There ain't no bad things to say about the mecha genre though.
I watched series where gundams could transform into super saiyans. NOTHING trumps that.
Finally, someone in this thread with actual taste.
There ain't no bad things to say about the mecha genre though.
I watched series where gundams could transform into super saiyans. NOTHING trumps that.
I didnt watch anime for a few years and just when I finally have time again there's a new Fate series. I guess Im lucky ^^
Where all the mecha shows though?
So....the dialog in this episode was great and it had some cute moments, but.... I mean, it had NOTHING to do with the plot and felt they needed to add a full 5 mins of pure fanservice pandering/bath scene with all the girls, but hey, might as well end the season with an OVA for the show, right!?!
Excellent show all season and one if the best this season, but garbage ending plot wise.... Any chance of a second season?
Watch Kuromukuro and ID-0.I didnt watch anime for a few years and just when I finally have time again there's a new Fate series. I guess Im lucky ^^
Where all the mecha shows though?
BuddyComplex demands your attention. M3 as well, two of my favorite mecha.
Can someone explain to me the coloring scheme used in sketches like this
They dont usually match up to the actual colors, i see it a lot
It's weird, this is normally what you'd expect out of an OVA. I guess that's just how I'll think of it lol
I really felt like the last episode was the REAL last episode and this episode is more just an epilogue of the group just doing stuff. Episode 11 kinda wrapped things up neatly.
I haven't seen a decent mecha show since... I want to say TTGL?
The colors can vary depending on the artist/production. Blues are usually to indicate shadows and secondary colors; yellows can be used to break up details from bleeding together.
Thanks for the tip. It's noted
And Fafner Exodus. AOTY 2016.Watch Kuromukuro and ID-0.
Dude means well, but you do NOT want to waste your time with Buddy Complex and M3.
In the trash where it belongs.
The English word Bitch is loanword slang for something that's more akin to "slut" or just a promiscuous woman.
This being the promo image for the show should tell you everything.
Basically the ultimate male otaku fantasy contradiction of the virgin slut where you want someone pure but experienced yet is still submissive. The manga is nothing but the most rote of sexual innuendo jokes.
If youre looking for trash to replace the gal girlfriend show here you go
Sorry if this is off-topic, but random question:
If I start watching Patlabor: The New Files, without watching the original TV series first, will I still enjoy it? Is it self contained or will I miss out on references and call backs?
Half the episodes, or is it less? Tie directly into the show. The rest is stand alone as I recall.
Whatever happened to high quality trash like Shinometa
well okay maybe without the love nectar jesus that was low quality trash
man those are some shit designs
whatever happened to actual fanservice shows like ikkitousen, rosario to vampire, qwaser of stigmata, queen's blade and maken-ki
*googles seven deadly sins*Seven Deadly Sins aired a few months ago and it pretty much killed the studio
*googles seven deadly sins*
Sorry if this is off-topic, but random question:
If I start watching Patlabor: The New Files, without watching the original TV series first, will I still enjoy it? Is it self contained or will I miss out on references and call backs?
Seven Deadly Sins aired a few months ago and it pretty much killed the studio
fuck i meant seven mortal sins
Still introducing new zodiac characters, which I assume will continue for a bit, but at least they are giving back stary and character info in the process, which is helping establish them.
Wow, Seven Mortal Sins bombed that bad?
Yeah, one of the two studios struggled to keep up with the schedule, causing multiple delays, an early recap episode, and finally the near shuttering of Artland Inc. It was initially reported that they tanked, but denied/corrected by the President shortly after.
Yeah, one of the two studios struggled to keep up with the schedule, causing multiple delays, an early recap episode, and finally the near shuttering of Artland Inc. It was initially reported that they tanked, but denied/corrected by the President shortly after.
New visual for Overlord II.
Not to mention the final episode was aired 3 weeks after it was supposed to end at the end of July, well into the Summer season.
And Fafner Exodus. AOTY 2016.
Fafner in the Azure - 3
In which Shinn Asuka finds out where NERV is keeping Lilith before the next Angel attacks.
I watched fafner in the Azure before, but it didn&t feel remarkable at all to me, unfortunately.
was confirmed that dbz abridged won't have anymore episodes this year.
they are launching new stuff and want to do the end of the cell saga as one big thing (like they did with the freeza saga) so no more cell saga stuff will come out this year, but it sounds like there might at least be another special coming this year. They have a few movies left so maybe one of those.
Man I need to get back to that. We'd caught up watching at one point but then sorta fell off when updates were slow. Thanks for the reminder.