Which games truly made you giddy at the thought of owning them and the long wait to play them unbearable?
Here’s mine…
Virtua Fighter 3
The Saturn and PlayStation had only been out in the west for little under a year when first screenshots of this appeared in magazines and wow, VF2 was already great on Saturn, but by comparison this was next generation stuff in 1996! When I found this in an arcade in 1997 it pretty much killed the current generation consoles for me, a graphical paradigm shift with stages that felt like places instead of flat rings. Took until late 99 for me to be able to play it at home
Tekken 3
This came out at the right time for me as hanging around our local arcade was something me and my friends would do regularly. First time I saw grown men participate in a gaming tournament too. When the free demo was put on the demo pod in our HMV the crowd was impressive
Sonic Adventure
As with VF3, this one brought out the graphics whore in me. The Sega equivalent of Mario 64 with gorgeous graphics and spectacular action, screenshots in magazines looked amazing but didn’t prepare me for how incredible this would look in person
Metal Gear Solid 2
That E3 2000 demo video (that took an age for me to download at the time) was just incredible, the rain soaked atmosphere, the real time cinematics, all the moves and stage interactions. The first time I saw a game that made me believe games could be like action movies, the nearly 2 years wait for the UK version was unbearable
Here’s mine…
Virtua Fighter 3
The Saturn and PlayStation had only been out in the west for little under a year when first screenshots of this appeared in magazines and wow, VF2 was already great on Saturn, but by comparison this was next generation stuff in 1996! When I found this in an arcade in 1997 it pretty much killed the current generation consoles for me, a graphical paradigm shift with stages that felt like places instead of flat rings. Took until late 99 for me to be able to play it at home

Tekken 3
This came out at the right time for me as hanging around our local arcade was something me and my friends would do regularly. First time I saw grown men participate in a gaming tournament too. When the free demo was put on the demo pod in our HMV the crowd was impressive

Sonic Adventure
As with VF3, this one brought out the graphics whore in me. The Sega equivalent of Mario 64 with gorgeous graphics and spectacular action, screenshots in magazines looked amazing but didn’t prepare me for how incredible this would look in person

Metal Gear Solid 2
That E3 2000 demo video (that took an age for me to download at the time) was just incredible, the rain soaked atmosphere, the real time cinematics, all the moves and stage interactions. The first time I saw a game that made me believe games could be like action movies, the nearly 2 years wait for the UK version was unbearable
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