I know I said he is not a technical head so he's not being overly technical in his explanation/perhaps he couldn't elaborate on it so it should be taken as a grain of salt.
But I don't think he's as clueless as claiming the clocks are low and not be. It's probably under 3.2 GHz or some engineer explained to him that if it had, say 200 MHz extra running whatever they're struggling with right now would be easier.
I also don't think he comes off as a jerk; he seems to mean well and be talkative to his userbase, which is very good (and friendly); we're fishing for details after all. And his team sure put forth a lot of effort on Tekken 3DS technical aspects and Tekken 6 on X360 sure had some impressive inovations considering the game started off as a PS3 exclusive; I expect them not to be lazy with Wii U as well. (Note: I actually hate the way tekken plays)
If there's something the Tekken team is good at, is being good at finding their "creative solutions".
No idea about the matter around those similar konami/namco/chinese-korean-anime-japan-fight-rpg-whatever companies, I am not a fan of those games, I do not follow those, I don't even know who this tekken guy is; i know tekken is a mortal combat kind of fighting game, though the E3 trailer shown nothing.
The only game I really liked off there was Soul Calibur 2*(the only one i played) ... but smash bros is something unique
So sorry about that comment.
For future people should know...
I am strictly not a fan of the following:
Fighting game
Not a fan but has exceptions:
- Racing (except Flatout 2, they nailed it)
- Aerial Combat (hawx)
What I am strictly fan of:
- RTS (pretty much everything except farmville and "[insert_random_text]ville")
- First-Person Action Adventure (metroid primes, 2Ds are great too, as long as it's not 2D + "FP missile mode" with some japanese-sushi-flashy-emotional-fantasy-anime turd, no offense, majority would agree, metroid does not need silly cut scenes of voice acting, i don't want it to feel like some halo)
- Third-Person Action Adventure (zelda)
- Space Aerial Combat Adventure (starfox, RougeSquadron on GCN and countless ideas that this industry does not produce)
What I have became later fan:
- FPS (doom,avp,cod2,cod4,crysis,farcry3.. this is more on my PC legacy, i don't play standard FPS on consoles)
MMORTS (got into EON Alpha)
I do not take DOTA as action-RTS, they are only regarded as because it's a MOD and the engine they came off, the gameplay is heavily Role based and the way the gameplay is structured, I have once tried some random sc2 mod based of dota and it turned out fuzzy, none of the battles took long enough for me to upgrade my ship, and upgrades didn't matter at all, therefore upgrades had no point, the gameplay was therefore deemed flawed, i do not enjoy constant action.
I do not own any smartphones or tablets or notebooks or laptops or portable mobile whatever devices. All that mobile stuff is against my philosophy, i do not use them for anything, I have seen countless times these things are serverly impractical, slow, ridicolous to control, unresponsive, unstable, and most of yet, my nerves have little tolerance for such nonsense. I'm detect noticable software bugs and annoyances very fast, I know how it should work like, I have borrowed an android based Galaxy S2 device from samsung, I did lose my temper more than three times, thankfully the LCD has a strong protective outer plastic, If the device was my own and if it was old enough, I would smash it without hesitation. For a better perspective, most of these annoyances are slow, unstable, hanging applications, slow LCD response, slow touch response, temporary lockups, website display/parsing problems, and some good ol' buggy adobe flash.
I have never owned any Apple products, that will never change until I am alive.
I have always owned nintendo consoles, started by fate, but no software has yet managed to convince me of going after competition, not even soul calibur. I have beome heavy on PCs after GCN years, therfore I have no use for more consoles.
EDIT: LOL I didn't even knew until i saw this, i sware if this was reported then yep im late this time.
Sorry guys haven't been reading completely past few pages it's getting late here.
This has been reported totally out of context, once again my suspicions are correct. This is the most silliest thing i've heard past E3.
It's all about understanding rumors/hints that makes the speculation worth.