And your source?10TF [ps5] vs 14TF [xbox 10] is not 1-2% of difference.
And your source?10TF [ps5] vs 14TF [xbox 10] is not 1-2% of difference.
And your source?
Almost 2 years apart and you think PS2 wouldn't be more powerful? Yet PS2 was the 60 fps and bandwidth king then..... Do you think the XBOX would be as powerful if it came two years earlier, when specs were locked way before launch..... Try to figure out what type of cpu and gpu XBOX would be decked with for an early 2000 launch from PC tech at the time, it would not beat PS2...... It would not beat Ssx, Tekken tag at launch and certainly not GT3.......It was a different time, but I have serious doubts the ps2 would have been on par with the Xbox if they had the same launch date. Xbox launched a year and half later.
And the ps3 wasn't anything special to the 360 despite it being newer. It had less powerful GPU, inferior ram setup, and CPU was overrated. The only thing that saved it was Sony top tier devs and throwing tons of money at it.
Modern Sony though. I agree with you.
PS3 was more powerful than the 360... Besides, Sony didn't even focus on putting the best traditional PC GPU in, all their tech was focused on cell 4 billion strong. They wanted a custom gpu from cell technology which didn't pan out and so last minute they had to compromise on a weaker GPU at an arm and a leg from NV, imagine how much more money NV was asking for a more powerful GPU then...... There's no way Sony would have paid Nvidia more as they were already money deep with cell......Xbox OG > PS2 (Xbox came out later)
360 > PS3 (Xbox even came out a year earlier too and even had old ass DVD format)
PS4 > Xbox One (same launch time)
Xbox One X > PS4 Pro (Xbox came out later)
Xbox is more powerful in 3 of 4 system comparisons. Actually, since the whole Xbox One/X/PS4/Pro are considered the same generation, MS has the better system in each.
Percentage is a 100 at maximum u can use all the nonesense ratios u want but this is common senseRatios are math. Ratios may exceed unity and people are free to express them as percentage.
are you a mong?
Ratio is not nonsense LOL.Percentage is a 100 at maximum u can use all the nonesense ratios u want but this is common sense
No, are you?
A FLOP is a scientific unit to compare floating point calculation power of a given device, which is why 1 FLOP can't be anything else than equal to exactly 1 FLOP.
What you we're saying is something like "100 Honda PS is like 200 Suzuki PS" or "1 Meter in Germany is like 2 Meters in France".
There is no difference between FLOPS generated by different devices, that's the whole point of this unit.
What you fail to realize is FLOP power alone is completely uninteresting for a gaming GPU because, and this is where you seem to have misunderstood games and computers, games require much much more than just floating point calculations.
It's not becuase it's FLOPS are stronger or any other nonsense like that, but because the whole thing has other, better features and it as a whole has better performance because of that.. not the FLOPS alone.
mong confirmed.
Troll confirmed.
Why join when you can't contribute anything useful to the topic?
tell me more about suzuki motorsTroll confirmed.
Why join when you can't contribute anything useful to the topic?
pure logicAnd your source?
No, are you?
A FLOP is a scientific unit to compare floating point calculation power of a given device, which is why 1 FLOP can't be anything else than equal to exactly 1 FLOP.
What you we're saying is something like "100 Honda PS is like 200 Suzuki PS" or "1 Meter in Germany is like 2 Meters in France".
There is no difference between FLOPS generated by different devices, that's the whole point of this unit.
What you fail to realize is FLOP power alone is completely uninteresting for a gaming GPU because, and this is where you seem to have misunderstood games and computers, games require much much more than just floating point calculations.
It's not becuase it's FLOPS are stronger or any other nonsense like that, but because the whole thing has other, better features and it as a whole has better performance because of that.. not the FLOPS alone.
Some are 150% are 100% right... most people are idiots.
Almost 2 years apart and you think PS2 wouldn't be more powerful? Yet PS2 was the 60 fps and bandwidth king then..... Do you think the XBOX would be as powerful if it came two years earlier, when specs were locked way before launch..... Try to figure out what type of cpu and gpu XBOX would be decked with for an early 2000 launch from PC tech at the time, it would not beat PS2...... It would not beat Ssx, Tekken tag at launch and certainly not GT3.......
PS3 was more powerful than the 360... Besides, Sony didn't even focus on putting the best traditional PC GPU in, all their tech was focused on cell 4 billion strong. They wanted a custom gpu from cell technology which didn't pan out and so last minute they had to compromise on a weaker GPU at an arm and a leg from NV, imagine how much more money NV was asking for a more powerful GPU then...... There's no way Sony would have paid Nvidia more as they were already money deep with cell......
Also, PS3 was delayed to better peg itself with bluray's launch........ Still, PS3 was more powerful over 360 regardless........
I loled hard but he is right. People got so used to say (wrongly) that x NAVI Tflops are equal to y GCN Tflops, that they forget that is the NAVI GPU that performs 15% better than the other (as in it's equivalent to a GCN card with 15% more Tflops). But if you go and measure how many floating point operations per second each can make, you will get the same number _ if they are 10 Tera you will get 10 Tera reading on both.tell me more about suzuki motors
If you WANTED Blu-ray and a gaming machine it was 1/2 the price of buying a Xbox and a separate BD for me I gladly paid full pop (plus it was fully backwards compatible).and there was the entire problem with the PS3 is it was hindered by the fact Sony designed it around winning a format war. decent console but over priced at launch, question is why didn't the put a 4k blu ray in their 4k machine?
PS3 was more powerful than the 360... Besides, Sony didn't even focus on putting the best traditional PC GPU in, all their tech was focused on cell 4 billion strong. They wanted a custom gpu from cell technology which didn't pan out and so last minute they had to compromise on a weaker GPU at an arm and a leg from NV, imagine how much more money NV was asking for a more powerful GPU then...... There's no way Sony would have paid Nvidia more as they were already money deep with cell......
Also, PS3 was delayed to better peg itself with bluray's launch........ Still, PS3 was more powerful over 360 regardless........
1- It's hard to say what exact GPU on PC could match PS2 GPU performance in 2000, but if i am not mistaken GeForce 1 DDR was already out then, and could easily run games like half life 1, unreal tournament 1, max payne 1 in higher framerate, resolution and settings compared to PS2 ports. However PS2 exclusives like Gran Turismo 3, Burnout 2, tekken 4, metal gear solid 2 realy showcased what can be done on PS2 hardware, and I have never seen better looking games running on GeForce 1.Almost 2 years apart and you think PS2 wouldn't be more powerful? Yet PS2 was the 60 fps and bandwidth king then..... Do you think the XBOX would be as powerful if it came two years earlier, when specs were locked way before launch..... Try to figure out what type of cpu and gpu XBOX would be decked with for an early 2000 launch from PC tech at the time, it would not beat PS2...... It would not beat Ssx, Tekken tag at launch and certainly not GT3.......
PS3 was more powerful than the 360... Besides, Sony didn't even focus on putting the best traditional PC GPU in, all their tech was focused on cell 4 billion strong. They wanted a custom gpu from cell technology which didn't pan out and so last minute they had to compromise on a weaker GPU at an arm and a leg from NV, imagine how much more money NV was asking for a more powerful GPU then...... There's no way Sony would have paid Nvidia more as they were already money deep with cell......
Also, PS3 was delayed to better peg itself with bluray's launch........ Still, PS3 was more powerful over 360 regardless........
Yes some ratios are nonesense, like 2 in 3 people on neogaf are dumb!Ratio is not nonsense LOL.
Power is determined by output, it's the easiest way to gauge the capabilities of said audio/visual consoles......First parties push the consoles to their limits.....Nothing touches GOW 3, GOW Ascension, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, GT5/6 and TLOU from that era, Infamous 2 and Beyond two Souls as well......It was not even close...….saying the PS3 was more powerful is simply false. saying the 360 was more powerful is also false.
both systems had strengths and weaknesses, but the 360 had better hardware for game performance.
the Cell CPU was a monster going by pure potential, but it was not only a hindrance for developers but it also couldn't use its full potential even when used by first party developers (don't even think about bringing up The Last of Us with its 20fps and constant stutters)
then there's the GPU which was simply less powerful than the 360's GPU, which develops needed to overcome by using the Cell's helper cores for GPU tasks.
then we have the awful RAM setup of the PS3, not only did they cut their 512MB of RAM into 2 pools of 256MB, it was also complicated to assign how much of that they wanted to use as VRAM, and if the devs needed more than 256MB dedicated to the GPU they needed to go through loopholes.
meanwhile the 360 had 1 pool of 512MB that devs could easily assign to whatever they wanted to (aside from what was dedicated to the OS of course)
the fucked up RAM situation of the PS3 was one of the reasons it never got system wide party chat btw.
so TLDN: the PS3 had a slight advantage in the CPU department, but was easily weaker/worse in terms of GPU and RAM
1080ti is about 2080 level of performance though. But that's not counting games that will be optimized with VRR and hardware RT. That'll be plenty enough for 3 more years (until the next mid-gen console).
BTW did you just change you tune ? Are you slowly accepting that PS5 could have more than 10tf ? I think it's the first time you talk about PS5 having 1080ti level of performance.You always talked only about 1080 before AFAIK.
Almost 2 years apart and you think PS2 wouldn't be more powerful? Yet PS2 was the 60 fps and bandwidth king then..... Do you think the XBOX would be as powerful if it came two years earlier, when specs were locked way before launch..... Try to figure out what type of cpu and gpu XBOX would be decked with for an early 2000 launch from PC tech at the time, it would not beat PS2...... It would not beat Ssx, Tekken tag at launch and certainly not GT3.......
PS3 was more powerful than the 360... Besides, Sony didn't even focus on putting the best traditional PC GPU in, all their tech was focused on cell 4 billion strong. They wanted a custom gpu from cell technology which didn't pan out and so last minute they had to compromise on a weaker GPU at an arm and a leg from NV, imagine how much more money NV was asking for a more powerful GPU then...... There's no way Sony would have paid Nvidia more as they were already money deep with cell..
We'll talk about that later when Death Stranding is out on PC, thank you very much. And we'll see what GPU it'll need to run at PS4 equivalent settings.
Currently which PC game is more technically impressive and beautiful than Death Stranding running on a 1.8 tf GCN GPU ?
PS2 launched March 4th 2000, XBOX launched November 15th........That's about 1 year 8 months apart, not 1 year 6 months.........regardless, that's a massive gulf in time for technology and there was no way XBOX would be more powerful than what we saw in PS2, if it was already spec complete by the year 1999.....for a March 4th release...….A year and a half isn't almost two years, just say it for what it is. And no, I don't think the ps2 would have outpaced xbox. We've had this discussion on here before with actual developers who worked on both and the xbox was even further ahead than we know, they just didn't push it because normally.
I just don't view the ps3 as a more capable system when looking at the games. It was less well rounded and relied on a CPU that was overrated. Everything was theoretical or AAA exclusives with the best devs in the world. It just never impressed with its mostly linear exclusives and fixed camera angles, and we already know more multiplatforms looked better on 360.
Many gamers mistake artistic talent with technical prowess. They are not the same thing. When you say technically impressive, you need to state exactly what is costly to implement and how they somehow managed to do it anyway.
PS2 launched March 4th 2000, XBOX launched November 15th........That's about 1 year 8 months apart, not 1 year 6 months.........regardless, that's a massive gulf in time for technology and there was no way XBOX would be more powerful than what we saw in PS2, if it was already spec complete by the year 1999.....for a March 4th release...….
Wait wait!!! Are you saying that devs did not push the easy to develop XBOX with a Pentium III processor, DDR Ram and a Windows NT based OS, with an easier API for devs.....? (we created Direct X)......?......Compared to what? If anything it is the PS2 that was not fully utilized, that exotic architecture with it's Vector Units.........XBOX pushed higher rez, shaders etc, it's kit was utilized.....
Thanks to modding you can run some PS2 ports on xbox classic at 720p with good framerate, so xbox hardware obviously wasnt utilisted to the fullest in many games if so much GPU power was still left. There was discussion in regards to that over beyond3d forums, where one developer who worked on PS2/Xbox/GC has confirmed they didnt even bother to utilise xbox hardware to the fullest when they were porting PS2 games, they were doing it the fastest way possibe. Games that indeed used xbox hardware to the fullest looked like an early xbox 360 games.PS2 launched March 4th 2000, XBOX launched November 15th........That's about 1 year 8 months apart, not 1 year 6 months.........regardless, that's a massive gulf in time for technology and there was no way XBOX would be more powerful than what we saw in PS2, if it was already spec complete by the year 1999.....for a March 4th release...….
Wait wait!!! Are you saying that devs did not push the easy to develop XBOX with a Pentium III processor, DDR Ram and a Windows NT based OS, with an easier API for devs.....? (we created Direct X)......?......Compared to what? If anything it is the PS2 that was not fully utilized, that exotic architecture with it's Vector Units.........XBOX pushed higher rez, shaders etc, it's kit was utilized.....
Yep, 500 dollars are enough for 1080p60 frame in any game...with N switch level of details of courseI know this sounds cliche but why do people look to consoles for 60fps and not PC?
Unless your last game console was literally a SEGA Genesis from the 90s, it's almost 3 decades now where 60fps as a standard does not exist.
It's honestly up there with people asking "Why isn't Grand Theft Auto on Nintendo"? Just make peace with the idea that if it didn't happen the last 3 console cycles, it's not going to happen the next one.
And no, you don't need a $5000 PC to play games at 60fps. I just bought a $500 PC and even though I don't game much, I can still get 1080p/60fps in any title I want. If I want more, then you obviously have to pay more.
But you could also get a he-dvd add on for Xbox for £99 new. So you were able to get similar on Xbox for cheaper, just with Sony putting blu ray in it’s console it killed off the competition which was a superior product tbh (hd-dvd)If you WANTED Blu-ray and a gaming machine it was 1/2 the price of buying a Xbox and a separate BD for me I gladly paid full pop (plus it was fully backwards compatible).
Easy. In Death Stranding it's really hard to find camera angles where game looks bad.
Their implementation of mesh and texture lod is truly next level.
So you haven't even took a look of the game on a real PS4 ?I'll take a look at it when it ships on PC. I'm sure this would apply to any platform and not just "only" possible on a PS platform.
Kinda the point was to not buy the wrong horse no?But you could also get a he-dvd add on for Xbox for £99 new. So you were able to get similar on Xbox for cheaper, just with Sony putting blu ray in it’s console it killed off the competition which was a superior product tbh (hd-dvd)
Only an infidel would do that.So you haven't even took a look of the game on a real PS4 ?
So you haven't even took a look of the game on a real PS4 ?
Well befor the ps3 has blu ray there was a lot of studios behind Hd-DVD at that time there was no wrong horse. When Sony wanted to win the format war they just put blu ray in ps3 . It over priced and delayed the ps3 but won them the format warKinda the point was to not buy the wrong horse no?
Gow3 last of us infamous and all those games would have performed better on the 360, the reason those games look so good is because PlayStation's studios are the best in the industry, multiplat games always looks and performed better on the 360, and Forza looked better than gturismo, Forza horizon aswell was incredible gears of war 3 was technically incredible as well the 360 had more gigaflops than the PS3 in a nutshell Xbox 360 was as good last gen as PS4 is to Xbox one this gen!Power is determined by output, it's the easiest way to gauge the capabilities of said audio/visual consoles......First parties push the consoles to their limits.....Nothing touches GOW 3, GOW Ascension, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, GT5/6 and TLOU from that era, Infamous 2 and Beyond two Souls as well......It was not even close...….
Let's say we are arguing that MS first party is just not as good as SWWS for visuals, that means that their easier to develop console should at least put their graphics up to Sony first party that gen, but that clearly did not happen....If we argue that SWWS was crippled with a hard to develop PS3...….(A hand tied to the back or running with one leg) and they still trounced the devs with the easy to develop console, then it speaks to the raw power of that console...…..Cell was indeed a beast.....
Nintendo Switch is basically a slightly faster Wii U, which was equal to a HD 4650. A graphics card which came out more than 10 years ago and was ranked as the low end. There where PC's from the same era that were 5x more powerful than that.Yep, 500 dollars are enough for 1080p60 frame in any game...with N switch level of details of course![]()
Then how can you even talk so confidently about the game tech and graphics if you didn't play enough of the game ? It's like you have a predefined opinion about that game somehow ?I have a PS4 but I very rarely double dip. I'll wait.
Then how can you even talk so confidently about the game tech and graphics if you didn't play enough of the game ? It's like you have a predefined opinion about that game somehow ?
Power is determined by output...
More like brain farts.pure logic
You misunderstand. I only implied that the PC version of DS will look better and have more features. I'm basically trying really hard to rebut the "secret sauce" hardware that's supposedly in console hardware to try and bring expectations down a bit. P psorcerer only said that the technique they used for LOD meshes and textures was amazing. I believe him. But that's a technique they used in their graphics engine -- which is portable to other platforms (i.e. works on PC). It's not using hardware in a special way that no other platform can take advantage of.
I can think of several things.
For example: custom mip-map scheme with some sort of PRT (partially resident textures), will be close to impossible to make on PC.
Essentially every technique that saves RAM by clever data structures can be difficult or impossible to implement on PC. May be a funnier case in newer consoles if they will have 24GB of VRAM.
Would the custom mip-map scheme allow for higher res textures over any other platform? If it's just used to implement 4k textures on machines that can't store the mips but higher end graphics boards can then there is no win here. I'm looking for something like - console using 8k textures because of a special mip-map scheme whereby the PC can only use 4k textures because it would require a card with 24G of VRAM which doesn't exist yet.
Saving RAM is great, but it's not the crux of my argument. I'm looking for something that's impossible on ANY graphics board (AMD or Nvidia) but can be implemented on a console. That's the only way "secret sauce" has any meaning.
whereby the PC can only use 4k textures because it would require a card with 24G of VRAM which doesn't exist yet.
Essentially thats where I was hinting.
But I think with current 5-6gb of usable RAM on consoles even 2x requirement in a PC is brute-forcable now.
And all of that is a speculation. Maybe there's nothing special in DS.