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Prior to Infinite launch: Nail your colours to a mast - are you gonna come out loving 343i or hating them more?

Do you think they'll finally get it right, or not?

  • They'll knock it out of the park.

    Votes: 70 68.0%
  • They won't pull it off.

    Votes: 33 32.0%

  • Total voters


This is a good natured thread intended to be reviewed in a short time to see who got it right. If it gets out of hand i welcome a lock lol.

InstantEdit: If a mod could change "hating" to "resenting" or something in the thread title I'd appreciate it lol

I'm just saying:
- 343i are generally considered to have produced inferior halo titles compared to Bungie, i think that's fair to say.
- they've taken their time and given it a red hot go, this time, with some help brought in after a poorly received reveal.

Q: What do they need to do to win you over?
Q: What do they need to do to disappoint you?

Main Q: do you think they'll win you over, or disappoint you?
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Playing the Halo 5 beta back in the day, I knew the game felt weird and that I'd quickly lose interest, which I did.

I can't stop thinking about Infinite since playing both of those test flights. I think it's going to be fantastic and I think 343 has finally nailed how Halo should look, feel and play.


Gold Member
I pretty much only care for the campaign. I’ll go in expecting disappointment, but I’m hoping I’m wrong.

Though a disappointing Halo campaign is usually still a pretty good campaign compared to most. I enjoyed Halo 5 a lot despite being the absolute worst in the series.


Mouse Ball Fetishist
343 never disappointed me before. I'll certainly love Infinite.

I just need Steve Downes and Jen Taylor, some good music, beautiful locations, and I'll be fine.
The new semi-open world RPG elements could potentially make this my favorite Halo game.


Having played Infinite’s multiplayer, 343i have delivered a rock solid foundation and some of the most fun I’ve had with Halo since the 360.

On the campaign front, they’re incompetent until they can prove otherwise. If all they’ve done is Far Cry Halo, they’ll need another spiritual reboot after Infinite.


After playing the multiplayer play test, I am more than convinced they will knock it out the park, I genuinely missed the play test when it was gone.

Codes 208

The multiplayer from the flight was amazing (outside of some hiccups which seem to have been fixed) so im not concerned there.
As for campaign, i dont think itll match the absolute peaks of bungie’s best but i think it will be good.

Plus theres no way it could be worse than halo 5 (no seriously. Chief is the one and only main playable character and not just thrown at the sides for like three of fifteen missions while you play as a generic piece of MCU cardboard for the remainder. Also its been confirmed no more prometheans so its automatically better than 5)
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
If I'm ranking the Halo games, 4 and 5 come in at the bottom (CE and Reach are top of the pile)

They may nail the multiplayer, but I play Halo for the single player campaign. Due to how well 4 and 5 turned out, I have little faith they can pull it off this time.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
They won't pull it off.

I just don’t believe in them anymore. I had the same feeling of hope going into H4, H5, H2A and MCC. It is always something unexpected and disappointing with them once the final product is released. I’d rather be gladly surprised than be let down again.
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After halo 4\5 they have everything to prove but i'm gonna buy their game for sure (not at launch since 7 dic dying light 2 is out).


I'm expecting a 7/10 game. Good enough to please, but also bordering on mediocrity.

They would need to do something really big and unexpected to reignite my interest at this point. Something that id did with Doom 2016. Halo series has been stale for well over a decade now.
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I'm optimistic. Halo 4 and 5 had good aspects about them. The campaign in 4 was alright and the multiplayer in 5 was good. Now if they could just combine the two


After the flight tests I have no doubt they will knock it out the park. Was anti 343 up until then.

Just hope servers hold up for launch. Its f2p, so its going to get hammered.


Can't vote in that poll my answer isn't there which is that it sounds great but not revolutionary and I need to play it to know if the moment to moment gameplay gels with the new open worldish concept. I also need to know if the Far Cry 5 + Mercenaries 2 style progression will be an advancement over those games enough to impress, like having BotW style "can i do this?" moments in terms of the AI companions and vehicles.


From what I saw, everything looks really good. The multiplayer beta proved gameplay was good, the campaign overview seemed a lot better than anything in 4 and 5. Only thing missing is coop.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I can't really pick either as I think it will be good but Knock it out of the park entirely... I dont think so. Multi has a much better chance of being knock out of the park than the campaign I think.

I liked Halo 4 and 5 from a game play perspective but narrative and level design left a lot to be desired. In many ways this is 343's first attempt at making a true Halo sequel and not a Halo game that borrowed a lot from what was popular at the time of 4 and 5.

Thats going to come with a lot of trial and error I feel like. The multi will be ever evolving so they can adapt and swing as needed but the campaign I feel like will have less of that chance even if they add content as rumored/planned.

SUpporting the game on 5 different platforms will take away some the ability to long term as well imo but we will have to wait and see.
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I think it will be the best 343 Halo game, but that's because they didn't release it when they were originally going to last year.

Instead, thry delayed it a year and brought in a lot of outside help. So in reality, this is no longer just 343's game. Last year's game was 343's game and looked to be a disaster. This collaboration effort looks much better, but I don't think this means 343 has really proven themselves.


I don't think Joe Staten would push out a bad Halo game, so I'm optimistic that 343 will put out a quality game. The only question is will it be the best game 343 has put out, or will it be Bungie level of Halo quality.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Where`s the

"I´ll just try it because gamepass only cost me a buck"-option?
With the way they turned MCC around and have been supporting it so well over the last 2 years I have a lot more confidence that they will knock it out of the park


Gold Member
Is no one going to mention how utterly unrewarding the challenge system feels? Like once I cleared the weekly and see that I need to play 3 matches for a tiny smidgen of 100 exp (so I need 30 matches for a single battle pass level, thats what, 5 hours of playing for one level?) I just didn't want to play anymore.

Even if you just got a set base of a 100 exp per completed round, perhaps 150 for a win would infinity improve it. On the other hand... the fact I'm only playing because of a carrot dangling infront of me is quite telling about the quality of the game.
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Iced Arcade

It's Halo so it's going to have a lot of envious hate regardless.

I loved every Halo minus that BS where they tried to make agent Locke a thing.
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