I don't know about how perfectly AVP emulates but the frame rate is the same with native consoles so i don't know why you mention emulation in the first place.Nope. If a game is built with particular frame rate in mind then it is not bad for it. Yes, Jag's AvP is a 1st person view game with elements of FPS, not dedicated shooter. Somehow those slowdowns have not been noticed by me or people I knew in 1994/95. I wonder why. Also in this there is not a lot going on unless you do a run in open areas (e.g. canteen) to gather enemies. But they wait in a queue nicely to get to you. Usually it ends with your death anyway.
Nope, I remember how does it play. No issue with it at all. Again the game was built with its frame rate in mind. There is no emulator which emulates it perfectly.
"Hey, i'm shit at programming so i made this game run at 10fps, also the code didn't write itself, i wrote it myself while sober so it was intentional. Thus, you can't criticize it"