Decided to tweak my pawn:
Just got done with the demo. Game looked gorgeous, really fantastic presentation. Framerate wasn't constant 30, but it was LIGHT YEARS better than what I played at E3 last year. Video walkthrough's to come.
I also like how your pawns actually do something. Most other games your allies/ party members are ass shit useless. Yes, ass shit.
In RE5 people hate the ai of your partner, too dumb, makes the game harder.
In DD, people hate the ai of your pawns, too good, makes the game easy.
Since some people asked earlier these are the settings for my main and pawn,
I...I don't even see them.
Edit: Oh wait there they are. I didn't even notice them
Go back and do the chimera solo, it's way better.
Grab your pawn at the start of the mission, throw him over the edge. Don't summon the other pawns.I can do that? Sweet Ill try it out right now.
Does anyone know if there is a way to dodge roll in the game?
Grab your pawn at the start of the mission, throw him over the edge. Don't summon the other pawns.
Does anyone know if there is a way to dodge roll in the game?
The combat seems very... simple. Not much strategy involved from what I've played. Just slash slash slash and you'll be just fine.
I was hoping the combat system would be like that of Dark Souls or 3D Zelda games where you would have to block and carefully place your attack.
I can wait for its price to drop to $20.
Or you can do some boost lunge move for a similar affect.R1 + direction + X with strider. Fighter just use your shield.
Since some people asked earlier these are the settings for my main and pawn,
For detail sliders farthest left will be considered 1 in this guide:
Since some people asked earlier these are the settings for my main and pawn,
For detail sliders farthest left will be considered 1 in this guide.
It's a special move only Striders can do. RB + A.
Thank you.R1 + direction + X with strider. Fighter just use your shield.
No one is going to hire your pawns now Plywood!
Black bars will be also in the final version? What is this shit?
But WHY do i have black bars top and bottom? Dont tell me they're going for 2:35 ratio <_<;
Does anyone know if there is a way to dodge roll in the game?
Ooh. My interest in this game is substantially higher.Since some people asked earlier these are the settings for my main and pawn,
For detail sliders farthest left will be considered 1 in this guide:
havent been following this all that much, but the demo has completely wowed and sold me on the game!
i've heard the demo isnt a great representation of what the actual game offers though. can someone clue me in on what i can expect?
It's actually an open world action rpg with a load of skills to learn (from what I was told), lots of levels and 7 other classes that wasn't selectable in the demo, and you could share your sidekick character with other players and they will learn quest info, fight knowledge from other players' games, and allows them to exchange items/equipments.
It's suppose to have a lot of rpg elements like combining items to make unique arrows, day/night cycles, crafting, weapon upgrades, we don't know how deep those concepts are but they're there, the concept sounds incredible but we're all waiting to see if they could pull it off (though you could probably expect poor story and dialogues for a capcom game, but it could be a surprise), but combat seems ace so far.
The first video I linked to is part of a series that answers all your questions. Supposedly the game is around 40-50 hours if you rush through it, but 100+ if you try to do everything. The world size is compared to Oblivion in that OXM preview. NPC interaction seems limited to quests and pawn stuff, but there could be more to it.thanks. any word on how long it is? how large the world is? how much NPC interaction there is?
I like the concept enough, but the framerate was miserable on ps3. Maybe I'm spoiled from DMC/god of war/Bayonetta. Is it better on 360?
In RE5 it wasn't so much the dumb AI making the game harder - it just made it more of a chore keeping them alive. Also, watching them go "ooh! Shiny thing!" and running straight into a booby trap was cringe-worthy.In RE5 people hate the ai of your partner, too dumb, makes the game harder.
In DD, people hate the ai of your pawns, too good, makes the game easy.
Yeah, people who haven't played Monster Hunter are going to be in for a treat with Dragon's Dogma in terms of unique and interesting enemy attack patterns. This Strider demonstration would probably be interesting to you, as well. Even lowly wolves are relentless in this game. :lolThe Chimera is bloody scary. That massive lion face chewing the man had me wincing! His movements remind me a bit of Teostra/Leostra from the Monster Hunter series. Getting taken for a ride on the Griffin and then bringing it down is very satisfying. Can't see that getting too old too quickly.
May 22nd.