Both Toei, but Toriko has endings right now.
They probably didn't have the budget for a full CG ED featuring the characters training.
Both Toei, but Toriko has endings right now.
The mahou shoujo shows get all the ED budget:Toei shounen thing?
I don't think anyone here is talking about music.
Was that only in the manga? I don't remember that in the animu.It was still educational all through the Monaco Cup arc though. The microwave used when only having eggs comes to mind.
Michiko to Hatchin has this beautiful ED that's simply ruined by the music chosen for it. Masaaki Yuasa deserved better than that—he deserved more SOIL & PIMP SESSIONS.
I don't think anyone here is talking about music.
They probably didn't have the budget for a full CG ED featuring the characters training.
Was that only in the manga? I don't remember that in the animu.
I didn't even read the parts of the manga that covered the Monaco Cup. It was definitely in the anime. It was the preliminaries.
Bloody ghost sickness
Settings aren't "impressive" by any means, they're definitely "Hidamari", though
I don't think anyone here is talking about music.
Indeed. Eureka Seven's third ED is better than the corresponding OP.Given the right music(with a decent animation), a ED can be better than a OP.
We should, then we could talk about stuff like this.
The 45-minute cycle ends, and still I cannot find my socks
My detergent cruelly mocks me
Spinning in the darkness, LOAD THIS DRYER, my meido is on vacation so I must fold my own pants
In this crowded laundromat, LAUNDRY PLAYER, some bastard has stolen my hamper
Sorting in the darkness, LOAD THIS DRYER, now where was my nice pair of khakis?
A forbidden water temperature, LOAD THIS DRYER, SACRIFICE A SHEET TO GAWD!
We should, then we could talk about stuff like this.
Well now I'm never checking Umineko. :IWe should, then we could talk about stuff like this.
Well now I'm never checking Umineko. :I
Well now I'm never checking Umineko. :I
the ed's literally the only thing from the Umineko anime worth watchingWell now I'm never checking Umineko. :I
Highshcool DxD has the best ED, and I haven't even seen the show.
Highshcool DxD has the best ED, and I haven't even seen the show.
Good choice.Of course you would think that, Chet.
Excel Saga's ed goes here to offset all the lameness you fuckers keep posting.
Highshcool DxD has the best ED, and I haven't even seen the show.
Highshcool DxD has the best ED, and I haven't even seen the show.
Of course you would think that, Chet.
Excel Saga's ed goes here to offset all the lameness you fuckers keep posting.
At least he's consistent with his praise. 7th was all like "fuck this shit, what a sellout".The latest in the long line of Norimitsu Suzuki endings that duckroll praised.
It seems like Tatsuyuki Nagai shows always have better EDs than OPs. And of course one of his trademarks is transitioning into the ED song before the episode actually ends.
If they replaced the music track to the Highschool DxD ED with scratchings of a chalk board, it would still be the best ED.get your shitty vocals outta my music
I didn't know what to expect.
Akari wasn't even in it so the contest was stupid to begin with.
You just lucked out that it actually has good animation.Highshcool DxD has the best ED, and I haven't even seen the show.
I've only gotten to watch the first movie so far, but I didn't think it was that bad. The plot may be silly, but you get to spend more time with the characters. Which is pretty much how I felt about the original series, anyway.I'll take that as confirmation to not watch the hypothetical movies if I ever finish the series.
That's not really true, I think a majority of people here would probably disagree to any one of those... maybe not all, but anyway, all four of those are certainly debatable points people in animegaf do not agree on.You all like KEY Anime and consider Ano Hana shit. Consider HotD ''fun'' show and dismiss shows like Baka no Test. I shall be not be linked with you lot again.
Yeah, absolutes are often false.Few accurate statements start with "you all".
Artbooks are all well and good, but we really, really, REALLY need another ABe anime...ABe art is always worth looking at. Perhaps making a general appreciation thread with Despera as part of it would be the best option.
It'll be resurrected years later to popular acclaimwhen the show comes out - haha.
Code Geass is about unbelievably stupid plot twists, lots of violence and random character deaths/mass damage, crazy characters... overdone everything, pretty much. Either you like that style of flashy and unbelievably stupid junk, or you hate it. I'm on the hate side, myself.Not depth, per se, but I'm trying to find what it is that made it popular. If I'm watching it wrong, how do I watch it right?
Alright guys, I'll keep watching. I'll go to 15 and then see if I finish it or not.
With the exception of theSora no Woto 12 (FINAL) + Specials
With the exception of 7 (I didn't like the show's melodramatic take on PTSD), I agree that the last quarter show is generally pretty good. In a sense, SnW is a lot like Clannad's story structure in that my only worry in recommending it to others is that they have to wade through some meh stuff to get to the part where the series truly shines. And that's my main problem with SnW. There's some unremarkable writing in the first 3/4 but then it all comes together in the end in a very "Oooohhh, I get it now" fashion.
And bone me, Kanata has got to be the most adorable thing in uniform. Episode 8 was almost unbearable in that regard.
I entirely agree -- the first half is fantastic. The world-building part's just as amazing as the drama part is. And yes, many, many elements tie back into the plot later on.I liked the first half as well, since that was the world building. Probably the only thing that didn't make sense was the silly Mafia thing, but that was just derpy anime stuff and gave them a chance to do a "moe" Roshomon riff.
And of course, things like Noel's episode tie directly to the ending as well.
None of the Yuru Yuri girls are even cute, it makes sense that none of them are in it. Or alternatively, stick some stupid joke about how Akarin~ doesn't exist here.
Well, is that not what we're basing this ranking of EDs on?You just lucked out that it actually has good animation.
None of the Yuru Yuri girls are even cute, it makes sense that none of them are in it. Or alternatively, stick some stupid joke about how Akarin~ doesn't exist here.
Medaka Box 7
Bwahahaha. I have to admit, this episode was pretty funny. That first skit with Hitoyoshi and Kikaijima was awesome, and Medaka's reaction to being calledwas good too, haha.too perfect for art
Who are you and what did you do to Medaka Box?!
And here it comes!
Well, is that not what we're basing this ranking of EDs on?
Genre shift start?
Is Shiranui still the best thing about it?
Bring it.
(The actual "shift" still won't be for a few more episodes though.)
Believe me, the few of us fans here are aware of that fact, which makes the tease from last week even worse.A few more episodes? But the series is only 12 episodes long.