More Resident Evil Village Leaked Gameplay

This is first person and so by default is not a Resident Evil game. Will be skipping this, no thanks Capcom.
"This is not RE" is getting old as shit mate.
The series has been changing it's direction like no other. It's been all over the place - and all the better for it.

Capcom hasn't made a bad RE game since 6 and even though this new direction seems a bit weird for now, I'm pretty confident that it'll be a great game.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
God the "reeee not real resident evil" posts are getting stale

You haven't had a "real" or "normal" RE game FOR 18 (EIGHTEEN) YEARS and it was surpassed in every single way by both RE4 and 7

Move on

Kev Kev

God the "reeee not real resident evil" posts are getting stale

You haven't had a "real" or "normal" RE game FOR 18 (EIGHTEEN) YEARS and it was surpassed in every single way by both RE4 and 7

Move on

i was one of the complainers when re4 came out bc it was third person. to the point that i refused to play it for years. only t eventually play it and find out it was awesome. people who complain about shit without every giving it a chance are the woooooorst and they are usually just missing out on a great time.


I'm not concerned at all TBH. After the look and feel of 7, I'm sure this will be just as good if not better in gameplay and in visuals. Really looking forward to this.

The Snake

God the "reeee not real resident evil" posts are getting stale

You haven't had a "real" or "normal" RE game FOR 18 (EIGHTEEN) YEARS and it was surpassed in every single way by both RE4 and 7

Move on

I agree. It has so many hallmarks (aside from just being a great, scary, and tense experience) of RE, but just because the perspective is different, people gotta bitch.


I fucking LOVED RE 7 in VR. So much so that if I can’t play 8 in VR... I might actually not bother buying it. RE games feel like they should be third person in pancake mode. Never touched 7 without the VR.
What bothers me about first person RE isn't the first person perspective nor it's gameplay mechanics. But rather in the case of RE7, the tone of it. Don't like that horror slasher movie vibe of it with a million jump scares awaiting. It feels not-RE like to me and I think with the right tone, first person RE could be good. Maybe RE8 will be that game, but I'm still skeptical too for many reasons.


I don't care if it is first or third person back camera. My preference is fixed camera either way.

But I care about puzzles, resource management and backtracking. Hope there is a lot of them.

RE3 Remake got me kind of worried about these aspects.
I fucking LOVED RE 7 in VR. So much so that if I can’t play 8 in VR... I might actually not bother buying it. RE games feel like they should be third person in pancake mode. Never touched 7 without the VR.
Still annoyed they never released RE7 VR for any other platform. Free money, seeing as they already did all the work. Granted it's not the same as Vive/Occulus VR as far as control, but it's still really cool.


I think Village will do well, 7 was very good even if it was quite different. I'm looking forward to it. Footage on PS that we've seen looks to be running at a pretty rough framerate, but I'm sure it'll all be ironed out by release. Still got a ways to go.


God the "reeee not real resident evil" posts are getting stale

You haven't had a "real" or "normal" RE game FOR 18 (EIGHTEEN) YEARS and it was surpassed in every single way by both RE4 and 7

Move on
Disagree, during my entire first run of RE2R (on Hardcore) i was constantly mind blown by how much it felt like a completely ''real'' and ''normal'' OG Resident Evil experience. Just with a different camera.
True dreamlike survival experience, to the point i'm genuinely sorry for those who played it in any other mode.

And also strongly disagree about RE7 surpassing REmake, or most of the old ones for that matter.

Astral Dog

I don't care if it is first or third person back camera. My preference is fixed camera either way.

But I care about puzzles, resource management and backtracking. Hope there is a lot of them.

RE3 Remake got me kind of worried about these aspects.
I wouldn't worry about this, entirely different teams and focus, VILLAGE is about taking RE7 and expanding it with more exploration, enemies, puzzles, plot, horror etc. Capcom has even hyped the puzzle aspect

I don't care about how RE3 turned out because that was part Platinum Games, i trust the RE7 team wich is handling this one 🧟‍♂️

Astral Dog

I fucking LOVED RE 7 in VR. So much so that if I can’t play 8 in VR... I might actually not bother buying it. RE games feel like they should be third person in pancake mode. Never touched 7 without the VR.
There is still alot we don't know about VILLAGE, VR was very popular with 7,im hoping they reveal it soon though im not sure how it works exactly, would Sony need to release another headset or something 🤔


So far does not look next gen at all look much the same like Resident Evil 7 Biohazard graphics and looks to be first person only too.

Wow, it's like the view is exactly like it's predecessor and how it advertised itself to be since it's reveal.

You know, I remember a few years ago when RE7 was revealed, and so many people were bitching and moaning about the first person, and then the game came out and saved the franchise from mediocrity, and ushered in a renaissance for the franchise. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go ahead and trust the team who developed RE7 to deliver on this one too.


Opinions are very heavy in the RE series, and it's understandable as it has evolved quite a bit. Which I'd hope more people would respect and appreciate because it's not an easy thing to do.

When RE4 came out I initially disliked it, obviously that changed with time when I realized this was RE with more action and modern gameplay. That continued to carry on into the future games.

I think 6's response was so mixed that Capcom felt it was time to evolve yet again. As a fan of the FPS genre, I would've never expected RE to go FPS, so I initially thought it was REALLY odd. However, when I played it, I felt like it felt more like the original REs than a lot of the later iterations that felt a lot more action focused. It just added an element of stealth/hiding that didn't exist before. By the end of it, I loved it quite a bit.

People have their preferences and opinions as they always have had and will have.

I'm still curious about 6 as I never actually played it, lmao...


I'm still curious about 6 as I never actually played it, lmao...
It's a mess.
But it have it's charm at times, storywise can be emotional (or laughable, depending on the chapter) and combat mechanics are among the deepest ever.
I can't really hate it now that we have RE2R, but i certainly did when it first came out due to it being so outstandingly far from what i was looking for in RE games.


If this is cross-gen, I wonder if it will have a VR mode, considering the PS5 doesn‘t support PSVR. Would be kind of weird if VR was exclusive to the PS4 version.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Disagree, during my entire first run of RE2R (on Hardcore) i was constantly mind blown by how much it felt like a completely ''real'' and ''normal'' OG Resident Evil experience. Just with a different camera.
True dreamlike survival experience, to the point i'm genuinely sorry for those who played it in any other mode.

And also strongly disagree about RE7 surpassing REmake, or most of the old ones for that matter.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved RE2R, it's one of my favourites of the series. I'm poking fun at the folks who are still looking for a fixed camera tank controls experience in 2020 - I loved some of those games too, but they're in the past.

And I was referring to Zero as the 18 year old game, I didn't realise REmake was earlier that year. REmake is perfect.


Looks bad, terrible in fact if it's running on PS5.

RE7 was amazing on every aspect, a masterpiece of a reboot, this looks like it's already going to stupid zone.


Looks cool, but the setting is giving me RE4 feelings. Hopefully they stick mostly with the village and leave that castle alone for a large chunk of the game. Hated RE4's castle segment...
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Astral Dog

Doesn't look better than 7, neither in atmosphere nor in graphics.
I wouldn't be worried, the graphics ARE better, i recently played RE7, the difference on Ethans model and indoor environments (and some effects like water) is huge, the art direction is very strong too but a striking difference from the warm tones of 7


The thing with this one, if we go by the leaks, is that RE8 started as low budget Revelations 3 and Capcom showed it in an early state, they are still optimising and changing the graphics.

I have 100% faith on this one, it will be an amazing game like 7 was 👌

Edit: still not sure if they are going to make a last gen version though, thats the only thing im worried about

the recent leaks imply that RE VILLAGE is cross gen after all, that surely will affect the presentation of the visuals 🥺

I really wanted RE8 to be one of the first truly 'new' next gen games, main problem is that current consoles REngine is maxed out and VILLAGE looks to be far more open/ambitious than RE7, 2 and 3 are, the graphics will end up a mixed bag.

No doubt the best they can be with the limitations, and still gonna be a great game but yeah im a little dissapointed about this 🤭 i can't take Capcom seriously when they say they are pushing the next gen consoles with VILLAGE on interviews
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