I have the world's worst internet, and both consoles. Which is the best version of the demo GAF?
360. It's not game breaking, but the frame rate on the PS3 version is pretty bad.
I have the world's worst internet, and both consoles. Which is the best version of the demo GAF?
Can you directly control your main pawn at all?
You can give them orders like help or come here, but nothing else.Can you directly control your main pawn at all?
Just beat it, the Griffin battle was way funner than the Chimera.
Main G Sevothtarte
Pawn Sabina
360. It's not game breaking, but the frame rate on the PS3 version is pretty bad.
I just switched my preorder from 360 to ps3. :x
Asked yesterday but didn't see a reply. Any way to edit the UI for the game? The mini map and stuff is all pushed in towards the center of the screen like it is formatted for 4:3.
I just switched my preorder from 360 to ps3. :x
Yeah, the tearing looked pretty bad on 360. To me anyways.
Yeah, the PS3 version is more than fine. On the 6 times I have played it so far on PS3, I have yet to have the framerate chug like some are claiming. Anyone in doubt, just look at footage on Youtube if you can't be bothered to DL the demo. It looks good, runs great and has zero tearing. But both versions are close enough that it is really not worth splitting hairs over. Can't go wrong either way.
Menu screen under options. You can remove all UI
Yeah, the tearing looked pretty bad on 360. To me anyways.
I really have no idea what people are talking about withe the framerate dropping and screen tearing.
I guess we're lucky, I don't know.
Also, what is letterboxing and why is it bad?
Well, I did see that, but I don't want to remove the mini map, just move it to the left about 2". I know some games (MW3) have options to re-size the UI per your screen.
I did turn off combat text though, that was a massive screen blocker.
Tearing and sub-hd. Capcom is a shit company, but at least their games are usually solid tech wise.
burgerdog from here made a video of the screen tearing. Even on 720p. I could see it, clear as day.
The black lines at the top and bottom of the screen like you see in widescreen films. I think those with plasma television sets are worried about image retention and that is why some are complaining. Others may just find it annoying for whatever reason, but I am so used to seeing it in movies, that I did not even notice it. Even if it is being used in a game.
Going by the impressions in this thread I was expecting much worse.. honestly, I'm not sure I've got a feel of the combat system yet, there's a nice array of abilities and options, but the lack of lock on and of a dodging mechanic for all classes (strider has one but the warrior dude doesn't? that's.. weird), plus the fact that the pawns do all the work... it was strangely fun, but I honestly have no idea if it's going to be a good game. Honestly.
Okay, this post reads really badly, but I'm confused about this game, 'mkay?
People see what they want to see or they simply don't know what to look for. Nobody has these super awesome OC'ed 360s that don't tear and ps3s that don't drop frames.
I hoped it would grab me as quickly as Demon's Souls did, but nada.
Hell .. if you backtrack to 1-1 after destroying 99% of Demon's Souls the enemies are like flies. If that was the demo for that game people could easily say "You just mash buttons and win this game is stupid" and move on ...
You won't get away with that shit here. Just like you won't there. Quote me on it.
Tearing and black bars really kills this for me, I will have to wait for PC version or significant price drop.
Tearing and black bars really kills this for me, I will have to wait for PC version or significant price drop.
PS3 version has no tearing. All versions have the black bars though.
Going by the impressions in this thread I was expecting much worse.. honestly, I'm not sure I've got a feel of the combat system yet, there's a nice array of abilities and options, but the lack of lock on and of a dodging mechanic for all classes (strider has one but the warrior dude doesn't? that's.. weird), plus the fact that the pawns do all the work... it was strangely fun, but I honestly have no idea if it's going to be a good game. Honestly.
Okay, this post reads really badly, but I'm confused about this game, 'mkay?
My X360 is as loud as a jet engine after any extended play and I fear its close to red-ringing after an alarming graphical glitchathon towards the end of the shitfest that is Ninja Gaiden 3, so will probably be electing to pick up the PS3 version of this. DMC developers, Playstation pad only seems right as well.
Although that also makes me wonder if you'd need Live Gold on the 360 version to access other peoples Pawns and upload your own.
Fighter is BOSS, just tried it a few times again and I think a shield parry on the chimera leap attack in its face (do it early instead of parrying it when it lands) seems to be an instant knock down, I think it was at 1/4 of its last bar though, most of the other time it just stuns it for like a second, you could parry majority of the big attacks too.
Also does block uses stamina? I haven't been paying attention to my stamina and I noticed when I tried to block the chimera 's huge attack, it broke through my shield a few times, then my character ran out of stamina and out of breath, don't remember how much stamina I had when I tried to block it, but I'm sure it was low.
Cause they are smart. Everyone should vsync their games. I can't believe not many feel that it makes a game completely ugly. Even if the game is triple A, if it has tearing, it goes back to the store.
Cause they are smart. Everyone should vsync their games. I can't believe not many feel that it makes a game completely ugly. Even if the game is triple A, if it has tearing, it goes back to the store.
Just played it last night. For such a short demo I got a LOT out of it. I replayed the segments quite a bit!
THIS is how you do a RPG. No bullshit bad combat & clunky controls like The Witcher, no vanilla bland fighting like Skyrim.
A huge open world that looked & controlled absolutely beautifully! Hard & epic fights. Strategy & ease of gameplay. Everything flowed.
This is the first game since Dark Souls That I am super hyped about. I literally couldn't resume playing my save of the Witcher 2 after the demo. It just feels outdated after playing something so much better.
No staggering drops from what I saw... just a consistently low framerate. I'll have to check out the X360 demo to see how that one performs.Played the demo on PS3 and didn't notice any staggering framerate drops. Game is fun but don't know if I will get it day 1, especially with the way new games are dropping to $30/$40 mere months after release these days.
So...I played the 360 demo. A number of people are talking about the "tearing". I honestly don't know what people are talking about...although I honestly don't know what to look for.
What am I not seeing here?
I've enjoyed the demo so far but what is with the letterboxing?
Is there some reason for this?
People say sub hd. I think its for a more cinematic flare, like widescreen movies.