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Demon’s Souls Remake needs to have an Easy difficulty setting


Why some people act as this has some kind of crazy hard learning curve? The combat is very simple, the game is not even hard, there is no complex system you need learn, all the game is really asking is little engagement, I don't understand what so hard about that?

Do you have the minimum empathy required to be able to understand that not everybody have the same abilities? that "these games are not even hard" is just the most dishonest non-argument. They are for most people, they are among the hardest in recent decades. It is not that they are "hard to master"... they are hard and obtuse since the very begining.

If I enjoy playing Doom in "Ultra-Hardcore"... what the fuck do I care if other people enjoy playing it in "I'm Too Young to Die"? 🤷‍♂️ it doesn't take shit from MY game experience.

What do you care about the needs of others to be able to enjoy a game, when it doesn't affect your gaming experience at all?


Why some people act as this has some kind of crazy hard learning curve? The combat is very simple, the game is not even hard, there is no complex system you need learn, all the game is really asking is little engagement, I don't understand what so hard about that?

You are assuming that these folks are arguing in good faith.

Some of them have all but admitted they are butthurt over being told to "git gud" and basically just hate what they perceive as elitism.

This easy mode argument is just a way to attack that "elitism".

As you say, anyone can learn and beat these games. What people really seem to want is to beat the community that surrounds these games instead.

Most of that is even based on misrepresentation and strawmen anyway.

As soon as someone brings up their feelings on "gamers" who like the games the way they are it's pretty much a red flag that they don't want easy mode just to make the game more accessible. They want it because they want to spite those "gamers".


It is not that they are "hard to master"... they are hard and obtuse since the very begining.

So why are you only crying about it now?

They built their reputation on that approach to development and challenge. They almost built an entire genre on it.

So you come along a decade later with your panties in a bunch squealing about empathy or some shit.

Cos you just can't leave it be.

"Hey there's a game over here cultivating it's own niche audience based on difficulty! Let's get that shit shut down!"

Fucksakes. Just leave them to it.

Imagine fucking whining on and on about this because ONE video game developer has a different philosophy on difficulty and how it applies to gaming.

"But the game is too hard for me waaaaaah"

OK. So calm down. Dry your eyes and go play something else.

Not every developer and every game needs to conform to your ideas of what a game should or should not be.

Just play something else.

Also know that if From decided to put in easy modes and whatnot some other Dev will just step in to fill that gap in the market.

You gonna play whack-a-mole with devs you don't agree with forever?


I am on the side of "fine just keep doing what you've been doing, no problem."

You are demanding that this specific developer change their philosophy for these specific games. A very small line up of games at that.

You are on the side of not allowing others enjoy the games in a different way and break your superiority fantasy... they DO keep "doing what they've been doing" either if they offer options, make them easiER or not, they will NOT be "changing their philosophy". NOTHING will change for you. I am not "demanding" anything, I am not "screeching", "bitching", "moaning" or whatever other fallacy you want to pull out of your ass. If your reading comprehension would be ok, you would have understand the first time I stated that I am all set. I don't particularly need any easy mode for me. But unlike you, I don't make this about me. About what I want to deny to others, which is what you stand for.

What's the logic behind "I don't agree with how they make their games so I am going to screech for as many years as it takes for them to change it"?

Straw man after straw man prove your points and arguments are rock solid. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

According to what you're saying, nobody should ever have any disagreement with any dev about anything, on the whole. It is not another false dilemma of "all or nothing", anybody can like/agree with an X number of aspects of the games and dislike/disagree on just this one. Or more than one.

What's the logic behind "my game experience isn't affected at all by what these people that want to enjoy the game are asking for... but fuck them, I don't want them to be able to". Oh, yes... a total lack of empathy, the feeling of belonging to an exclusive soulflake club and a superiority fantasy complex.
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Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
Lol, now I see your problem.

Save states spoiled you.
If you consider it spoiling and not just good game design then sure. Harder is not better. There are several NES games that send you back to the beginning of the game if you die. I guess dick tracy could just say "well those other games are spoiling you!"


"Hey there's a game over here cultivating it's own niche audience based on difficulty! Let's get that shit shut down!"


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The nicest person on this forum
Let me ask you guys something, we have 1000 up on 1000 games with difficulty setting, why is it so bad developed wanting make a game that’s different from other games? Isn’t this the biggest reason why FROM became well known in the first place?

Let developers make whatever the want to make, since when that became a bad thing?

Same way you are free to buy any game you want, devs also free to make the game however they want.


If you consider it spoiling and not just good game design then sure. Harder is not better. There are several NES games that send you back to the beginning of the game if you die. I guess dick tracy could just say "well those other games are spoiling you!"

Of course you're spoiled. You're not getting better, you're skipping the learning process. Its like winning a race by making all the racers not running at all. You may have some kind of fun but you sincerelly ignore the meaning of racing.

Theres no shortcuts, and its not just about video-games. If you play just to "cheat" , then theres no reason to play a game at all. Watching youtube videos should just do it.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
Of course you're spoiled. You're not getting better, you're skipping the learning process. Its like winning a race by making all the racers not running at all. You may have some kind of fun but you sincerelly ignore the meaning of racing.

Theres no shortcuts, and its not just about video-games. If you play just to "cheat" , then theres no reason to play a game at all. Watching youtube videos should just do it.
Checkpoints don't make you get worse. They just make you waste less time on the easy parts.


The nicest person on this forum
Checkpoints don't make you get worse.
Actually it will, they point of this game is there is always risk for progressing further which makes getting in new areas and fighting new enemies and bosses scary and exciting. If there is no risk then there is no thrill and if there is no thrill than its no longer fun and its no longer rewarding clear an area, beating bosses and finding new shortcuts.

You seem want this game to be "relaxing" to play but thats not what this game is.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
Actually it will, they point of this game is there is always risk for progressing further which makes getting in new areas and fighting new enemies and bosses scary and exciting. If there is no risk then there is no thrill and if there is no thrill than its no longer fun and its no longer rewarding clear an area, beating bosses and finding new shortcuts.

You seem want this game to be "relaxing" to play but thats not what this game is.
Nope. Boss fights would still be just as difficult


Neo Member
I own all the Demon Souls like games and never beat a one. I wonder around, get lost, and never find my way. I'm not sure an easy mode is needed, but I'd definitely take a hint on where to go, or where I should be.


What time is it?
The difficult boss battles is just half the fun but it also needs to be risky which makes it trilling and rewarding.

Play like I do. Farm for souls for 10-20 hours and don't spend them. Run through the rest of the game with your butthole puckered. I finished Nioh 2 with 13 million Amrita on hand.


if the devs end up putting difficulty options in the game you are against it, so it is not about what the devs want, but about what you want, even opposing them.

Your dishonesty is unbelievable.

The creator decided already on numerous ocasions to stay true to their philosophy. And here you are, twisting the topic, even arguing that soul-fans would 'potentially' oppose the creators intent.
That's the definition of a straw man.

It's obvious that the creators would only change their philosophy, because of you guys, bitching, complain, demanding.

I can't see how Froms Soft can escape this immature demands in the long run. I think the pressure and outrage of casuals will grow until they must eventually give in.

It's preposterous to argue that From Soft created a game for some elitists to brag about. That's so childish and immature, I just don't know what to say about such ignorant reasoning.
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Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
I wouldn't mind an easy/easier difficulty, but I totally understand if they won't implement it since it's their choice after all. Hopefully it'll be manageable anyway because I love the setting.


The nicest person on this forum
So you have less souls to spend on other stats? Not exactly an easy mode.
Well in Souls games, its encourage to specialize instead of try be half decent at everything but mastering none of them. Also Demon's Souls has online mode, you can simple summon someone to help you out, if you stuck in tough fight.


So why are you only crying about it now?

Because he wants to play Demon's Souls, as its the biggest launch title, looks gorgeous, and really shows off the Ps5's capabilities, but doesn't want to play or pay for a difficult game.

But instead of just buying a different game, he has to complain and moan about Demon's Souls being too hard for him to play.

Everything else is bullshit.

Every single complainer in this thread is the same, from the OP down. Excuses and rationales left right and centre, when the truth is they know they can't hack playing a difficult game, but instead of doing something else, they have to try and ruin it for the rest of us.
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You are on the side of not allowing others enjoy the games in a different way and break your superiority fantasy... they DO keep "doing what they've been doing" either if they offer options, make them easiER or not, they will NOT be "changing their philosophy". NOTHING will change for you. I am not "demanding" anything, I am not "screeching", "bitching", "moaning" or whatever other fallacy you want to pull out of your ass. If your reading comprehension would be ok, you would have understand the first time I stated that I am all set. I don't particularly need any easy mode for me. But unlike you, I don't make this about me. About what I want to deny to others, which is what you stand for.

Straw man after straw man prove your points and arguments are rock solid. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

According to what you're saying, nobody should ever have any disagreement with any dev about anything, on the whole. It is not another false dilemma of "all or nothing", anybody can like/agree with an X number of aspects of the games and dislike/disagree on just this one. Or more than one.

What's the logic behind "my game experience isn't affected at all by what these people that want to enjoy the game are asking for... but fuck them, I don't want them to be able to". Oh, yes... a total lack of empathy, the feeling of belonging to an exclusive soulflake club and a superiority fantasy complex.

You keep screeching about "soulsflakes" and some "superiority fantasy" as if that's why the developer should change their vision.

The fact of the matter is that these games are the way they are and that's it.

You are trying to argue a hypothetical situation where the developer has decided to change the game and soulsflakes are unhappy. That situation hasn't happened though. So you are just talking shite.

I am simply saying these games don't need to change.

You are saying "yeah but if they did change..."

Well I don't give a fuck about that because they haven't changed and I don't see why they should.

As I keep saying, and you keep avoiding, we are talking about very few games per generation here so I don't see why people can't just ignore those games if they are not interested.

Seems easier to just do that than to relentlessly argue "but if the devs changed it and you are mad then haha that's the devs vision now so you're wrong".

Its completely hypothetical so it's a waste of time debating it. The question is should they have an easy mode. I say just leave them be and let them do what theyve been doing. No need for an easy mode.

Your idiot reaction is "but if they did change it and you got mad then you are wrong!"

Changes nothing.
They shouldn't need to change it.
Now, dry your eyes.


I can't see how Froms Soft can escape this immature demands in the long run. I think the pressure and outrage of casuals will grow until they must eventually give in.

I believe they will cave eventually and will be ultimately worse off for it. We'll see though.

With this one being done by Bluepoint I think they will see an opportunity to mess with the difficulty and I am sure that will be widely celebrated by these morons.

It really doesn't matter now though because the toothpaste is out of the tube anyway. Everybody knows there is demand for these kinds of challenging games so even if From has to bow to the pressure some other developer will just step in.

The main problem seemed to be that Sekiro, Bloodborne and Dark Souls got TOO popular and so became a target for the usual types who care more about "thought provoking takes on games" than the actual games themselves.

They can't even tolerate a small handful of games not being exactly what they want but, of course, it's the community that loves these games that's "entitled".


Your dishonesty is unbelievable.

The creator decided already on numerous ocasions to stay true to their philosophy. And here you are, twisting the topic, even arguing that soul-fans would 'potentially' oppose the creators intent.
That's the definition of a straw man.

It's obvious that the creators would only change their philosophy, because of you guys, bitching, complain, demanding.

I can't see how Froms Soft can escape this immature demands in the long run. I think the pressure and outrage of casuals will grow until they must eventually give in.

It's preposterous to argue that From Soft created a game for some elitists to brag about. That's so childish and immature, I just don't know what to say about such ignorant reasoning.

Dishonesty... says the people beating around the bush to avoid acknowledging the real fact: nothing changes for you. Your games experiences will keep being exactly the same. You're only bitching about your "right" to deny other's enjoyment with the games in different ways, for different reasons and goals than yours. Very "mature".

This is pretty simple:

1. Some people want to enjoy a game they can't.

2. Some people that enjoy it do NOT want those other people to be able to, even when that doesn't change a single fucking thing of their own experience.

3. The only thing you're bitching about is to be able to deny others enjoyment. NOTHING besides that changes for you.


I am not even a fan of those games. I have played only bloodborne, but enjoyed it a lot. Maybe enjoyed is not a correct word here, but it was a good experience even if exhausting. That's why I haven't bought anything more from them. Maybe I will, who knows.

Having said that, easy mode is such a bad idea for this game. Like let's make cod TPP game. Also when you take away the challenge, not a lot stays in the game. I know there is lore, the world itself... But if you reduce this to a short run on easy, how much of this will you actually take?


Dishonesty... says the people beating around the bush to avoid acknowledging the real fact: nothing changes for you. Your games experiences will keep being exactly the same. You're only bitching about your "right" to deny other's enjoyment with the games in different ways, for different reasons and goals than yours. Very "mature".

Jesus, dude. Just let it go. Go play Assassin’s Creed or something. I’m sure you’ll love how easy it is. Not everyone needs to enjoy Souls.

The simple fact is the games are successful because of the difficulty level. From aren’t going to change a winning formula, no matter how much you complain about it.


1. Some people want to enjoy a game they can't.

If they can't enjoy a game maybe that game is not for them.

I don't enjoy football games so I don't buy Fifa games and you won't see me opening threads asking EA Sports to make Fifa games more enjoyable for me. Instead I bought Captain Tsubasa and I enjoy it a lot. I found my alternative to "football games". People that wants to enjoy "Souls games" have 2 options, buy a Souls game or buy something that they already like.

2. Some people that enjoy it do NOT want those other people to be able to, even when that doesn't change a single fucking thing of their own experience.

3. The only thing you're bitching about is to be able to deny others enjoyment. NOTHING besides that changes for you.

It changes the experience. Many times I've been stuck in Bloodborne or Sekiro and If I had the chance of lower the difficulty for "that boss" maybe I would have. But there was no option, I had to got better, think another strategy, refine my reaction time and not be so greedy with hits. One wouldn't have This feeling of accomplishment with an "easy mode".

If it's "too hard" for you just play other games. You have millions and nobody obliges you to play a Souls game. If you want an "easy mode" you don't want to play a Souls, you want a DMC or a Bayonetta....go and play them.
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Dishonesty... says the people beating around the bush to avoid acknowledging the real fact: nothing changes for you. Your games experiences will keep being exactly the same. You're only bitching about your "right" to deny other's enjoyment with the games in different ways, for different reasons and goals than yours. Very "mature".

Says the "gamers" moaning to a game change it's entire core(and the very reason to be called Souls game) just because you guys don't want to get better.

If you don't want to understand that the difficulty is the design of a game(which differs from games that has difficulty options), is because you guys are too spoiled and don't care about shit.

Theres nothing to change because theres nothing wrong. If there was something wrong, Dark Souls and it's clone wouldn't exist. They can and will survive without people like you. Instead of complaining you could use this effort to improve playing those games.


I own all the Demon Souls like games and never beat a one. I wonder around, get lost, and never find my way. I'm not sure an easy mode is needed, but I'd definitely take a hint on where to go, or where I should be.
lol they do seem overwhelming at first, but they are not as complicated as they first seem. A simple rule of thumb is if you go in a direction, and get one hitted, or barely take off any hit points off what looks like a standard enemy, turn around and pick another direction.


You keep screeching about "soulsflakes" and some "superiority fantasy" as if that's why the developer should change their vision.

Adding difficulty options to include people with lesser skills is not "change their vision", same as making the game easier is not "removing the difficulty", same as making it easier is not "smash R1 to kill boss at first try". All those are exaggeration fallacies.

Its completely hypothetical so it's a waste of time debating it.

Of course, because in a "It would be great to..." discussion only the past is valid. 🤦‍♂️

Now, dry your eyes.

Top tier argument. I'm sure it depleted your brain capability. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

The fact you keep avoiding is: nothing changes for you. You will keep playing exactly the same games. You're only screeching to deny others.


Don't care about the difficulty, but I do hope they add co-op/pvp into the game. (not even sure if the original had it, this will be my first time with demons souls)


I know it is cliche to say now, but I don’t think they are that hard. You just have to learn to abuse the i-frames from rolling. That’s probably why I suck at bloodborne and sekiro whereas all the souls games seem easy (although you will still die).


HOnestly, and easier difficulty (not necessarily a cakewalk), save anywhere, and a pause button would save this game for me. yeah yeah savescumming but to each his own, i say
Pushing two buttons is too difficult. The game should include a one-button mode if they want me to be a customer.

And the current customers who don't agree are privileged manbabies for excluding me from this hobby. Bigots.


Don't care about the difficulty, but I do hope they add co-op/pvp into the game. (not even sure if the original had it, this will be my first time with demons souls)

Demon's Souls had both coop and invasions. It never had covenants, though. I wonder if they'll do anything with that.


always chasing the next thrill
10 fucking pages all because of adding an option. Jesus Christ. You can play Doom in easy mode which makes you a God and you dont hear anybody complainig about that. Why? Because you can still play the game the way the developers intended, on ultra Nightmare you peasants.
This just shows how fucking sad the souls userbase is


Not an asshole.
I honestly agree that it needs an easy mode for newcomers to the Souls formula.

Just make it so you start with a somewhat overleveled character so that you can ease into the gameplay and get the hang of it.
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