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Should I sell my Series S?


  • Yes, you aught.

  • No, you aughtn't.

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Gold Member
I have PS5, XBSX and PC. I keep them all because I find I play each of them at different times throughout a year/generation. Sometimes one will collect dust for a bit but it is worth it for me to have it available when I want it. Only you know if the options are worth it for you.


Yeah I had my 3 months PS5 honeymoon when I barely touched anything else. Then I went back to freeload on Gamepass and for awhile I’ve mostly been waiting for price drops and 2022 releases on PS5. Having only one console would never work for me.
Agreed. I still need a PS5 for the SONY exclusives this gen, but honestly Gamepass is way more important for me. And now that Xbox 1st party is starting to hit, it's chefs kiss. I could probably put my PS5 away into storage until Horizon and then pack it up until GOW and it wouldn't make a difference. But absolutely need all the consoles.


Agreed. I still need a PS5 for the SONY exclusives this gen, but honestly Gamepass is way more important for me. And now that Xbox 1st party is starting to hit, it's chefs kiss. I could probably put my PS5 away into storage until Horizon and then pack it up until GOW and it wouldn't make a difference. But absolutely need all the consoles.
Yeah it’s an exclusives box for me but I have Horizon and GT preordered so it’ll get some serious usage soon.


In such mental state, I say sell it and get some help for your medical condition.

Hari Seldon

I don’t need the money but if I did I would be selling my ps5 now that I got an xss. With gamepass and the lack of ps5 exclusives I give a shit about my ps5 has been collecting dust for like 6 months at least. I barely put in 20 hours into the thing. I played my wiiu more than this.


Ghost of Tschumi... 's Xbox Series S amirite?!


But seriously you need to get a handle on this "buying things on a whim when I'm not even sure if I want them" problem you have pal. Its costing you a lot of money and presumably wasting your time. Spend some of the money saved on your boo to increase the quality of your (received) blowjobs instead.

Simple solution: Ask GAF about every decision you make in your life. Everyone here will love that.

You just had a thread like this not long ago where you sold your Switch for the Xbox lol.



Yikes! It sounds like you need the money. Selling "bits and bobs" and GoPros and mp3 players and ps4 pros....That's a guy that needs money. Oof! Hope you land on your feet soon. I know you'll be selling that PS5 soon. Sorry in advance.
That's what he should have done with the PS5. He bought it from a scalper too. LOL!
Well I don't need to sell "bits and bobs" and go pros and consoles to buy what I want so I got you beat there ;)
Who wrote this your evil twin Longer?

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Gold Member
Tschumi Tschumi You were self aware enough when you brought it that this is where you would be.


Ikea shelves in this humidity?

Humidity? Its winter here in the US and we are freezing our asses off huddled in an igloo. Jack' frost pissed on our door and we gathered around it for warmth.
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You're a good guy, but you are definitely fickle lol. Just embrace it.

You even got Gladius and then got rid of the system within a month. You're an impulsive guy!
I dunno if i should say I'm flattered that you have this crystal clear memory or what :p the idea that anyone would note the content i put up here doesn't enter my thinking

It's true.

There's been a bit of impulse buying recently, living in Japan can be pretty stressful and that's the root of these things... I've played a bunch of gladius but i realised that although it is hella fun it is still a game i already more or less completed twice near on twenty years ago, so if I'm gonna distract myself for whole hours I should distract myself with a new experience. So that kinda undermined things.

Anyway, this Lognor Lognor guy has taken shots at me three times about 3 different things (i think) in what very easily could have been 3 hours so i feel superior to someone who will display that level of tilt. Rot in hell, Lognooooooooor!

star trek spock GIF
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Ghost of Tschumi... 's Xbox Series S amirite?!


But seriously you need to get a handle on this "buying things on a whim when I'm not even sure if I want them" problem you have pal. Its costing you a lot of money and presumably wasting your time. Spend some of the money saved on your boo to increase the quality of your (received) blowjobs instead.

Simple solution: Ask GAF about every decision you make in your life. Everyone here will love that.

I Appreciate You Dj Khaled GIF

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I dunno if i should say I'm flattered that you have this crystal clear memory or what :p the idea that anyone would note the content i put up here doesn't enter my thinking

It's true.

There's been a bit of impulse buying recently, living in Japan can be pretty stressful and that's the root of these things... I've played a bunch of gladius but i realised that although it is hella fun it is still a game i already more or less completed twice near on twenty years ago, so if I'm gonna distract myself for whole hours I should distract myself with a new experience. So that kinda undermined things.

Anyway, this Lognor Lognor guy has taken shots at me three times about 3 different things (i think) in what very easily could have been 3 hours so i feel superior to someone who will display that level of tilt. Rot in hell, Lognooooooooor!

star trek spock GIF
No worries lol, I'm just teasing you. I like your posts so I remember the basics. You actually make good threads so it stands out I guess.


I don’t know why you wouldn’t just keep it for Gamepass and retroarch unless you are really in need of money and even then you aren’t going to get as much as you would for selling a PS5/XsX.

I mean if you honestly don’t see yourself ever playing it again for whatever reason, then knock yourself out. I just find it weird since you already own it and it’s not like it’s lacking in games.

Of course. It's underpowered and already dated.
I don’t get this argument. As a example, Nintendo Switch is clearly dated and underpower but it’s still a fun gaming machine, the series S the same, and I wouldn’t call all of its components dated and underpowered, since it does share some similarities with its big brother the Series X.

It has great backwards compatibility and retro gaming capabilities with Retroarch, it’s a cheaper and easier way to get into the Gamepass ecosystem. Should it replace the PS5? No lol but it’s a great side piece to those that are on a budget thst normally couldn’t afford both consoles.

Of course this is coming from you and I’m sure most are familiar with your posting habits but I won’t hold that against you.


Gold Member
Humidity? Its winter here in the US and we are freezing our asses off huddled in an igloo. Jack' frost pissed on our door and we gathered around it for warmth.
It was 70 degrees on Christmas where I live in the US. I've yet to unpack my igloo, even in the mountains.

On topic, OP if you don't love it any more then sell it to someone else who may. Spend the effort on something you do love.


Am afraid OP, you have not given it a proper chance, going by what you played on it in your post.

No Ori, Psychonauts 2, Gears 5 etc. Or other gems available on gamepass.

It feels like as if you don't want to like it or keep it.

In such mental state, I say sell it and get some help for your medical condition.
Actually played ori and gears, still feel the same way.

Ori is too cheesy for me, i prefer something more straightforward and less ambitious like steamworld, rayman origins, or whatever. Didn't like Metroid Dread either.

I don't think any other series in existence fits the "frat boy" stereotype as perfectly as gears...

Psychonauts 2.. i couldn't finish the first game, I want to before i play the second.. so i dunno if I'll play the second.

Like i said in my op the only reasons i have for keeping it are red Dead redemption 1, and the chance that i might get the emulation bug again.

To say i don't want to like it is probably a bit inaccurate, I've been disappointed by how the number of exclusive games xbox has added to their stable since i last owned a 360 in 2010, that i want to play, can be counted on one hand. I wanted to be buying access to a new galaxy of gaming, and I didn't get that.

I mentioned being interested in future releases by Bethesda, but as i said i don't trust them to deliver truly great games anymore, and there's no telling when they'll come.

Finally, when they DO come, I plan to have a new laptop by then which will certainly be better for them.
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Gold Member
It was 70 degrees on Christmas where I live in the US. I've yet to unpack my igloo, even in the mountains.

On topic, OP if you don't love it any more then sell it to someone else who may. Spend the effort on something you do love.
I know i was joking. It was 80 degrees on christmas here in south texas. We had close to freezing temps a few weeks ago and in november. But it was only at night. We had snow in Feb. We haven't had much cold weather here yet. We will see what January and Feb brings.


I wanted to be buying access to a new galaxy of gaming, and I didn't get that.
With a month of Gamepass, you can play :
A Plague Tale
Alien Isolation
Code Vein
Darkest Dungeon
Dead Cells
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Quest XI
Halo Infinite
Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth
Lonely Mountain Downhill
New Super Lucky Tale
Nier Automata
Octopath Traveler
Scarlet Nexus
Streets of Rage 4
The Forgotten City
Xeno Crisis
All Yakuza games

And that's simply a quick list of games that got my interest. Don't let the opportunity to play a gem like The Forgotten City pass.
You don't have to play only exclusive games to enjoy something. Do you still know how to enjoy a game ?

Xbox also has Phantasy Star Online 2 and New Genesis (free to play)
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One thing I realise about people who emulate games they like to make a massive collection play a game for 5 mins to try it and leave it at that. I have emulated games before but it's usually a game I actually want to play. Majority of retro games have aged horribly for me, especially 3D games. It's only 2D games I go and play such as some games I missed out on like Metroid Zero Mission and etc. Even a ton of old SNES games I can't go back to. For PS1 generation again I can only play some classic 2D RPGs like Suikoden.


Unconfirmed Member
One thing I realise about people who emulate games they like to make a massive collection play a game for 5 mins to try it and leave it at that.
Thats a side effect of having tons of games at your disposal at any time. People can get overwhelmed.


With a month of Gamepass, you can play :
A Plague Tale
Alien Isolation
Code Vein
Darkest Dungeon
Dead Cells
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Quest XI
Halo Infinite
Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth
Lonely Mountain Downhill
New Super Lucky Tale
Nier Automata
Octopath Traveler
Scarlet Nexus
Streets of Rage 4
The Forgotten City
Xeno Crisis
All Yakuza games

And that's simply a quick list of games that got my interest. Don't let the opportunity to play a gem like The Forgotten City pass.
You don't have to play only exclusive games to enjoy something. Do you still know how to enjoy a game ?

Xbox also has Phantasy Star Online 2 and New Genesis (free to play)
Just fyi first three yakuza games are gone end of the month but are on sale for $5 each


With a month of Gamepass, you can play :
A Plague Tale
Alien Isolation
Code Vein
Darkest Dungeon
Dead Cells
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Quest XI
Halo Infinite
Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth
Lonely Mountain Downhill
New Super Lucky Tale
Nier Automata
Octopath Traveler
Scarlet Nexus
Streets of Rage 4
The Forgotten City
Xeno Crisis
All Yakuza games

And that's simply a quick list of games that got my interest. Don't let the opportunity to play a gem like The Forgotten City pass.
You don't have to play only exclusive games to enjoy something. Do you still know how to enjoy a game ?

Xbox also has Phantasy Star Online 2 and New Genesis (free to play)

These lists are pointless will someone play that many games a month. Gamepass is great value if you play a ton of games. It took me 2 months to finish Horizon, and I picked that up for £10 and have yet to finish the expansion. You can grab used PS4 games from the shops for £10 and have an option to resell and you actually get to choose what you want to buy.


OP Should sell that SERIES S , I have not touched my Xbox one X since I got my PS5. Series S and One X are basically the same just on one you play a 4k and the other gives you better textures and 60 fps but honestly both are very similar. But the point is that OP should sell its S and later get an Series X.


Sell it and don't look back. It sounds like the future games aren't much of a selling point and you can emulate on some toasters these days.


You can grab used PS4 games from the shops for £10
Where can I get a 10$ Halo Infinite right now ? What about digital only games ? Games that you will only play once ? Looks very interesting to me to get a couple months of Gamepass and complete such games, rather than waiting for price reduction on each and every one of them. Horizon certainly did not drop to 10$ after a couple months, by the way.

Series S and One X are basically the same
Yeah no.
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I want a PS5 but haven't been able to find one. I even sold my PS4 a couple of months now... I'm thinking lately of getting an Series S with Gamepass seriously... Will not buy another PS4 or a Pro unless cheap or a Xbox One for what? At least the Series S have a much better CPU and SSD.
OP if you decide to sell the XSS let me know.
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With a month of Gamepass, you can play :
A Plague Tale - I don't know why I've never wanted to play that but i haven't, on Xbox or PS
Alien Isolation - again, like plague tale I'm just not interested sadly
Code Vein - in my experience the only JRPGs i can complete are persona titles, i generally elect not to buy new ones.
Darkest Dungeon - aware of this, it never took my interest
Dead Cells - I'm sure I've seen this and decided not to play it
Doom - available (and purchased) on PS
Dragon Ball FighterZ - not my jam
Dragon Quest XI - got that on PS
FF X - got that on PS across multiple platforms
FF XII - yep also got this on multiple platforms including pc
FF XIII - this game actually sucks :/
FF XIII-2 - this game also sucks :/
Halo Infinite - i will eventually play this. i don't wanna play it until i beat the master chief collection, but I'm not sure i ever will
Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth - unaware of this
Lonely Mountain Downhill - unaware of this
Myst - never liked them
New Super Lucky Tale - unaware of this
Nier Automata - have chosen not to play it
Octopath Traveler - have a track record of not getting into these games
Scarlet Nexus - lukewarm reviews, history of struggling to enjoy JRPGs
Streets of Rage 4 - don't like that game style
Subnautica - just never wanted to play it
The Forgotten City - that's the skyrim mod turned game, right? not interested... I've got enough other games to play. the sunken city however seems cool, but that's on PS
Xeno Crisis - dunno
All Yakuza games - i own them all... I couldn't get further into the entire series than the first two hours of yakuza zero.
I appreciate your input, I've added notes to each to explain why they didn't occur to me as content i wanted to play

I just wanna make it clear that i don't have much time so my posts were quickly typed, I'm not trying to come across as shitting on them and i appreciate your efforts to inspire me.

I've scrolled through the game lists many many times looking for games to pique my interest.

I can't quite remember but my current list of titles is:
- gladius
- ssx3
- crimson skies
- red dead redemption
- control
- halo MCC
A few uninstalled ones like gears 5
- retroarch, duckstation, ppsspp.

If i had a friend to do local co-op with I'd probably have one fifa or another.
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I want a PS5 but haven't been able to find one. I even sold my PS4 a couple of months now... I'm thinking lately of getting an Series S with Gamepass seriously... Will not buy another PS4 or a Pro unless cheap or a Xbox One for what? At least the Series S have a much better CPU and SSD.
OP if you decide to sell the XSS let me know.
Do you by any chance live in Japan?


Gold Member
If you're not going to use it, dump it.

Anyone buying a Series S should gameplan it the system is exactly what they want. If someone is going itching to get a Series X, dont even bother getting an S. And if you're going to go over the top with PS5, then Series S wont cut it ether unless you got a plan of lower spec gaming or Game Pass.
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I appreciate your input, I've added notes to each to explain why they didn't occur to me as content i wanted to play

I just wanna make it clear that i don't have much time so my posts were quickly typed, I'm not trying to come across as shitting on them and i appreciate your efforts to inspire me.

I've scrolled through the game lists many many times looking for games to pique my interest.

I can't quite remember but my current list of titles is:
- gladius
- ssx3
- crimson skies
- red dead redemption
- control
- halo MCC
A few uninstalled ones like gears 5
- retroarch, duckstation, ppsspp.

If i had a friend to do local co-op with I'd probably have one fifa or another.
You are dismissing a ton of great games. You don't have to decide whether you will like or not a game before playing it, that's the great thing with Gamepass. It was pretty much the same thing with rental by the way.

Kagey K

Sell it, somebody out there actually wants it, while you are here using it for console wars.

Just think it'll be good karma for you and them.

We don't want to play with negative Nancies in our lobbies.
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Mate i think a $6 coffee costs a lot, doesn't mean i have $5. But thanks for signalling your financial penis :D

I've already got almost all the PS5 games i anticipate wanting, might get The Little Devil Inside if that ever comes out... I could get forbidden West right now but i didn't get into the first so I'll wait for it to be available at reduced price in the second hand stores here.. they Japanese take care of their shit, second hand is pretty much like new most of the time..
Sorry if it sounded bad but my point is you should only sell things if you need the money right away. If you already have enough to buy what you need then don’t sell anything especially if you’re not sure about needing it later, you’ll only waste money.

Much like a real penis, a financial penis won’t be healthy if you keep splurging on impulse without any control and planning ahead.

Kagey K

Sorry if it sounded bad but my point is you should only sell things if you need the money right away. If you already have enough to buy what you need then don’t sell anything especially if you’re not sure about needing it later, you’ll only waste money.

Much like a real penis, a financial penis won’t be healthy if you keep splurging on impulse without any control and planning ahead.
It's consumerism at its finest.

Buy shit you don't need, and if you feel really bad about it sell it to someone else that doesn't need it.
You are dismissing a ton of great games. You don't have to decide whether you will like or not a game before playing it, that's the great thing with Gamepass. It was pretty much the same thing with rental by the way.

Dont bother.

OP apparently have never played on xbox but still can't find a single game worth playing except Red Dead Redemption that was launched on X360.

Meanwhile on PS5 side is absolutely drowning in content so much so that it's the daddy.


Neo Member
I bought a series s in September. Sold it now just before Christmas. I might have used it for 4-5 hours. Never liked the xbox, but I had a 360 only for Gears of War and Halo. The controller for xbox is like a cheap knock off bought at the 1 dollar store compared to dualsense.
But One thing xbox has done right. Sooner or later, the playstation must also start with the gamepass model. That is for sure.


Dont bother.

OP apparently have never played on xbox but still can't find a single game worth playing except Red Dead Redemption that was launched on X360.

Meanwhile on PS5 side is absolutely drowning in content so much so that it's the daddy.
Man, the original guy did such a great job of not getting triggered by my honesty lol, then you had to parachute in and get triggered for him? Mind your own business lol.

... As for the rest of your post, it's completely incorrect lol
It’s funny you’re selling yours because I am about to buy one for myself. I’ll save up for a Series X or a PS5. I just want to get back to gaming as soon as freakin’ possible.
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