Linkin Park may be Reuniting


Chester channeled a deep well of pain through his vocals. It was hard not to be moved by that.

New girl doesn’t have that, but her vocals are fine and suit the band.

New track is solid.
Man not even close. The new track didn't do a thing for me. But when she started singing Crawling... I couldn't continue listening. She was murdering the song and I almost felt offended.

This kind of music, generally speaking... a woman's vocals rarely cut it. specifically when the type of songs Linkin Park produces. This sounded to me like a new band trying to get some attention.

I will give it more chance, but this was not a banger start. didn't help it was on this small stage and not a studio.

Almost like if she sang this song in the Voice, no one would turn for her --_-- ( She doesn't have a bad voice, but It doesn't suit classics and she is nowhere close to replace the legend)
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Brutus is so good.

LOVE Brutus. Stefanie’s vocals are incredibly moving and they create such an atmosphere. I saw them for the first time at Welcome to Rockville last year on the first day and I instantly followed them on Spotify and have been listening since.

Happy to say I’ll be seeing them later this year in support of Architects and We Came As Romans here in San Antonio. Going to savor the hell out of their set.


Unpopular opinion, But I really think they should return to A Thousand Suns style. or Just do Fort Minor.

This rock style somehow isn't gonna cut it for new audience, even with a female vocals which I felt was fine.


Reseterror Resettler
can't stop listening to the new song or the live show. emily is fucking amazing and fits in well. i grew up listening to linkin park but their later stuff i wasn't really into. i can't wait for the new album and i'm also going through dead sara stuff which i'm enjoying.

hopefully they do more tour dates so i can see them at some point.

Yeah, I've seen it about four times, two of them watching other people's takes on it. Linkin Park was never technically amazing, but there's so much songwriting talent there that never really seems to get weaker over time.

Mike Shinoda is definitely the spirit of LP. Chester was an ideal font for Shinoda's song structure and lyrical ideas, and the Man was a talent unto himself, but the more mainstream a band becomes, the higher the risk they'll become "those guys playing instruments behind the lead singer," and I think, for as technically simple as the song structure they tend towards is, people lose sight of the fact that the band's sound is primarily determined by the people repeatedly moving their hands across the sound making machines people call instruments.

"Hardcore," LP fans who are just gonna stick with Hybrid Theory seem to miss the very meaning of the title, as far as genre and musician blending.


Lil’ Gobbie
really think they should still use chester's voice somehow in their shows as a 6th man, kind of like they do here

brings tears to my eyes, still can't believe him and chris cornell are gone:messenger_pensive:

it's just not fair
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We need more girl rockers. When I think of violence in music I think of attractive 120lb women who can't do a pull up. Listening to angry pretty estrogen is so punk rock.
Their style of music rarely lends itself to great live vocals anyway, there were plenty of songs where Chester didn't sound that great live either. She's fine, it's not the same and it never will be, unless you have someone who's almost a 100% soundalike (think Journey continuing with Arnel Pineda who sounds a lot like Steve Perry) it's never going to hit the same. Also yes Chester did make the lyrics sounds personal but I think if the entire group thinks she's good enough to for the position their fans should probably at least give her a shot to be the new voice of LP going forward.


Reseterror Resettler
Their style of music rarely lends itself to great live vocals anyway, there were plenty of songs where Chester didn't sound that great live either. She's fine, it's not the same and it never will be, unless you have someone who's almost a 100% soundalike (think Journey continuing with Arnel Pineda who sounds a lot like Steve Perry) it's never going to hit the same. Also yes Chester did make the lyrics sounds personal but I think if the entire group thinks she's good enough to for the position their fans should probably at least give her a shot to be the new voice of LP going forward.

It's also going to be a noticeable contrast between a vocalist who wrote the songs and has been playing them for years right next to a vocalist who was only a listener to early stuff and has been performing a set that is just now "hers,"

Also, the key pitch change for most of the songs to compensate for a female vocal paired with the fact that Mike was still doing his harmony vocals at Chester's key (at least certain songs) and the whole thing just seemed like growing pains. A lot of Mike's pauses during certain parts of lines that Chester intuitively filled in before were left empty, some of the notes weren't held as long, it's equal parts "doesn't sound right because it's not like it's always been," and "doesn't sound right because there's still moving parts that need managed,"

Any real LP stan can compare their performance in Rock Am Ring 2001 to the same venue in 2004 - it's practically a different band in terms of cohesion, crowd interaction, confidence, volume levels, set lists, stage design, etc between the two. That's three new people on tour this time, so it's gonna take time.


Rodent Whores
It's also going to be a noticeable contrast between a vocalist who wrote the songs and has been playing them for years right next to a vocalist who was only a listener to early stuff and has been performing a set that is just now "hers,"

Also, the key pitch change for most of the songs to compensate for a female vocal paired with the fact that Mike was still doing his harmony vocals at Chester's key (at least certain songs) and the whole thing just seemed like growing pains. A lot of Mike's pauses during certain parts of lines that Chester intuitively filled in before were left empty, some of the notes weren't held as long, it's equal parts "doesn't sound right because it's not like it's always been," and "doesn't sound right because there's still moving parts that need managed,"

Any real LP stan can compare their performance in Rock Am Ring 2001 to the same venue in 2004 - it's practically a different band in terms of cohesion, crowd interaction, confidence, volume levels, set lists, stage design, etc between the two. That's three new people on tour this time, so it's gonna take time.


I think that after this tour they should slowly find a group cohesion that works for them. Unlearning and relearning all your habits old and new is hard.


I never was into LP as I hated Chester's vocals. Whiny clean vocals and when screaming he sounds like a kid who doesn't get to play with his favourite toy. It might be blasphemy, but I like the songs better with the new vocalist. But again, I'm not a LP fan.

Chester's suicide is of course awful for everyone close to him (and his fans), so respect for the band to continue like this. It takes some guts. Hopefully the fans will give the new album a chance.


Off-Site Inflammatory Member
She’s a Scientologist who tried to get Danny Masterson off of his rape charges.

First of all: so? She's a scientologist. Does that make the music she performs inherently unworthy? Seperate the art from the artist.

Second: tried to get him off his rape charges? Everything I've seen says he went to an arraingment 'in support' of. Not like she actively campaigned leading 'free danny' protests or shit. She was friends with the dude. Probably believed he was innocent. Went to court to show support. So what? Has she come out directly in support of him post conviction?

This whole outrage is typical of the braindead ree crowd. If you don't like her as the lead singer, don't listen. It really IS that simple. Chesters albums are still there for you to listen to. She can't take them away.
Girl's fine dudes, she's no Chester obviously but her raw voice is A-OK for most of their stuff.

PS: For those saying that they miss Chester's pain-chanelling voice/delivery compared to Emily, give Brutus a go, the drummer/singer is fucking amazing (and gorgeous too) :


I had not heard of this band. They're really something. And you're right; she's incredible.

Chad Warden

New song was alright . If they go on tour I hope they play alot is their old hits. I never got to see LP live so I'll definitely try and see this discount version.


Chester's son on their choice 💔




Chester's son on their choice 💔



Haha, this is absurdly petty. It adds zero new information to the table. His contribution to the conversation is basically:

"How dare you block me on social media." Gee, I wonder why. Couldn't possibly because of unhinged shit like this.

"You did an interview during national suicide prevention month and didn't make it all about Chester." The timing was obviously a coincidence and the band has mentioned Chester nonstop over the past 7 years.

"The variety of victims that make up your core fanbase." This is the most current-year thing ever.


I guess some people need to write horizontally, vertically, diagonally, in different font sizes, and upside down in the same statement to make sure everyone knows how mentally stable they are.

I think it's going for LP styling

But I'd be curious what his kids and Talinda or Samantha think of this. Nothing dies on the internet and it was near certain she'd get "milkshake duck'ed" with her history of supporting a rapist and with childhood sexual abuse being a likely major contributor to Chester's death. Did Mike know, did they vet her history and think this wouldn't come up, I'm curious how it happened.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I think it's going for LP styling

But I'd be curious what his kids and Talinda or Samantha think of this. Nothing dies on the internet and it was near certain she'd get "milkshake duck'ed" with her history of supporting a rapist and with childhood sexual abuse being a likely major contributor to Chester's death. Did Mike know, did they vet her history and think this wouldn't come up, I'm curious how it happened.
Supporting someone when they’re your friend and you’ve had a history of good interactions with them, before you know they’re guilty, is not exactly unforgivable behavior. But yes, it’s a sensitive issue given Chester’s past.


Reseterror Resettler
Wah wah wah

Sort your life out, mate.

Even worse when you compare it to Grey Daze, who essentially ruined the majority of their music with nu-mixes, nickel and dimed the fanbase with seven thousand different colored variations of vinyls and albums, and sold it all on Chester's image.

But be Mad at Mike and the guys.

Most likely because they're the popular ones, of the two.


Big fan of LP and Dead Sara so really looking forward to the album and like the new song a lot. The old songs had some issues during the unveil concert but there are bound to be some growing pains getting those right with a new singer. I'm sure nerves and emotions didn't help either. Brad not touring with them is a letdown but at least he is still recording on the album..... just won't seem right without him on stage with his giant headphones :messenger_winking_tongue: Understandable why somebody wouldn't want to return to the tour grind after all these years though plus family taking priority.

Even worse when you compare it to Grey Daze, who essentially ruined the majority of their music with nu-mixes, nickel and dimed the fanbase with seven thousand different colored variations of vinyls and albums, and sold it all on Chester's image.

But be Mad at Mike and the guys.

Most likely because they're the popular ones, of the two.

Jaime directed the one Grey Daze music video that is just him walking around with an old clip of Chester faded into the background so of course he was fine with that since he was part of the cash grab himself. But that is nothing.....

There is no life in those eyes in that first video and the guy is clearly in need of serious help. Concerning that through all these rants and hate the last few days he is trying to get tickets to their show on Wednesday because one really has to question his motives. But of course all these clowns on their LP hate parade are trying to use this latest ranting as something that should be taken seriously and LP should be cancelled.


Reseterror Resettler
Big fan of LP and Dead Sara so really looking forward to the album and like the new song a lot. The old songs had some issues during the unveil concert but there are bound to be some growing pains getting those right with a new singer. I'm sure nerves and emotions didn't help either. Brad not touring with them is a letdown but at least he is still recording on the album..... just won't seem right without him on stage with his giant headphones :messenger_winking_tongue: Understandable why somebody wouldn't want to return to the tour grind after all these years though plus family taking priority.

Jaime directed the one Grey Daze music video that is just him walking around with an old clip of Chester faded into the background so of course he was fine with that since he was part of the cash grab himself. But that is nothing.....

There is no life in those eyes in that first video and the guy is clearly in need of serious help. Concerning that through all these rants and hate the last few days he is trying to get tickets to their show on Wednesday because one really has to question his motives. But of course all these clowns on their LP hate parade are trying to use this latest ranting as something that should be taken seriously and LP should be cancelled.


I don't know much about any of the band member's family (not into the parasocial aspect) but holy fuck, that's a bit more....detached than I thought it would be. Compared with everything I know of Mike and the rest of the band, I'd trust their integrity a lot more than whatever qualifications he's claiming beyond blood relation.


I mean, the other aspect to this is that Chester was just 1/6th of Linkin Park, and he wasn't even the original vocalist. This isn't to take away from him being an iconic vocalist and a massive part of what made the band successful -- he's obviously both of those things, and his presence is hugely missed. But it's disingenuous for any one person, including Chester's son, to try to claim authority over the band and how it moves forward. The band existed with another singer before Chester, and they're allowed to carry on with another one after him if they so please.


Gold Member
Who really knows who LP is without Chester though? Unless you’re digging in the roots, that part isn’t unearthed. It’s an ugly situation and it reminds me of Nirvana and Kurt Cobain’s death. They didn’t exactly move on as Nirvana. That’s how we got the Foo Fighters, right? You hear Kurt’s voice and that’s what you think about, Nirvana. You hear Dave Grohl’s voice and you think “Foo Fighters”.

I don’t exactly like seeing her sing like Chester. I get why it’s upsetting to everyone. After Mike sings his part and you’re about to hear what Chester would have sang, it’s just messed up. Seeing her grab her inner thigh while hanging out over the audience like Chester would do during a show, was weird.

I doubt LP will ever have the same emotional attachment this time around.


Gold Member
Who really knows who LP is without Chester though? Unless you’re digging in the roots, that part isn’t unearthed. It’s an ugly situation and it reminds me of Nirvana and Kurt Cobain’s death. They didn’t exactly move on as Nirvana. That’s how we got the Foo Fighters, right? You hear Kurt’s voice and that’s what you think about, Nirvana. You hear Dave Grohl’s voice and you think “Foo Fighters”.

I don’t exactly like seeing her sing like Chester. I get why it’s upsetting to everyone. After Mike sings his part and you’re about to hear what Chester would have sang, it’s just messed up. Seeing her grab her inner thigh while hanging out over the audience like Chester would do during a show, was weird.

I doubt LP will ever have the same emotional attachment this time around.
Does Groo play/sing any nirvana songs? I'm not huge into that scene so I don't know.

When the lead is dead the band has every right to move on, especially when the singer wasn't the main song writer. It's far easier (for me) than when the band splits from the singer and then both continue concurrently. Who does Ozzy era Black Sabbath songs the best? BS with a different singer or Ozzy with a different band? If Chester just left LP but kept singin the songs, who would be the "legit" version? Both? Neither?

I think in general the singer carries the torch for most fans, outside of instrument hounds that can actually follow the other band members and their playing. Otherwise for 90%+ it's the sound of the singer that is the easiest to differentiate. LP will move on eventually, particularly if they can create new music. But those first few albums were so big they can just keep playing those for decades if they can get a singer that can sound "good enough".


Gold Member
Does Groo play/sing any nirvana songs? I'm not huge into that scene so I don't know.

When the lead is dead the band has every right to move on, especially when the singer wasn't the main song writer. It's far easier (for me) than when the band splits from the singer and then both continue concurrently. Who does Ozzy era Black Sabbath songs the best? BS with a different singer or Ozzy with a different band? If Chester just left LP but kept singin the songs, who would be the "legit" version? Both? Neither?

I think in general the singer carries the torch for most fans, outside of instrument hounds that can actually follow the other band members and their playing. Otherwise for 90%+ it's the sound of the singer that is the easiest to differentiate. LP will move on eventually, particularly if they can create new music. But those first few albums were so big they can just keep playing those for decades if they can get a singer that can sound "good enough".
I looked into it and for the most part it’s super rare that the Foo Fighters play anything from Nirvana. I am not a huge guru, but I have never heard them perform a Nirvana song before. Blink-182 had a good album when Tom DeLonge left, but it was all new material. That sound made their California album special. They also couldn’t exactly replicate their classic tracks like “Aliens Exist” or “Stay Together for the Kids” without those key vocals. They can definitely change, but leave their classic stuff alone period if you ask me. Don’t butcher Chester’s legacy.


Reseterror Resettler
I watched part of their show in LA last night on Youtube and she sounded soooooo much better and her stage presence was better as well.

Yeah, I caught some livestreams during the show, and basically every area I felt she needed work on last week was much better in this show. Awesome set list, too. Tracks with vocals that Mike can take Chester's place in to give the song a different dynamic, lots of b sides that are closely associated with Chester, but played infrequently/never enough that they aren't really "his," in a live sense. That's what I'm most intrigued about - the older songs in the catalogue that Emily didn't have a role in producing, but material that Chester/the band decided didn't work with their configuration at the time.

It was a foregone conclusion that Lost and Friendly Fire would become live pieces given how spontaneously they both exploded as soon as they dropped. Still only played the single from the new album, but in terms of live performances, there were two live debuts and a slew of songs that weren't performed in the official livestream last week. I'm a stan.
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