@hariseldon - So KOTOR 1 is on Game Pass, which I didn't realize. I'm finally going to play through it myself.
Also, we're over halfway through another month. I still haven't bought anything new (other than spending $4 subbing to EA Access/Game Pass).
My birthday is coming up so I'll probably get a few games from the fam. Is there a rule on that? Seems like gifted titles should have a technicality, maybe its own award.
No games you've purchased in 2019. No games released in 2019. If we're talking technicalities, you could ask for games from 2018 and earlier.I'm on the final stretch of Shenmue 2 which is nice. It's winding down nicely.
My birthday is coming up so I'll probably get a few games from the fam. Is there a rule on that? Seems like gifted titles should have a technicality, maybe its own award.
I can confirm it's superb, and has a fantastic villain. Lovely lovely game.
The amount of high profile game releases this early in the year is really something isn't it? We are being tested.
And yet so few of them tempt me, due to the DLC, the microtransactions, the general shitty way publishers treat gamers, etc.
Its Anime, ohh wait thats actually a good thing. Damn it!70 to 22 would be a major reduction. Are you a collector?
The current Bandai Namco sale on PSN is really tempting me. Somebody say something bad about Takes of Berseria.
70 to 22 would be a major reduction. Are you a collector?
The current Bandai Namco sale on PSN is really tempting me. Somebody say something bad about Takes of Berseria.
I beat the main campaign of Monster Hunter Stories. 43 hours. I was pleased to discover there is a "High Rank" immediately following the completion of the story, so I will still mess around with this game. It is very faithful to the MH style of gameplay. As I raise more monsties and build more weapons/armor, the number of viable builds grows exponentially. I can pair my Ice-Damage weapon with the armor that boosts Ice Dmg, or I can pair up
The difficulty was fairly low, but maybe High Rank will change my mind on that one. The game allows you to exploit the same kind of weapon/armor/skill combinations like in the previous games. The main difference is that in the old games you still needed the baseline skill to pull off the maneuver (like sleep-bombing), whereas in Stories you just need the relevant gear. Puzzling out which combinations are the most broken and overpowered is definitely a fun part of any RPG.
The game has lot more content than I expected. I suppose -- just like a true Monster Hunter game -- that the game just never asks you to dig deeper or learn more about its mechanics. You have to figure that out yourself. It never demands that you do the sidequests. You never have to use Channeling, ever. You can ignore stat-boosting 'nutriments', or you can abuse them like a 1990s American baseball player.
You can track down all 108 (I think?) Monsties, each with their own unique mix of abilities and traits. Hunting down eggs is a little game unto itself. There are quite a few sidequests that unlock special abilities, some of which do elemental damage (separate from any inherent Elemental damage your weapon may do). All sorts of side-tasks and ways to improve your team are tucked into the game.
I really hope CAPCOM does a sequel on the Switch.
I did purchase three games, though only one of them is "off limits" due to the rules:
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign (PS4)
Katamari Reroll (Switch)
Pillars of Eternity Definitive (PS4)
I've wanted a physical copy of GG Sign because it's the only version in the franchise with English voice acting. I think it's endearing and quirky, and since it's the only GG title with English voiceovers I felt it was worth owning. Sean Connery Slayer is legit.
I got a good deal on Katamari Reroll and wanted to add it to my Switch collection. The kids will especially love it, but since I already own it on PS2 I'm in no hurry to play through this version.
Pillars is one more game checked off the list of "Western CRPGs on console that I want to buy". Pillars 2, Divinity 2, and the upcoming Infinity Engine console ports have yet to be purchased.
Next up for me to play is Downhill Domination on PS2. There's no reason to spend time unlocking things, so it's just for pure fun. It's a great kids' game. The cartoony violence and reckless speed are hilarious. Highly recommended to any fan of the SSX series or anyone who generally loves unique and fun sports-racing games.
Plus, it's one of those guilty-pleasure 6th-generation games boasting a licensed soundtrack packed with "gems" from that era.
It's pushing me to get a few more PS2 controllers + a multitap, since it goes up to 4 player.Downhill Domination... Oh my god that takes me back! That was on the TV in our store for weeks. Not many people bit, but the whole staff dug it.
You’re a fucking wild man. I don’t think I could do this. It requires the utmost discipline and intestinal fortitude.![]()
Two friends and I have already made a pact. But GAF is my friend, too. Do you want to try the challenge?
- Purchasing new games is acceptable. Testing them to make sure they're not lemons is acceptable.
- Otherwise, no playing games released in 2019
- No playing games purchased in 2019
- No "new to me" games, only games that you've already already purchased, already beaten, or at least started it up at some point in the past.
- Starting a new save file is acceptable, in cases where you've started the game but want to begin fresh.
Honor system, obviously. I will track my progress here. Feel free to participate and/or throw tomatoes.
Reward Tiers:
"Ultimate Star Platinum" Crusader Medal
You have persevered and played 0 new games in 2019. Your capabilities as a Stand are mostly close-range, but that hasn't stopped you from prevailing against every temptation. 2019? A whole year? Time means nothing to you. ZA WARUDO!
Triumphant "Dabbing Fortnite Golduck" Participation Medal
You have maintained a ratio of 10 backlog games to 1 new game. You have evolved from the TV show's joke character into a respectable Pokemon that boasts a smug attitude and respectable moveset.
Halfway Decent "Distracted Kanye Meme" Participation polycast acrylic "trophy"
You were able to manage 5 backlog games for every 1 new game. Eh, genius gets distracted sometimes, you know?
Yoshi has rightly pointed out there is no tier for people who've already kept their backlog small and tidy.
Therefore, for anyone who can finish their backlog entirely during the year of 2019, I offer:
The "Yagami Light already did all his homework" Certification of Backlog Grooming. If you have completed your whole backlog by the end of 2019, then you are already 10 steps ahead of the rest of us.
I have a lot of Moby Dicks that I want to fillet, like a high-score clear of DDP: Daioujou, a completion of W101's 101% Mode, and Dragon Quest 7. The more games I purchase, the less likely these goals became, so the pragmatist in me had to draw a line somewhere.You’re a fucking wild man. I don’t think I could do this. It requires the utmost discipline and intestinal fortitude.
How can you resist playing games like DMC5 or TLOU2 when they’re released?!
Anyway, good luck, you’re a stronger man than I.
Are you on some kind of unholy mission of playing all the 3D platformers, whether good or bad?I have just finished Pac-Man World 3. Way worse than 1 & 2. Extremely easy, terrible new combat system (basically you are swarmed with monster every once and a while and have to beat them with the boring B-B-B-B... attack sequence). Totally useless, I do not know why developers think such combat systems have any place in 3D platformers. The platforming sequences are fun at times, especially if some techniques like pole swinging and wall jumps are combined, so the game can be fun. But it is a shadow of the two good predecessors. Next is Ty 2, which seems to be significantly worse than Ty the Tasmanian Tiger.
Best one so far: Poi Explorer Edition
Worst one so far: American McGee's Alice
Ratchet & Clank 2
Ratchet & Clank 3
Ratchet & Clank Size Matters
Pac-Man World
Spyro Enter the Dragonfly
Tak Guardians of Gross
Pac-Man World 2
Poi Explorer Edition
Jersey Devil
Sly Cooper (4) Thieves in Time
Toy Story 2
American McGee's Alice
Alice: Madness Returns
Spyro: A Hero's Tail
Sly Raccoon
Blinx The Time Sweeper
Pac-Man World 3
Currently playing:
Ty 2
Axiom Verge
Sly 2
Ubuntu is the Windows Vista of Linux distros. apt get and apt install are inferior to yum, in everything including name. I always had trouble with packages on Ubuntu, even when it was a clean install. I mean, at least it's not Mint.Currently playing "why won't this fucking arsehole cuntbag shitcunt wankstain of an ubuntu install accept this perfectly cunting good mysql fucking install so I can build this fucking Angular/Spring application". It's a fun game. It wasn't on my backlog.
Once done that I plan to ignore the glorious sunshine outside and crack on with Kotor (on Manaan currently - can't say it's as interesting as some of the other locations).
Is that a 3D platformer? I am writing an article series named "Yoshi's Top 100 3D Platformers" and my sample size should of course be as big as possible. Which is why I have bought Earthworm Jim 3D a couple days ago, as well. Obvious trash such as Bubsy 3D need not be, because I will probably find 100 games better than that anyway. I'm at 105 3D platformers now (in the collection, 10 of which still need to be played through).Are you on some kind of unholy mission of playing all the 3D platformers, whether good or bad?
Curious to hear your thoughts on Toy Story 3 (PS3/360) if that one is on your list of upcoming games.
Arguably, Toy Story 3 is more like Ratchet & Clank (semi-open levels with shooting and melee combat) but there's a lot of platforming throughout. Since you have Sly Cooper and R&C on your list already, I think it fits your scope.Is that a 3D platformer? I am writing an article series named "Yoshi's Top 100 3D Platformers" and my sample size should of course be as big as possible. Which is why I have bought Earthworm Jim 3D a couple days ago, as well. Obvious trash such as Bubsy 3D need not be, because I will probably find 100 games better than that anyway. I'm at 105 3D platformers now (in the collection, 10 of which still need to be played through).
And yet so few of them tempt me, due to the DLC, the microtransactions, the general shitty way publishers treat gamers, etc.
Being alienated from the modern AAA treadmill is a great way to save money.
Yeah, I feel that when you achieve a proper balance between gaming and your other endeavors (and that "balance" will be different for everyone), it's much easier to enjoy games when you do spend time on them.Pretty much the way I feel. AAA gaming is mostly dead to me and although it feels bad to see games doing poorly that I otherwise would possibly have been interested (Fallout '76, Anthem, etc.) I can't help but laugh at all the negative publicity surrounding those shitstorms and I am very much against large corporations and find it incredibly amusing that those assholes think they can continue putting out "games" like that. Then I remember that people still continue to buy them sight-unseen and then feel bad again. (I.e. this is all OUR fault as "consumers" - we get what we deserve when it comes down to it).
Still haven't purchased a new video game yet this year (since some game on $8 I bought on PSN before this challenge started) and I don't think I've played a single video game in the last month anyway (except for humoring my son and playing a bit of Apex Legends with him which I have no interest in playing myself). I've been nostalgic about and heavily into old tabletop "paper and pencil" RPG's from the '70s ( refuse to call them "pen and paper" RPG's because nobody fucking played them with pens - everyone I know all used pencils - how the hell were you supposed to erase stuff?) and messing around with my collection of military simulation boardgames, as in actual physical hex and counter wargames with a map that you put under plexiglass.
There is so much stuff to do outside of video games. Not that I'm trying to to sound superior (I fucking *love* video games!) - I'm just finding other stuff to do than concentrating on researching new video games to buy on a sale, buying them, playing them for a bit and then going "meh" and doing something else. I also binge watched The Expanse season 3 on Amazon Prime recently too. And I've always read books.
This challenge to me has mainly been a good way of helping to reinforce doing other stuff besides just playing video games (again - not that I'm saying that is necessarily a bad thing).
Keep up the good work everyone and stay strong!
Sorry, it is for a German video game site. It is already a running series of 15 games. In case you are still interested to see the ranking at least (because names of games are mostly independent of language anyway), you can see it here:Yoshi, I am looking forward to reading your article when it's finished.
By the words in op it is allowed to play it, because it was bought before 2019. Just see it as part of your backlog that was temporarily inaccessible.![]()
So here's my dilemma, and I will defer to a sound argument for either yea or nay.
It release in 2018. I bought this in 2018. I played the demo in 2018. Is this game safe to play, according to the challenge? My physical copy arrived today (finally).
Playing KOTOR and GTA V this weekend.
I have no desire to play more of Anthem after only four hours of the EA Access trial. No other EA games available on the service look promising to me either.
Is that a 3D platformer? I am writing an article series named "Yoshi's Top 100 3D Platformers" and my sample size should of course be as big as possible. Which is why I have bought Earthworm Jim 3D a couple days ago, as well. Obvious trash such as Bubsy 3D need not be, because I will probably find 100 games better than that anyway. I'm at 105 3D platformers now (in the collection, 10 of which still need to be played through).
Last night I got to the big plot twist in KOTOR (I assume there aren't any bigger ones coming).. didn't see that coming. This game is so damn good, I mean it's proper star wars.
Will definitely hit KOTOR 2 next and as I have Mass Effect 1 and 2 I might do those afterwards. If good I may have to break the rules and get Mass Effect 3. After that I think it'll be time for Baldurs Gate 1 & 2.