Please tell me it gets easier.
Coffee and caffeine gets me through any hunger when I am fasting.
My eating hours have gone down to 7 hours now.
Please tell me it gets easier.
Coffee and caffeine gets me through any hunger when I am fasting.
My eating hours have gone down to 7 hours now.
Isn't it really bad for your stomach to have coffee especially when you haven't eaten for that long?
It doesn't. Why do you think I've not been bothered to post here? I've been very satisfied with how things have been going with personal training. But I know now that's not what most people here want to hear. They want numbers and such and I honestly don't give a damn about those. I don't want to subject myself to constant thoughts trying to get me to second guess the things I've done or downplaying them trying to make me feel insignificant or worthless. I'm done with all that.If you did your best, you did your best, and no one can take that away from you. On the flip side, that doesn't mean we can't comment on your progress (or there of.) Like you were really happy that you increased your back squat by 10 lbs over a year, then that's yours. However, regardless of that, I would think that's pretty slow and crappy progress. The real issue is why my/ the thread's opinion means so much to you?
"Bad" is pretty vague, inso as it doesn't tell us what the problem with coffee on an empty stomach is supposed to incur.
I've heard it before, too, but it's like how eggs are supposed to be "bad" for everyone when the problemd may actually be quite specific to select individuals with sensitivity to dietary cholesterol. Since people don't recall why a food or activity brings out negative connotations they simply deem it "bad" and move forward.
I guess you've added a few factoids on coffee, but they're not cited by research nor specific to intake on an empty stomach, save for the one on stomach acid production.
Now we're left wondering how much acid in the stomach is "bad" or what, if anything, should be done to combat it.
Ok so it turns out, once I eat my dinner later tonight, I will have managed to consume 2500 calories.
Here is what I have (and will) eat for today:
1 cup of yogurt
Oat Meal with molasses
350g of scallops
Three slices of bacon (natural bacon, no nitrite, I recommend it)
Two carrots
Large salmon fillet
Feta cheese
Olive oil (around two tablespoons)
Cucumber (pretty much 0 calories in there though)
That gives me 2500 calories.
I definitely need to find some place that sells nuts for cheap, that will help round things out here and there, especially if I eat at work where my choices are limited.
Any other food recommendations I should consider? Remember: no gluten (no cereals), no eggs, limited dairy consumption (no milk).
Alright, sorry for not responding faster.
You do 60 one legged squats?! That's damn impressive, but it won't really get you big.
You should look up the beginner routines in the OP and start those. Generally you do a weight in which you can only do around 5-8 reps and then you can't (basically, your muscles fail). Once again, try this routine in the OP.
Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15
Squat - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans - 5 sets of 3
Abdominal work
Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 1 set of 5
Bent Over Rows - 3 set of 5
Arm work, if desired
This will be very good for you.
And as for the eating issue, you HAVE to eat a lot. When I started I was your weight (128 lbs at 5'10") so it seemed nearly impossible to eat 2500-3000 calories a day. But trust me, when you do the above exercises, your muscles will be STARVING. And as you build muscle, you will be hungrier and it will be easier to eat from there. Fish is good for you, but it is pretty low in calories so maybe you should get some steak, chicken etc...Get peanut butter as well.
Keep in mind, you need a lot of calories to gain mass. Also keep in mind that you need 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. So you will need approximately 130+ grams.
I know this is a lot to digest in such a short time, so if you have any questions ask away!
I need to lose weight when the new year starts. Bad. I know there are many ways to do it, but I was thinking about just decreasing my eating/drinking for a couple weeks and eating more veggies and lean protein as opposed to the stuff I normally eat. If I'm not quite satisfied with that, I think I'm going to try the master cleanse for two weeks. Yeah. Does that sound decent to you guys?
It's weird at first, and there are times during the day where you will feel like you're lacking energy but you get over it quick. My waist is getting smaller and smaller, while I have only dropped 2lbs most people who see me say it's a noticeable difference, and most importantly all my lifts are either the same or going up.
I haven't posted a pic so here's the latest pic I have, Im 6"1 250-252lbs. I'll try and find some pics from last year, I was around 268lbs, and since lifting I've lost 16lbs while maintaining around a 4500 calorie diet with sporadic cardio.
Side pic because I saw other people doing it too. Im hoping to get down to around 220lbs by May-June with as little muscle loss as possible.
I'm sorry it didn't work out for you here, Combine. Good luck with your future endeavors in the gym, make us proud!
It also occurs to me that within a few days we should expect some new years joining members.![]()
Such a short, sharp and to the point post tells a massive story for beginners looking in to bulking. The OP goes in to detail.
I just wish someone would take the time to make a similar short yet descriptive diet plan. We have a milk diet in the OP but some example diets for beginners looking to bulk would be the icing on the cake. I don't mean just food ideas but actual morning, lunch, dinner, in-betweens, etc. If someone wanted to go the extra mile, maybe nutritional values, etc.
Would actually help me and get me to work on my diet plan, plus will help many others. Eating is the biggest hurdle IMO, especially when trying to find the right stuff.
I dunno, some examples from people might have been mentioned in this topic before.
I'd be to worried about losing my lifts and not making gains. I don't wanna get shredded, I just want to be able to go out without my shirt on, and to be honest, if I really do it "right" that should be perfectly doable in the time allotted and simply cutting out the bullshit.
You look like a guy who goes to my golds gym.
They are already beginning here for me.
So many women, so much spandex. PRAISE BASED RIPPETOE!
Alright, sorry for not responding faster:
Usually when it comes to diet plans, everyone has their limitations and are different. Some people can't afford things, some people can't digest some foods and/or are allergic it's difficult to create a "universal" diet.
But the structure can be pretty basic.
You can add brunch in there if you want.
Breakfast should have a good amount of protein and calories; think eggs, bacon, sausage etc...
Lunch should also have a decent amount of calories and protein; chicken, some rice, fish, salad, green veggies etc...
Dinner should be large and once again have a good amount of calories; if your dinner is after your workout, make sure you have a good amount of carbs as well, and I don't mean sugar...I mean complex carbs like veggies, brown rice etc...
The snacks are generally up to your choosing. Nuts are very good, fruits (such as berries), yogurt, oatmeal, tuna, milk, protein shake. All up to you.
It kind of feels like you'll be eating all day, but if you're active you should be able to do it!
I don't think I'd be able to maintain a cut diet to be honest, and luckily my strength hasn't dropped (yet) from fasting. The fast works for me because I can still eat some garbage here and there lol.
Ha, the perks of being racially ambiguous is that there's always someone out there that looks like me that can take the blame.
Thanks for the info. I'll note down the workouts.
For the one-legged squats, it's two times 30 for each leg, no way I could do 60 in one shot, and I have to rest my hand on something to hold balance, but it's fairly easy otherwise. I make sure my hand is not supporting my weight.
For the food, my main problem is I'm trying to keep my acne under control. The gluten-free diet does that, but I'm not doing it specifically for that, I just have a moderate gluten intolerance but I can't mess around with this or my intestines will basically disintegrate over the years if I consume gluten anyway. Peanut butter for example is something else I had to cut out as it was rather inflammatory for me.
So on one end I'm gluten-intolerant, and on the other I'm staying away from foods that can trigger acne (too much dairy, sugar, beer, wheat). This is what makes it difficult to reach my target. But whatever, I'll manage. I eat a lot of natural stuff anyway and never consume junk food, so I can munch on nuts like chips. It's just a question of working out more, which should increase my hunger, and follow with bigger portions. Getting into the habit and all.
True say.
What about cheap and cheerful meal ideas? For example, many - myself including - like to have a simple chicken/veg/potatoes dinner, as it's very effective.
What other different meals would be recommended?
Also, I guess the most difficult part is ensuring each meal has the right nutrition ratio. Otherwise you're pretty much buggered from the get-go.
I'm also working on a very specific plan for myself to utilise. It can be such a bitch, especially researching in to each food type's values, then combining with suitable foods, etc.
Isn't it really bad for your stomach to have coffee especially when you haven't eaten for that long?
Lol, that's not what I fucking meant!
He has the same haircut goatee and build. In fact I had a discussion with him about competitive lifting a month or so ago, but he's not 6 foot though, he's my height (5 foot 8).
Looking good btw.
Mine isn't going to be a cut diet. I'm simply going to remove the soda, beefaroni (seriously), and other bullshit. There will be 1 day for a "bad" meal (saturdays), the rest will be rice, green vegetables, and some form of animal protein, with lots of milk, whey, and yogurt.
I avoid dairy and milk because of the acne problem too (since I'm only 18 it's mostly hormonal, but dairy makes it worse), it is sort of annoying but there are tons of foods you can eat instead of what I listed. It's good you stay away from sugar. Remember that meat doesn't effect acne, so your protein intake should be fine. Plus when you see your body becoming ripped, acne won't even matter that much (dead serious about that). If I am able to do it than you can definitely do it too man!
You should get walnuts, the omega 3 fatty acids are anti inflammatory and very good for you.
And now I have a question for you, does gluten free really keep acne at bay? And what exactly is "gluten free"?
I never cleared up as much as since I went gluten free. Took no more than two weeks to go from a messy face to completely clear. Since then, because of the holidays, I had to "cheat" since I was eating at other people's places, and my chin broke out. Also, since going gluten-free I no longer have stomach cramps, no longer feel bloated, etc.
Gluten free means no wheat, no cereals, no bread, no pasta. Almost EVERYTHING that is "premade" in store has gluten. Pizza, soy sauce, ketchup, etc. it's everywhere. Lots of products exist that are labeled gluten-free, so you can find almost anything as gluten-free, like bread/pasta/etc. but it's usually expensive and only in specialty/health stores. Some people are more intolerant than others, some will get outright sick from being merely in the presence of gluten-containing foods. In my case it's mostly cramps/digestive issues. So I didn't go for this to clear my acne, it was just a positive side-effect. has a lot of reports of people saying they cleared after going gluten-free.
Basically, it's a pain in the ass for a lot of people to follow this diet, and I can't keep it 100% at bay unless I cook everything I eat myself.
Ok so it turns out, once I eat my dinner later tonight, I will have managed to consume 2500 calories.
Here is what I have (and will) eat for today:
1 cup of yogurt
Oat Meal with molasses
350g of scallops
Three slices of bacon (natural bacon, no nitrite, I recommend it)
Two carrots
Large salmon fillet
Feta cheese
Olive oil (around two tablespoons)
Cucumber (pretty much 0 calories in there though)
That gives me 2500 calories.
I definitely need to find some place that sells nuts for cheap, that will help round things out here and there, especially if I eat at work where my choices are limited.
Any other food recommendations I should consider? Remember: no gluten (no cereals), no eggs, limited dairy consumption (no milk).
Oh crap. I forgot that thread. Hah. Thanks!If you really want to lose weight, then I think the weight loss thread is better.
But quick advice; up the protein and good fats, lower the carbs (<100g a day). Remember to cut out junk food, sugary crap and soda; only drink water and/or tea/coffee.
Do HIIT. Also lift weights so you don't lose muscle. That's the basics of it.
What was the point in posting in this thread when all that awaits me is ridicule and scorn? It sure sounded like I wasn't welcome in here anymore. Especially by the giant douche above
starting week 8 of Madcow 5x5 and I am stunned that I am still progressing as the calculator said I would
Bench is now 350 (5 reps)
deadlifts hit 300(5 reps)
squats is now 225(5 reps)
think the big problem is I may be eating less than I should at around 2500 calorie and weight loss/gain going back and forth 5 pounds each way..
Is this normal? Bench is the highest and squat the lowest? Wtf?starting week 8 of Madcow 5x5 and I am stunned that I am still progressing as the calculator said I would
Bench is now 350 (5 reps)
deadlifts hit 300(5 reps)
squats is now 225(5 reps)
think the big problem is I may be eating less than I should at around 2500 calorie and weight loss/gain going back and forth 5 pounds each way..
starting week 8 of Madcow 5x5 and I am stunned that I am still progressing as the calculator said I would
Bench is now 350 (5 reps)
deadlifts hit 300(5 reps)
squats is now 225(5 reps)
think the big problem is I may be eating less than I should at around 2500 calorie and weight loss/gain going back and forth 5 pounds each way..
Whoa is that bench a typo? Your deadlift and squats should be much higher
Do you walk on your hands?
Ahahahahaha yeah he must have meant 250
Let's give it up for Combine, fellas, for his cameo appearance in fitness gaf. Let's see if he'll respond to this despite swearing off fitness gaf and calling us all assholes for not praising his 10 lb gain on the squat. I really think that a ban from the internet would do him well and force him to venture in the scary world of social situations without the screen.
With that done, I'm going to try deadlifting tomorrow using a velcro belt, which comes tomorrow as well. My other belt, a thick 13mm double prong, doesn't allow me to get into the pulling position. God knows I've tried.
Whoa is that bench a typo? Your deadlift and squats should be much higher
Is this normal? Bench is the highest and squat the lowest? Wtf?
Hoping you mean to go: deadlift, squat, bench
Do you walk on your hands?
hee. I know its out of whack. but I just got back into lifting weights the last 2 years(lost 70 pounds) and never paid much attention to legs ( A couple of sets every other day)
Then I started doing this program and realized I couldn't squat worth a damn. I tried doing 250 and barely made it up one time.
Yeah, my numbers doing a 3x5 are (DL is 5 single sets).
Bench 315 3x5
Squat 325 3x5
DL 445 5x1
I'm done with that dude, have been since the last time he posted. It's never his fault, always someone else's (or something else's fault), dude needs to be babied and coddled through everything and all he ends up doing is bringing the thread down when others feel compelled to respond to him, even when it's to help him.
Did you get the spud belt?
And yeah, I tried using my FTS belt for deadlifting, can't get into position with it. Deadbeef got a spud belt and said he likes it.
Alienshogun said:Did you get the spud belt?
And yeah, I tried using my FTS belt for deadlifting, can't get into position with it. Deadbeef got a spud belt and said he likes it.
Great numbers! I'm jealous of your deadlift, that's straight up 3x my bodyweight. Did you post your 2012 goals yet?
I went with this belt instead since it was $20 cheaper. I'll report back after tomorrow's deadlifting session.
I don't think I could even dream of a 600 lb deadlift unless I drastically altered my lifestyle.
Current bodyweight 155 lbs
2012 goals:
325 lb bench (285 currently)
400 lb deadlift (340 currently)
300 squat (225 currently)
Squat will probably be hardest because I have crappy knees, but it shall be done.![]()