PS5 Pro Has Reignited my enjoyment of Consoles


So far there is very little difference between 6 and 8 core cpus in over 90% of games. 6 core Zen 3 is better than 8 core zen 2.

Most games are not properly multi threaded (still). PS5 also don't have access for full 8 cores and 16 threads in games.
Its why I still run a 7600x six core. Its plenty of CPU and going to more cores provides next to no benefits except the odd game.


So far there is very little difference between 6 and 8 core cpus in over 90% of games. 6 core Zen 3 is better than 8 core zen 2.

Most games are not properly multi threaded (still). PS5 also don't have access for full 8 cores and 16 threads in games.

Yeah but still.
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