Neighbours from Hell
Do you guys think Tyrion was jealous of Jon?
Or was it that he knows Jon's lineage?
Or was it that he knows Jon's lineage?
People actually wanted to see Littlefinger killed off? Huh... thought he was one of the more consistently entertaining ones.
I'd rather both Stark sisters had killed each other tbh. Jon and Co get back to Winterfell and Baelish is all like "lol I don't know" and he continues to go about his business as audiences lose their shit.
So Jon is actually Viserys's son. Ew
Do you guys think Tyrion was jealous of Jon?
Or was it that he knows Jon's lineage?
Do you guys think Tyrion was jealous of Jon?
Or was it that he knows Jon's lineage?
I like this
I know that. Doesn't make it less disgusting. lol
So Jon is actually Viserys's son. Ew
I don't trust him, he's probably very jealous right now of Daney and Jon.I read a comment that made sense. Tyrion plotted with Cersei, that why he was sad in the end.
He's still more faithful than Big Bobby BReminder to everyone saying "fuck Robert" that he was betrothed to Lyanna.
Also that Rhaegar had two healthy children and went wife-scouting so he can have a third after finding out his wife can't handle another.
Not saying it's right as Lyanna shouldn't be married to someone she doesn't like, I understand that. But why is Rhaegar put on a pedestal?
Someone should point out the flawed aerodynamics of how Viserion could possibly fly with all those holes in his wings. Then the Night King and Viserion fall down Wile E. Coyote style.
Do you guys think Tyrion was jealous of Jon?
Or was it that he knows Jon's lineage?
love twitter.
Why did Bran think Jon's last name was Sand? Are Targaryens from Dorne?
LF deserved to die. I liked the build up and how they played him like he's played everyone else. What I DON'T like is how they've had him do nothing satisfying for quite some time now. The guy was just sitting around thinking about fucking Sansa and got owned. Not very LF like based on previous seasons. The guy just stopped getting things done.
Ilyn Payne
Don't worry; we didn't actually see them die so odds are they're fine.
Well if either of them are the fire prince Jesus then one will kill the otherPer my spoiler notes, I could see it being Dany living, but I certainly don't expect both to survive.
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:Do you guys think Tyrion was jealous of Jon?
Or was it that he knows Jon's lineage?
Yeah, that look he did was...worrisome. I'm not sure what to make out of that.
what an awful plot device then to dig up some corny ass 7 year old lore 95% of the audience would have forgotten in order to tie this show together. and no, I do not remember it.
Ill do you one better, wtf were the white walkers plannong on doing predragon?Someone should point out the flawed aerodynamics of how Viserion could possibly fly with all those holes in his wings. Then the Night King and Viserion fall down Wile E. Coyote style.
How come Bran didn't know about their marriage?
Thought he knew "everything".
Herp derp. ThanksWell, The Tower of Joy is in Dorne.
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
How come Bran didn't know about their marriage?
Thought he knew "everything".
Like a true internet user he is too busy looking at incest porn to learn anything useful.How come Bran didn't know about their marriage?
Thought he knew "everything".
Why did Bran think Jon's last name was Sand? Are Targaryens from Dorne?
Because he's not a good person. He's back stabbing, self centered character and even though that makes him interesting, he's still a bad guy and people want to see bad guys get their just desserts.
just because he can see doesn't mean he knows where to look
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
So Jon is actually Viserys's son. Ew
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
It's the face of someone concerned that she's shacking up with someone that puts honor before reason.
Nope, different guy.
How come Bran didn't know about their marriage?
Thought he knew "everything".
Someone should point out how the Night King's necromancy enables his wights to function as they would've when they were alive with added benefits.
Skeleton wights would fall apart but manage to run fine.
Viserys was like 5 years old when Jon was born
He's Rhaegar's son. Rhaegar is the eldest followed by Viserys, then Dany.