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Consoles will still lead in Industry Winning Graphics....


Exactly. Master race will never admit this and just continue jerking off to the numbers as always, but this is the (for them) ugly truth. They can throw resolution and fps on the games, they will still look marginally different than on consoles. And in addition the constant suck with drivers, unexpected errors, performance issues and so on.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The plain fact is that for as long as consoles exist, platform holders will pump money into exclusives both fully owned and paid for. Its an essential part of the business model as they need to attract customers into their ecosysystems somehow.

PC does not operate that way because noone owns it.


Let's be honest, before when new GPU's would have been revealed, you would have seen a nice graphical trailer, next gen character models, a nice world that would show it off. You would have seen the next halflife, crysis, the next F.E.A.R, the next SOF, Max Payne or NOLF......Yet what did they decide to show on supposedly 30TF GPU's? Fortnite with RT using DLSS, meaning with all that TF power, they are still not rendering at high native resolutions on an older game. So we are back to just shining old stuff, nothing new to show these cards from the ground up, justify what you mean by 36TF by showing native resolutions. People are playing fortnite on cellphones, they are not going to buy expensive GPU's just to experience more shine on a character's helmet...That doesn't affect in any way how they enjoy fortnite now.

In essence, you can't boast lots of power and not show it....It's the same issue MS got to realize the hard way recently, yet with PC it has been a recurring theme for a while now... I'm more interested in who can utilize the hardware given, that's why I believe in console generations. They bring alot to the table and are actually instrumental in evolving the industry...
Dude do you realize that third party games exist on pc right? they also showed cyberpunk and a couple of other cross-gen games that are gonna play and look noticeably better on pc compared to console.

Also good luck when you are gonna play gta6 or witcher 4 on your ps5...
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Dude do you realize that third party games exist on pc right? they also showed cyberpunk and a couple of other cross-gen games that are gonna play and look noticeably better on pc compared to console.

Also good luck when you are gonna play gta6 or witcher 4 on your ps5...
I can't imagine playing a game like Cyberpunk on console. No way. No mods, no control, settings stripped everywhere, 30 FPS. Forget it.
I love my consoles, but you have to admire Sony fans in particular their ability to spin so violently without getting dizzy and falling over lol.

Well played nVidia - those are some monster gpus. I’m going to wait for the 3080 Super though, hopefully next year and get the consoles this year, I’m only six months into my 2080 Super.
There is not a single year because it was every year.

2013 the last of us/GTA5(there was only a console version)
2014 Infamous/Driveclub
2015 the order 1886
2016 Uncharted 4
2017 Horizon Zero Dawn
2018 GOW/RDR2
2019 Death Straining/Days gone
2020 The last of us part 2/ GOT
2021 - ''insert ps5 games here''

Most of them were awarded for their technical achievement. Also, most of them were GOTY winners or contenders at worse.

Jump in. It's never late.

Nope not even one.

2013: Metro last light, Battlefield 4 and Black flag on PC all look better than anything on consoles. Next gen consoles cant even come close to modded Skyrim.
2014: Dragon age Inquisition, Watch dogs and Unity on pc top everything graphics wise. PS4 struggling at 900p and 25fps with downgraded graphics in Unity and Watch dogs :messenger_tears_of_joy: Next gen consoles officially a flop graphics wise.
2015: WItcher 3 on pc at 4k 60fps and mods destroys everything and nothing comes remotely close for a couple of years. GTAV comes out on pc topping everything console wise.
2016: Battiefield 1, and the division at 4k + reshade look better than anything on consoles but modded witcher 3 continues to dominate.
2017: Things are getting out of hand now: Origins, Hellblade, RE7 and Andromeda at 4K + reshade all look miles better.The legendary Nvidia 1080ti comes out offering unrivaled 4k60fps gaming. PS5 has less tflops than the 1080ti from 2017 :messenger_tears_of_joy:
2018 Odyssey on PC at max settings and 4k takes the crown, its a sight to behold. Console games are now looking like last gen. Not even a single console game at top 10 graphics wise.
2019: Control on pc gives a taste of next generation with ray tracing destroying everything. Metro exodus on PC with ray tracing takes the crown of overall best graphics. RDR2 comes out on PC the way it was meant to look.
2020: Cyberpunk 2077 on PC takes the crown with graphics and raytracing that ps5 will probably never match in its lifespan.
2021- 30 tflops affordable nvidia gpus vs 9.1 tflops ps5 :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Nope not even one
hahaha You have to be joking. None of them was considered better than those I posted. But you can keep dreaming :p

Its sad that a 1.8 TF 400$ console had the best graphics and you had to pay 2000$. But get used to it for the next-gen. :)

2017: Things are getting out of hand now: Origins, Hellblade, RE7 and Andromeda at 4K + reshade all look miles better.
Just an example to see how '''alien'' is what you are saying.

2018 Odyssey on PC at max settings and 4k takes the crown, its a sight to behold. Console games are now looking like last gen. Not even a single console game at top 10 graphics wise.
Spiderman, battlefield, and RDR2(console) for them. Two console exclusive games for that year and one multiplatform. Not a bad year for PC but again...

Where is that 1.8 vs 12TF deference?

In the top ten of the gen, there will be mainly PS games, either regarding graphics or quality. Best next-gen footage is from PS5 too

What are you waiting for? It is time to buy a console. Forget the numbers :)
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A lot of damage control threads from the usual PSSD5 suspects appear on the forum since yesterday's Ampere presentation, wonder why? Granted, until yesterday next-gen consoles seemed to be really way ahead of the curve with their CPU/GPU/SSD tech and seemed like they will be setting the bar really really high for the average Joe's PC, but now turns out they'll be an equivalent to a low-end 3050 card, at best, so it's understandable some might be in a serious shell shock after seeing how the tables have turned. Consoles won't push shit, especially now with their focus on 4K, whatever they will do PC will do it several times better, as always.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Why are threads always end up with posts like these?

I just don't fucking get it. Are we not here to discuss things? Is this not a forum?

Half the page is already filled with driveby shitposts and were not even off the first page.

Y'all need to get yourselves checked.
You can discuss anything and we are allowed to mock it. That OP screams insecurity and desperation. especially the timing and the person posting the thread. The OP couldnt come to grips with PC cards offering 2x the console performance (2.5x PS5 performance) and decided to do damage control. I was actually nice to him. I couldve and wouldve been far more harsh if the OP wasnt thelastword.


are in a big trouble
Well I remember that, but before NVIDIA's 36 TF GPU, I remember lots of hype on power surrounded a 12TF console, only to get Craig. Clearly, the amount of power you have has nothing to do with the quality you can put on screen.

I mean come on better terrible reply you know as well as everyone knows that was bad development and nothing to do with the system itself.
I get what OP is saying. Sure, with PCs you can double your resolution and framerates, maybe a little bit better shading here and there with better use of Raytracing, but there will never be a PC game made specifically for a 10th gen Core i9 , an Nvidia 3080, etc. Not when Series X and PS5 are the baselines. When these two consoles were announced, a friend of mine said he's "Been playing with next gen graphics for the last 3 years." I said "No. You've been playing with current gen graphics with higher settings" the last 3 years. Consoles provide the baseline and PCs amp it up, but still fundamentally same graphics on the same games.
Seeing what 'next gen' looks like, it seems we all will get current gen with higher settings, PC or not.


Likes moldy games
i just love the idea of we have the choice of a 36 TF, 30TF and 20TF Xbox with the option to play other games and choose higher frame rates etc :messenger_bicep:


You are exactly right, despite what gaming nerds will tell you. The fact of the matter is that optimization always beats raw power every generation, and no one is going to optimize for a niche market.
Optimization is a buzzword. So many console games couldn't even hold 30fps.


Optimization is a buzzword. So many console games couldn't even hold 30fps.

TLOU2 runs on seven year-old hardware, and you are telling me that optimization is a buzzword. You picked a random benchmark to decide if optimization - an entire stage in game development - actually exists. That's ridiculous.

Do you understand the math and software engineering it takes for ND to get their PS4 games looking as good as they do? I don't understand it fully myself, but I know that it's there. The only reason why they work so hard and put so much time into those things is because they know it is possible to get a return on their investment. That's the reality.

This is why, despite all the money PC gamers spend on their rigs, TLOU2 still comes out and looks better than all of them with industry-leading tech. Again, it's not that if the game came out on PC, there wouldn't be any performance improvements for people with high-end rigs, it's that those improvements would be inconsistent and not equal in difference to the power of the PS4 and the power of the high-end PC GPU. This happens every generation and PC gamers won't admit it because they need to justify their expensive rigs. And hey, I understand that. After all those things are expensive.

It's the same reason why developers choose high-fidelity assets over high fps a lot of the time. High-fidelity assets allow a game to look extremely impressive in marketing and advertisements, and casual gamers will always be wowed by a game's assets (this is what they mean when they talk about graphics), while none of them will even mention 30fps.


Consoles will always punch way above their weight. And they will still produce both objectively and comparatively incredible looking games.

But come on, some of these threads are just pathetic. These new Nvidia cards are simply monstrous and there's just no point denying that.
Yeaaaaah, what's going on? It's like people are panicking and refusing to believe that the console they're fanboying over isn't as strong as PC. It's the way it's always been, as I've mentioned in another thread, PCs will continue to be the "strongest" as there are so many different components, combinations, etc. There's no comparison, never has been, or will be. No reason to be upset about it though, consoles are looking better and better and it's awesome!


We are safe until Sony keeps delivering their first party exclusives!

That is exactly why I hate the fanboyism. You know that the PC is far superior but because an exclusive on the PS doesn't show up on the PC (or other platform), you can use that as a means for arguing best looking games are ONLY on 1st party exclusives for Sony. You do that despite the tech in the PC games being vastly superior. You turn your subjective opinion to objective fact -- which has been used for ammunition for years. That's why all the crybabies are mad about Sony porting exclusives to the PC. It will remove that argument for good.

This generation will be different. You'll see the PC get some of those exclusives and it will run/look far better than the PS versions. As I said before, this generation is the generation that the PC outweighs all other platforms with the games that will come out looking stellar and getting the best of both worlds 1st party exclusives and 3rd party games.
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That is exactly why I hate the fanboyism. You know that the PC is far superior but because an exclusive on the PS doesn't show up on the PC (or other platform), you can use that as a means for arguing best looking games are ONLY on 1st party exclusives for Sony. You do that despite the tech in the PC games being vastly superior. You turn your subjective opinion to objective fact -- which has been used for ammunition for years. That's why all the crybabies are mad about Sony porting exclusives to the PC. It will remove that argument for good.

This generation will be different. You'll see the PC get some of those exclusives and it will run/look far better than the PS versions. As I said before, this generation is the generation that the PC outweighs all other platforms with the games that will come out looking stellar and getting the best of both worlds 1st party exclusives and 3rd party games.
So when are these games coming to PC again? Day and date with the PS5 versions?
Well I remember that, but before NVIDIA's 36 TF GPU, I remember lots of hype on power surrounded a 12TF console, only to get Craig. Clearly, the amount of power you have has nothing to do with the quality you can put on screen.
Wow, you want to talk about hype? Aren't you the one that constantly created threads praising the architecture of the PS5 including the SSD?

But I'm sure if 343i did showcase a graphically impressive trailer for Halo that you would make a thread like this one, arguing something like how PlayStation will still lead the industry with the best-selling exclusives or whatever. And it's all because for a brief moment Nvidia or Microsoft or Nintendo take the attention away from PlayStation on GAF and that might mean less people buying the PS5.
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So when are these games coming to PC again? Day and date with the PS5 versions?

That's not the point dude. You guys use the artistic talent of the 1st party exclusives to declare those games are technically better looking and that's just 1000% false. There isn't a single console game that has better tech than an equivalent PC game. There are several PS 1st party games that artistically look better than many many 3rd party games on the PC. That doesn't make them better looking because of any optimization or any tech shit like that. It's a false conclusion to a good premise.

Most 1st party games on PS look better than games on the PC, (<== ok, agree) therefore all 1st party games are technically superior to a high-end PC (<===FALSE).

If you want to change your narrative to be proud of the talent behind Sony's 1st party games, I'm all for it. But it's a subjective comment and should be treated as such. Making the narrative be that 1st party games are technically superior with inferior hardware is completely false. I would even consider it an outright mischevious lie.

Ampere does make the next gen consoles seem 5yrs old. It will show this generation with the 3rd party titles. Just wait to see if a game company uses UE5 tech for a multiplat game similar to the UE5 tech demo. It will have, by far, more rendering features enabled using a 3000-series GPU. And it will run at fast framerates because of the innovation in DLSS 2.0 (which is truly an incredible tech marvel)
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Yes, I am convinced Sony knew much more than anyone assumed, what they were doing.

1.84Tflops vs over 13Tflops towards the last couple years of this generation and the best looking games were on PS4. That is 7 times the power and PS4 had a shit cpu.

Now PS5 will have a very decent CPU and a 10.3 tflop GPU vs 20 to 30 tflop GPU...... on average 2.5 times the available power.

We will still see production value in games on PS5 completely eclipse PC and less and less 3rd parties will be able to produce those games.

Even WB games is gone towards GAAS, so that is a lot of big narrative driven games lost on PC. You need Spider-man for that now.

You were literally throwing a fit about how Sony betrayed you a few days ago by saying they want to port games to PC and now suddenly you're defending them? Lol

That's not the point dude. You guys use the artistic talent of the 1st party exclusives to declare those games are technically better looking and that's just 1000% false. There isn't a single console game that has better tech than an equivalent PC game. There are several PS 1st party games that artistically look better than many many 3rd party games on the PC. That doesn't make them better looking because of any optimization or any tech shit like that. It's a false conclusion to a good premise.

Most 1st party games on PS look better than games on the PC, (<== ok, agree) therefore all 1st party games are technically superior to a high-end PC (<===FALSE).

If you want to change your narrative to be proud of the talent behind Sony's 1st party games, I'm all for it. But it's a subjective comment and should be treated as such. Making the narrative be that 1st party games are technically superior with inferior hardware is completely false. I would even consider it an outright mischevious lie.

Ampere does make the next gen consoles seem 5yrs old. It will show this generation with the 3rd party titles. Just wait to see if a game company uses UE5 tech for a multiplat game similar to the UE5 tech demo. It will have, by far, more rendering features enabled using a 3000-series GPU. And it will run at fast framerates because of the innovation in DLSS 2.0 (which is truly an incredible tech marvel)

To be fair, The Last of Us 2 outside of a couple sections in the beginning really looked a whole lot better than anything released this generation on any platform. What I'm curious about is the PS5/PC port and how they could make it look and run better.

No PC game will look better than Naughty Dogs next PS5 exclusive. It is what it is.

Dont care about how powerful that new card is, ND is simply next level

And on that same note, you do realize the reason TLOU 2 looked so good was because of how static it was right? Everything was pre-determined and focus tested to an excruciatingly deep length, no real weather shifts, hardly any self shadows, any TOD changes were heavily pre-determined and quick (Look at when you first go into the Park and find the seraphites, that was a quick and VERY obvious change). Everything about it's presentation was pre-determined for you and I'm not saying that it's bad by any means, my post history will show that, but I'm not going to lie and say it's some technical marvel when it's really just hyper optimized from start to finish not overload the PS4 at any moment.
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You were literally throwing a fit about how Sony betrayed you a few days ago by saying they want to port games to PC and now suddenly you're defending them? Lol

To be fair, The Last of Us 2 outside of a couple sections in the beginning really looked a whole lot better than anything released this generation on any platform. What I'm curious about is the PS5/PC port and how they could make it look and run better.

And on that same note, you do realize the reason TLOU 2 looked so good was because of how static it was right? Everything was pre-determined and focus tested to an excruciatingly deep length, no real weather shifts, hardly any self shadows, any TOD changes were heavily pre-determined and quick (Look at when you first go into the Park and find the seraphites, that was a quick and VERY obvious change). Everything about it's presentation was pre-determined for you and I'm not saying that it's bad by any means, my post history will show that, but I'm not going to lie and say it's some technical marvel when it's really just hyper optimized from start to finish not overload the PS4 at any moment.

How am I meant to keep track of all the 'fits' I have? :)
PC has always stayed ahead of the consoles, but it has been the consoles always pushing visuals forward with every new generation.
So you remember the days of the apple II vs the Atari 2600? Or the Amiga vs the NES (just visuals, amiga games all suck)? Or the early VGA games on PC compared to the Genesis and SNES? Or the early Pentiums against the PSX? 3dfx equipped machines VS the n64? Then the early geforces VS the Dreamcast/PS2?

Games always looked better on computers of their time, they were not necessarily better, depending on when the games made for bespoke gaming hardware could not even be ported to PC, nor could PC games could be ported without major sacrifices mainly because of memory and storage constraints... Now, it has not changed, the difference will probably be more subtle, but a given game running on a monster PC equipped with 4x the RAM, 2 or more times the CPU power, a video vard that has access to about twice as much memory as the consoles...

A given game will look and run better on a top of the line PC, not my PC... But someone will be able to build a PC that eclipses the consoles, it will run the same games (mostly)... Only better.


That's not the point dude. You guys use the artistic talent of the 1st party exclusives to declare those games are technically better looking and that's just 1000% false. There isn't a single console game that has better tech than an equivalent PC game. There are several PS 1st party games that artistically look better than many many 3rd party games on the PC. That doesn't make them better looking because of any optimization or any tech shit like that. It's a false conclusion to a good premise.

Most 1st party games on PS look better than games on the PC, (<== ok, agree) therefore all 1st party games are technically superior to a high-end PC (<===FALSE).

If you want to change your narrative to be proud of the talent behind Sony's 1st party games, I'm all for it. But it's a subjective comment and should be treated as such. Making the narrative be that 1st party games are technically superior with inferior hardware is completely false. I would even consider it an outright mischevious lie.

Ampere does make the next gen consoles seem 5yrs old. It will show this generation with the 3rd party titles. Just wait to see if a game company uses UE5 tech for a multiplat game similar to the UE5 tech demo. It will have, by far, more rendering features enabled using a 3000-series GPU. And it will run at fast framerates because of the innovation in DLSS 2.0 (which is truly an incredible tech marvel)
Could you not make a case for PlayStation having development tech that is probably among the best out there?

Like, the end user tech is just going to determine how sharp the image looks, fps and some lighting elements for the most part.... but these can be improved by mid-gen refresh or new generation on the console side.

A big part of PS4 being bad at 60fps plus was the cpu and that is solved for the most part now. The GPU wasn't nearly as much of an issue I believe.
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So you remember the days of the apple II vs the Atari 2600? Or the Amiga vs the NES (just visuals, amiga games all suck)? Or the early VGA games on PC compared to the Genesis and SNES? Or the early Pentiums against the PSX? 3dfx equipped machines VS the n64? Then the early geforces VS the Dreamcast/PS2?

Games always looked better on computers of their time, they were not necessarily better, depending on when the games made for bespoke gaming hardware could not even be ported to PC, nor could PC games could be ported without major sacrifices mainly because of memory and storage constraints... Now, it has not changed, the difference will probably be more subtle, but a given game running on a monster PC equipped with 4x the RAM, 2 or more times the CPU power, a video vard that has access to about twice as much memory as the consoles...

A given game will look and run better on a top of the line PC, not my PC... But someone will be able to build a PC that eclipses the consoles, it will run the same games (mostly)... Only better.
True... the thing you're missing and I have been parroting is that companies are not making these games much anymore.

All the WB studios are moved to GAAS, they all used to make amazing Batman games based on narrative.
Crystal Dynamics are doing Avengers GAAS....
We don't know how many more are going that way.

Leaving just PlayStation studios and a handful of companies like Remedy and CDPR doing full story driven games.

Sony will acquire more of those type of studios and rumor is they will buy a publisher out.

You need to actually own a platform to have the vested interest in investing in these titles that now cost 100-200 million a pop. When marketing and other costs are considered.
True... the thing you're missing and I have been parroting is that companies are not making these games much anymore.
All the WB studios are moved to GAAS, they all used to make amazing Batman games based on narrative.
Crystal Dynamics are doing Avengers GAAS....
We don't know how many more are going that way.
Yes, GAAS puts the incentive on small or medium size that have little to no replay value (why would you pay a monthly fee if all you do is playing a couple of open world that last at least 50 hours each, if you don't feel like a completionist... But I did not know that beyond MS with GamePass there was such a push going on.

I will probably retire from gaming if this becomes the only way to play, I'll just go with my old stuff.
Leaving just PlayStation studios and a handful of companies like Remedy and CDPR doing full story driven games.

Sony will acquire more of those type of studios and rumor is they will buy a publisher out.

You need to actually own a platform to have the vested interest in investing in these titles that now cost 100-200 million a pop. When marketing and other costs are considered.
I have suspected this for a while, at least in Sony and Nintendo's case this seems to be how they operate--the thing that has changed is that Sony will port at least some of their games to PC (in what time frame is another question) from now on, so the best looking games will be available on there as well, making money for nvidia.


It's the same reason why developers choose high-fidelity assets over high fps a lot of the time. High-fidelity assets allow a game to look extremely impressive in marketing and advertisements, and casual gamers will always be wowed by a game's assets (this is what they mean when they talk about graphics), while none of them will even mention 30fps.
Great point you've made, but this point in particular. The PC guys constantly talk about not being able to play at 30fps, that they hate 30fps, but if consoles did not target 30fps, the graphical complexity of these games would be much lower, they would not be the tour de force in graphics that they are. PC gamers would not be as excited to have these beautiful graphics on their system so they could anticipate enhancing them through higher framerates and rez on their PC's.

If the console games targeted 60fps, perhaps they would not look all that great at 8K on PC, the plus side would be that they could probably target 120fps, but with generally lower quality visuals and graphical ambition.

That is exactly why I hate the fanboyism.
I'm trying to figure out how you hate what you are. It's a bit ironic tbh....
A lot of PC gamers care about performance and tweak-ability more than graphics. Especially when you are primarily a competitive gamer, high frames at high refresh rates is what it's all about. I would never even consider any console for multiplayer gaming. That's why people are excited for these new NVIDIA GPUs. An added bonus is you can crank up the level of detail on some single-player console game and play at a higher resolution with higher frames. But it is just a bonus.


Gold Member
LOL. Everything I read in next gen threads tell me to upgrade my PC.

Sorry I'm no longer interested. Nvidia's and AMD already got my money. I'll buy the consoles when they get cheaper.


Could you not make a case for PlayStation having development tech that is probably among the best out there?

Like, the end user tech is just going to determine how sharp the image looks, fps and some lighting elements for the most part.... but these can be improved by mid-gen refresh or new generation on the console side.

A big part of PS4 being bad at 60fps plus was the cpu and that is solved for the most part now. The GPU wasn't nearly as much of an issue I believe.

When you want to approximate the tech limits of a console, you have to look at the PC GPUs. The PS4 for example had nothing in it's hardware that distinguished it. Both consoles had crappy CPUs but most games are GPU bound anyway. I wouldn't count on any mid-gen refreshes this go around. The consoles are already expensive and I don't see some drastic change in hardware to sell in 2-3yrs.

Your last sentence is false most of the time. There aren't many CPU bound games out there. It's GPU bandwidth that is critical here for faster FPS.


I'm trying to figure out how you hate what you are. It's a bit ironic tbh....

Try to look at the fact that I don't spin everything in the PCs favor. I admitted that PC folks (including myself) downplayed several things about the SSD in P psorcerer thread. If he's right, he's right. But you don't want to be wrong about anything concerning Sony. You want to always give Sony the advantage no matter what. And that's sad. Just accept that the next-gen consoles will always lack the power compared to a PC and move on. Stop trying to throw your Sony exclusive games down as a chess piece to argue against people who are enjoying a big leap in 3rd party games running the PC - just because that game can't be played on the PC.

If FS2020 is better looking than any next-gen game we've seen so far, give it credit. If Cyberpunk 2077 looks amazing from implementing ALL of the RTX features but the PS5/XSX can't render to that quality, give PC guys props. When you go into forums saying "wait till Sony 1st party get ahold of the PS5 and it will crush Cyberpunk 2077" simply because it's a 3rd party game, that's the most annoying fanboyism of all. These 3rd party companies have better graphics engines because they support multiplatform. ND is working on making their engine multiplatform as we speak. GG already got there. Just admit that consoles aren't the most powerful hardware to move innovation along.
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I wouldn't count on any mid-gen refreshes this go around. The consoles are already expensive and I don't see some drastic change in hardware to sell in 2-3yrs.
I wouldn't count on any new PC GPU models in the near future. The GPUs are already expensive and I don't see some drastic change in hardware to sell in 2-3yrs.:messenger_sunglasses:

Md Ray

When you want to approximate the tech limits of a console, you have to look at the PC GPUs. The PS4 for example had nothing in it's hardware that distinguished it. Both consoles had crappy CPUs but most games are GPU bound anyway. I wouldn't count on any mid-gen refreshes this go around. The consoles are already expensive and I don't see some drastic change in hardware to sell in 2-3yrs.

Your last sentence is false most of the time. There aren't many CPU bound games out there. It's GPU bandwidth that is critical here for faster FPS.
This is very crucial. A lot of dudes harping about "muh TFLOPs" completely ignore this part of the GPU. The bandwidth.


When you want to approximate the tech limits of a console, you have to look at the PC GPUs. The PS4 for example had nothing in it's hardware that distinguished it. Both consoles had crappy CPUs but most games are GPU bound anyway. I wouldn't count on any mid-gen refreshes this go around. The consoles are already expensive and I don't see some drastic change in hardware to sell in 2-3yrs.

Your last sentence is false most of the time. There aren't many CPU bound games out there. It's GPU bandwidth that is critical here for faster FPS.
Could they not just increase the amount of cores, try to hot 15-19 tflops and if needs be come in at 500 to 550? Mostly it would just be for the core gamers anyway. People upgrading and possibly trading the base model against it!?


I have a question for the hardware people, will these super duper fast cards make 60fps on consoles less likely? I know this really doesn't make much sense but I'm interested in the general thoughts on this.


I have a question for the hardware people, will these super duper fast cards make 60fps on consoles less likely? I know this really doesn't make much sense but I'm interested in the general thoughts on this.

Nope, Devs can always ultimately choose what they want to do. I am hoping this gen for consoles that every AAA game gets a 60fps performance mode though.

Md Ray

I have a question for the hardware people, will these super duper fast cards make 60fps on consoles less likely? I know this really doesn't make much sense but I'm interested in the general thoughts on this.
Depends on the vision and the goals of a developer. Each team will have certain goals I imagine. 30fps or 60fps. Take Id Software for e.g. their goal for DOOM on PS4/XB1 was 60fps from the get-go. So they designed their engine to be performant and managed to hit that target even on Xbox One with limited GPU/CPU resources. It would have been very challenging to hit 16ms (60fps) while also making the game look as pretty as it does. If they wanted, they could have gone for 30fps too. Similarly, if Naughty Dog wanted to run TLOU2 at consistent 60fps on PS4 they certainly can. But that would mean sacrificing image quality or turning off/lowering the quality of several rendering features, huge cutback in simulation, physics, etc. Another thing to note is that consoles are the lowest common denominator, games nowadays are almost always designed with consoles in mind so this doesn't mean if a PC got super duper fast cards, 60fps on consoles will be less likely. PC will simply get higher quality visuals so those with faster cards can utilize it. Or at the very least - if more game devs target 60fps on consoles, PCs with faster cards/CPU will be able to hit 90-120fps with ease.
That's not the point dude. You guys use the artistic talent of the 1st party exclusives to declare those games are technically better looking and that's just 1000% false. There isn't a single console game that has better tech than an equivalent PC game. There are several PS 1st party games that artistically look better than many many 3rd party games on the PC.
Not again with this ''artistically'' bs?

It's about tech, deal with it.

The insane poly count in part 2 is tech, the insanely detailed environment is tech. You can't do much with art direction especially to realistic approaches. In fact, only GOT can be considered artistic. And again you can recognize the tech inside. Ok you can say that it benefits from it. One game.

Yes, it is better artistically than Part 2, but PS4 users know that part two has better tech. Why is so difficult to differentiate these two values?

Almost all the sony exclusives look better than anything else out there. And again, most of the times(9 out of ten) they don't follow an artistic approach.
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Exactly. Master race will never admit this and just continue jerking off to the numbers as always, but this is the (for them) ugly truth. They can throw resolution and fps on the games, they will still look marginally different than on consoles. And in addition the constant suck with drivers, unexpected errors, performance issues and so on.

They are jerking off to
numbers while You are playing this exclusively:



at this point I don't even acknowledge the relevancy of "Industry Winning X" awards to begin with. It's all meaningless hype designed to facilitate marketing-based exploitation of gullible and excitable rubes.
Similarly why I hate conventions like E3.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Yes, I am convinced Sony knew much more than anyone assumed, what they were doing.

1.84Tflops vs over 13Tflops towards the last couple years of this generation and the best looking games were on PS4. That is 7 times the power and PS4 had a shit cpu.

Now PS5 will have a very decent CPU and a 10.3 tflop GPU vs 20 to 30 tflop GPU...... on average 2.5 times the available power.

We will still see production value in games on PS5 completely eclipse PC and less and less 3rd parties will be able to produce those games.

Even WB games is gone towards GAAS, so that is a lot of big narrative driven games lost on PC. You need Spider-man for that now.

Pretty much

Yup every time is see a PC fan talk about how powerful their PC is I cant but understand that it's the console devs that push tech not PC devs

The reality is the modular setup of PC is both a gift and a curse. What people need to realize is the console industry basically drives what happens in the PC industry because they are the majority in regards to high spending consumers because the systems are modular on PC you simply have the vast majority of owners the type of Gamers who play fortnite or Minecraft who clearly don't give a shit about upgrading to such expensive gpus therefore there just isn't really a big Market to exclusively actually even create AAA content on PC.

So look at it from the perspective of a publisher like Electronic Arts to what benefit are they ever going to have to spend more money on a more expensive GPU to make their developers work harder for a less consumers? So make less money? Can someone name me one AAA PC exclusive that released this generation? So the reality is they're going to go where the money is the only thing I could tell people like this is consider if you had some $40,000 super computer that have the same specs as some computer from NASA or something, that's nice but who the fuck is making a game for it? :pie_raybans: Having beast hardware is like having a fucking Lamborghini with no tires, sure you have more horse power, but you also have no where to go bud. It means very little when that power is just used on current gen multiplatform games... Look at Halo Infinite, having MORE power didn't suddenly make it look "next gen", XONE was holding it back, so what the fuck do you some you think is going on with PC? Magic? Do some of you really think that 40TFLOPS or 100TFLOPS will make Metal Gear Solid 1 look like Metal Gear Solid V? Who cares if no one is actually making something EXCLUSIVELY with the hardware to actually max it out vs better frames and or resolution? That only goes so far ie Halo Infinite... yet that is what many PC gamers have to deal with, buy a expensive GPU with nothing that was actually even MADE to run it and make use of it as a mandatory spec.

So ultimately you're going to still see consoles lead the industry and decide when the generation starts in regards to updated specs and you're very likely going to see the consoles lead the industry in regards to graphical fidelity as the majority of developers are not going out of their way to make use of 30 teraflops on PC.

It's why no one on here could even need me one fucking game on PC that was exclusively developed that's a triple A game that looked beyond what we seen from The Last of us 2 or God of War 2018. So those days of AAA PC exclusives is pretty much over.

Jesus Christ the fact that Sony and Microsoft even porting their games to PC is the systems only hope of even receiving games like that should tell you guys something..... For god sakes, PC has had this power since 2016, where is the content to support it?

So....what folks are telling me is having the GPU doesn't magically make the games? Fascinating /s
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