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AC: Valhalla |OT| From Nordic runes to English ruins


I like some of the changes I'm reading.

Less loot, but with cooler perks and upgrades? More games should take note

Trying to keep the same size as Odyssey seems a questionable decision to make considering all the bloat related problems? Would it not have been better for a smaller but more condensed map?
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The old geezer can just rot in that cave - boss battles are not my thing.

This was straight up me when i saw his level



Gold Member
This was straight up me when i saw his level


Where do you find this guy? I havent completed all locations in norway but wherever the story rook me I cleared those little sections. Only just landed in England so going to go back and clear the other locations


That dice game is fucking addictive, they need make it a standalone purchase.

Lol right? This thing needs to be packaged, properly branded and it just might win whatever Spiel des Jahres board game award.

Where do you find this guy? I havent completed all locations in norway but wherever the story rook me I cleared those little sections. Only just landed in England so going to go back and clear the other locations

He's hard to miss, right nearby the main Norway village there's a cave shown as a Mystery and you find that guy inside. Don't go there if you're like me and play on hardest level cause it's like fighting a mid-level DS boss early in the game.


Fun fact: Norwegian vikings were not the ones who went to England.. The danish vikings though, they raped and plundered England, while high on mushrooms. But Denmark does not have mountains, so I can see why Ubisoft changed some historical facts for their game.


Where do you find this guy? I havent completed all locations in norway but wherever the story rook me I cleared those little sections. Only just landed in England so going to go back and clear the other locations


Right bottom corner that skull with 2 axes in the middle on the picture. He's in a cave at a lake basically.
Well, i might end up hating this game. But so far, 6 hours in, it's way better than odyssey.
Hud is less intrusive. Exploration feels good. Combat is not ghost of tsushima sure, but it's not bad and it has its moments.

So i picked berserk difficulty, assassin stealth (default) and pathfinder. You can even enable 1 hit kill assassinations with you so desire.
Pathfinder is the unguided mode. But unlike in odyssey it's easy to navigate.

And the game is beautiful.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Fun fact: Norwegian vikings were not the ones who went to England.. The danish vikings though, they raped and plundered England, while high on mushrooms. But Denmark does not have mountains, so I can see why Ubisoft changed some historical facts for their game.

Seems like they accounted for that? You're basically a renegade clan that didn't want to bend the knee to the knew king and decided to go to England instead, which is entirely plausible. It's not like no one from Norway went to England to settle.


Darkness no more
I'm 15 hours in. The only thing I don't like is how easy it is to parry. You don't even really need to time it. Just hit the button a bunch of times while the enemy is about to attack and you parry 100% of the time. It makes combat really easy.

Exploration is a lot of fun and I am liking the story and characters so far. I like that it is not bogging me down with tons and tons of loot.
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Im a big fan of this entire series, but got a little burned out with Odyssey so I was a bit unsure how I would get on with this.

After 15 hours Ive gone from being a bit meh to this being my favourite in the entire series. Its incredible.

Same here, and I just finished Odyssey past week (must've put in at least 30h before Valhalla). ACV is on another level entirely, I can't wait to see what they'll do with the series going forward if this is going to be their template.


I swear to god why does every sidequest or world event has to be so "funny and edgy"?

Every. Single. One.

this is so retarded

Edit, lets see. So far I had:

  • woman who wants her brochet or whatever back so she can do your hair (and do you *giggle*)
  • guy with an axe in his head (so funneeh)
  • guy complaining about rats (you have to unleash a hoard of cats from a woman in her house nearby
  • guy who lives alone on an island who thinks he has a kingdom
  • guy who think he can do a rap battle with you but is really bad at it and runs away
  • guy who stands next to a cliff asking you throw down all of his belongings, in the end he throws himself down because he believes in Son Goku or what do I know
  • woman in a village asking you to "pretend" youre raiding their house so she can get off by it and therefore giving her husband a boner, she tells you that isnt enough and you have to burn down her house while theyre inside, then you hear how he has the hardest boner he ever had and I'm not even making this up, this is a sidequest in a game about Vikings

so far there wasn't even one side quest that was serious or in serious tone. Ubisoft you're bad, but atleast you make nice looking open worlds.
I get what you say, but if i have to choose between silly 5 min sidequest and the horrible 15-20 min samey badly written sidequest of origins\odissey, i choose the first option every day of the week.


How is the performance for the 3080 guys? I'm seeing a fixed 9.5GVRAM usage just as the recommendations state. Are you using less than 10G VRAM? What are your FPS looking like at 4k@ultra?
I had to lock at 30 to try the 4kultra and my 2070super with only 8gb is enough so the real consumption can't be higher than 8 gb imo, it's pretty stable.


I had to lock at 30 to try the 4kultra and my 2070super with only 8gb is enough so the real consumption can't be higher than 8 gb imo, it's pretty stable.

I don't think so. I think that like my 2080Ti, it will lower the allocation that it "really" wants and swap using a small CPU memory-based cache. If you bought a 6G of VRAM card, it would lower it yet again but still run I speculate. What is your actual number allocation according to RivaTuner?
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I bought Black Flag on PC last night. It's a far better game than Valhalla and still peak Assassin's Creed.

It also still manages to look amazing in 4k. I'm playing it now instead of Valhalla. 😅


Gold Member
OK, so just 100%ed the frst Norway starting area. Thoughts so far

- Eivor seems heavier and has 'Witcher weight'. I felt the balance between animation/movement was better in Origins and Odyssey
- I wish console had the walking speed setting from PC. General jogging is not quick enough, and it's hard to emulate a walking speed with the sticks.
- Skill trees are massive but I kinda like them so far
- Too much raiding and not enough stealth outposts so far
- Combat is OK at the moment, I think it will improve as I unlock more abilites. It feels like it's brutal and visceral but lacking utility - like Connor in ACIII (who had a tomahawk, so maybe it's an axe thing)
- Games looks beautiful in parts and meh in others
- I'm also not sure why I'm being attacked. In Hordafylke I docked, wandered round with no bother then a war bandit with red skull just attacked me. Not sure why. Similarly, I went back to Kjotve's fotress after leaving for England and everyone was hostile? I thought I left Styrgbjorn on good terms?
- Parkour has gone backwards a little bit. Not hugely but it's way more janky, maybe exacerbated by the fact Origins and Odyssey had larger flat area's and cities. Norway was terrible at times though.
- Side quests are kind of fun, I prefer the little and often rather than bring stuck into some convoluted story for 3 or so hours. But I think the directions on some could be better. Like, the pigs ate the key, search their shit is kinda good. You go outside hear the grunting and then look for their shit. Some others are not directed properly though - follow the road and on the left, when the road is actually a beaten down path you can barely see, so take the natural road and wander round for a bit.
- Quite a few little bugs but nothing major. Fast travelling to docks and getting T-Posed NPC's spawn in. Texture and animation glitches now and again.
- Off hand only seems to be for a supplemental heavy attack as well. Like I can't use a dagger like a dagger, I have to hold L1 and it does like a special attack instead
- Will armour always drop in one of the categories? Raven, Wolf or Bear?
- I picked up a secondary cloak from the monastery, but it didn't appear in the inventory.


I don't think so. I think that like my 2080Ti, it will lower the allocation that it "really" wants and swap using a small CPU memory-based cache. If you bought a 6G of VRAM card, it would lower it yet again but still run I speculate. What is your actual number allocation according to RivaTuner?
I didn't checked that tbh, i don't play with riva tuner statistics on screen if i have no problems with a game.

But i saw on yt what happen when you are short on vram and i had nothing of that.

tbh, i have AA on low (a performance killer in this game) and clouds on medium because i don't give a fuck about them, so i was on ultra settings except these 2 things.

I'm gonna try godfall later to see if that one is more vram hungry.


OK, so just 100%ed the frst Norway starting area. Thoughts so far

- Eivor seems heavier and has 'Witcher weight'. I felt the balance between animation/movement was better in Origins and Odyssey
- I wish console had the walking speed setting from PC. General jogging is not quick enough, and it's hard to emulate a walking speed with the sticks.
- Skill trees are massive but I kinda like them so far
- Too much raiding and not enough stealth outposts so far
- Combat is OK at the moment, I think it will improve as I unlock more abilites. It feels like it's brutal and visceral but lacking utility - like Connor in ACIII (who had a tomahawk, so maybe it's an axe thing)
- Games looks beautiful in parts and meh in others
- I'm also not sure why I'm being attacked. In Hordafylke I docked, wandered round with no bother then a war bandit with red skull just attacked me. Not sure why. Similarly, I went back to Kjotve's fotress after leaving for England and everyone was hostile? I thought I left Styrgbjorn on good terms?
- Parkour has gone backwards a little bit. Not hugely but it's way more janky, maybe exacerbated by the fact Origins and Odyssey had larger flat area's and cities. Norway was terrible at times though.
- Side quests are kind of fun, I prefer the little and often rather than bring stuck into some convoluted story for 3 or so hours. But I think the directions on some could be better. Like, the pigs ate the key, search their shit is kinda good. You go outside hear the grunting and then look for their shit. Some others are not directed properly though - follow the road and on the left, when the road is actually a beaten down path you can barely see, so take the natural road and wander round for a bit.
- Quite a few little bugs but nothing major. Fast travelling to docks and getting T-Posed NPC's spawn in. Texture and animation glitches now and again.
- Off hand only seems to be for a supplemental heavy attack as well. Like I can't use a dagger like a dagger, I have to hold L1 and it does like a special attack instead
- Will armour always drop in one of the categories? Raven, Wolf or Bear?
- I picked up a secondary cloak from the monastery, but it didn't appear in the inventory.
Eivor is too light for me at times, he walk over objects at weist height too often instead of being stopped by them, sometimes even smashing a vase in a small house can be tricky because he literally fly over stuff to easily.
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Gold Member
Eivor is too light for me at times, he walk over objects at weist height too often instead of being stopped by them, sometimes even smashing a vase in a small house can be tricky because he literally fly over stuff to easily.

It's weird, like in battle he's a bit sluggish. But walking in a house and he skates onto tables. Just needs balancing a bit better. I've had it where I've tried to break a crate and he's whiffed and then the animation has made him stand on it 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Is it possible they can eradicate this screen tear on series X? Its was a lot better in England until I got to Repton and its borderline unbearable how bad it is.

Other 60FPS games like Gears 5 for example play fine with no tearing at all. Its really hampering my enjoyment of this awesome game :(
It’s tearing badly on X1X too. Seems to be an Xbox thing. I was hoping some kind of performance mode might fix it but if it’s happening on XSX too then we might be effed. Hopefully it is something they can address somehow.


Is it possible they can eradicate this screen tear on series X? Its was a lot better in England until I got to Repton and its borderline unbearable how bad it is.

Other 60FPS games like Gears 5 for example play fine with no tearing at all. Its really hampering my enjoyment of this awesome game :(
Man, I hate screen tearing, I'll take framerate dip over that anytime.

Isn't there option in the system menu for refresh rate to disable VRR or something? I thought some video showed something like that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm enjoying the combat a lot more now that I set it to Berserkr. It's still kind of janky and I feel like it's a lot more basic than Odyssey, but at least now I have to think a little bit during battle.


Well this is dumb, heads up once you upgrade the Seer's Hut dont drink the potion unless you want to be stuck in a level 90 area that you cant leave until you finish the first mission there.

skipping all seer stuff until i completed the game.

Also animus puzzles are getting a bit crazy. I just wonder how nuts they going to get at the end.


is male Eivor shorter than female Eivor? I play as male and he's shorter than most characters and someone told me female Eivor is taller than most npcs.

and what the fuck is this shit

I’m in love with this game - I’m having longer sessions on it that any AC game before. And it looks glorious! Some screens I took on the XSX.







Yea the game is a looker for sure. I cant stop making screenshots from environments.

Anyway just finished the sciriopescire story arc and holy shit that was a crazy story arc, totally took me by surprise. this game is brutal lol. Absolutely love it.

Also finished the
north america vinland map, they tried to go a bit of eventide island of botw here. I already felt this coming. Short but still effective the ending however was disappointing to say the least what a tease. Also incredible short, rather had like norway sized map tho. But oh well its better then just a tiny village i guess.

Cant wait on tommorow to start another story arc again.
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You don't have to raid the outposts, you can go in by yourself and take the enemies out one by one, if you want.
This is a case of making it harder on yourself on purpose, because you gain nothing by going in alone on raids. Plus you still have to call your crew eventually since heavy doors and big containers need 2 people.


I bought Black Flag on PC last night. It's a far better game than Valhalla and still peak Assassin's Creed.
It also still manages to look amazing in 4k. I'm playing it now instead of Valhalla. 😅

It's a far better game than Valhalla and still peak Assassin's Creed FOR ME!

Fixed it.
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