodes of Destiny any day of the week
So he would have enjoyed 2/3 parts of the show and then slightly hated the rest?You got off easy. He could have made you watch Gundam AGE.
Destiny was serviceable if you liked the Freedom (Shinn fight was bullshit).
Can't even watch G-Reco for more than 3 episodes; I'd rather watch Gundam X...
You'll love it, I think. Though I would recommend (if you are able) getting the HGCE Freedom to mount on it rather than the older HG that comes with the METEOR. That old Freedom is pretty much trash at this point, though it would be good to practice painting and panel lining on.
Why not use an RG Freedom while you're at itHmm...I have to check which Freedom kit I have.
Eh, it was still mostly plot armor though. Kira could have stopped targetting the head/limbs and started shooting at the body mass and Shinn would have died then and there. The last slash to the mid-section was so contrived as well, since Kira has been shown to surgically dismember other mobile suits in a single pass.I used to think so as well but looking back on it, that was one of the few scenes in Destiny that was actually somewhat decent. Shinn pushed the Impulse to its absolute limit and used it to its full potential. I mean, he managed to pressure Kira so hard he actually tried to kill Shinn out of sheer desperation.
That was actually one of the few okay parts of the show. Shinn did his research and formulated a battle plan that actually worked. Unfortunately, it's also the point in the show where it completely goes off the rails and Jesus Yamato was reborn as our lord and savior.I used to think so as well but looking back on it, that was one of the few scenes in Destiny that was actually somewhat decent. Shinn pushed the Impulse to its absolute limit and used it to its full potential. I mean, he managed to pressure Kira so hard he actually tried to kill Shinn out of sheer desperation.
Why not use an RG Freedom while you're at it
Jesus Yamato was reborn as our lord and savior.
its going to be stickers.
I believe dammit! Companies are our friends they wouldn't betray my trust and expects?!Yeah, that is 100% going to be a sticker.
Jesus Yamato was reborn as our lord and savior.
As a staunch Athrunist I can never kneel at the altar of Jesus Yamato.
They're childhood friends and Athrun always has Kira's best interest in mind...unless he's trying to kill him. Me on the other hand? I don't like Kira that much.But Athrun was willing to. Heed his example.
Shinn is a god damn clown. Athrun and that Orb Colonel who went down with the ship are the only redeeming things so far out of the 30 episodes I've watched.
P.S. I'm tired of seeing this face
Shinn is a god damn clown. Athrun and that Orb Colonel who went down with the ship are the only redeeming things so far out of the 30 episodes I've watched.
P.S. I'm tired of seeing this face
"Nande? NANDE?"
Shinn is a god damn clown. Athrun and that Orb Colonel who went down with the ship are the only redeeming things so far out of the 30 episodes I've watched.
P.S. I'm tired of seeing this face
All this SEED talk makes me want to rewatch it at some point.
AthrunAll this SEED talk makes me want to rewatch it at some point. Literally the only two things I remember from it involve Athrun. Athrun stealing the Aegis, Athrun beating Kira's ass with it, using the capture mode at the last second, about to melt Kira's face off, running out of energy and without a second though turning on the self-destruct, and bailing out. One of the best moments in a Gundam imo just cause the sheer (I'm a better fighter than you-ness of it all.)
Then Destiny AthrunWITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING. Might be one of my favorite Gundam moments ever because it could have easily been ruined with a speech or anime one liner.bodying Shinn instantly when he tried to get uppity in the Destiny against Infinite Justice. Cut his sword, leg, and arm off. Instead of killing him,
just lets his ass crash into the moon and gives him the best "your a fucking joke" look
from the gundam and flys off
Spoilers cause the person watching Destiny at the moment. No one needs this glorious moment ruined imo.
Athrun is the best.
Also feel like I need to rewatch it cause despite having the MG Providence to make, I seriously cannot remember it hahaha.
-oh- and I started my Patlabor this weekend since my nose sorta stopped running from my cold. Man.... I popped the box got the runners out, looked in the manual... this thing has like 30 metal screws and nuts in it!? How!? WHY!? I mean it seems to be making it really tight and stable, almost no wobble so far, but even without them it feels like they are not needed. Also the build order in the manual is all over the place and not marked (arms, legs ect.). Arms first, then the feet...body to put it all together last lol...
Just passed the halfway mark of Seed Destiny. Please tell me it gets better.
As a staunch Athrunist I can never kneel at the altar of Jesus Yamato.
Won't be soon for me. Started Turn-A for the first time last night.
Man... that late 90's animation, soooooo good. Ended up watching the first 7 episodes in one go. Moving very slow and I assume in typical Gundam fashion it will just pull the "oh yeah we gotta end this" and start going fast out of nowhere. Also Sochie is the typical 90's anime busybody girl and her lines/way of thinking or lack there of are just... "so anime" shes been the only sore spot in what has so far been extremely interesting. Love the 1920's era USA vs. space idea.
Also that opening song, has no idea what genre it wants to be lol.
Reminds me so much of G-Reco (which I still have not finished) but you know... in reverse, and watchable. There is a fare bit of "the characters were thinking/learned this thing between episodes... we did not show it, or mention it, but they kinda said something so put it together that they know it now and roll with it while we do this thing now" but its not nearly as off putting. And no character personality changes between scenes like G-Reco.
As a staunch Athrunist I can never kneel at the altar of Jesus Yamato.
Athrun is Judah if I'm not mistaken.Athrun is Kira's first disciple! Search your feelings, you know this to be true!
lol Getting all my friends to ride the AGE train with me.
Also, the AGE-1 MG is now my go-to recommendation for beginners looking to jump into the MG line.
It's such a wonderful build!Except the shoulder pads which are wobbly and feel weak without extra support on the bar that gives it a hinge motion.