Linkin Park may be Reuniting

Well it's up on (the 3:10 one). Sounds like the average Hunting Party noise to me. No idea who the woman is but she sounds Chesterish enough.

inb4 it's AI


They really got a fucking woman? :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::sick::sick::sick:

Worst fucking timeline of all time. Even bands are getting fucking DEI'd.
Baby Boomers Boomer GIF by MOODMAN

Alarm Siren GIF


I don't want to be outright negative, but it feels awkward to see Linkin Park do a show to show off the new members only to have the new vocalist lose their voice after 3–4 songs...
Higher pitch on every song kek
She nails the bridges. Given Up will be the real test!

Might be my headphones but What I've Done's instrumental sounds like a bee in a bottle with the new pitch 🤣
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It's okay. Listenable, but sorta generic. Here is a live set. She kind of murdered Crawling, but the rest is pretty okay.

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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
She might be good or even great. I however find this desperate on the rest of the bands part to stay relevant and see it as pissing all over Chester’s legacy.
Disagree strongly.

I'm not familiar with the founding story of Linkin Park, but all the work that went into making the band happen was a shared effort, and while it is very sad that one of the band members is no longer around, that doesn't mean that the other guys shouldn't get to play together anymore, or that they shouldn't get to play the songs they wrote ever again.

I don't think it's disrespectful at all - it's their band!


I really enjoyed the set, and Emily seems like a great fit. She can sound eerily like Chester sometimes, but she also does her own thing when she wants to. Going with someone unique instead of a blatant copy of Chester was a smart move.

The new single is my favorite thing they've put out in several albums.


She has a similar style to Maria Brink (In This Moment) and Lzzy Hale (Halestorm), but without the same quality. I didn't like it. I'm going to check out the new album, but initial impressions aren't very good.

I'll probably stop listening to anything new and just stick with the old albums. There are a lot of bands where I already do this, when they change to something I don't like.
Disagree strongly.

I'm not familiar with the founding story of Linkin Park, but all the work that went into making the band happen was a shared effort, and while it is very sad that one of the band members is no longer around, that doesn't mean that the other guys shouldn't get to play together anymore, or that they shouldn't get to play the songs they wrote ever again.

I don't think it's disrespectful at all - it's their band!

25 years ago, Chester was the replacement singer. The original guy is credited on a few Hybrid Theory songs. Demos with his voice are included in the 20th anniversary edition.
I'm just happy we're getting more Linkin Park... hopefully nothing like the last album lol

I like Linkin Park, The Prodigy and Depeche Mode so it's been a difficult decade 🤣 But they're all moving forward. Shit happens, that's no reason to stop playing.
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25 years ago, Chester was the replacement singer. The original guy is credited on a few Hybrid Theory songs. Demos with his voice are included in the 20th anniversary edition.
I'm just happy we're getting more Linkin Park... hopefully nothing like the last album lol

I like Linkin Park, The Prodigy and Depeche Mode so it's been a difficult decade 🤣 But they're all moving forward. Shit happens, that's no reason to stop playing.
Agreed. But we all know the real brain behind the group is Mike Shinoda.
People really need to stop pussyfooting around the new singer. Nobody is replacing Chester, they are just moving on. She doesn't and shouldn't sound 1:1 like him because that was never the point.

Also people are forgetting Chester himself stepped up to be the singer of STP and replace their original one. ACDC, Alice in chains, Queen, Iron Maiden, they all did it. Im just happy we are getting new music after so long since they are a talented band and was sad to see them just waste away.

As far as singers beliefs and what she likes to masturbate to i couldn't care less. Im here for the music, people need to stop this deep dive into personal choices of a band member and judging the whole album because of it even though it has nothing to do with the music.
Genius way of reflecting criticism, while enabling them to continue to make money. It was always going to be a woman.
I wonder if she is a hired musician or a core member of the band with a fair split of new releases and band revenue.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
this is fucking dogshit...

Chester wasn't an amazing singer by any means, but she sounds like she can't sing clean whatsoever, meanwhile many parts of their songs require clean vocals
I really think you're going overboard with the criticism here, it's probably a bit too early to write her off. One performance is probably not enough to judge if a largely unknown singer is going to be able to take over the role of a much beloved singer or not.

What's more the mix particularly exposes her voice at this first showing, it makes it a lot easier to pick holes but also the whole thing sounds less impactful because there's no real power in the whole band. Where's the guitar? I noticed the mix was really empty sounding immediately when listening yesterday.

Compare the mix to this:

While Bennington sounds great here, he's backed up by a mix where the other instruments actually contribute. The whole thing sounds much more exciting as a result.

As for whether Bennington was an amazing singer or not - seems like most people think he was really good? As for whether the new singer can perform the parts... you think the band would have waited 7 years to come back with someone who couldn't do it? It's probably ok to have a bit of faith that they know what they're doing! 😛


I kinda like the new song. Let’s see how long this will go, though. I’ve seen enough bands with a totally different singer going down the drain. Looking at you, Genesis, while calling all stations.


Chester channeled a deep well of pain through his vocals. It was hard not to be moved by that.

New girl doesn’t have that, but her vocals are fine and suit the band.

New track is solid.
Agreed, but not sure of the new LP will be for me and thats fine.
They see this as a new LP and imma stick to the old songs.
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