
WarCraft III: Patch 1.29
-Widescreen Support
-Hero Balance Tweaks
-Map Updates
-24 Player Support (Experimental) patch notes. Kind of sparse right now but the big thing is that WarCraft III, also known as the greatest RTS ever, is getting some special treatment including a Widescreen option and, in all likelihood, higher resolutions.
A long, long time ago this little game called WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos came out and blew my mind. The music, graphics, characters, everything were simply irresistable. I remember I'd been waiting to upgrade for Doom III but when I saw this I had to splurge and give my rig the necessary accommodations for this monster.
I don't think I've ever gotten more value out of a single game. I have poured probably months of play time into this guy. The map editor allowed us to make charming campaigns and diversified multiplayer in an unprecedented fashion. I'll never forget the first time I played "Werewolf". Gotta hand it to Blizz and indeed the entire community-- there is a fountain of creativity to be plundered.
Just make sure no tainted blood is pouring forth from said fountain.
FOR HONOR! Some screenshots of our beloved WarCraft III, filled to the brim with meaty gameplay, excellent voice acting and a story unmarred by homogenized, cookie cutter MMO's!

---Balance Notes---
Mountain King (See how stonefaced you are now that your hammer's smaller!)
-Base Speed increased from 270 to 290
-Stormbolt: Level 2 damage reduction from 225 to 210
-Stormbolt: Level 3 damage reduction from 350 to 325
-Thunderclap: Level 1 damage increased from 60 to 65 and radius from 25 to 30
-Thunderclap: Level 2 damage increased from 100 to 125 and radius from 30 to 35
-Thunderclap: Level 3 damage increased from 140 to 175 and radius from 35 to 40
Paladin (We now have to wait five seconds less to FF you)
-Attack Speed: default changed from 2.2 to 2.0
-Base Speed increased from 270 to 290
-Divine Shield: Level 2 duration decreased from 30 to 25
-Divine Shield: Level 3 duration decreased from 45 to 35
-Mirror Image Mana cost reduction from 125 to 115
-Critical Strike: +Damage item interaction with multiplier has been removed
-Current, 40avg+10 from items, so (40+10)*3=150
-Change, 40avg+10 from items, so (40*3)+10=130
(This might not seem like a big deal but it will greatly reduce the brokenness of of a BM collecting say, 3 Claws of +12)
Far Seer (Clearly one of the balance directors is a Stark fan)
-Feral Spirit: XP granted to enemy has been reduced
-Feral Spirit: Increased Unit Level 1 and 2
-Feral Spirit: Increased Level 1 HP, from 200 to 250
-Feral Spirit: Increased Level 2 HP, from 300 to 350
-Feral Spirit: Stats Level: Level 2; Stats: Level 4 to Stats Level 3
-Feral Spirit: Stats Level: Level 3; Stats: Level 5 to Stats Level 4
-Chain Lightning: All Levels, damage reduction decreased per target from 0.15 to 0.10 (This is a buff)
-Far Sight: No Mana cost- Cooldown set at 60, 45 and 30 seconds respectively for levels 1, 2 and 3.
Tauren Chieftain (There's a lot at steak here)
-Base Speed: Increased from 270 to 290
-Reincarnation occurrance: reduced from 7 to 5 seconds
-War Stomp: Level 1 damage increased from 25 to 30
-War Stomp: Level 2 damage increased from 50 to 60
-War Stomp: Level 3 damage increased from 75 to 90
Dread Lord (He really sucks. Get it? He SUCKS! ...Sorry)
-Base Speed: Increased from 270 to 290
-Carrion Swarm: Mana cost for all levels reduction from 110 to 100
-Carrion Swarm: Can now target mechanical units
-Sleep: Cooldown for all levels reduction from 6 seconds to 4
-Sleep: Mana reduction 100, 75 and 50 to 80, 65 and 50
-Sleep: Duration reduction from 20(5), 40(10) and 60(15) to 15(4), 35(8) and 55(12)
-Vampiric Aura: Bonus increase for DL
--Level 1: 15% to 25%
--Level 2: 30% to 35%
--Level 3: 45% to 50%
Crypt Lord (Here to avenge every spider you've crushed. They keep count. Seriously)
-Base Speed: Increased from 270 to 290
-Carrion Beetles: Level 1 HP Increased from 140 to 170 and movement speed increased from 270 to 290
-Carrion Beetles: Level 2 HP Increased from 275 to 330 and movement speed increased from 270 to 290
-Carrion Beetles: Level 1 HP Increased from 410 to 490 and movement speed increased from 270 to 290
-Impale: Level 1 damage increased from 50 to 75
-Impale: Level 1 damage increased from 80 to 120
-Impale: Level 1 damage increased from 110 to 165
Lich (The ancient evil can try)
-Base Speed: Increased from 270 to 290
Priestess of The Moon (Now with more (less?) lingerie!)
-Attack Speed cooldown: From 2.46 to 2.33
Keeper of The Grove (We're rooting for him)
-Starting Attributes: Intelligence increased from 18 to 19
-Tranquility: 3 seconds of invulnerability have been added to the start of the casting of this spell
-Tranquility: Duration reduced from 30 seconds to 15
-Healing: Increased from 20 to 40 per second
-Entangling Roots: Unit Root: Level 2, from 24 seconds to 18; Level 3, from 36 to 30
-Entangling Roots: Hero Root- Level 2, from 3 seconds to 5; Level 3, from 5 seconds to 7
-Entangling Roots: DPS- Level 2, 15 to 20; Level 3, 25 to 30
-Force of Nature: Treants Damage increased from 14 to 16
Warden (Pissy ex with a knife and a grudge)
-Blink: Level 2, cooldown reduction from 10 seconds to 7
-Blink: Level 3, cooldown increase from 1 second to 4 (Ouch)
Naga Sea Witch (So much fun she'll make you forget your safeword)
-Base Speed: Increased from 270 to 290
Pandaren Brewmaster (Don't try the fire spewing thing. Just don't do it)
-Base Speed: Increased from 270 to 290
Goblin Tinker (Some witty comment)
-Base Speed: Increased from 270 to 290
-Cluster Rockets- This ability can now target air units
-Cluster Rockets- Damage increased- Level 1: From 8.75 to 11.25
-Cluster Rockets- Damage increased- Level 2: From 16.25 to 18.75
-Cluster Rockets- Damage increased- Level 3: From 25.00 to 27.50
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