God of War vs. Nier: Automata

Vote for your Game Of The Generation!

  • God of War

    Votes: 306 57.6%
  • Nier: Automata

    Votes: 225 42.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The combat system?

No its not actually. There's a lot less flexibility and fewer weapons to boot. What chip combination did you use?
But it is. Even if you actually have two weapons only (and outside of fists/shield and Atreus, only one weapon for a huge chunk of it), what you can do with them is absolutely mental.
Combat in this game blew my mind more than any other thing in the whole generation. I feel only things on par are Witcher 3 quests, RDR2 open world graphics/tech in version 1.00, and P.T. quality.

I do feel that GOW went from the DMC lite copy that it was combat wise to something very unique even with it's own flaws, combat finally feels very unique inside the genre.
Exactly. Even if i honestly think combat was flawless in this one. I know some people had issues with the camera, but that’s what made so unique to me. I wouldn’t change it with any other camera, also because playing on a big screen i’ve always found the on screen indicators super effective, in the rare case Mimir indications weren’t fast enough, plus i like minding my surroundings in a fight.


Gold Member
I played about an hour or so of GoW on the PS2, and it didn't really do much for me. But, when GoW on PS4 starting getting its reviews, I decided to take a chance. I knew nothing about the character or his story up until that point. But, I connected with this game in a big way. I rarely enjoy The Sony Game Formula™ - third person cinematic action game with an emphasis on The Writing™ over gameplay. It's combat was fun, elevated by the feeling of wielding that magical Axe, but nothing amazing - especially in terms of enemy variety. But, GoW worked for me where most fell down. It's story landed, its characters worked, and its world was a place I wanted to explore. Forced walking segments were sparsely used, cutscenes didn't drag on, and it lacked the pretentiousness and self-indulgent aggrandising of Cage or Druckmann. It was just a really well told story, with good combat, tight gameplay loops, and impeccable visuals that remains quality all the way through. By the time the credits rolled, it was easily my favourite game of this gen, and that's remained true. RE7 in VR and REMake2 come close, but for me, this is the game I'll go back to more.
I downloaded the Neir demo after hearing all the hype and it was a bland looking game with a generic design and janky combat which became laughably bad when it forced me into a shooter segment versus a giant robot iirc. Yeah the girl has a booty and I hear the game has an interesting story, but jrpg stories tend to be bloated and obtuse, so I didn't follow it further.
Nier Automata starts off being quirky and instantly makes you suspect it's either dabbing into too many things at once or it's "just a japaniche thing". The initial game compilation presentation makes you try to see past it, identify the influences and judge the "parts" against the reference material, but although that's a normal thing to do, it lowers your expectations.

As does focusing on the game tech/engine in the beginning. The tech could be better (certainly struggles here and there), but it does what it needs to do and later on, it does way more than what it made you expect it could.

Thing is, it's not a style over substance game at all and despite the gameplay variations it's actually incredibly focused. The game is just a tour de force that, as I said, elevates the medium, and videogame storytelling altogether.

It's an absolute classic.

Bottom 2B Line being: If you play it to the end, I doubt you'll still say it's bland nor that the combat is bad.
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Gold Member
It's hard to choose. I love both games and movies. Avengers End Game, Inception and God of War really show what's possible with film, while Nier Automata, Ninja Gaiden and Dark Souls offer a special chance to engage with, and have fun in, amazing interactive worlds.

In the end, I gave the edge to games (Nier Automata).


Love both but Nier Automata is one of my favorite games of all time.

This is going to be a tough one, but i still have faith.









For a second, I thought it was D. Final posting in this thread.


Beat Sigrun on Give me God of War normal and NG+.. no one can’t come to me and say GoW’s combat is shallow, It takes effort to master and it’s rewarding as hell.
Found it to be pretty shallow actually. I was playing on hard and found out the most effective tactic was always to keep throwing the axe from a distance. Meleeing the enemies when there's more than 2 of them often wasn't worth the risk, and that would've been fine throwing the axe constantly didn't get old so quickly. Lack of enemy variety and difficulty based on damage-sponging didn't help either


It's hard to choose. I love both games and movies. Avengers End Game, Inception and God of War really show what's possible with film, while Nier Automata, Ninja Gaiden and Dark Souls offer a special chance to engage with, and have fun in, amazing interactive worlds.

In the end, I gave the edge to games (Nier Automata).

Found it to be pretty shallow actually. I was playing on hard and found out the most effective tactic was always to keep throwing the axe from a distance. Meleeing the enemies when there's more than 2 of them often wasn't worth the risk, and that would've been fine throwing the axe constantly didn't get old so quickly. Lack of enemy variety and difficulty based on damage-sponging didn't help either
That’s hilariously moronic, pardon me.. beating Sigrun by throwing axe on hard would mean spending a good hour or more on the fight, making it ten times more difficult than it already is since you wouldn't even have time to actually do it without being mercilessly attacked, using the least effective technique possible.
I find really, really hard to believe you actually played the game after this take, even more so considering what you said on multiple enemies, which just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
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That’s hilariously moronic, pardon me.. beating Sigrun by throwing axe on hard would mean spending a good hour or more on the fight, making it ten times more difficult than it already is since you wouldn't even have time to actually do it without being mercilessly attacked, using the least effective technique possible.
I find really, really hard to believe you actually played the game after this take, even more so considering what you said on multiple enemies, which just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
I played half of it and put it on hiatus since it bored me to death, so i didn't get to sigrun yet. WIth that said, that strategy worked perfectly fine with almost everything up to that point, even trolls who're supposed to be bosses.

And i actually did try to play without relying in that strategy since i figured it might be more fun that way. It didn't really played much different from other melee games like that, in fact it was worse because of that horrible camera that makes fighting while surrounded a pain in the ass.
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That’s hilariously moronic, pardon me.. beating Sigrun by throwing axe on hard would mean spending a good hour or more on the fight, making it ten times more difficult than it already is since you wouldn't even have time to actually do it without being mercilessly attacked, using the least effective technique possible.
I find really, really hard to believe you actually played the game after this take, even more so considering what you said on multiple enemies, which just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

You can easily tell he didn’t play the game. Just play along.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
If you play it to the end, I doubt you'll still say it's bland nor that the combat is bad.
I have seen plenty of gifs, vids and screens. It isn't a particularly beautiful game.

With regard to the gameplay, that may be, but my time is precious and I'm not really interested in suffering for the potential I might start having fun by the end.
So disappointed by the results I'm seeing. God of War was a good game but nothing compared to the objective masterpiece that is Nier: Automata. Better music, better gameplay, better story, and overall a better contribution to culture and storytelling that should be preserved.
So disappointed by the results I'm seeing. God of War was a good game but nothing compared to the objective masterpiece that is Nier: Automata. Better music, better gameplay, better story, and overall a better contribution to culture and storytelling that should be preserved.

Nah, it was just okay. Everything about it was just okay, the only thing that's cool about it is how it changes in new game+ though I'd honestly argue it's weird hiding so much of the game behind new game+.
Automata is a significantly better game than God of War, it literally does everything better. Zero chance of taking this with the Sony russian bots working overtime in these polls.

I mean, I played Automata on a PS4, it's weird how everything is turned into console wars by some of you, it's just not that great of a game.
I'd argue the bigger part to play is which game more people played, one of these two games was demonstrably more popular than the other. I mean, I played both and easily prefer God of War, but plenty more people probably didn't play both.

Actually I thought about that after I vented some frustration, God of War is just more appealing to more people. Automata is VERY specific with its target audience. I'll reserve the Sony shitposting to the next time Horizon beats an actual good game.


This polling makes me sad because Nier to me was brilliant in action and story, one of the most memorable experiences I've had gaming. And at the same time I was disappointed with GoW because it could have been so much more. It seemed more tedious than exciting.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Voting God of War because I loved the design and world of Nier Automata but the plot is really up its own ass. Hated that story so much in retrospect.
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Finished both GoW and nier this past year, and I can't stop thinking about nier. The story, the music, the gameplay, it cut me deep while GoW was overhyped and every little thing pissed me off more and more.


Darkness no more
GoW was a really good, but forgetable game for me. I enjoyed my time with it but already don't remember too much about it.

NieR I've beaten on Ps4 and XB. It's a game that will leave a long lasting impression on me. There are not many games in each generation that I consider to be "classics" that I might pick up again 10 years later. NieR is one of those games. GoW for me will be 100% forgotten once the sequel with better graphics comes along.

That said I don't expect NieR to win this poll with how popular GoW is.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
CatLady CatLady what the fuck you double crossing snitch, I thought we had an understanding.

I'm sorry, I am a traitorous bitch but about the only thing I like about Nier was it is free on Game Pass,

I DO love HZD but, it's one of only 2 Sony exclusives I liked, and I didn't vote for Dad of War either. Does that get me any non-traitor points? :messenger_beaming:


Its nothing like DMC, its a sequel that largely repeats the formula of the first game in offering a variety of styles of action gameplay. Games like DMC, Bayonetta, etc. are laser focused on flashy melee action, Automata is not aiming for that so expecting it will only lead to disappointment.
I said that it went from DMC lite to something very different in the PS4 sequel. It is no secret, even admitted by the devs, that the game was always very much inspired by DMC in how you fight.
The PS4 GOW it's very much not like the games before it in the franchise, the combat it's completely different and the structure of the game too, so instead of trying to copy Platinum/clover/littledevils combat design it is now making something very unique while staying somewhat in the same genre.
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Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Nier Automata is easily one of the best role playing games ever created, while God Of War reinvented a tired, beaten-to-death franchise into a modern, relevant, and interesting masterpiece. Both are incredible accomplishments. This is the hardest poll choice yet!
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I still think about Nier to this day. GoW not so much. GoW is great. Nier blew my mind on what can be done only when experiencing via the video game medium.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
Not a whole lot judging by your statement, both of them are excellent games with very good combat, story and graphics for me it's a toss up you can't go wrong with either. GoW got my vote.
I'm sorry your feelings are hurt. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What time is it?
If anything , this poll proves that Weebos are simply a Vocal minority 🤣

You see the comments, you assume Neir would be 90% the winner. You see poll results you restore faith about humanity 🤣

As Cobain said, "I wish I were like you, easily amused". Or to put it a different way, people prefer style over substance. For better or worse, that's the direction most of Sony's AAA game development have gone.


A non Sony game wins GOTG on GAF? Come on dude, be serious.
Yet GAF at the moment is filled with Sony haters more than any other neutral Forum on the Internet i’ve been in my entire life, to the point of being absolutely ridiculous.
So much in fact, that i honestly believe if currently works as a dumpster of people banned in other places for being children who can’t resist from spreading bullshit on games they never played under the disguise of “matter of taste!”.

Reading the “Max Payne 3 is a masterpiece” Thread was truly eyes opening. Lots of people calling Sony games “movies”, “not games” praising this multiplatform corridor shooter with unskippable, long and tedious cutscenes like it was the second coming, a game i’ve always liked especially on PC, but which is objectively ten times more limited, less replayable and worthy of being called “movie” than any Sony game i’ve played since those Cage games in the past gen.

This place is sadly a mere shadow of what it was the past decade, leaving us navigted, objective multiplatform players who just want to enthusiastically discuss games with no place to go.
The fact i’ve spent most of my time here defending Sony exclusives legitimately piss me off.
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