Dick Jones
The problem is you people seem to think "getting therapy" is an attack. It's not!!! Therapy is normal and good for the mind and spirit.

The problem is you people seem to think "getting therapy" is an attack. It's not!!! Therapy is normal and good for the mind and spirit.
I explained to you the sense in which they're the same in my post. I also said that therapy wasn't as bad for you as antidepressants. But in the sense that it's the same medical-industrial complex profiting off depressed people by selling them a "cure" that doesn't actually do anything to fix the root cause of their depression, they're the same (though therapy, unlike antidepressants, probably doesn't actually make your life actively worse).They are 100% NOT the same thing. I hate that we still live in a world that thinks literally talking to someone is the same as taking antidepressant drugs.
I explained to you the sense in which they're the same in my post. I also said that therapy wasn't as bad for you as antidepressants. But in the sense that it's the same medical-industrial complex profiting off depressed people by selling them a "cure" that doesn't actually do anything to fix the root cause of their depression, they're the same (though therapy, unlike antidepressants, probably doesn't actually make your life actively worse).
In the US when we talk about going to see the therapist we are talking about going to see a licensed medical professional that your health insurance will pay for, not grandpa.Therapy has nothing to do with the "medical-industrial complex". Not the therapy we are talking about at least. I'm not sure which kind you are thinking of. You can get therapy for better mental health from a Grandfather, Pastor, paid professional, etc.
Real therapy is designed to get to the root of a problem, so I'm lost by your responses.
I explained to you the sense in which they're the same in my post. I also said that therapy wasn't as bad for you as antidepressants. But in the sense that it's the same medical-industrial complex profiting off depressed people by selling them a "cure" that doesn't actually do anything to fix the root cause of their depression, they're the same (though therapy, unlike antidepressants, probably doesn't actually make your life actively worse).
That is an insult.The problem is you people seem to think "getting therapy" is an attack. It's not!!! Therapy is normal and good for the mind and spirit.
2021 and 2022 would have seen some of those games.I think when Phil took the lead MS had an issue of having -compared to Sony- way less top tier gamedev teams, top tier games, top tier IPs and capability of creating top tier new IP.
Seems he decided to solve that by acquiring many popular and talented gamedev studios and even entire publishers with tons of top tier IPs, in addition to create some new studio and to grow existing ones. In addition to this, he gave them as much time as needed to develop and polish their games and removed them the pressure of needing huge sales to justify huge budgets.
I think these have been great decisions. There's only one thing left here: to have a unified and synchronized roadmap filled with a constant flow of blockbuster 1st party releases. The H2 of last year was great but H1 of last year and 2022 are too empty of big 1st party releases.
In the same way he said all their games during the first couple of years of the generation were going to be crossgen, he recently said they plan to release a big game per quarter. So he's aware of the issue and are working on it. But obviously AAA games aren't developed in two days, they need their time. But if they take as much time as needed at least will be way better and more polished instead of buggy, half baked somewhat mediocre titles.
And to integrate the roadmap of many multiple companies and studios takes even more time, specially considering many of these teams were in the middle of super long projects when he arrived or when their companies were acquired by MS. So it won't be in 2022, but pretty likely in 2023 or 2024 they'll start to able to have at least big blockbuster 1st party release per quarter or so. With all the gamedev teams they have it's just a matter of time. Plus over time these teams will create synergies where they'll help each other and learn from each other, resulting on improving even more their quality.
Regarding IPs, now they'll have a ton of big ones, both active and old ones they could revive. Plus Rare, Zenimax or Blizzard are working on -or recently released- new ones and I assume the other teams will focus on using the big IPs they have but also from time to time they'll make a new IP.
TLDR: Sure, MS had (has) some huge periods without big 1st party releases but this will be fixed over time. Phil's strategy is the correct one and doesn't imply bad management: the opposite. But it requires time and patience.
As someone currently on a SSRI, you get the best results from medicine AND therapy. Neither of which have to be permanent if you are proactive about improving your mental health.He never said he was insane. You do know mental health...............is just health right? It's no different than going to a doctor for a sprained ankle.
They are 100% NOT the same thing. I hate that we still live in a world that thinks literally talking to someone is the same as taking antidepressant drugs.
Microsoft was planning on closing Xbox down for good when Xbox One failed, and Phil came up with the idea of making Xbox a ubiquitous brand, putting it all in the cloud, and building the company towards a subscription-based future where gamers can access all their games under one umbrella across consoles, apps, and PC for one price.Yeah buying 3rd parties after 7 years of failures kinda sums Phil up.
the xbox went from down 2.5:1 to around 1.5:1... even if you don't like his direction calling him awful when the primary goal continues to be accomplished is asinine.phil is an awful producer and manager, yet gets so much praise (and even awards?!)
The suicide rate is so high because the economic system is broken and people live isolated lives far from friends and family. The same economic system that ruins people's lives then sells them a for-profit solution that keeps them stable enough to hold down a job and produce surplus value for the ultra-wealthy.I take antidepressants and have a therapist. Nothing in my life is actively worse. I've had a better year than I have for the past five before it. Learn to try different medications with a psychiatrist who's worth a fuck. Please don't pollute the airwaves scaring impressionable people away from what could be life saving medicine because you or someone you know had a bad experience. This shit is why the suicide rate is so high.
Lol sounds like the few are protesting. I am happy with where they're at, granted am a PC player not an Xbox one, so I have no rush. Nothing needs to change DRAMATICALLY lmao, But if there is discontent because they can't release a game on time then they better find something else to do. Those discontent are those who want to beat Sony and be number one, which is not gonna happen, they have a very long road to recovery, it's gonna take time and maybe ppl should go point the finger at other delays or maybe you know, look at Bethesda and their shitty timings. Plenty of mismanaging in the industry, plenty of delays. But Sony boys don't get mad at how Ragnarok, cause when it's convenient to them, release it when it's ready.These criticisms have existed for years under Phil's watch and it's just getting more amplified. The faithful running damage control can keep parroting the "publisher of the year" nonsense, but until things change dramatically the discontent will get louder and louder. The goodwill is running out fast.
He probably does it and recommends Phil do the same. It's not an insult.David Jaffe needs therapy more than most.
Burying your head in the sand won’t make these criticisms go away. The Starfield and Redfall delays are only part of a much bigger issue here.Lol sounds like the few are protesting. I am happy with where they're at, granted am a PC player not an Xbox one, so I have no rush. Nothing needs to change DRAMATICALLY lmao, But if there is discontent because they can't release a game on time then they better find something else to do. Those discontent are those who want to beat Sony and be number one, which is not gonna happen, they have a very long road to recovery, it's gonna take time and maybe ppl should go point the finger at other delays or maybe you know, look at Bethesda and their shitty timings. Plenty of mismanaging in the industry, plenty of delays. But Sony boys don't get mad at how Ragnarok, cause when it's convenient to them, release it when it's ready.
Again, this is just another attack on Phil Spencer for really nothing.
Most people game to get distracted, get out of their own reality and to relax or compete etc
Brands to indeed use tactics that makes people that are vulnerable - identify themselves with the brand. It can go to extremes where their identity or well being depends on their brand and any criticism of the brand will be view as a personal attack.
People who are lonely or feel socially awkward etc will try to find a group to fit in! That is where the brand comes in! It sells a lifestyle it has a fanbase…a community!
You see how easy it is to go down that rabbit hole?
Yeah. It’s 2022 we eat ass now grandpaI have therapy every year at my place of work
We call it mentoring though
Burying your head in the sand won’t make these criticisms go away. The Starfield and Redfall delays are only part of a much bigger issue here.
These criticisms have existed for years under Phil's watch and it's just getting more amplified. The faithful running damage control can keep parroting the "publisher of the year" nonsense, but until things change dramatically the discontent will get louder and louder. The goodwill is running out fast.
Are we seriously at the point now that people are wishing for Mattrick instead of Spencer lol? Wow.
I think that's absolutely nuts. Xbox is in the best place its been probably ever right now. A lot of people like to exaggerate shit and just go nuts. Spencer deserves all the credit he's gotten for doing a complete 180 with a failing video game brand. They're now so set up for the future their success is basically inevitable. Its not a matter of if but when. Too many studios for them to not have many, many exclusives.
Yes there's some issues with delays to work out. But pretending Mattrick was preferable is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. I tried to give people the chance to have fun yesterday and trash Xbox a bit on good fun but we've now entered the stupid phase.
It's sad that I have to state the obvious here but Nintendo isn't under the same scrutiny because they release well received games regularly. Third party delays also aren't under the same microscope. Don't play or care about Sony exclusives so no comment there. Microsoft has a history of ineptitude for years now which Jaffe touched on in his podcast. If you want to handwave that knock yourself out but I'll keep being critical until things change.Not surprised you’re playing this up. You were claiming Fable was in ‘development hell’ the other day.
Delays like this aren’t that unusual even with decently managed productions. Especially when coming off pandemic related disruption.
FF16 was delayed six months, possibly about the same length of time Starfield’s getting delayed. Hogwarts Legacy was delayed from 2021 to late 2022.
BOTW 2 got delayed from 2022 to 2023. Horizon Forbidden West was announced as a ‘launch window’ game, then shifted to late 2021 then finally delayed to Feb 2022.
And yet we never saw a firestorm of posts complaining about ‘mismanagement’.
To reiterate, delays like this aren’t that unusual, and often don’t mean the game was mismanaged.
That's true, your discontent will continue to grow. It's unfortunate.
Brand enthusiasm for Xbox seems higher than it has been in years, so, not sure how much the general populous agrees with your doomsday scenario. However, the extreme vocal minority is always going to jump out when a big game gets delayed regardless of who does it. They are out in force when projects get rush released also.
With that said, I agree that it would be nice to hear a bit from more of their studios. Some of the earliest acquisitions are what 3 or 4 years old now and we haven't heard much about anything they are working on.
Well, the answer is complicated technically.Because awards are oh so meaningful.
MS got publisher of the year 2021. Phil isn't doing so bad.
One of the better example of how statistics can be misleading.
Yes, covid and the war happened and we can't blame Phil or the devs. In the case of Sony they delayed GoW, Horizon 2 and GT7 from 2021 to 2022. And I assume they also delayed all the games they had planned for 2022 to 2023 (I think Spider-Man 2 was one of them because Insomniac typically releases at least a game per year).2021 and 2022 would have seen some of those games.
Problem is that covid fucked up the industry.
Any project that was coming this year, was delayed further.
Remember, that God of war ragnorak was pushed back due to covid.
Then Ukraine war delayed stalker 2.
PS4 (not discontinued) is at almost 120M and the XBO (discontinued) was estimated to end at ~50-60M. This is around 2:1, not 2.5:1.the xbox went from down 2.5:1 to around 1.5:1... even if you don't like his direction calling him awful when the primary goal continues to be accomplished is asinine.
The majority on this very forum believed halo was the GOTYUm, definitely mentioned Halo Infinite in my post, try reading it.
And does anyone actually STILL believe that Halo Infinite was GOTY last year? The game is still a mess, and 343 themselves admitted that they're not happy with the way the game is going right now. It got hyped up for some unknown reason. Boring campaign, still without co-op, which was a franchise staple. Extremely limited map rotations, and maybe the worst Battle Pass system ever devised. Still not sure what was special about HI.
The only with a common sense here.Yes, covid and the war happened and we can't blame Phil or the devs. In the case of Sony they delayed GoW, Horizon 2 and GT7 from 2021 to 2022. And I assume they also delayed all the games they had planned for 2022 to 2023 (I think Spider-Man 2 was one of them because Insomniac typically releases at least a game per year).
We can assume covid caused an aprox 6 to 12 month delay to all AAA games planned to be released from late 2020 to 2025 or so since they are the ones on production during the hardest part of the pandemic.
Regarding the studios from Ukraine, in addition to have a war on their country, all adult Ukranian males are mandated by their governent to go to fight in the war, and if they don't go to fight or leave to other countries they are considered traitors by their government. So they are very fucked up and seems the war will last for many months if not some years.
People are arguing about their feelings here.On the flipside, the last 2 years of the pandemic has been pretty brutal on game development. There's probably a lot more games that have delayed than have launched in time. And these are both Bethesda games which has inky been under Microsoft's umbrella a year.
Yup, same here. It must be awful. Everybody says war is hell. But I assume it must be even more being sent to the frontline even if you don't want to fight/to be in war with anyone or to hurt anyone. If they survive will get some heavy traumas (on top of maybe having lost almost everything and being in a country with a destroyed economy and with a huge debt to pay all these weapons being sent).P.s. I feel bad for Ukrainian people. No one deserves to live in a war place.
While I admire them doing a yearly E3 show regardless of covid issues or ESA drama, they need another show in between a 12 month long gap. At the VGAs, they showed Hellblade 2 which was a nice surprise but thats just one game. They need to have at least a mini 30-40 minute conference around that time.With that said, I agree that it would be nice to hear a bit from more of their studios. Some of the earliest acquisitions are what 3 or 4 years old now and we haven't heard much about anything they are working on.
In the US when we talk about going to see the therapist we are talking about going to see a licensed medical professional that your health insurance will pay for, not grandpa.
As someone currently on a SSRI, you get the best results from medicine AND therapy. Neither of which have to be permanent if you are proactive about improving your mental health.
the xbox went from down 2.5:1 to around 1.5:1... even if you don't like his direction calling him awful when the primary goal continues to be accomplished is asinine.
The suicide rate is so high because the economic system is broken and people live isolated lives far from friends and family. The same economic system that ruins people's lives then sells them a for-profit solution that keeps them stable enough to hold down a job and produce surplus value for the ultra-wealthy.
Some of the posters in this thread seem to forget that this guy got "fired" from Sony\Playstation for not living up to the "standard". Anybody can get it!
And he was the FATHER of Playstation.
The therapy angle is a bad take...its a shock jock kind of statement. But regardless, its a statement with little substance. It doesnt add much to the conversation outside of the defense force vs defense force we got due to again the shock jock way of putting it...which is usually how Jaffe stays in the headlines because his actual substance tends to be a bit lacking compared to other industry critics.He isn't saying his direction is awful. Jaffe even said that he's done a lot of good for the Xbox brand. But there's somethings he's clearly not good at.
I think he’s referring to being in charge of something and make sure things reach the finish line. I get what he’s saying.This guy sounds like an absolute idiot. Firstly, Phil is a CEO not a producer, big difference.