Need some diet advice. This is my usual template.
Breakfast: 4 eggs and 4 slices of bacon
Lunch: Salad with tons of meat--around 7 oz.
Dinner: Half of pound of meat and some broccoli--around 2 cups.
I'm starving all the time, but my goals are weight loss. My build is similar to Shogun's, but nowhere near as strong. lol.
I've tried IF, but I was stalling so I reintroduced breakfast, but I'm ravenous.
These are my workouts. Tue, Thur, Sat. I also do a Crossfit style workout once a week.
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Chins 5 sets to failure
DL 3x5
OHP 3x5
Dips 5 sets to failure
Should I eat more? I just want to shed more fat. I've made nice progress this year, but I definitely want to get more ripped this year. The hunger pangs worry me, though. I might be going way below maintainence. I'm 6 feet even 225lbs