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Son i am disappoint.....


From the guy who goes into an Outer Worlds next gen 60fps patch thread to just post this?

"enjoy, my fellow friends on Playstation. Last Obsidian patch you'll ever get."

I think perhaps you should look in the mirror.

C'mon, that was a silly joke followed by a 🤗. But its telling sth like that bothers you...There are users here who go nuts every time a new DF analysis arrives, repeating themselves for days and days, dragging whole Gaf down in never ending plattform wars. That's where you should moderate/intervene. This is where the toxic climate on Gaf comes from. Instead you go after users you don't like because they make silly jokes about your beloved plattform...


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
C'mon, that was a silly joke followed by a 🤗. But its telling sth like that bothers you...There are users here who go nuts every time a new DF analysis arrives, repeating themselves for days and days, dragging whole Gaf down in never ending plattform wars. That's where you should moderate/intervene. This is where the toxic climate on Gaf comes from. Instead you go after users you don't like because they make silly jokes about your beloved plattform...

I think you are putting too much thought into this. I cannot speak for anyone other than myself. I personally dont own any next gen platform and absolutely do not care either way.

I also can understand your point that you feel small jokes are over moderated. Just try to look at it from the other side. These "small" and innocent jokes just stir the pot and cause others to jump on some console war nonsense who may not have engaged like that otherwise. So we have to be more careful with these kinds of "jokes" when it comes to this topic.


I just want you to know, i think you are lesser because you chose to buy the console that i didn’t. It is clear that because we made different choices, you need to be put in your place, and if i dont do it, then who!?


Golden Boy
GAF’s game warring these days is pathetic.
One side is salty that they have almost no next gen games and resort to fapping to the theoretical exclusive games of *recently acquired studio*, while mocking the others side because of the acquisition.
The other side keeps whining about “whining”, while mocking the first side with “no need to be upset” images.

Stop It Michael Jordan GIF


I think you are putting too much thought into this. I cannot speak for anyone other than myself. I personally dont own any next gen platform and absolutely do not care either way.

I also can understand your point that you feel small jokes are over moderated. Just try to look at it from the other side. These "small" and innocent jokes just stir the pot and cause others to jump on some console war nonsense who may not have engaged like that otherwise. So we have to be more careful with these kinds of "jokes" when it comes to this topic.
Actually i think a few weeks hardcore over moderation would help, also a pinned topic in the gaming forum with unwanted terms that would result in a temp ban if used. For example "Xbots, Sony Pony, Nintendrones, 9,2 TF, SonyGAF, XboxGAF, inults on Spences/Ryan" and everything else that usually derails topics instantly. I like GAF, but i never had a bigger ignore list on any other forum in my life.
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We can solve this issue creating some "box threads" with the same subject.

We really don't need 10 threads about leaks from unverified insider who are proven to be fake.

Or the weekly thread about how Nintendo's shareholders are happy on how many Switch are sold every week.

Or the usual "Developer X is woke" thread.

Thread quality on Gaf will improve if people would be willing to discuss games.

A lot of cool threads are being made but get lost to obscurity cause they dont get any replies.

On any console war thread you get replies every few minutes with people going back and forth.

This one is on community. Making console wars thread wouldnt help and would end up being



Perpetually Tired
As a mod, I have to echo DGrayson. It gets tiring and none of us enjoy having to coral children into acting like the adults they should be.

All I can personally suggest is the same things that have been said before by us and the community:

1.) Create high quality threads that give birth to discussion. Don't expect a thread to continue to thrive if you post twice and never again. Sometimes you have to put in the leg work to see something you are interested in discussing be discussed.

1.b) Lay off the baiting headline titles.

2.) Report posts with proper reasoning why you think they are console warring. Don't just go into a thread and make a complaint that it is overrun with fanboys as that only ever serves to instigate more console warring. Report it and try to discuss the core of the thread amicably. Don't give the time of day to infantile console warriors.

3.) Play some games. It helps.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Honestly, MS marketing poisoned the well with the whole most powerful console ever 1!!111!!1

If console warring gets bad already, that marketing push gave both camps a huge chip on their shoulders - the ps owners who want to rub it in that it was a lie and the xbox owners that want to validate it.

And because the benchmarks are inconclusive and no most powerful console has been stablished, this thing rages on.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I like me some console warring, but tbh I expected it to die down after the initial launch weeks. This has gone from being fun to a farce. I hated the Nazi style of moderation over at era where even the smallest things could get you banned so i dont want this place to turn into that either, but we arent leaving the mod team any choice here.

I do like that some of the worst offenders have been getting banned left and right which should elevate the discussion going forward. The problem with warring over stupid things like sales and pixel counts is that a lot of the other more important shit gets swept under the rug. You have Sony posting record profits and closing down studios. You have MS launching two consoles without any exclusives. Nintendo hasnt made an AAA game since Zelda BOTW 4 years ago. But I find it very hard to discuss those things without people becoming tribal and taking sides before they even finish reading the post.

It's gotten to the point where I know which post of mine will get likes from MS fans and which will gather the support of Sony fans. There is absolutely no overlap. People refuse to criticize their own firms and gang up on those who dare to. The Jim Ryan thread is kinda embarrassing but at the same time kinda refreshing to see Sony fans actually criticize Sony. I would love to see this from MS and Nintendo fans.

I dont know how to fix this tbh. I dont want mass bannings and turning this place into Nazi era. I think thread bannings are a better way forward since Warnings and bans clearly dont seem to work. At some point, we have to save people from themselves and bleeding users because they are a bit fanboyish will rid the forum of some of the more fun posters. You dont want this forum to turn into a boring, sad and miserable place era is right now.

P.S If Sony fans can admit that the XSX is more powerful than the PS5, and MS fans can admit that Sony is going to have a much better first year then we can at least move past this spec nonsense and focus on games. Everyone has come to hate list wars but I miss the days when Xbox had Mass Effect, Bioshock, Halo going up against Uncharted, Ratchet Warhawk, and Heavenly Sword. I think loading wars, and jerking off to subscription services is way worse than list wars.
GAF’s game warring these days is pathetic.
One side is salty that they have almost no next gen games and resort to fapping to the theoretical exclusive games of *recently acquired studio*, while mocking the others side because of the acquisition.
The other side keeps whining about “whining”, while mocking the first side with “no need to be upset” images.

Stop It Michael Jordan GIF

Worst part of this is that some of these console warriors and fanboys are actually over 30 years old. Like, what the fuck man. You'd think these people would've left this kind of behavior back in kindergarten or on the school grounds. Seriously.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Everyone has come to hate list wars but I miss the days when Xbox had Mass Effect, Bioshock, Halo going up against Uncharted, Ratchet Warhawk, and Heavenly Sword. I think loading wars, and jerking off to subscription services is way worse than list wars.
praise the lord applause GIF


Perpetually Tired
Im from the old GAF and while the old GAF was way to strick and Era is the same as old GAF (in moderation) I do feel that a lot of commments/threads are ruining my enjoyment to visit this site.

If you feel there is anything that is crossing the line, please make a report with reasons to why you think they are crossing the line. We moderators can't see everything, sadly.


C'mon, that was a silly joke followed by a 🤗. But its telling sth like that bothers you...There are users here who go nuts every time a new DF analysis arrives, repeating themselves for days and days, dragging whole Gaf down in never ending plattform wars. That's where you should moderate/intervene. This is where the toxic climate on Gaf comes from. Instead you go after users you don't like because they make silly jokes about your beloved plattform...
The mods do a great job imo, and a hard job trying to moderate this place at times.
You have to remember when someone gets banned, its not always for that paticular post, but that they have been warned about it numerous times before, and that one post was just the final straw..


Im from the old GAF and while the old GAF was way to strick and Era is the same as old GAF (in moderation) I do feel that a lot of commments/threads are ruining my enjoyment to visit this site.
Yeah, I really do appreciate that GAF isn't as strict as it used to be. Especially when it felt like it may have been overly so at times. My recommendation to you is to just ignore them, or at least do your best to. Sometimes it's hard to not feel your eyes almost roll out of your head, but then you go to another thread and it almost feels like there's a bit of hope that makes you feel a bit better, lol. You're not alone though man, I know there's a lot of us that feel the same way.

I personally don't understand why there are "adults" bashing others for such ridiculous or petty things. I mean, we're all here because we share the same passion/love for a specific hobby. You'd think that'd bring the majority closer as a result. It should, I mean, that's the whole point, right?

The fanboy wars, warring, baiting, etc. goes through motions where it feels pretty excessive, but then it always plateaus or dips. It just eventually comes back. Fortunately the strongest culprits eventually leave or get banned as a result.

If you feel there is anything that is crossing the line, please make a report with reasons to why you think they are crossing the line. We moderators can't see everything, sadly.
I'll definitely try to be better about this. I feel like a lot of the time it's already been reported. But hey, might as well actually try to do something rather than just assume, lol.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Seems like there is a lot of cattiness and sour grapes from certain PlayStation fans. Especially the subject of Gamepass or MS exclusives comes up, these people will pop into the thread just to try to take Xbox down a peg.

On the flip side, seems like we get a lot of PR-like fluff from the Xbox side. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some stealth marketing going on here.

I think both sides kind of feed off each other.


Just to add that unfortunately much of the current state of gaming discussion is about everything but the games themselves. And right or wrong, I absolutely blame this on MS and the Xbox community. I’m not trolling when I say this, I’m just making an observation.

There has been a concerted effort to turn gaming discussion into business discussion almost exclusively. Look at the amount of insiders that have gained visibility over the last 12 to 24 months? Observe how most of them are Xbox centric, and are constantly playing to the crowd with rumors of acquisitions, free gold, exclusive this and that.

Look how a game like Miles Morales was instantly labeled DLC by a certain crowd, and instead of speaking about its quality, the price was the most important thing. Why? Because we gotta prop up a subscription service.

And since business has become the main topic, hypocrisy and double standards have shifted there. Let’s question every single move a certain company does as anti consumer, and the other as some sort of social service. Let’s talk business but let’s not talk the reality of the market, let’s instead create a narrative, a movement. Is a surprise that Phil Spencer has gained such status? Unironic I might add, which is astounding.

Coming into a gaming forum, ideally we want to talk about the games we are playing, the games that have been announced and are coming up, and discuss rumors here and there. But all people want to do atm is speculate business decisions, as if children dreaming of being CEOs. It’s pathetic.

We should be discussing content, but content won’t make anyone feel superior.

Yes we should talk about everything, but it’s the amount of focus on certain aspects that becomes extremely toxic.

Do we really need every post to reference the console you prefer, the controller you prefer, if you are buying the game on one console over the other or whether or not we need to thank a subscription service or a company or worse, a company talking head. I swear some people walk around with a t shirt saying “Thank you Mr A B C”.

A way to mitigate is to have threads dedicated to games being released on PS+/Gamepass/PSNow etc, or rumors. But I don’t know if that solves anything.

It’s just very toxic at the moment, as if nobody is actually playing and enjoying games, they are just working part time or full time as vital marketeers for these companies. And the ironic bit is that it’s just a stupid bubble that doesn’t mirror at all what’s happening out there.
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Gold Member
Exactly, us old bastards have seen it all and this is the way it’s pretty much always been.
Try harder OP.
Yep, I mean, when you think about it, among GAF’s most memorable moments there isn’t some in-depth discussion of some awesome game, but Amir0x’s “The age of Sony is over” rant.

I’d love for a bunch of people to be playing Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection like I am and discussing it, but it is what it is. Big releases and pixel-counting comparisons are mostly what vidya game discussion is about these days. I am used to VG discussion being mostly about flaunting the supposed superiority of your favorite hardware, ignoring some excellent games just because “all indies are crap”, ”60fps is still too low”, “my teraflops are bigger than yours” and “lol Nintendo”. It’s been like this since the PS2 days, really.

Doesn’t help that new hardware is almost impossible to get. With lotsa people stuck at home, many of them actually being able to get their new shiny toy would greatly help discussion (not necessarily in a productive way, but hey, I love reaction gifs).


ban certain claim might be one of good step. stuff that could lead endless bitching despite the fact already out. for example debate whether both PS5 and XSX use RDNA2 or not, 9.2TF PS5 etc and pure teraflops comparison as measurement of performance also should not already reliable. both console already launch for months this stuff should not being brought up anymore since it been clearly stated by officials. some of people keep push this false narrative again and again which end up the thread repeating same stuff over and over again across different thread.
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Gold Member

As the title says I am disappointed in YOU! Yes you! In the past few months this place has become GameFAQS 2.0, i mean look at the shit threads that populate the front page and go right this second to any of the consoles boards on GameFAQS and i dare you to spot the difference.

You have a piece of plastic from company A that you prefer over the piece of plastic from company B, woohoo good for you! Now about we talk about games and have some discussion over their pros and cons? "huh.... What’s that? Look here I have a list of games my favorite soulless corporation (corpration A) has a lock on that's not available on that guys plastic box made by soulless corporation B! Haha take that!".

"let me sit back here and slid my hand down my pants Al Bundy style and debate whether soulless corporation A's current leader cares or knows how to run my favorite soulless corporation's games business, no I'm not a share holders dammit but i know how shit works! They should fire that guy's ass he's making my list look bad!"

If you're a" hardcore gamer™/enthusiast™" why do you care about corprations and their business? Go play games and enjoy them instead of bickering over meaningless shit like which these corprations should aquire next or what they should be doing like you got some stake in their success.

I've said my peace, see you dear warriors.


Yep, I mean, when you think about it, among GAF’s most memorable moments there isn’t some in-depth discussion of some awesome game, but Amir0x’s “The age of Sony is over” rant.

I’d love for a bunch of people to be playing Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection like I am and discussing it, but it is what it is. Big releases and pixel-counting comparisons are mostly what vidya game discussion is about these days. I am used to VG discussion being mostly about flaunting the supposed superiority of your favorite hardware, ignoring some excellent games just because “all indies are crap”, ”60fps is still too low”, “my teraflops are bigger than yours” and “lol Nintendo”. It’s been like this since the PS2 days, really.

Doesn’t help that new hardware is almost impossible to get. With lotsa people stuck at home, many of them actually being able to get their new shiny toy would greatly help discussion (not necessarily in a productive way, but hey, I love reaction gifs).

It really annoys me that I used to just do what I do with games and be obsessed by making it look amazing and image quality and such in private and not talk about it, I just talked about the gameplay with people and never mentioned how I set it up or anything, but now more people seem to want to talk about the technical aspects of games now and why do we choose framerate over resolution, but it just turns into an argument. So its not really "Which is better?", its "This is better".

Why can't people see the pros and cons of things anymore and it has to be all or nothing, "I must prove this thing is objectively better in every way and ignore the shortcomings if I find them".

Technical stuff wise, I try to say "I enjoy <X> more in a game because its more important to me than <Y> because of <Z>", but then I'm receiving replies that are like "Well thats not what games are about so you prioritise the wrong thing and you are an idiot for that reason" and I'm like "WTF can't we just agree to disagree, my experience is valid thank you, sorry you don't do things the exact same way as me, just chill out and try and see someone else perspective"

I'm so with you on what you said though, that while I'd like to talk about the technical makeup of Ghosts 'n Golbins Resurrection to certain people (Hopefully followed by actually discussing the game ofc) whom are nerds like me I also just want to talk about the design decisions and actual feel of playing it with others because I only fuss over the technical stuff so much that I want to remove all barriers to me enjoying the actual game, ideally I want to NOT spend time tweaking things and sometimes I don't because the returns are so diminishing in terms of my time and its better to just play.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
I agree there’s too much system wars/GameFaqs on GAF. I think NeoGaf is still in the process of forming it’s new, permanent identity... and maybe System/Console warring is part of that culture? I hope not, but I don’t know.

I’d like to see a middle ground of educated, articulate users who aren’t overly politicized (either right or left) or tribal about their shiny plastic boxes, but still appreciate the hobby.

Do those people exist on planet earth?

I don’t know, but I hope they come to GAF soon and colonize the place.


Gold Member
This topic reminded me about the True Gaming subreddit. A much smaller sub that has really good topics and posts about gaming.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
The mods do a great job imo, and a hard job trying to moderate this place at times.
You have to remember when someone gets banned, its not always for that paticular post, but that they have been warned about it numerous times before, and that one post was just the final straw..
I totally agree. Overall the Mods here do an amazing job under difficult circumstances. It's a good idea if you see a ban that you think is unreasonable take a look at that person's post history and 99% of the time you can easily see why they earned their ban.


Just to add that unfortunately much of the current state of gaming discussion is about everything but the games themselves. And right or wrong, I absolutely blame this on MS and the Xbox community. I’m not trolling when I say this, I’m just making an observation.

There has been a concerted effort to turn gaming discussion into business discussion almost exclusively. Look at the amount of insiders that have gained visibility over the last 12 to 24 months? Observe how most of them are Xbox centric, and are constantly playing to the crowd with rumors of acquisitions, free gold, exclusive this and that.

Look how a game like Miles Morales was instantly labeled DLC by a certain crowd, and instead of speaking about its quality, the price was the most important thing. Why? Because we gotta prop up a subscription service.

And since business has become the main topic, hypocrisy and double standards have shifted there. Let’s question every single move a certain company does as anti consumer, and the other as some sort of social service. Let’s talk business but let’s not talk the reality of the market, let’s instead create a narrative, a movement. Is a surprise that Phil Spencer has gained such status? Unironic I might add, which is astounding.

Coming into a gaming forum, ideally we want to talk about the games we are playing, the games that have been announced and are coming up, and discuss rumors here and there. But all people want to do atm is speculate business decisions, as if children dreaming of being CEOs. It’s pathetic.

We should be discussing content, but content won’t make anyone feel superior.

Yes we should talk about everything, but it’s the amount of focus on certain aspects that becomes extremely toxic.

Do we really need every post to reference the console you prefer, the controller you prefer, if you are buying the game on one console over the other or whether or not we need to thank a subscription service or a company or worse, a company talking head. I swear some people walk around with a t shirt saying “Thank you Mr A B C”.

A way to mitigate is to have threads dedicated to games being released on PS+/Gamepass/PSNow etc, or rumors. But I don’t know if that solves anything.

It’s just very toxic at the moment, as if nobody is actually playing and enjoying games, they are just working part time or full time as vital marketeers for these companies. And the ironic bit is that it’s just a stupid bubble that doesn’t mirror at all what’s happening out there.

this is getting weird donald trump GIF by Jeff Dunham

You forget we can see your post history? :messenger_grimmacing_
Im from the old GAF and while the old GAF was way to strick and Era is the same as old GAF (in moderation) I do feel that a lot of commments/threads are ruining my enjoyment to visit this site.

Old Gaf and Era arent even remotely comparable.

It was possible to predict which post will get a ban on gaf. Folks used to call out poster even before ban would happen.

On Era, bans can happen even for good posts.

If you feel there is anything that is crossing the line, please make a report with reasons to why you think they are crossing the line. We moderators can't see everything, sadly.

Reporting is looked down upon. Besides making a case isnt as simple to get someone banned.

Not everyone is into hardcore warring. Even simple discussions take such threads far.


C'mon, that was a silly joke followed by a 🤗. But its telling sth like that bothers you...There are users here who go nuts every time a new DF analysis arrives, repeating themselves for days and days, dragging whole Gaf down in never ending plattform wars. That's where you should moderate/intervene. This is where the toxic climate on Gaf comes from. Instead you go after users you don't like because they make silly jokes about your beloved plattform...



Can't say much at the moment because a mod is pointing a gun at my head. But I'll say this to my fellow console warriors: Run and you'll live - at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!!!
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Im glad im not the only one that notice this forum is pretty much a battlefield for console warriors and fanboys.

But i also noticed the moderation seems to be more active slapping some bans in the worst offenders so thers hope soon more quality threds to discuss games are created instead of Brand VS Brand threads.
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If you feel there is anything that is crossing the line, please make a report with reasons to why you think they are crossing the line. We moderators can't see everything, sadly.

What about members that are here for the petty grade school shit? :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Why not both. Faust tagged you as you were the most recent mod with the shortest response (I.e., arbitrarily). What’s the discussion on creating a new sub forum (not gaming, not off topic) where folks can just console war? I think we all have that moment where we want to war but again all the game-specific topics get washed away in the warring acid rain in the main thread. Giving the warriors a place to go might make things better for both.
Seems like there is a lot of cattiness and sour grapes from certain PlayStation fans. Especially the subject of Gamepass or MS exclusives comes up, these people will pop into the thread just to try to take Xbox down a peg.

On the flip side, seems like we get a lot of PR-like fluff from the Xbox side. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some stealth marketing going on here.

I think both sides kind of feed off each other.
I know it’s likely happening on both sides but I do sometimes feel MS folks are astroturfing. (Honestly though, it’s probably a bias I have coloring my views.) maybe both sides have some astroturfing.
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Kev Kev

Im glad im not the only one that notice this forum is pretty much a battlefield for console warriors and fanboys.

But i also noticed the moderation seems to be more active slapping some bans in the worst offenders so thers hope soon more quality threds to discuss games are created instead of Brand VS Brand threads.

it must be a pretty hard line to walk. on one hand you dont want the warriors running off those of us who want to have an actual discussion, so some banning will certainly be in order to make sure that doesnt happen. but on the other hand, its a gaming forum lol, so people coming on here to argue and talk about games is just part of that, so you cant just go ban happy.

i think the mods do a good job walking that line.
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