And pass up on that juicy PS revenue? I dont think they will remove it. put COD on everything and anything that can run it, much like OG doom or minecraft. This is about money. They dont need it as an exclusive, anyway with everything else they got. COD can go everywhere and serve its intended purpose for MS ( the money it earns, will become theirs) while still not being taken away from anybody .
I just dont see them taking away from platforms, assuming the deal goes through concessions or not. Its been ABKs big earner for years, and it will be MS big earner for years as long as they dont rock the boat, and keep things as far as COD as they are. If anything I expect future sequels of everything else to be exclusive.... (crash, spyro, tony hawks.... and WoW, starcraft, which were never on playstation to begin with so no harm there, MS can do all sorts of things with those IP, and still keep COD on PS, which is obviously what everybody wants. Even Nvidia are getting a cloud version, and the last time they put COD on their ABK removed it themselves... Nintendo are guranateed it for the next ten years...same goes for steam...and beyond that...whos to say COD will even be a game people care about in 10 years time? Other games could come along and steal its spot...halo may find its mojo again....the next big shooter may come along on might even have a new bungie GAAS thats available on everything to compete with COD....who knows? but COD is not leaving playsation even when/if MS aquires ABK.