Microsoft has Closed the Activision Blizzard King Deal




It isn't because I love Sony. It is purely because everything Microsoft make, barring Fable, has no appeal to me. That includes Bethesda and anything under ABK.
Ok. So one of this should bother you then. This won’t effect your enjoyment of Spider-Man 2 or TLOU2 remake, no? It’s not like you weee gonna play MW3 this fall we’re you? And you don’t miss syarfieod because you weee never into it. Why waste your energy posting here then?


I tell you what….. if aonyvor Nintendo ever bgappen to afford a publisher….. and you guys have this same energy….. Ill agree.

Otherwise I’m inclined to believe that people like it when their console manufacturer of choice buys a publisher.

People just don’t like it when it don’t go their way, is all. Typical, behaviour really.

Personally I say spare the tears and feelings. It’s all business. Gamers are too emotional over things that don’t really concern them. Just chill and play the game you love.
I own a series x, a switch and ps5. I have no fav consoles. I play them all. This isn't good for gaming no matter how you fanboys try spinning it.


I own a series x, a switch and ps5. I have no fav consoles. I play them all. This isn't good for gaming no matter how you fanboys try spinning it.
So everybody who’s not mad about the aquisition is a fanboy….. where where you crusaders when consolidation was going on in the music and movie businesses ( both of which Sony have played a part in)

Your phony. Spare me the faux outrage. I’m not even offended by your name calling. You just upset. I get it. I’m sure a sweet harmless guy in real life…. Get it all of your chest here on the gaf…. Stick it to the man. 👍🏿
Last chance. Drop the insults and console wars or you will have to find another community.
So the fact it took 20 months to look at you don’t think that’s scrutiny?

Can you actually read what you're replying too first.

If the president has been set then it will take 20 months to get these deals done going forward with every government looking at them

Lol no, it took 20 months to establish the precedent. Meaning it won't take 20 months going forward

This isn't hard
Guess I might try some of the older cod campaigns. Outside of that, there really is nothing interesting to me from Activision. It's funny because it's a massive acquisition yet at the same time its meaningless to the hardcore audience who despise Activision and don't care for any of their games. It's massive for the casual cod crowd though if it does become exclusive in the future.


Can you actually read what you're replying too first.

Lol no, it took 20 months to establish the precedent. Meaning it won't take 20 months going forward

This isn't hard

So the precedent is to look at deals and how they effect gaming as a whole.

If they didn’t do their job then it would have went straight through.

So if Microsoft decide to buy EA next week it’s a done deal and no scrutiny then according to you


it's mixed feelings, in the end, we have to see what comes out. I have some lingering feeling that this is rather going to be an advantage for Activision Blizzard, because they reeally do need some focussed help for how to run the show, than it is going to be an advantage for Microsoft...
Honestly, Microsoft has more "gamer focus" than ActiBlizz had in the last couple of yeears---- let's see how it goes.


Games on GP when? Literally only thing I care about.
Didn't Spencer say this would take some time? He said They can't just snap their fingers and have them ready. Pretty sure this was said during an ign interview couple months backs with Dustin legaire. Basically would take some time, how much time I'm not sure he said.


So everybody who’s not mad about the aquisition is a fanboy….. where where you crusaders when consolidation was going on in the music and movie businesses ( both of which Sony have played a part in)

Your phony. Spare me the faux outrage. I’m not even offended by your name calling. You just upset. I get it. I’m sure a sweet harmless guy in real life…. Get it all of your chest here on the gaf…. Stick it to the man. 👍🏿
You don't know me at all champ, cause if you did you'd know how upset I am at all this consolidation going on in the entertainment industry. And who cares what Sony did? I told you I am not a fanboy like yourself. I don't own shares with any of these companies- I just buy games to enjoy them. Consolidation is a bad idea, but you enjoy the short term thrill of bragging about having exclusives on your console of choice, console warrior.


Can you actually read what you're replying too first.

Lol no, it took 20 months to establish the precedent. Meaning it won't take 20 months going forward

This isn't hard

Again, it’s not about ‘precedent’. The merits of each case are looked at individually.
MS could make a compelling case to regulators to buy Activision for $70bn because they were clearly last in console sales, lowest in revenue/profits and were willing to sign away exclusivity of COD.

For any future acquisition, regulators would consider marketshare, market position etc.

Nobody will be allowed to buy a Take 2 for example without signing deals to keep a mega franchise like GTA multiplatform. Even if they’re valued at half of the price of ABK.


So all regulators around the world are wrong?

They all checked the deal and did due diligence but you on the internet say they are wrong ? Lol
Have you heard of the FDA? Allowing harmful drugs to be sold so pharma companies can make money. Nuff said.
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It isn't because I love Sony. It is purely because everything Microsoft make, barring Fable, has no appeal to me. That includes Bethesda and anything under ABK.
You must like a very specific kind of game. Microsoft may not have put out the best games this gen so far, but they have sure put out the best variety of games, and for many of those genres MS games are still extremely good (best in some, like Forza Horizon, HiFi Rush, or Flight Sim)


Have you heard of the FDA? Allowing harmful drugs to be sold so pharma companies can make money. Nuff said.

FDA is ONE agency.

He’s talking about the fact that multiple of regulators looked at the deal and approved. Across EU, Asia, South America, Africa etc. and yes, even the CMA.

Not a single person here claiming the deal is anti-competitive and monopolistic has put forward concrete arguments to refute decisions the regulators have arrived at.


You don't know me at all champ, cause if you did you'd know how upset I am at all this consolidation going on in the entertainment industry. And who cares what Sony did? I told you I am not a fanboy like yourself. I don't own shares with any of these companies- I just buy games to enjoy them. Consolidation is a bad idea, but you enjoy the short term thrill of bragging about having exclusives on your console of choice, console warrior.
Why don’t you change it back to what you posted before?

I read what Your post said before.

You a phoney and a coward. We done replying to each other. Wassup with these fake faux intellectual gamers? Don’t take long before they devolve into what they really are, a frothing rabid fanboy calling names from behind a keyboard. Yob are a lame 🤷🏾‍♂️

Why change your post. I didn’t even bother to read what you changed it too. You already shown yourself to be a bit of a loose cannon. Say hi to my ignore button though.

Edit: wrong guy. Blocking the appropriate offender now.
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Again, it’s not about ‘precedent’. The merits of each case are looked at individually.
MS could make a compelling case to regulators to buy Activision for $70bn because they were clearly last in console sales, lowest in revenue/profits and were willing to sign away exclusivity of COD.

For any future acquisition, regulators would consider marketshare, market position etc.

Nobody will be allowed to buy a Take 2 for example without signing deals to keep a mega franchise like GTA multiplatform. Even if they’re valued at half of the price of ABK.

Definitions, the industry and solutions to unique cases like COD have been established.

No one is claiming the next set of deals are next day delivery and barring the extreme case of an actual monopoly the barriers are gone

Yes it's about precedent
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I'm a fan of both XBox and Playstation, and I don't know exactly what to say about this acquisition. I just hope to play better games from both side, New IPs, and that higher competition will push both to do better and produce better games.
Same here. I'm probably more Xbox than PS despite the shit I've been giving the former. I want them to succeed *badly* as I vastly prefer the Xbox Ecosystem for it's versatility, user friendliness etc. It's just that they crashed every single existing Xbox IP that I loved into the ground with soulless sequels. And their new(er) IP's arent exactly something to write home about either. For this reason I am very concerned that all of the talent involved with this acquisition is potentially wasted.

I hope I'm wrong and they turn the ship around but I'm very doubtful.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
You must like a very specific kind of game. Microsoft may not have put out the best games this gen so far, but they have sure put out the best variety of games, and for many of those genres MS games are still extremely good (best in some, like Forza Horizon, HiFi Rush, or Flight Sim)

HiFi Rush was a multi-plat game until they canned the PS4/5 version and they had so much faith in its sales potential that they shadow-dropped it as a promotional item.

How does that in any way inspire confidence in their portfolio management?


I’m not salty. There are no games that I even remotely play in this deal so I honestly don’t care. It’s just hilarious to see corporate cheerleaders on here, cheering on monopolistic acquisitions that don’t really create cutting edge or fun games.

Enjoy your victory day 😂
Cutting edge won't happen with small publishers or devs . Even mid size devs are not cutting it.

As far as fun goes. It doesn't matter if it's indie or triple AAA game. You are just salty.


Gold Member
Same here. I'm probably more Xbox than PS despite the shit I've been giving the former. I want them to succeed *badly* as I vastly prefer the Xbox Ecosystem for it's versatility, user friendliness etc. It's just that they crashed every single existing Xbox IP that I loved into the ground with soulless sequels. And their new(er) IP's arent exactly something to write home about either. For this reason I am very concerned that all of the talent involved with this acquisition is potentially wasted.

I hope I'm wrong and they turn the ship around but I'm very doubtful.
Same boat as I much prefer the Xbox ecosystem from variety of games to even their hardware and honestly want great things for both Xbox and PS as I want them actually competing to make the best games as I don't give a shit about console sales numbers


Same here. I'm probably more Xbox than PS despite the shit I've been giving the former. I want them to succeed *badly* as I vastly prefer the Xbox Ecosystem for it's versatility, user friendliness etc. It's just that they crashed every single existing Xbox IP that I loved into the ground with soulless sequels. And their new(er) IP's arent exactly something to write home about either. For this reason I am very concerned that all of the talent involved with this acquisition is potentially wasted.

I hope I'm wrong and they turn the ship around but I'm very doubtful.
Time will tell. I perfectly understand what you're saying, and sure the 1st Party Studios is now something remarkable.
There is a lot of talent, but surely there will be a lot of work to be done to "rejuvenate" certain dynamics, to put it mildly.
The console that will benefit most from this acquisition will be the next XBox ;)


If the games are on Game Pass then they can be played by anyone with access to a web browser, regardless of the device. So yes, that does bring them to more people.
I have access to the web, but my connection is clearly not good enough.
i don’t bother wiring all my devices and wifi isn’t good enough for streaming game also.

so the theory is great, but in reality it’s a big no.


If you’re a it’s-just-plastic gamer it means you’ll get more games on your subscription library. It’s awesome.
Some people care less about the quantity of games they personally have access to and more about the creative health of the industry. Corporations, for the most part, drive cultural and creative homogeneity into the products they acquire, by eliminating risk, targetting the broadest possible audiences and turning successful games into templated franchises, mercilessly drained of all creative vigor or cultural relevance. This happens in film and television as much as games and it is absolutely the opposite direction that anyone with a passion for the hobby would want it going.

For the sake of cheap access to a few games that you might not even play, you're advocating the consolidation of this industry's primary creative output into a smaller and smaller number of hands, reducing the incentive for innovation and disruption and removing options for you as a consumer to turn to as an alternative. To be clear: gaming subscription services are the logical endpoint of the GAAS model, where not only is any one game a service until itself, but gaming, as a whole, across every genre and platform is a service experience - one where you own nothing and pay for continued access, just like television and film has become.

This is sold to you, the lowly consumer, as an excellent value proposition, but in reality, it is the golden carrot they're using to buy your complicity in transitioning the industry to a model that places absolute power with the publisher and reduces gaming and game ownership to a digital rental service. Where - like Netflix and Disney Plus - quality products rapidly give way to a quantity-first model of mediocre IP tie-ins and derivative low-quality dross. It's how mighty IPs like Star Wars and Marvel end their days as a string of middling and ultimately forgettable TV shows that can barely pique the interest of their most hardcore fanbase.

I don't care about plastic boxes, but I do care about the health and well-being of a creative industry that has rapidly become a manufacturing pipeline for a small cabal of corporate entities whose only stake in it is to extract as much money as they possibly can from it.
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After all your non-stop Xbox astro-turfing and trolling are we supposed to feel sorry for you now because things didn't turn out the way you wanted. You're the one that posted a sad, whiny victim post to me. I'm done with this conversation.

Your absolutely right, it's a lot of Xbox Astro-turfing going on but it ain't from Playstation fans lmao! Wink wink adamsapple adamsapple

You don't have to feel sorry for me. I'm sad at the state this will likely put the gaming industry in, but I don't feel like a victim and I don't resent you for Microsoft choices... unless your phil
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