Why some people act as this has some kind of crazy hard learning curve? The combat is very simple, the game is not even hard, there is no complex system you need learn, all the game is really asking is little engagement, I don't understand what so hard about that?
Do you have the minimum empathy required to be able to understand that not everybody have the same abilities? that "these games are not even hard" is just the most dishonest non-argument. They are for most people, they are among the hardest in recent decades. It is not that they are "hard to master"... they are hard and obtuse since the very begining.
If I enjoy playing Doom in "Ultra-Hardcore"... what the fuck do I care if other people enjoy playing it in "I'm Too Young to Die"?it doesn't take shit from MY game experience.
What do you care about the needs of others to be able to enjoy a game, when it doesn't affect your gaming experience at all?