Yeah I fucked this up bad lol. Maybe next year.
Just finished Kingdom Come Deliverance. It's a fucking masterpiece!
Nicely done friend. I am eager to try it myself in 2020.Just finished Kingdom Come Deliverance. It's a fucking masterpiece!
No worries, I'm planning to do a "no new games in 2020" thing, too, especially since I have several 2019 titles I want to play.Yeah I fucked this up bad lol. Maybe next year.
That ain't even out yet mang. (unless you got the JPN copy early)Atelier Thighs and Fire Emblem three houses messed things up for me big time
Any interest in doing this again in 2020, and any ideas to improve it? Thanks for your opinions and contributions to the thread all year.
A few thoughts of my own:
I'd like to amp up the challenge and restrict myself to 10 games for the year, in addition to the "no new games" condition. Would be kinda fun and I'd like to try it out, for scientific purposes. The goal wouldn't be to restrict my time, per se, but to invest a full year of time into those games only. Obviously I'd still play whatever random stuff with friends and family outside of those 10 during social gatherings (lol, sorry son but I'm restricting myself to 10 games this year...)
I haven't updated for awhile, but I have kept to the challenge all year so far. Christmastime is coming up and so I'll get myself a few "new" games from 2019 to play next year. Still playing DOJ and improving my score. I'm halfway through Bravely Default and Resident Evil 4 Wii, and I'll beat those before the year is done.
I don't feel as though I have completed a higher number of games this year, so I'm not prescribing this as some kind of "backlog-cleaning remedy". The peace of mind of ignoring every new game that comes out is pretty relaxing, I'll admit. I don't mind spoilers, while some other folks might get really bothered by hearing spoilers about a game, so maybe that's part of why I can tolerate missing out Day One.
Sekiro and Death Stranding are definitely going to be Christmas gifts to myself and will be two of my 10 games for 2020. Kingdom Come Deliverance and Nobunaga's Ambition are two more. Gotta include DOJ. Nier: Automata makes for six games. I need to beat Dishonored 2 so that's 7.
Yeah, I'd be happiest outlining 12 games at the start of the year and working over those, say once a month. Unfortunately there will always be new games I want to play.
For me, this thread has mostly been a valuable to reminder not to forget about backlogged ones, which is all too easy when buying games feels more important/satisfying than playing them.
I wouldn't get down on yourself since the OP is just a fun, meaningless challenge. If your gaming time feels more valuable as a result, I would say that is a win. I am glad to join you next year to attempt the challenge once again.Its been good. I’ve tackled loads of games I had held back on, thinking I wouldn’t have the time to play them. Tales games, FF games, Persona 5, NiNoKuni 2 etc. I had so many games that I would glance over and think I would play when the time is right. That made it tricky for me to even pick a game, let alone commit to playing one. I’m picking something to play much more freely since posting in here, completing a few games and seeing others do the same for some games that I even have in my own backlog.
I haven’t passed the ”No new games“ part as I bought RE2 early in the year. But I’ve held back on many a impulse purchase since playing my older games, and that feels good as there are genuine games I want to play that I’ll find on discount later. I’d participate again next year 100%.
Currently working my way through New Vegas - I've got Planescape Torment also on the go but mostly tackling New Vegas. Tbh it's ok, better than Outer Worlds, but some of the level design really pisses me off - Freeside and the sunset sasparilla HQ map design are awful, it's just a nightmare trying to find places (not helped by the loading between areas of course) - the local map view is utterly useless and the levels are just designed with so many pointless dead ends, rooms caved in with rubble, and with every god damn room looking the same. Add in a few bugs and you've got a real mess. Just arrived at the strip, I'm at level 12, we'll see what happens.
Planescape Torment is ok but tbh so far I'd say I prefer Disco Elysium, perhaps because DE is a little more focused on a smaller place, while Planescape feels a bit too sprawling in some ways. That said maybe it gets better later on.
Good for your trying out those classics (both New Vegas and Planescape) but I admit they have a lot of characteristics that are products of their time. I don't find the combat in either to be fun, just tolerable at best. The interface for both games is clunky.Think I'm done with Vegas. Killed Mr House, Cesar and a few other notables because I was just getting bored of the whole thing. Need to figure out my next game but honestly New Vegas wasn't what I hoped it would be.
Out of those listed, I'm going through Hollow Knight (for the first time) so feel free to share thoughts and progress in the 2020 "No New games" thread.I'm currently playing RDR2 and at my rate of progress it's gonna be almost 2020 when I finish. Here's a list of games I've got ready for next year so far. Some I am replaying.
Persona 5
Gran Turismo Sport Spec II
Original NiER
God of War
Little Big Planet 3
Jet Moto 1, 2, 3
MGS 1, 2, 3
Death Stranding
Ni No Kuni: WoWW
Jet Grind Radio
Juiced 1 or 2
Ratchet & Clank PS2/PS4
Hollow Knight
Altelier Ryza
Spyro 1, 2, 3
Dead Space 2
Gravity Rush 2
And there's still The Last of Us 2, FF7 remake, Ghosts of Tsushima, Cyberpunk, Biomutant, and Atomic Heart coming out next year... So I'm ready for the unfinished backlog only in 2020!
Will do. I've added Dark Souls because there's a new fog gate randomizer, and Stalker SOC because there's a new remaster mod with beautiful textures and lighting. God I love mods!The only games I'm trying to beat right now are Flinthook and Daioujou, bout of which are a long way off. I'm eager to jump into some narrative-driven games like Kingdom Come and Sekiro in 2020.
Also, I'm definitely going back on my word a few posts ago and sticking to fifteen games instead of only ten:
Dodonpachi Daioujou, Diablo 3, Death Stranding, Sekiro, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Nier Automata, Hollow Knight, Nobunaga's Ambition, Everspace, ESP Ra.de, Crystal Crisis, Flinthoook, The Last Guardian, Siralim 3, Enter the Gungeon
Good for your trying out those classics (both New Vegas and Planescape) but I admit they have a lot of characteristics that are products of their time. I don't find the combat in either to be fun, just tolerable at best. The interface for both games is clunky.
But the redeeming quality of both games is the writing and the faction interaction. If you like RPGs that "pay off" at the end with a story that includes a ton of your decisions, both games fit that bill.
Out of those listed, I'm going through Hollow Knight (for the first time) so feel free to share thoughts and progress in the 2020 "No New games" thread.
You're not allowed to play anything you buy in 2020 (which does exclude brand-new titles, then) but you can still buy stuff if you want.Man I couldn't do this.. I have a spending problem. My switch backlog is huge
Correct.So if I want to try "no new game in 2020" that mean i gonna skip on Cyberpunk ? Right?
I'll post a new thread + ping anyone who expressed interest in this one when 2020 rolls around.Just to say it to the world, I'll do the 2020 only backlog no new game challenge.
Right now trying to liberate Europe in Unity of Command 2, incredible game.
I think my list here is up to date. Technically I have finished Yooka-Laylee and the Imposible Lair for a review, but personally, I am not done with it, because I still need to get a few TWIT coins. At some point I received a warning that it is very important that I finish the game I was working on asap and so I spent most of the second half of the year programming like a madman to get it released. It is now released, but a second game I am also working on also needs to finish ASAP. So I had to give up my goal of clearing my backlog this year and will resume next year.How'sYoshi doing? Still clearing hundreds of games per day? I vaguely recall earlier in the year he was shifting them at a hell of a rate.
Totally counts. I really should get off my lazy ass and get back to making games some time.I think my list here is up to date. Technically I have finished Yooka-Laylee and the Imposible Lair for a review, but personally, I am not done with it, because I still need to get a few TWIT coins. At some point I received a warning that it is very important that I finish the game I was working on asap and so I spent most of the second half of the year programming like a madman to get it released. It is now released, but a second game I am also working on also needs to finish ASAP. So I had to give up my goal of clearing my backlog this year and will resume next year.
EDIT: OH and I have finished my own game of course, like 20 times. Does that count?
Well, then I do have an update. And I may be able to finish Golden Sun still, I am pretty far already (but I am unsure!)Totally counts. I really should get off my lazy ass and get back to making games some time.