PlayStation has canceled two more live-service games, from subsidiaries Bend and Bluepoint, Bloomberg has learned


Gold Member

Excellent. That's what I suspected, but it's good to hear it more or less confirmed.


Chest thumping?

Calling people out as if they are not real gamers and being embarrassed to be grouped with them in some imaginary "camp" just because they have a differing opinion is... yes... chest thumping. I can guarantee you 99% of people here are passionate "real" gamers and have a point of view that matters to the overall discourse. You are no better (or worse) than the rest here.
Calling people out as if they are not real gamers and being embarrassed to be grouped with them in some imaginary "camp" just because they have a differing opinion is... yes... chest thumping. I can guarantee you 99% of people here are passionate "real" gamers and have a point of view that matters to the overall discourse. You are no better (or worse) than the rest here.
50 Cent Smh GIF

I'm using figurative language when I use terms like "camp". And, sorry, this isn't chest thumping. I call it as I see it. The guy with the Lost character for his avatar has a long history with this behaviour.

But, whatever, you're free to think whatever you want. I have no interest in some pointless spat.
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Gold Member
Bluepoint wanted to make their own game, Sony let them. I would have advised them not to do a GoW live service game and maybe Sony did, but let them do it anyways. We don't know the details.

I'm not privvy to the details either, but I find it hard to believe that's how it happened - that Bluepoint wanted to develop a God of War Live service game, Sony advised against it but Bluepoint decided to go ahead anyway. I mean, it's just a dumb idea on the face of it, and Bluepoint has no experience with GaaS.

I would wager it was the other way around - that Bluepoint would have preferred to work on an original title of their own, but Sony pressured them into doing a Live service version of God of War.


From the onset, I had a really bad feeling about the Jim Ryan & Hermen Hulst duo being put in charge of PS and their studios... and here we fucking are. Bravo to both of them. Neither of these two chumps came off as actual creatives who saw things from the perspective of a gamer. All the laughing emoji naysayers look like jesters now.

This is going to sound entitled, but they are really beginning to owe their hardcore fanbase something.

This just makes me sad Sony London didn't get their chance to make a proper Getaway sequel. Fuck, man. It would've been pretty apt to see Sony make/release something like this now.
That Picadilly Circus video announcing this lives rent free in my head. Even on PS2 there's a sort of hyper realism to everything that makes it age perfectly fine.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I wonder how the fuck fairgames isn’t cancelled yet either, cos that looked like a surefire flop

I think Sony has year-end catalog review. I'm sure games need to hit certain benchmarks and those benchmarks aren't all the same for different games.

Bluepoint and Bend aren't as expensive as Sony's California studios. This means canceling their games likely isn't as hard a pill to swallow.

Fairgames is made by a team in Montreal, with even cheaper costs. I don't even know if they have a physical studio. Also, I heard Sony still has high hopes for the game, though that itself is just a rumor. I think based on the surveys they were sending out, that might not be the case.

Firewalk got shutdown because Bellevue is significantly more expensive than Austin and the brand had become too toxic. Companies like Media Molecule will get alonger chain because they aren't nearly as expensive. Doesn't mean they won't eventually be shutdown if they remain unproductive, but their timeline are going to be different.


Gold Member
seriously sony u have killzone sitting in the trash can. you have playstation allstars shoved behind a couch, and u want a live service game. u somehow fucked up by trying to make a second last of us multiplayer.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I'm not privvy to the details either, but I find it hard to believe that's how it happened - that Bluepoint wanted to develop a God of War Live service game, Sony advised against it but Bluepoint decided to go ahead anyway. I mean, it's just a dumb idea on the face of it, and Bluepoint has no experience with GaaS.

I would wager it was the other way around - that Bluepoint would have preferred to work on an original title of their own, but Sony pressured them into doing a Live service version of God of War.

That's the version of the story you WANT to believe.

It's the big bad sony narrative.

Live Service games might be easier to get greenlit and might have its own funding pie, but I doubt Sony pressured Bluepoint into doing live service.

Like I said, I think it's troubling that that would be a project they would take on, but maybe even more troubled that there wasn't really a plan for them through acquisition. I could spend an entire afternoon mapping out a roadmap for Bluepoint that would be better than "live service GoW".

But still we don't have details. Maybe they had remastered GoW Ascension but didn't add it to the God of War Saga Collection and were looking at making that into a live service game. We have no idea what they were doing, but we'll jump to conclusions that it's a doomsday scenario.

People hoping for Bloodborne should be happy at this news because it increases the chances of that happening soon. It also increases the chances of Demon's Souls coming to PC soon.

I'm not sure where Bend goes from here, but I'm sure John Gavin is pouring himself a whiskey.


Gold Member
I don't know about "sonyers" but Days Gone sold 9M copies and even today it has a large following. Making a second part was a no-brainer, but it turns out that Sony management redefined what no-brainer means.
Sony's focus is all over the place. On one hand they're SP games are big budget and big sellers, but DG is shunned as it never sold more than 10M copies. But then games like Astrobot, MM games like Dreams, Returnal and a ton of GAAS were in the works get green lit for development.

So the trend seems to be:

- SP games only if giant sellers or cheap to make. That middle tier like a DG is caught in a limbo land
- VR games not worth making, but the hardware always is
- GAAS anything goes including buying up studios with nothing but concepts or a WIP early build


Think of it like when a bank goes bankrupt because a rogue trader lost billions on derivative bets. It's not like only he goes overboard. If it's bad enough, the entire ship goes down.
Its just that Concord didnt turn Sony into a Barings Bank situation. But looks like it did create enough waves to wash some people over the railings.
They are smart and rich enough to not allow it.
But this cases for sure lead to reevaluation of procedures, and as a result - forcing project to be checked against new, more tight, internal regulations and standards.

You being a Sony man should be the most pissed off about it.
I am a Sony man and I want to see a high quality gaas from Sony. On the level of WoW or FF14 those are pristine level gaas and jewels in whole gaming.
Just not everyone is a gaas hater, I play MMO since 98' so I always look forward for any high quality gaas, but it should be interesting and engaging

Could Sony be better? Yeah, the live service initiative was way overextended. It’s disappointing that Bend/BP/ND wasted years of time. But I’m still playing tons of high quality Sony funded games, and don’t exclude third parties.
I'm more disappointed that their efforts yield no results than they tried gaas.
In previous gaas rush (mmo) even though it was overexerted, it did produced some really nice results, the whole MOBA genre was born from it.

Concord flopping was the best thing to happen in the industry last year.
It ensured every single one of these fucking live service games gets cancelled.
I cant believe how out of touch these corporate idiots are.
God of War live service.. LMAO. You cant make this up.
Hopium is really strong here... but no
We'll get Marathon this year and probably around ten or more asian AAA gacha. Most of them will be profitable and will found their niche.
Probably even some western-(oriented) GaaS, that will be successful. We get quite a few last year (PalWorld, HD2, 1st descendant etc) and things bound to get better.
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Gold Member
How talented is Bend exactly?

Bluepoint wanted to make their own game, Sony let them. I would have advised them not to do a GoW live service game and maybe Sony did, but let them do it anyways. We don't know the details.
Many people love days gone even with its shortcomings, it was their first big game on home console.

And i think you can understand why people are sad that bluepoint was making a gow gaas, and we don't know if sony forced this project on them, i doubt they wake up one day and decided to make a gaas with a franchise made by another studio, i sincerely doubt this was their dream project.


Gold Member
I don’t understand these people, I only own a ps5 (not including switch since I don’t use it for third parties), and 2024 has been a packed year all around.

Could Sony be better? Yeah, the live service initiative was way overextended. It’s disappointing that Bend/BP/ND wasted years of time. But I’m still playing tons of high quality Sony funded games, and don’t exclude third parties.

I have a pc so i mostly bought a ps5 for the first parties from the sony studios i love, stellar blade and other timed exclusive from third parties are cute and all of that (for example i don't give a fuck about rebirth), but i bought a ps5 mostly for sony titles.
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I think their current strategy is already going to affect console sales in the last quarter of its lifecycle, when the console should be at its lower price. By then, their catalog will already be available on PC too.

This is something I was warning about months ago and glad to see I wasn't alone in that thinking. SIE's porting strategy this gen has been a poorly-thought-out cash grab diminishing the prestige of their console unto the market, and signaling that they don't have faith in leveraging 1P software to push hardware sales long-term. Retaining those games exclusive throughout the course of the gen is part of that, because when the system prices come down, suddenly there's a big library of exclusives for new customers to jump into, and attract them to that system.

PS5 won't have that to the degree PS4 did, let alone PS3, or especially PS2 or PS1.

MS's issues ran since the second half of the 360 (Sony has never shown that level of incompetence). But while Sony can defiantly muster losing money like in the PS3 era, if necessary, they are clearly less willing to do so now. This is why I usually refer to Concord's failure as a $5 billion disaster, which, by orders of magnitude, could very well be compared to MS acquiring ABK.

Well, I don't think the failure of Concord is going to cause PlayStation to nosedive in console sales, or that and these GAAS cancellations (which overall needed to happen, but IMHO should have been happening at least a year ago once Helldivers 2 showed them what a successful GAAS could look like) will make SIE go 3P. However, if a consequence of these cancellations is that they accelerate a push for non-GAAS ports to PC in much shorter windows or even Day 1...then I 100% think that will ultimately hurt adoption of future PS consoles like the PS6.

I guess it would just depend on where they're Day 1 at; if it's SIE's own PS launcher, then the impact is minimal both because their own storefront would be in its infancy, and because they 100% would own that storefront anyway. If it's Steam, the impact will be most severe, and analogous to the impact that had on Xbox this gen. Just too much demographic crossover and Steam itself is a goliath of a storefront in market share. If it's Day 1 on places like EGS or GOG, then the impact is somewhere in-between; those storefronts are more marginal compared to Steam but, SIE have no control/ownership over them either, so things end up a bit of a wash.

You talked about Xbox games declining in quality. I would add losing relevance too.

Relevance is probably the bigger factor, actually. As for quality, well for the big tentpole titles I think that's true. Halo Infinite disappointed many expectations, same with Gears 5 (tho not as much), and Forza Motorsport is just a complete joke. Their more niche and smaller releases have been good quality tho; Flight Sim, Pentiment, Grounded (supposedly)...though even here there are some massive duds, like Hellblade II.

The only major IP of theirs pre-Zenimax and ABK that retained some mass-market relevance gen-over-gen was Forza Horizon. Not a good sign. And I'd throw Minecraft in there too but, that IP is not associated with Microsoft or Xbox much at all by the vast majority of gamers.

But there is definitely something happening with Sony's AAA games... they feel too homogenized, too samey, too damn "focus-tested"... very Ubisoft-like, of course they still have a "Director driven feel overall" but in terms of game desing i think they getting.... boring.

Well FWIW I enjoyed games like HFW, but considering Hollywood itself has gone through a period of homogenization and Ubisoft's big AAA games have done a lot of the same, given many of SIE's AAA titles take inspiration actively from both places I guess it was inevitable more people began feeling that way about their output, too.

I think it's important to state that doesn't make the games "bad" by any means, and I think the majority of the customer base quite enjoys them, clearly, when looking at sales. They also have some AAA titles which do not chase after that type of design, like GT7, which I don't think should be ignored. But I wouldn't be surprised if a growing subset of hardcore enthusiasts in particular, are maybe getting increasingly tired of design trends in their Western AAA output.

I mean, you can tie a thread of tropes between HFW, GOW Ragnarok, Spiderman 2, TLOU 2 and even titles like Intergalatic (at least based on aspects of the reveal trailer) that can be considered analogous to storytelling beats in many modern Hollywood productions. If those beats & tropes are a turn-off in Hollywood works, they'll probably be turn-offs in the games I just mentioned. When stuff like Uncharted 2 and TLOU first came out they felt like a breath of fresh air compared to what the rest of AAA gaming was doing at the time, and felt like massive leaps in mature storytelling for games. However, I wouldn't 100% blame folks if they said much of what's come after from SIE AAA 1P has felt like prettier iterations of those titles with Ubisoft open-world elements and modern/chastising Hollywood socio-politics mixed in.

If you're more lenient or forgiving of that stuff, or accepting of it, then the games are as great as ever. But there is probably a slowly-growing segment of hardcore gamers less enthused with those elements. Maybe they aren't against bombastic cinematic games altogether, but they're wanting something that feels like a leap forward the way Uncharted 2 or TLOU felt for their time. Companies like SIE don't necessarily need to cater to those types of gamers, but I think it'd be an overall net positive since it'd also mean your 1P set industry-leading design concepts in an unquestionable way, plus the larger casual & mainstream audiences will love it anyway. Personally I'd like to see more cinematic story-driven games have more natural conversation systems, more nuanced ways of controlling your character and interacting with nearby scenery during conversation, more consequential story branching based on words & actions in dialogs, robust mechanics for conversations & nuanced actions, and 2nd viewports for character expressions in conversations when playing normal third-person action segments.

Still feel SIE's studios would be the most suited towards that push, but most of them seem like they were busy working on GAAS titles that have since been cancelled :/

Intergalactic's reception (overwhelming rejection) should also make PS very nervous. Outside of the woke controversy, it just felt flat, uninspired, devoid of... "gaming magic" and instead, Hollywood-esque in the worst way possible. (Something that Kojima is able to pull off.)

Can't 100% agree on this. Now I do think the actress posting that pic on their social media was dumb as hell, and needlessly leaning into the culture war when they and the team should be above it. If they want to shut the doubters up, focus on the gameplay & systems, worldbuilding, and just write characters as normal & cool/unique instead of soapboxes for unpopular political agendas. Easy enough to do, maybe not when you're in California tho.

That said...I liked the trailer overall, and I like the concept. It should lean more into its influences tho I feel: give us some hyper-crazy anime-style combat mechanics, Tarantino Kill Bill-esque theatrics & vibes, Akira-style bio-engineered cyberpunk etc. I also have to understand that with the trailer, the likes/dislikes don't tell the whole story because there was probably a collective of different gamer types who swarmed to dislike it for various reasons i.e culture war shenanigans, console warriors, PCMR fanboys etc. I think those types are more likely to dislike something than those who enjoyed it are to give it a thumbs-up.

Hopefully more of the game shows off cool concepts, character designs (hope there's an alt costume of the main character with hair, and no afro or half-shaved head please), aliens/androids/mutants, planets etc. IMO ND probably have to build up hype for this game over time; the days of their stuff getting universal hype off initial reveals like UC4 and TLOU2 are probably over but they can earn it back.

Forbidden West, Ragnarok, and Spider-Man 2, while successful, I think the "buzz" afterwards has felt tepid or less exciting

Well TBF to HFW, fanboys and the media tried their hardest to belittle it compared to Elden Ring, which launched around the same time. Lots of folks were playing a part in that; somewhat the reason I decided to pick up HFW actually 😂

And Sony is able to endure this because of the 30% cut they get with every transaction. Going day and date will definitely negatively impact PS's virtuous cycle.


So yeah, it will be a risky move. But I mean, Sony has the data; they have a case study with Xbox. Maybe they can succeed where MS failed... supposedly, Hermen is trying to figure out a new way to run the PlayStation business... 😬 Let's see what conclusion he comes up with

If Herman's idea is they can put all their games Day 1 on Steam and somehow magically maintain sales volumes of the past because of "the magic of PlayStation", they'll be in for a rude awakening. Again, I don't think PS would have a drop-off same level as Xbox, because PS is a bigger brand globally.

But it could be enough of one where total annual revenue takes a precipitous decline. It's not just less hardware sales either; less subscriptions, less 3P software sales, less money from 1P sales, less peripheral sales....everything is impacted.
I have a pc so i mostly bought a ps5 for the first parties from the sony studios i love, stellar blade and other timed exclusive from third parties are cute and all of that (for example i don't give a fuck about rebirth), but i bought a ps5 mostly for sony titles.

I still don’t understand the dilemma, their output for ps5 has far exceeded any other prior gen even with the GaaS missteps.

Regardless, Sony can’t go back and undo these mistakes, they can only learn and improve for future…which it looks like they’re doing now, so there’s a silver lining from this negative news
From the onset, I had a really bad feeling about the Jim Ryan & Hermen Hulst duo being put in charge of PS and their studios... and here we fucking are. Bravo to both of them. Neither of these two chumps came off as actual creatives who saw things from the perspective of a gamer. All the laughing emoji naysayers look like jesters now.

This is going to sound entitled, but they are really beginning to owe their hardcore fanbase something.

This just makes me sad Sony London didn't get their chance to make a proper Getaway sequel. Fuck, man. It would've been pretty apt to see Sony make/release something like this now.

For years all across the industry these types of shitheads have been giving the original PS fans and other PC/console users the middle finger. Even worse, it's like they don't exist to them anymore. I've cultivated other new interests now so that's something at least.


This is something I was warning about months ago and glad to see I wasn't alone in that thinking. SIE's porting strategy this gen has been a poorly-thought-out cash grab diminishing the prestige of their console unto the market, and signaling that they don't have faith in leveraging 1P software to push hardware sales long-term. Retaining those games exclusive throughout the course of the gen is part of that, because when the system prices come down, suddenly there's a big library of exclusives for new customers to jump into, and attract them to that system.
That's sounds good on paper...
But its imply that crowd have perfect memory. It's not. By the time price drop get in (and we hardly see it due to semiconductor situation and their battle against physics) - games are long forgotten and their sales flatlined.
There was s graph of long-term sales in one of the leaks - and straight line and quite depressed levels. Basically impulse-buys on sales due to "familiar name". This will be completely fine no matter what other channels game will distributed - included into premium ps+, given away for free as monthly ps+ game or ported to PC.
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Wasting money and YEARS for gaas and woke... porting everything to pc.
Then pikachu face "why no ps5 market growing ?!"
They are litteraly doing suicidal decisions and are surprised by the results. They are litteraly following parts of Xbox strategy! did it work for MS? Stupid woke managers.

They want people to spend their money on Nvidia GPUs and cracking their games to play them freely (no subs) on PC. Well it's bloody working.


Can’t Git Gud
They are litteraly doing suicidal decisions and are surprised by the results. They are litteraly following parts of Xbox strategy! did it work for MS? Stupid woke managers.

They want people to spend their money on Nvidia GPUs and cracking their games to play them freely (no subs) on PC. Well it's bloody working.
And on top of that they are trying to kill physical gaming.... everything hat is playstation


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Hopium is really strong here... but no
We'll get Marathon this year and probably around ten or more asian AAA gacha. Most of them will be profitable and will found their niche.
Probably even some western-(oriented) GaaS, that will be successful. We get quite a few last year (PalWorld, HD2, 1st descendant etc) and things bound to get better.
Im betting on all of them flopping, and if they don't flop outright, they wont do as well as Sony hopes. There isnt any hype at all for Marathon.


They are litteraly doing suicidal decisions and are surprised by the results. They are litteraly following parts of Xbox strategy! did it work for MS? Stupid woke managers.

They want people to spend their money on Nvidia GPUs and cracking their games to play them freely (no subs) on PC. Well it's bloody working.
Some seems forgot in their delusion that Sony IS in peak condition now
These mishaps are pennies for them, cost of side-line experiments - they got record profit on a quarter they had to write-off concord.
Launch of ZZZ and Valorant probably got them more money that all those gaas experiments lost them combined.

And on top of that they are trying to kill physical gaming.... everything hat is playstation
Physical fans so insecure....
Who cares about your digital discs seriously? It's 5%
And denying physical they can get what? 0.5% increase realistically? yeah... a good number to pursue


Can’t Git Gud
Some seems forgot in their delusion that Sony IS in peak condition now
These mishaps are pennies for them, cost of side-line experiments - they got record profit on a quarter they had to write-off concord.
Launch of ZZZ and Valorant probably got them more money that all those gaas experiments lost them combined.

Physical fans so insecure....
Who cares about your digital discs seriously? It's 5%
And denying physical they can get what? 0.5% increase realistically? yeah... a good number to pursue
who cares about my digital discs?! Are yo for real?
Cheaper, more goodies, on shelf, offline, 1.0 IF I WANT.
Most are playable fully 1.0 and fully offline. And if you patch, you still only need a disc and no account to play.

Don't be so ignorant. Physical is great and digital got nothing over it.


Gold Member
I’d say the most annoying thing for me is all the talk about the cost of AAA games, and how developers can’t continue like they have done due to spiralling costs, when Sony are happy to squander countless millions (and waste talent) on GaaS shit nobody is asking for.


Newd Member
If they were using the same kind of argument to defend their GaaS project promising million, Concord might have triggered the Exec team and stop the shit.

Or maybe those GaaS were at same level if not equal to Concord. Meaning ugly designs, pronoums and all that garbage as service.


Im betting on all of them flopping, and if they don't flop outright, they wont do as well as Sony hopes. There isnt any hype at all for Marathon.
Mihoyo soon will be bigger than Nintendo.
While Gaas occupy 2/3 of revenue and 80% of playtime (skew due to younger age), that, in 10 years, will normalize and hit SP really hard.
And you still hope that "they will fail". Hopium is real here :messenger_beaming:

And as for Sony - their strategy is clear and understandable. They try to get *every* promising GaaS to themselves, limiting/denying them to appear on competitive platforms ("paid" exclusives, same as in SP) where possible, while trying to make some of their own as it cheaper and more controllable.

Don't be so ignorant. Physical is great and digital got nothing over it.
Who cares.
Business is about money. And money says that games sold on disc is 5% revenue. And denying them of discs will increase revenue *in that particular group* by what, 10%? So 0.5% overall?
It's simply doesn't worth attention to try to fuck-up disc-lovers, they are so small and niche that it's easier to leave them alone.
They will cry on forums that they are important and Sony wants deliberately fuck them up, but mostly they are hit by side-effect, like economical non-viability to sell pc discs in real-world stores anymore, or having disc-enabled SKU. Typical voes of niche crowd that got shifted to side-lines.

It's not deliberate wish to fuck you up, it's just you are so small that no one care about your opinion/impact on you when they do a decision. It's now your problem, not a Sony problem.
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Sony should keep Helldivers and improve it, and maybe invest on a other gaas but no more.
Yeah I don't know how any of this gaas stuff works, but wouldn't they be better off having a god of war or horizon battle pass/season within Helldivers?

That way they could put in minimum effort (skins, maps and whatever crap) to make some money while other studios work on other games that have a chance of succeeding.
What the fuck happened to sony from last generation? They were almost perfect with first party banger after banger. They managed to massively grow their ip to sell mega numbers. Why pivot away from that so drastically? They should have dipped their toes into live service but they dived in head first from 100m up.
That Picadilly Circus video announcing this lives rent free in my head. Even on PS2 there's a sort of hyper realism to everything that makes it age perfectly fine.
Checked out the trailers and took a stroll down memory lane:

It just makes me want to see Sony make a dope ass action packed thriller game taking place in the UK. Honestly, now is a better time than ever to get development started on one without holding back on the "oomph". Wouldn't mind if it was made on an "shoestring" AA budget either.


Can’t Git Gud
Mihoyo soon will be bigger than Nintendo.
While Gaas occupy 2/3 of revenue and 80% of playtime (skew due to younger age), that, in 10 years, will normalize and hit SP really hard.
And you still hope that "they will fail". Hopium is real here :messenger_beaming:

And as for Sony - their strategy is clear and understandable. They try to get *every* promising GaaS to themselves, limiting/denying them to appear on competitive platforms ("paid" exclusives, same as in SP) where possible, while trying to make some of their own as it cheaper and more controllable.

Who cares.
Business is about money. And money says that games sold on disc is 5% revenue. And denying them of discs will increase revenue *in that particular group* by what, 10%? So 0.5% overall?
It's simply doesn't worth attention to try to fuck-up disc-lovers, they are so small and niche that it's easier to leave them alone.
They will cry on forums that they are important and Sony wants deliberately fuck them up, but mostly they are hit by side-effect, like economical non-viability to sell pc discs in real-world stores anymore, or having disc-enabled SKU. Typical voes of niche crowd that got shifted to side-lines.

It's not deliberate wish to fuck you up, it's just you are so small that no one care about your opinion/impact on you when they do a decision. It's now your problem, not a Sony problem.
I don't care about revenue lol. I am a player and a customer. not a shareholder.

Besides, up few years ago physical 1st party games sold MORE on disc than digital...


Gold Member
That's the version of the story you WANT to believe.

It's the big bad sony narrative.

Live Service games might be easier to get greenlit and might have its own funding pie, but I doubt Sony pressured Bluepoint into doing live service.

No, I don't have a desire for it to be one way or another. I'm not a fan of Bluepoint or Sony, and I'm not an opponent of them, either. I'm just looking at the situation and trying to make an assessment of what is the most likely scenario. I think the scenario I sketched out is the more likely one.

Perhaps "pressured" was too strong a word, though. "Urged" or "incentivized" or "guided them into it" might be more accurate. ("Easier to greenlight" would be along the same lines).

Whatever the word, I have a hard time believing that it was Bluepoint's original desire, when finally presented with the opportunity to stop just remaking other people's creations and do their own thing, to do a God of War Live service game. Bluepoint has no experience at that. And we know this happened in a context where Sony was heavily investing in GaaS games.

So, taking that into consideration, it seems more likely that Sony urged, incentivized, or otherwise guided Bluepoint into taking on this project, rather than (as you suggested) it being Bluepoint's idea and Sony advising against it. I think the former is much more likely than the latter.

But of course, neither of us really know how it went down.
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A god of war live service..

Sony have you lost your fucking mind
This isn't a first for the series:

Btw, I'm not saying this would necessarily be a good MP game, but I'm honestly surprised you guys don't remember the PS3 era (there were more 1st party MP games back then, but I guess recency bias is a thing).

Sony needs to reinstate Uncharted/Killzone MP though. These 2 games were super successful for TPS & FPS fans accordingly.
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