May Wrasslin' |OT| May I Fancy You To A Nice Arse Whipping?


And what proof do you have of that?

NXT was able to draw a comparable crowd to the main roster and got better, more favorable reactions. If that doesn't prove that their way of booking can draw, I don't know what would.

You are stretching way to hard. Stop. I get you like NXT, like many people do in this thread. It's fine.


Only reason there's a stipulation for this Ambrose/Miz is for Ambrose to lose the match on purpose. Stupid stipulation.


The Miz shooting while Ambrose is keeping it kayfabe is lame as fuck. It's like playing a game with someone who's using a different ruleset.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
what did i miss on the opening of raw? I see my boy samson wrestling how did that start?

Bray cut a Bray promo saying he's going to beat Lesnar. Roman comes out, my yard, blah blah blah. Kurt Angle then comes out and starts a match between the two of them immediately. They wrestle a bit and then Samoa Joe comes out to help Bray, then Seth comes out to fight Joe, so now we got a tag match for the main event.

EDIT: Whoever took out Enzo is now my favorite wrestler.
The crowd of NXT for one event doesn't equate to it's overall popularity. There are things that NXT does well, but it doesn't all reach the masses.

It's not one event though. They consistently draw big crowds for Takeover events that are comparable to the WWE big shows.

That's an indication of popularity.
You think NXT is more popular than WWE?

When did I ever say that? lol stop

My point is that NXT booking works and the guys are over to the degree that a crowd comparable to the crowds WWE draws for their big shows is reacting to them more favorably and loudly than WWE can muster.

That's an indication that NXT's booking is better than WWE's.
It's not one event though. They consistently draw big crowds for Takeover events that are comparable to the WWE big shows.

That's an indication of popularity.

It's mostly because those are smark locations.
And that too Takeover events.

NXT week in week out won't even draw half of what SD or RAW does. It's sad but true. I like NXT way more but typical WWE audience wants a dumbed down product and Vince doesn't dare to change what is working.
It's mostly because those are smark locations.
And that too Takeover events.

NXT week in week out won't even draw half of what SD or RAW does. It's sad but true. I like NXT way more but typical WWE audience wants a dumbed down product and Vince doesn't dare to change what is working.

No one is arguing that NXT is bigger than WWE.

The point is that NXT's way of booking is better at getting guys over than WWE's. I don't see how you could argue against that.
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