I run the new heroics every time a satchel is up for healer and I've had so many people run into the beams between the mobs on the Sylvanas fight. Other notable stories is a boomkin who was doing 2K DPS, no joke, and when asked how he was doing such shitty DPS he explained that he wasn't a "virgin nerd" and had a life.
Even with groups who constantly put out poor dps or tanking I'm able to just overheal the group so easy that it's just a case of smashing your head against the wall until you're done. The pets from the satchels are nice though, so far I've gotten a Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot, Mulgore Hatchling, Sen'jin Fetish, Firefly.
Took 6 new heroics to get my iLevel to 372 for the raid finder. Including tank gear. Now queued up as DPS, we'll see how this goes.
And I know you guys said the new heroics were easy, but they're really fucking easy. Hardest mechanic I've seen is the Sylvanas one with the ghouls.
Took 6 new heroics to get my iLevel to 372 for the raid finder. Including tank gear. Now queued up as DPS, we'll see how this goes.
And I know you guys said the new heroics were easy, but they're really fucking easy. Hardest mechanic I've seen is the Sylvanas one with the ghouls.
Cleared the first 4 bosses in the LFR tool last night.
Was my first raiding experience ever. My primary spec is Pally tank but decided I'd better DPS these things first. Was a pretty cool experience.
My only complaint is that I have little chance of getting tank gear from LFR unless I'm actually tanking, but I don't have the nerve to tank them yet.
You get pets? I have just gotten gold and gems...
Yeah, their difficulty is nothing compared to what the other cata heroics were on their release day.
On the plus side, my mage only get to wait 8-10 mins instead of 30-40. I'd rather have that than hard heroics.
I've tried looking for an answer to this but can't find one.
Grid, when I'm in bgs I'm not seeing health loss till I'm in range of someone. With Blizzard's raid frames it'll show everyone losing health regardless of how close you are to them, grid doesn't do this. It just shows their health being full till I get in range.
Anyone know of a solution to this? I've only started using it.
Hey I came by and waved ;pAaand 12 hours on this rock today! You guys are missing out!
It's Mal'ganis, you can't expect me to see that! You need to say something (I filter everything else away) ;_;Hey I came by and waved ;p
Check a setting somewhere?
I'm not completely certain, but I'm fairly sure it works properly for me. I'll check next time I'm on.
I hit item level 372 ten hours after dinging 85. Not much of an effort to be ready to raid anymore...
I hit item level 372 ten hours after dinging 85. Not much of an effort to be ready to raid anymore...
This is the truth and while it may be great for the short term considering this is the last big content patch for the expansion the content seems like it's going to get stale very fast ;|
I hit item level 372 ten hours after dinging 85. Not much of an effort to be ready to raid anymore...
I think raiding is finally sputtering out in general across the genre. It's just such a rough, rigid thing to impose upon people nowadays. No offense to the folks who dig it, I just think it's finally becoming antiqued to the general populace.
Numbers are dropping and folks are basically being bribed into the content with quick rewards and easy sight seeing but I think in the end that'll just make it taper off faster, we'll see. It could either make people pick up back into normal/heroic for some challenge or it could make folks just say "I've seen it already, why join a guild and make an obnoxious schedule". I really think a lot of people are raiding because it's all you can really do as opposed to wanting to.
Upcoming stuff like The Old Republic which thinks it's going to follow that same kind of traditional raid game like EQ, WoW and the rest of the traditional MMOs is just going to be more hurt by it, I think. At least WoW has a community and established base for it but I do think it's the last of this standard type.
It's weird to me to watch big franchises squandered on such old school methodology. You'd figure things like Star Wars, Final Fantasty, etc, would be more flashy and sandboxy and broader in appeal but they always cap off in the same way. And considering how resource hungry it is (something I'm betting Titan tries to fix) it's a weird thing to be so gung ho about.
Pretty easy, actually. Running the new Twilight Heroic dungeons will earn you both Justice Points and Valor points as well as loot.
Boss loot and justice point gear are iLvl 378 and Valor Point gear is iLvl 397.
Doesn't take many runs to get your gear up.
I've not even managed to get to the troll heroics yet, but then I've been wasting all of my JP on heirlooms.
Hmm. Made something like 14,000 gold between today and yesterday mostly selling gems. That's revenue though - I think I may have spent as much as 5k or 6k on mats. Still have thousands worth of enchantments to sell (a ton more gems too.) Server isn't populous enough to move all of it at once though.
Just checking now, I have something like 40k more in auctions up. At least about 35k of that would be profit. Enchants really have a slow sell-through though, especially when they cost hundreds or thousands of gold. Some asshole tipped me only 10g the other day for one of the good bracer (world drop) enchants - couldn't be bothered at the time to enforce him paying me more though.
Today I've sold 14 Reckless Ember Topaz. Really good money off those going for 170g or so a pop. AH price for uncut Ember Topaz is ~35g each. So I ended up buying a stack of those to supplement my already large store. Might buy more, but I'm trying to avoid making large investments since I still want to break the 100k mark. Even when the profit margin (today) on those Topazes would be 2400g a stack, the initial upfront investment is still fairly large - it might take 2 weeks to sell that many cut gems normally.
I think raiding is finally sputtering out in general across the genre. It's just such a rough, rigid thing to impose upon people nowadays. No offense to the folks who dig it, I just think it's finally becoming antiqued to the general populace.
Numbers are dropping and folks are basically being bribed into the content with quick rewards and easy sight seeing but I think in the end that'll just make it taper off faster, we'll see. It could either make people pick up back into normal/heroic for some challenge or it could make folks just say "I've seen it already, why join a guild and make an obnoxious schedule". I really think a lot of people are raiding because it's all you can really do as opposed to wanting to.
Upcoming stuff like The Old Republic which thinks it's going to follow that same kind of traditional raid game like EQ, WoW and the rest of the traditional MMOs is just going to be more hurt by it, I think. At least WoW has a community and established base for it but I do think it's the last of this standard type.
It's weird to me to watch big franchises squandered on such old school methodology. You'd figure things like Star Wars, Final Fantasty, etc, would be more flashy and sandboxy and broader in appeal but they always cap off in the same way. And considering how resource hungry it is (something I'm betting Titan tries to fix) it's a weird thing to be so gung ho about.
I also think that a lot of people look at Sandbox style MMO's like Galaxies and UO and have a bit of rose colored glasses syndrome. Both were good for what they were but they were mostly replaced by the current generation of what we call "theme-park" MMO's. It stands to reason that players preferred this model to them. Ideally we'd have a game where you could do either, but given the choice between one or the other players firmly chose this model over that one.
One thing I disagree with though is that innovation nessecarily has to come in the form of another MMO like Titan. I think WoW is perfectly capable of innovating on their own within their own engine. I just don't think there was any incentive to do so until the raid game became unpopular enough that they started to lose people.
Honestly after 7 years my biggest surprise (and beef) with WoW is that I still don't have a house to put all my doodads in. Transmog is a great system but it just makes me wonder what if there were incentive to go out into the world and kill or craft so that you could have furniture items, kitch wall paintings or even just doodads from the various bads you put down.
NOOOOOOOOOO!Hey Yoshi, I tried to visit today, but it seems that spot is not accessible without a flying mount
Only have lowbies on Mal'Ganis.
I laugh when people reference Titan because nobody knows what Titan is at all.I also think that a lot of people look at Sandbox style MMO's like Galaxies and UO and have a bit of rose colored glasses syndrome. Both were good for what they were but they were mostly replaced by the current generation of what we call "theme-park" MMO's. It stands to reason that players preferred this model to them. Ideally we'd have a game where you could do either, but given the choice between one or the other players firmly chose this model over that one.
One thing I disagree with though is that innovation nessecarily has to come in the form of another MMO like Titan. I think WoW is perfectly capable of innovating on their own within their own engine. I just don't think there was any incentive to do so until the raid game became unpopular enough that they started to lose people.
Honestly after 7 years my biggest surprise (and beef) with WoW is that I still don't have a house to put all my doodads in. Transmog is a great system but it just makes me wonder what if there were incentive to go out into the world and kill or craft so that you could have furniture items, kitch wall paintings or even just doodads from the various bads you put down. TOR is making the same mistake as WoW is -- why is this not a huge priority for either company is beyond me. Hell, even the "lame" PG MMO I played with my GF over the summer(Wizard 101) had it.
I definitely think there is room within WoW for a lot of improvement. I just don't think we'll necessarily see it. The A-Team that put together Vanilla, Burning Crusade, at I think at least part of Wrath has moved on for the most part (quite a few of the leads at least).
As cynical as it is, they probably want to squeeze as much money out of people for as little effort on their part.
And even though WoW's engine has been upgraded, you'd need a completely new game as a platform if you wanted to make a radical departure and really experiment with new things.
There are some things that are simply impossible to do with an older system in place, or are significantly easier when built from the ground up.
I honestly just think that Blizzard (or really any MMO company) just doesn't have much of an idea of what the next big thing is in this space, or even if there is a new thing. It isn't cynical for them to want your money, they still have to compete for it and if you make the choice to pay them then I would posit that they earned that money.
I bet that guy has been undercut for weeks and just wanted to get rid of it. lol.I snagged a Guardian Cub off of the AH last night for 3k. It was weird considering they are usually 6k-10k on my server with competition, but this was the only one on there.
Why would they innovate in wow when they can do it in Titan? Constantly changing what wow is about probably costs them more subs than it gains. I think if you compared the systems in the game today to what was in at launch you'd be plenty surprised at how different it is, I think they innovate plenty. The base combat is where WoW (and ToR) is stuck in the past, and that's not something they're going to be able to overhaul, nor should they.
Everything ELSE in the game? Has changed drastically over time almost universally for the better. The game is just old, nothing wrong with that. Objectively I don't think it's any 'worse' today than it ever was, it's just more transparent because we've done it before.