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RUMOR: Resident EvIl: VIILAGE (RE8) Appeared and then Pulled of a Retail Site

Source - https://www.biohazardcast.com/resident-evil-8-listed-german-video-website/


TLDR - Resident Evil: VIILAGE appeared at a Austrian Game Retail Site with a PS4/Xbox One for Pre Order. No listing of PS5/XSX (Most likely due to lack of release date for new consoles) the game has been speculated/rumored for a while now as a cross gen title coming in early 2021.


Also, Capcom has been going on some weird crazy title updating for ALL Resident Evil games on Steam the past few days. I think something is about to happen.

Check this out:


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They even updated the demos? Weird. Maybe to include a message in the menus to need stuff.

I think game showing up at PS5 event has a pretty high chance at this point imo. It's also been over 3.5 years since RE7 and will be about 4 years if it comes out 1st month of 2021. Timing sounds about right for a mainline game. That would put RE9 at 2025 and RE4 Remake at 2022. Not sure if there is anything in between 2022 and 2025 for RE. Maybe spin offs?

Apperently RE8 was originally RE Revelations 3 and turned into a mainline game. But it's what I read on the interwebz so.
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Sadly i still havent even played 7 yet... wondering if i should jump into it in PSVR or play through it normally first?

RE7 is my favorite horror game of the generation. I heard it's amazing in VR as well. If you are able to handle it do it in VR. Either way you need to play it.
Missed opportunity to do Resident 8vil or something like that.

I disagree I think RE: VIILAGE sounds/looks cool as well.

Question is what are they doing for 9? I am not gonna lie, there will be a point in franchise's history where the numbers will start to get a bit dumb and I think that's why Capcom is trying to incorporate artistic bisual style to the titles to get out of the regular 8, 9, 10 numbers, but how long can they keep up. What will RE 10 be called? Resident Evil X? I guess that sounds ok. But Resident Evil XI is getting dumb. Don't compare this to Final Fantasy though, Final Fantasy is an exception to the rule imo.
I thought I read something about the rumors suggesting there are multiple characters with different playstyles but now I can't find that link

I believe it was 3 characters, one of them being female. Main protagonist is Ethan (From RE7) and apparently Chris is somewhat of a bad guy here because he tries to kill Ethan's and Mia's mutated child after the ending of RE7. Ethan ends up surviving but ends up in a Village hence the game's name Village. I dunno if this is true, but it sounds pretty rad and I wouldn't mind that. But not sure how people feel about Chris being somewhat of a bad guy. I guess its more like what view your looking at Chris from. Obviously from Chris's point of view, his a good guy trying to clear up the virus by killing the mutated child, but then you have the other side of Ethan and Mia.


I believe it was 3 characters, one of them being female. Main protagonist is Ethan (From RE7) and apparently Chris is somewhat of a bad guy here because he tries to kill Ethan's and Mia's mutated child after the ending of RE7. Ethan ends up surviving but ends up in a Village hence the game's name Village. I dunno if this is true, but it sounds pretty rad and I wouldn't mind that. But not sure how people feel about Chris being somewhat of a bad guy. I guess its more like what view your looking at Chris from. Obviously from Chris's point of view, his a good guy trying to clear up the virus by killing the mutated child, but then you have the other side of Ethan and Mia.

Child? I just beat the game a few months ago and I don't remember that at all. Man, I really must have tuned that game out.


First part of Resident Evil VII was god tier, then the super slow gameplay (because of vr) combined with the filler "action/shooter" second half and the repetitive enemies made it less memorable. I still enjoyed it a lot, so I'm super in for this new RE.
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Child? I just beat the game a few months ago and I don't remember that at all. Man, I really must have tuned that game out.
Nothing about a child in 7. Those details are from 8.
I'm just glad that all the first-person haters are getting blown the fuck out.

3rd person games are great. First-person can be every bit as good.
Yeah first person RE is the best (for survival horror) im so glad Capcom followed up VII instead of abandon it for those REmake sales
Nothing about first person or VR so far.
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Child? I just beat the game a few months ago and I don't remember that at all. Man, I really must have tuned that game out.

Well yeah they didn't show the part of them having a kid. I think the child part/cut scene is the start of RE8. RE7 ends with Chris coming down and getting out of the helicopter if my memory serves me right.
Resident Evil 8 sounds to me like a combination of the 2 best RE games in the franchise. 4 and 7, for me personally those are both of my most favorite. It combines the village and castle aesthetic of RE4 with gameplay and FPS view of 7. Sounds like a perfect combination oh and I loved the cult in RE4 which 8 is planning to have a lot of.


Could this be a Déjà vu of December 2019 ? (You know, when RE3 Remake covers got leaked on PSN)
Could we have seen this before, I'm just wondering....

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Extremely hyped for this one. As much as I loved the remakes (RE3 a bit less so), Revelations 2 and RE7 are still among my favorite entries in the franchise. I have full trust in Capcom.


Gold Member
I wonder if they'll even mention the Baker incident. Jack's essence is probably floating around somewhere in the village. Definitely excited to see this surface (if true)


Writes a lot, says very little
VIIIAGE? What does that mean?

Likely Children Of The Corn, Texas Chainsaw massacre type RE title. RE7 having an insane family after you looks like it took lots of inspiration from Texas Chainsaw and House Of a 1000 corpses etc

I expect them to having a open world type setting with you fighting off hordes of zombies, crazy type people etc. Think Evil Within 2 and the opening of RE4. I think its what Shinji wanted when had RE4 and many of the team members likely recall that concept that are left at Capcom, so it wouldn't surprise me if many of those mechanics exist in that game, like putting stuff behind doors to block them, ladders etc.

If true, I have an idea of what they might be going for.


I'm looking forward to it, though it'll be interesting to see which route it'll take. I personally hope for 3rd person and less gross/shock horror and greater enemy variety and a longer game. I breezed through VII multiple times, it was ok but for me the only RE I didn't have fun with. The granny was cool though. I know its a stylistic choice, but unlike the late 90's early 2k's I just can't stand first person scripted events, they're such a theme park ride I'd rather see a QTE scene that changes angles than sit through another schlock horror scene where I can barely "defend" myself as the creepy thing gets in front of the camera and wriggles about.

I know its a personal preference but its one of the reasons I didn't like PT as well. I liked the setup and atmosphere though. Didn't some leaks mention werewolves and such?
Sadly i still havent even played 7 yet... wondering if i should jump into it in PSVR or play through it normally first?

Why would you play it normally first? It is the best VR experience and one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had, precisely because of the VR aspect.



Even after being burned by the disappointing and incomplete RE3R, I'm actually quite excited for RE8. I do believe the rumors that we will see a reveal trailer at the PS5 event.
Didn't some leaks mention werewolves and such?
Yeah, "wolf-like beast men," as well as armored zombies with sword/clubs, a witch-like stalker who turns into bees, a "licker-like" enemy, and a few others. Mixing infected mutants with hallucinations could really lead to some wild enemy variety, which I'm all for.


Even after being burned by the disappointing and incomplete RE3R, I'm actually quite excited for RE8. I do believe the rumors that we will see a reveal trailer at the PS5 event.

Yeah, "wolf-like beast men," as well as armored zombies with sword/clubs, a witch-like stalker who turns into bees, a "licker-like" enemy, and a few others. Mixing infected mutants with hallucinations could really lead to some wild enemy variety, which I'm all for.

Ah that's sounds really cool, thanks. That could throw players for a loop, mixing a bit of familiarity with the supernatural if that's the case.


Both artwork shown in the OP are clearly fan made art. Just some random store guy bored may have included these placeholders because saw the supposed leak online like the rest of us.

Obviously RE8 is coming. And FIFA 21. And several new Mario games. And it's time for RE8, it should be announced soon, very likely in the PS5 event. But I don't believe a shit about the "VIIlage" name and all these crappy fake artworks released until now.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Nice.. VII and RE2R were excellent. I haven't played RE3R yet..
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