Journalists attack Stellar Blade again by using Hades 2 characters


I don't read Kotaku, and I don't plan to ever start. Can these lunatics just shut the fuck up already? Instead of whining about Stellar Blade, which doesn't even have a white protagonist, go make a good game with a gay character or whatever else you want. If the game is good, people will buy it. If its a shit game that is just full of politics, stereotypes, and cheap agenda, then nobody will buy it.

The Spider-Man games sold really well, they feature Miles, a black character. On the other hand, Forspoken had a black character and sold poorly. One was a good game while the other was decent but flawed. Its not rocket science. The Last of Us 2 was good and that game features a gay main character.

Conclusion: its possible to have both. Shut the fuck up, Kotaku.
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"See my sexy pixels preferences and tell me I'm right into projecting myself into my videogame LGBTQ sex power fantasy. News at 11"

Tired Pbs Nature GIF by Nature on PBS


Gold Member
I’m not even sure what they’re trying say, but I found it kind of funny that the picture they used for male representation when talking about “hot characters” is an overweight hobo-looking dude in a wheelchair.
I can't handle these retarded takes anymore. I don't even want to comment but I feel like I have to!

Where are they even going with this shit? Eve is Asian so I'm not sure how they can pull the fucking diversity card when Korean women are pretty under represented in video games anyway to my knowledge.

What a bunch of fucking idiots. Can we not just send these kinds of fools to the moon?


Click bait article made to be antagonistic against a group of gamers.

Yeah, I won't waste my time even giving this rage bait a second thought.

No click from me!

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Is it saying that? Because I'm not seeing that.
Hades 2 Technical Test has revealed various characters from the game, journalists for some reason decided to point this up while attacking Stellar Blade:

Examples below:


It doesn't say Stellar Blade is bad. It does say that Hades has more types of "hot" represented, and as per S Salz

Uhm why can’t we have both. Thats truly diverse….

It says "There's no war on hot characters, just an increase in characters appealing to different preferences"

Where's the beef?


The character on the left in the hades image is full blown butt ass naked with half her boob hanging out.

But no, stellar blade is too horny.
It's a concept called safe horny. The idea is that it's ok for all kinds of sexy to exist as long as it's diverse and not too sexy. Even Dead or Alive fell for it, you have to buy the sex appeal that used to be included.

Hephaestus can get it though NGL
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make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
when hot AIs take their jobs soon, don't think i'm gonna give a shit. especially when there's decent people to care about. like farmers and factory workers -- people who work hard to produce actually useful goods.


The nicest person on this forum
character like Stellar Blade’s Eve (like Lara Croft before her) is hot, but she doesn’t seem to be aware of it: “she’s sexy but doesn’t know it
What the fuck does that even mean? in context of the story they have “body frame” which suggest its artificially made bodies. It same reason why 2B doesn’t really “show off” her sexiness.


Gold Member
I actually hate these cucks for dragging Hades and Supermassive in to this.

Why can't they just let it go?

Time for Stellar Blade to do a hogwarts legacy.

Tits and face are amazing. I prefer the bottom half curves more, as I’ve grown older. Hips and ass are my game now. I think tits are a young man’s game.

You do know you can have both you know?
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Anyone who is pretending SB design wasn't being criticized for the sexualization of the character is talking out their ass. Both it and Hades 2 go for different designs, and that's great! Both can coexist just fine. This is just an attempt to try to steer the narrative to another topic.

And btw, fuck off with the sneering at "the male gaze" as if it's just beneath everyone while elevating your own preferences. You're just pissing on your own (very valid) message of inclusiveness.
Please stop giving these idiots PR. They know exactly what they're doing.

Do you know why this games used to not bother? BECAUSE NO ONE TALKED ABOUT IT.

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
It doesn't say Stellar Blade is bad. It does say that Hades has more types of "hot" represented, and as per S Salz

It says "There's no war on hot characters, just an increase in characters appealing to different preferences"

Where's the beef?

Check out this part of the article......

Hades characters’ sexiness is woven into their personalities, as much a part of them as their wants, needs, and emotions—and their bodies, however scantily clad or salacious, are not in motion, they cannot be manipulated or posed or peered at from different angles. Instead, it’s like you’re looking at statues or paintings of these gods and their eternal, infinite sexiness. There is desire here, sure, but there is also power and reclamation, there is longing because you only get a tiny little taste of their beauty. The concept of “look, but don’t touch” is incredibly sexy—it’s part of why strip clubs, many of which have strict rules on touching the performers, are so lucrative.

Conversely, as Issy Van Der Velde writes for Inverse, a character like Stellar Blade’s Eve (like Lara Croft before her) is hot, but she doesn’t seem to be aware of it: “she’s sexy but doesn’t know it; she’s athletic and acrobatic but entirely controllable.” She is a blank slate, a poseable sex doll, her bountiful chest heaving during idle animations. Unlike Bayonetta, whose sexiness is folded into her personality and fighting style, Eve is just blandly attractive. Eve is the object of desire, not the owner of it.

Like what are we doing here? Not the owner of her attractiveness? She got all that from a demo?
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Check out this part of the article......

Like what are we doing here? Not the owner of her attractiveness? She got all that from a demo?

They're saying roughly that in one game you can dress the character up and point the camera anywhere you want and everything happens on the player's terms. While in the other you can imagine the character has some agency over what is being shown, that the player doesn't get to dictate the terms. I don't see a problem tbh.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
They're saying roughly that in one game you can dress the character up and point the camera anywhere you want and everything happens on the player's terms. While in the other you can imagine the character has some agency over what is being shown, that the player doesn't get to dictate the terms. I don't see a problem tbh.
There's room for some more intelligent analysis of Eve's character designs, but she just didn't hit it. Would be a lot more interesting to read a piece about South Korean culture, beauty standards, and what they think about this type of character design and what it means to them. Could even maybe interview a few people and compare their culture to ours. They definitely put a high degree of importance on cosmetic procedures, perfect beauty standards for idols, etc.

Not to mention, I still can't really even tell if Eve is an android or not. It would be pretty fitting for her to feel like nothing is really in her control, or for her personality when she may not even have a personality. Far as I can tell, she acts like a blank slate object created to be put on the front lines in a never ending meat grinder, and may not even be human.
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An Asian female isn't diverse enough now?

I was going to say something similar. I think Asian females are the diversity CROWN JEWELS, and since I'm a white dude, that's probably why they don't count.

Remember, Asians are "White Adjacent" now. Basically, Western leftists have lumped both races into a category of racist supremacists. The success of Asians in Western culture is antithetical to their narrative that Western culture is designed only for White men to thrive. The only way for them to continue that narrative is to combine them into one category. So, you're likely going to see an increase in these kind of complaints. Which is hilarious, considering the vast majority of game studios are found in countries that are predominantly, if not entirely, White and Asian populations. Who also happen to be their biggest consumers.

balls of snow

Gold Member
I think what triggers/irritates them to no end is the fact the game like Hogwarts Legacy last year has quality shinning through. Cant have a legit Bayonetta rival if its problematic now can we, especially when Bayo is confirmed straight.
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Wtf is wrong with these people?
Nothing , she won since we ara talking about it.
No matter if she is right or not...The clicks are the reason. pretty sure she knows what she wrote is a click bait article.
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Astral Dog

An Asian female isn't diverse enough now?

Wait...Isn't the character Korean? Or at least fictional-world Asian featured?

Don't such entries increase diversity?

This is just ever more proof for my theory that if you lean too far to one side, you end up looking a lot like the far fringe of the other. Extreme liberals suddenly being against interracial marriage type shit when that's what liberalism (rightly) made acceptable.
These types actually don't like Asians,like Asian americans they often place them and white men together for some weird reason

they are too 'traditional'/homogeneous for them
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The nicest person on this forum
This is Dragon Crown all over again….Kotaku insulting artists just because they personally don’t like artsyle….fuck these people.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
There's room for some more intelligent analysis of Eve's character designs, but she just didn't hit it. Would be a lot more interesting to read a piece about South Korean culture, beauty standards, and what they think about this type of character design and what it means to them. Could even maybe interview a few people and compare their culture to ours. They definitely put a high degree of importance on cosmetic procedures, perfect beauty standards for idols, etc.

Not to mention, I still can't really even tell if Eve is an android or not. It would be pretty fitting for her to feel like nothing is really in her control, or for her personality when she may not even have a personality. Far as I can tell, she acts like a blank slate object created to be put on the front lines in a never ending meat grinder, and may not even be human.
Well, there's certainly room for conversation and debate on various fronts, but as the article identifies stellar blade has become a culture war figurehead, so I expect it's less likely to happen, unfortunately.

Astral Dog

Kotaku do make a good point here though🤭, HADES is one of the few recent western games where the character design wasn't immediatly hit by the ugly hammer, and players noticed i think that resulted a big part of its popularity
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