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Wii U Community Thread

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Uncharted? No wai, specially the first one when they had to include technology R&D. Gears of War 1 was said to be a 10 million game, but you have to take into account they're not including tech/engine R&D (or promotion costs) it's a poster child with special conditions.

Most games are costing more than 20 million, approaching 30 million when in multiplatform development.

As for 100 million, it's certainly possible to get there, specially when you had to develop your tech and assets from the ground and it's your first game using it/them. Top range dev costs last gen were 30 million, for such games, with the increase in development time, number of developers and complexity of the tech/work of course the end price can't stay in the same range.
It's just what I recall reading in an interview with Evan Wells.

Found the old story.

Joystiq: The budget for the first game was said to be around $20 million dollars, and that had to include that engine creation from scratch, which is a big thing. Since you are using the same engine, has this been a cheaper endeavor? Are you guys spending the same amount?

Wells: We are spending the same amount. You always want to be able to just do more. Definitely it is a leg up to start with that technological foundation, but what you try to do with it is just that much more.
It could be that Wells was ignoring the part about the $20M I guess, (but it doesn't really read that way to me.)


Hearing praise on the graphics side from Shin'en for the Wii U is always a good thing. I was hyped since the other interview from some weeks ago. (Here it is a quote for those who missed it.)

By the way does anybody have an idea of what kind of game they are working? That "literally thousands of animated objects" sounds impressive coming from them.

Nice, where did you get this quote?.


I just hope we don't have to wait like 3 years to get a game as good looking as Uncharted 3.

Nintendo has a knack for working some serious voodoo magic with its hardware. It may be a less realistic style, but I feel like we'll have an amazing looking game before too long. Hopefully we will at least see it by or around E3 '13.


I am positively giddy about this. Another WoG-esque game for the Wii? Bring it!
And as far as my soundtrack expectations go: my iPod is ready.

File this under: Pleasant Surprises

This is turning out to be a rather positive week for the U thus far. I like!

I'm sticking to my expectation of the 18th. The 25th seems a bit late in the shopping season; Nintendo wouldn't want to miss out on Black Friday shopping volumes.

Still wishing for October.. such a perfect month.. football, pumpkins, tolerable weather..
No, there is too much wii u positivity right now. Need to restore balance.

"Wii U's CPU has a lower clock speed than the 360/PS3, I can't directly port my game to it because there is no Port button. I actually have to code and stuff".

Balance restored.


No, there is too much wii u positivity right now. Need to restore balance.

"Wii U's CPU has a lower clock speed than the 360/PS3, I can't directly port my game to it because there is no Port button. I actually have to code and stuff".

Balance restored.

Lol, I think someone should make port buttons on the dev kits one day, than we wouldn't have to hear anything about this stuff.


No, there is too much wii u positivity right now. Need to restore balance.

"Wii U's CPU has a lower clock speed than the 360/PS3, I can't directly port my game to it because there is no Port button. I actually have to code and stuff".

Balance restored.
Good spinning effort; you made my co-workers look at me funny when I burst into a chuckle here. :p

I see these blips of positivity as an ounce of counterbalance to the fecal ton of negativity and thinly-veiled wishings of NintenDoom that we've had on the Gaming Side in recent times, haha.. :)



I think in the end all concern would not exist if Retro just allowed their game to be shown in some matter. Processor speeds, gpu, etc all of it wouldn't really matter if we just saw actual footage of what the Wii U was capable when it came to a complex "core" game truly designed for the system (not something that started off being for something else) from a quality and trusted team.

Which does bring up something I've been wondering about. Do we know if Project P-100 started off being a 360 game or was a Wii U game from the start? Or at the least running of assets that were meant for another system originally?


I think in the end all concern would not exist if Retro just allowed their game to be shown in some matter. Processor speeds, gpu, etc all of it wouldn't really matter if we just saw actual footage of what the Wii U was capable when it came to a complex game truly designed for the system (not something that started off being for something else) from a quality team.

Bah. People will still speculate until release and talk about the specs until Wii U is replaced. Techies will be techies.
I think too many people are dismissing the game just because of what was released on the 360/ps3. And that would be a shame. Dont forget, the WiiU was always going to get its own version:

Maybe they didnt plan to make it originally that much different, but things have changed:



Resulting in:

One of the reasons I bought the Xbox was because of Ninja Gaiden. A truly beautiful game on the system. Future WiiU owners are lucky that they might get a really good Ninja Gaiden game so I hope it doesn't get overlooked.

Ninja Gaiden 3 isn't going to be overlooked by my good self, particularly now we have dismemberment goodness.

Not too sure how I'm going to pay for all this tbh, I'm looking at getting a black Wii U, a Classic Controller Pro, ZombiU, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, Arkham City, Assassins Creed 3, Ninja Gaiden 3, Aliens Colonial Marines, Darksiders 2 and Rabbids Land.


Bah. People will still speculate until release and talk about the specs until Wii U is replaced. Techies will be techies.

Yeah, people still argue about PS2/GC/XBox specs now. Saw a thread on Beyond3D the other day where people were still trying to argue that PS2 was more powerful than GC and arguing over games "MGS3 had amazing open worlds with amazing lighting and it felt alive, RE4 had fixed lighting and poor textures" ect, you can never stop this kind of thing, no matter what.

Side note, Beyond3D is utter rubbish these days, so sad :(
It's just what I recall reading in an interview with Evan Wells.

Found the old story.

It could be that Wells was ignoring the part about the $20M I guess, (but it doesn't really read that way to me.)
Pretty sure it doesn't include marketing and promotion, their side of the budget should be development-only. Them saying the game costed 20 million is different than Sony claiming it was a 20 million investment.

Might not even include actors and mocap if the one's stepping that bill for outside contracts are Sony (often happens with developers working for a publisher), not to mention if I recall correctly Uncharted needed outside contractors for scenarios. (perhaps not on the first outing though, I dunno).

On the other hand, being exclusive can reduce development costs a tad bit (although they tapped the console due to that and it's PS3 we're talking about, so perhaps R&D irons it out) if I recall correctly Sony (unlike most developers) has a mocap studio and they could have insider help/ticket priority like The Last Guardian is having (this is normal, at some point Nintendo turned Rareware into a Q/A support team, I've heard of Nintendo's NST sadly meeting the same end). Which helps keeping the costs down but isn't a viable for lots of devs (or a assisted production pipeline they have access to).

The games being short also helps, of course. Anyway, certainly under 40 million total, they also seem to not be out of control regarding dev costs/time seeing they can actually ship games this gen (4 of them, by the counts of it); One way or the other Uncharted (and Gears of War) are examples of sustainable investment with good results, but they're too close to hardware manufacturers to trust that a third party game could match it at the same price.
Bah. People will still speculate until release and talk about the specs until Wii U is replaced. Techies will be techies.

True. But for people like me who are more interested in the software side of things and who don't fully comprehend bits, flops, flippers and whatnot it would calm any uncertainties. It certainly wouldn't hurt.


Not too sure how I'm going to pay for all this tbh, I'm looking at getting a black Wii U, a Classic Controller Pro, ZombiU, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, Arkham City, Assassins Creed 3, Ninja Gaiden 3, Aliens Colonial Marines, Darksiders 2 and Rabbids Land.

Take out a small loan ;)
and to top it off, there's most likely a few un-announced games for launch/launch window that are gonna be must haves...


Yeah, people still argue about PS2/GC/XBox specs now. Saw a thread on Beyond3D the other day where people were still trying to argue that PS2 was more powerful than GC and arguing over games "MGS3 had amazing open worlds with amazing lighting and it felt alive, RE4 had fixed lighting and poor textures" ect, you can never stop this kind of thing, no matter what.

Side note, Beyond3D is utter rubbish these days, so sad :(

Too those people, we know for a fact the GameCube is more powerful than the PS2, I see a lot of people arguing between which is more powerful, the GameCube or Xbox.


Since there is a positive vibe going around here, I'm going to say my prediction for release will be Oct 28th or Oct 30th.

I can't imagine they want to release so far after ACIII comes out and everyone already buys it for the other consoles.

Isn't ACIII, kinda the biggest game coming to the Wii-U? I can't believe they would sour it with releasing it weeks or a month later.

The earlier the better for me. I'm so ready to get playing.
Too those people, we know for a fact the GameCube is more powerful than the PS2, I see a lot of people arguing between which is more powerful, the GameCube or Xbox.
True. Does it even matter?

I mean, it's like this wii u cpu thing if our speculation here is right (and it's a different cpu when it comes to it's inner workings); if the architecture is different (and every architecture was very different that gen) then it'll have different strengths.

Could be powerful enough to still surpass performance on code optimized for some other platform, but it isn't/doesn't have to be. It's like coming to the conclusion PSone graphics chip was actually simpler than the SNES one; hell yeah, it was. But the thing was so much more powerful that it didn't matter.

It's been a while since proportions were like that; so competing platforms will have strenghts and weaknesses instead; It took a Pentium 4 3.2 GHz to beat the GFlop performance of a Emotion Engine which was PS2 CPU (then again a Pentium II beat the crap out of it in integer).

It's all about tradeoffs now; and has been for a while. I actually think Gamecube tradeoff's were better thought out for what it was able to do with less and that's the main reason they were able to close the gap/somewhat match more expensive hardware (complete with the things it couldn't have at the time, such as shader model compliant shader units, since it wasn't being developed by a major desktop pc gpu manufacturer); but it certainly had them; if anything wii made sure they showed by dragging the life of the architecture for 6 extra years. Anyway, all in all top software showcasers in either platform couldn't run "as is" on the other by regular porting means, because they were too different.


True. But for people like me who are more interested in the software side of things and who don't fully comprehend bits, flops, flippers and whatnot it would calm any uncertainties. It certainly wouldn't hurt.

Oh yeah, me too. In fact, I'm quite embarrassed that most of this tech talk goes over my head, considering I'm entering my fourth year as an electrical and computer engineering student. I don't read up on tech. :|


Dude, my father works at Sony and my brother at Nintendo, I know for a fact the PS2 is much more powerful than the GameCube. It's so powerful that developers couldn't even use it. :D

That's shocking, my uncle works for Nintendo and he said the Wii U successor will be called Wii Us : O.

True. Does it even matter?

I mean, it's like this wii u cpu thing if our speculation here is right (and it's a different cpu when it comes to it's inner workings); if the architecture is different (and every architecture was very different that gen) then it'll have different strengths.

Could be powerful enough to still surpass performance on code optimized for some other platform, but it isn't/doesn't have to be. It's like coming to the conclusion PSone graphics chip was actually simpler than the SNES one; hell yeah, it was. But the thing was so much more powerful that it didn't matter.

Pretty much.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
True. But for people like me who are more interested in the software side of things and who don't fully comprehend bits, flops, flippers and whatnot it would calm any uncertainties. It certainly wouldn't hurt.
Flippers are essential.


Since there is a positive vibe going around here, I'm going to say my prediction for release will be Oct 28th or Oct 30th.


Man oh man.. that kinda "early" talk gets my schwartz goin'.. if only!


True. But for people like me who are more interested in the software side of things and who don't fully comprehend bits, flops, flippers and whatnot it would calm any uncertainties. It certainly wouldn't hurt.

That would really be the key benefit. The numbers will be numbers. The end result of what can be done with those specs is what will matter in the end. It would certainly calm down any uncertainty or at least be a huge leap in doing so.
Oh yeah, me too. In fact, I'm quite embarrassed that most of this tech talk goes over my head, considering I'm entering my fourth year as an electrical and computer engineering student. I don't read up on tech. :|

haha Well lucky for us there are peeps here who can break it down for us. ;) I doubt your as ignorant as myself, considering my work doesn't involve computer hardware whatsoever. When it comes to tech you have to explain it to me like you would a five year old. lol
Flippers are essential.

Well true, there was a flipper in the GameCube! :D

That would really be the key benefit. The numbers will be numbers. The end result of what can be done with those specs is what will matter in the end. It would certainly calm down any uncertainty or at least be a huge leap in doing so.

Yup I just want to see the end results. It won't matter much to me when whats in the box once I see a beautiful game on the screen.


So in Wust III at page 314 (50 post setting) we had allready the discussion about the CPU.
CU45HP... Project Flanker... = customized multicore variant of PPC 476FP/470S ???
That was the great question in April....
So.....we are still there??

I think Post #15665 from StevieP was one good summary for that. But feel free to read throgh that page/(s) cos we had that discussion all before.

I think a highly customized CPU with whatever basis and whatever clockspeed will be better than CPUs that are allready out there in this gen plattforms.
Cos they have more modern features.

When will we see it first time?
When a game is programmed from ground up for Wii U or is not a port (programmed alongside with another version).

All consoles suffer from weaker opponents, see PS2/GC/XBOX mostly the games on XBOX or GC were as bad as the PS2 version or had only minor upgrades.
What MS and Sony should fear is that that can also happen in the next generation if 3rd parties consider WiiU as lead plattform (aka PS2) and port it to the other two.
I'm thinking you know, how things are looking to shape up, this generation I might be a regular in the WiiU eShop. 1st party Nintendo games, and creative and artistic DD games, and very, very limited 3rd party purchases. As I'm getting older, and playing less I think that's just the ticket for me. Nintendo seem to be terraforming their indie landscape rather nicely.


Good spinning effort; you made my co-workers look at me funny when I burst into a chuckle here. :p

I see these blips of positivity as an ounce of counterbalance to the fecal ton of negativity and thinly-veiled wishings of NintenDoom that we've had on the Gaming Side in recent times, haha.. :)

Haha. Glad I could make someone laugh. I've gotten a few weird looks from co-workers when I laugh from reading GAF on my iPad. I know the feeling.

It's good to see some positivity towards the Wii U as we get closer to launch.
there is no gpgpu in the wiiu and that is why you don't see people talking about. The gpu in the wiiu can run gpgpu code but its terrible at running this code.
Not trying to be mean or an ass or anything.

But it always makes me laugh to see you in here bitching about things others don't really understand, and then posting things you yourself don't really understand with such certainty.

It's like you and Van Owen in here complaining about how weak the WiiU CPU is in comparison to Xenon and Cell when no dev has said more than "It has a lower clock." or "We'll have to work something out."

No shit. A low clocked OoOE CPU is having trouble running code directly from a completely antithetical CPU design.


Not trying to be mean or an ass or anything.

But it always makes me laugh to see you in here bitching about things others don't really understand, and then posting things you yourself don't really understand with such certainty.

It's like you and Van Owen in here complaining about how weak the WiiU CPU is in comparison to Xenon and Cell when no dev has said more than "It has a lower clock." or "We'll have to work something out."

No shit. A low clocked OoOE CPU is having trouble running code directly from a completely antithetical CPU design.
I'm not complaining about a weak cpu. We have developing saying that. It been like that for months. This is the first on the record. But i dont feel this is enough of a problem to stop current gen games from running on this system.

Supporting compute shaders and being a viable platform for compute aren't the same thing. But this may be the reason in IGN developing survey they said the "Wii U is the hardest to develop games for, one said they wont work with it at all because it’s complexities." Trying to force the r700 to run gpgpu code to make up for the lack of cpu performance would sure be a lot of fun...

"If WiiuGPU is radeon 4000/VLIW-based it's not going to do well at GPGPU. It's just a fundamental shortcoming of that architecture that AMD never managed to get around no matter how much they tweaked their compiler. Even writing directly for the architecture using their close-to-the-metal STREAM API usually didn't give good performance (except for a few notable corner cases such as Milkyway@Home for example)."
I'm not complaining about a weak cpu. We have developing saying that. It been like that for months. This is the first on the record. But i dont feel this is enough of a problem to stop current gen games from running on this system.

Supporting compute shaders and being a viable platform for compute aren't the same thing. But this may be the reason in IGN developing survey they said the "Wii U is the hardest to develop games for, one said they wont work with it at all because it’s complexities." Trying to force the r700 to run gpgpu code to make up for the lack of cpu performance would sure be a lot of fun...
I doubt we're seeing multiplatform developers developing for cross platform with current gen in mind forcing a multiplatform game to run in GPGPU doesn't really make sense, it's a new feature they're not going cold turkey on it.

On top of it, say, CELL SPE's aren't good at all to run General Purpose, yet some developers had to work around it due to cpu lacking overhead with stuff like AI; my point? no doubt the performance they are used to from those methods (floating point ones) is weak as fuck; nothing new or unexpectable (should be way better actually).

Unlike the concept of going back when something is worse than it was before, GPGPU is going forwards (and hasn't even taken off just yet).

EDIT: It's not even that bad and bare in mind might also have something to do with optimization seeing CUDA (that sprouted OpenCL) was a nvidia endeavour; also, the VLIW4 modification, if present should help.


I doubt we're seeing multiplatform developers developing for cross platform with current gen in mind forcing a multiplatform game to run in GPGPU doesn't really make sense, it's a new feature they're not going cold turkey on it.

On top of it, say, CELL SPE's aren't good at all to run General Purpose, yet some developers had to work around it due to cpu lacking overhead with stuff like AI; my point? no doubt the performance they are used to from those methods (floating point ones) is weak as fuck; nothing new or unexpectable (should be way better actually).

Unlike the concept of going back when something is worse than it was before, GPGPU is going forwards (and hasn't even taken off just yet).

Using your example of cell, Wiiu gpu is poor at running compute shader code. How do you get around this when you say they move to compute shader seeing the platform is not well suited to run this code?

Its like saying cell is poor at running general purpose yet they will move to run general purpose code to boost performance.


They simply don't want premature judgements about the system, and with mainstreamers, first impression counts the most.

Everyone knows how this spreads.

We can be we happy that all the Wii games will be playable but the same as they were, they don't have the scaler in, they don't need it, the DRC has his own native output, and to fix the Wii issue

  • Majora's Mask HD Remake (a lot of talk about it)
  • Metroid Prime Trilogy HD Remake ( even one developer already mentioned this directly, hopefully nintendo notices)

Maybe there will be a PAK, MPT HD Remake could be sold on it's own, there are 3 games, but other's cant, for example F-Zero GX .. if they do the old ones not sure, I believe they would do the franchise that have more than 2, so they can pack, but they go new F-Zero planned still that's like 3 years from now.

Maybe a lite pack of many but just a native resolution and other quick stuff without any overhaul, no idea, really, GCN solds through eShop could have that, not regarded as true remakes.

HD Remake doesn't mean it's only getting higher resolution and better textures, bugs fixed, performance improved or even doubled if it's 30 or something, other fixes, overall overhaul.

Nintendo's effort polishes other things as they did with Starfox 64 3DS
Not trying to be mean or an ass or anything.

But it always makes me laugh to see you in here bitching about things others don't really understand, and then posting things you yourself don't really understand with such certainty.

It's like you and Van Owen in here complaining about how weak the WiiU CPU is in comparison to Xenon and Cell when no dev has said more than "It has a lower clock." or "We'll have to work something out."

No shit. A low clocked OoOE CPU is having trouble running code directly from a completely antithetical CPU design.

The funny part is when people like van owen pretend like their word is law and no one else could possibly be right. Anyway, it's good seeing some positive news about the Wii U Eshop
Using your example of cell, Wiiu gpu is poor at running compute shader code. How do you get around this when you say they move to compute shader seeing the platform is not well suited to run this code?
First off, we don't know what's under the roof there exactly (and I grow tired of stating this and having people assume they know it all). Compute shader code is overly dependent on the Shader Model 5 specification (and Direct X 11 API, but that doesn't apply to non-microsoft platforms), not OpenGL/CUDA/GPGPU features. And VLIW architecture is not crap at it (SM5). I don't even know where you're coming from.
Its like saying cell is poor at running general purpose yet they will move to run general purpose code to boost performance.
I'm not following.

Problem with CELL is not that you could do that stuff via other means (like some devs had to) it's that in an ideal scenario they wouldn't have to (and most of the time they'd rather aim lower with their game than actually do it); because it should have a more powerful general purpose cpu.

we don't know if the wii u is lacking in general purpose, we're seeing difficulty in ports from these thought faulty architectures; so in an ideal scenario (assuming the cpu is different rather than crap) they won't have to; they just need the platform to be known to developers and being taken into account from the ground up.
I'm not complaining about a weak cpu. We have developing saying that. It been like that for months. This is the first on the record. But i dont feel this is enough of a problem to stop current gen games from running on this system.

Supporting compute shaders and being a viable platform for compute aren't the same thing. But this may be the reason in IGN developing survey they said the "Wii U is the hardest to develop games for, one said they wont work with it at all because it’s complexities." Trying to force the r700 to run gpgpu code to make up for the lack of cpu performance would sure be a lot of fun...

"If WiiuGPU is radeon 4000/VLIW-based it's not going to do well at GPGPU. It's just a fundamental shortcoming of that architecture that AMD never managed to get around no matter how much they tweaked their compiler. Even writing directly for the architecture using their close-to-the-metal STREAM API usually didn't give good performance (except for a few notable corner cases such as Milkyway@Home for example)."
You're not forcing an r700 to run gpgpu code.

You're running GPGPU code on a GPU finalized sometime early this year that may have used the r700 as a basis.


Using your example of cell, Wiiu gpu is poor at running compute shader code. How do you get around this when you say they move to compute shader seeing the platform is not well suited to run this code?

Its like saying cell is poor at running general purpose yet they will move to run general purpose code to boost performance.

WiiU's GPU is excellent at running compute shader code.

Sorry I thought this was take a guess and claim it as a fact day?
there is no gpgpu in the wiiu and that is why you don't see people talking about. The gpu in the wiiu can run gpgpu code but its terrible at running this code.

Well I said "hypothetical." You are right in that WiiU may not have a GPGPU.

However, if WiiU has a modified GPU able to "run GPGPU code," how can you be so certain that it is "terrible at running this code?" Has there been any indication, or PROOF, that this is the case? We barely even know what's under the hood and we can suddenly infer such things?

To the bold yes when it comes to using compute abilities of a GPU. It's not a simple matter of porting a PS360 game over and then making what was designed to work on the CPU work on the GPU. I posted a little while ago this interview with Tim Sweeney from a few years ago.


I never got around to reading that article and eventually forgot about it. But that's a very good indication about Wii U's emphasis on GPU computing.

Thanks for the reply, bg. Very interesting read. I still find it strange that some developers are more preoccupied with the slower CPU, and how it affects current-gen ports, instead of talking about this "emphasis on GPU computing," and how it can benefit future game development. I can't believe it's about NDAs at this point. It just sounds to me like these devs are living in the moment, just trying to make sure current projects do well, and therefore describe WiiU's hardware and development solely in the context of the current generation. And I kinda see where they're coming from... HOWEVER, I think it would do GAF some good to be exposed to more articles that are more open about what makes WiiU's hardware unique for the future. So far, I can count the number of such articles with one hand, while concerns about the WiiU's performance over PS360 have been numerous for a while now. This, in turn, has bred a great deal of ignorance and misunderstanding in these forums. A lot of fighting too.

Sorry about the rant :p

Not trying to be mean or an ass or anything.

But it always makes me laugh to see you in here bitching about things others don't really understand, and then posting things you yourself don't really understand with such certainty.

It's like you and Van Owen in here complaining about how weak the WiiU CPU is in comparison to Xenon and Cell when no dev has said more than "It has a lower clock." or "We'll have to work something out."

No shit. A low clocked OoOE CPU is having trouble running code directly from a completely antithetical CPU design.

I may not know much about tech, but I also found his statement odd. His answer seemed factual (reminds me a little bit of Ace
I miss you, Ace :'(
), but I can't shake the feeling that it was misinformed or just a plain guess.


First off, we don't know what's under the roof there exactly (and I grow tired of stating this and having people assume they know it all). Compute shader code is overly dependent on the Shader Model 5 specification (and Direct X 11 API, but that doesn't apply to non-microsoft platforms), not OpenGL/CUDA/GPGPU features. And VLIW architecture is not crap at it (SM5). I don't even know where you're coming from.I'm not following.

Problem with CELL is not that you could do that stuff via other means (like some devs had to) it's that in an ideal scenario they wouldn't have to (and most of the time they'd rather aim lower with their game than actually do it); because it should have a more powerful general purpose cpu.

we don't know if the wii u is lacking in general purpose, we're seeing difficulty in ports from these thought faulty architectures; so in an ideal scenario (assuming the cpu is different rather than crap) they won't have to; they just need the platform to be known to developers and being taken into account from the ground up.

Sure and the wiiu could have a 7970 in it or anything else if we just throw out everything we know. Again I base my statement on the facts we have at hand. Not what it could have. No one is saying they know it all, what we are saying is everything we do know is this.... If you can find proof that back up it having sm5 or anything else then that would change the debate.
Sure and the wiiu could have a 7970 in it or anything else if we just throw out everything we know. Again I base my statement on the facts we have at hand. Not what it could have. No one is saying they know it all, what we are saying is everything we do know is this.... If you can find proof that back up it having sm5 or anything else then that would change the debate.
facts? what facts? name one


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Using your example of cell, Wiiu gpu is poor at running compute shader code. How do you get around this when you say they move to compute shader seeing the platform is not well suited to run this code?
Humor me this: is Turks also 'poor at running compute shaders' given how it's VLIW too?
Sure and the wiiu could have a 7970 in it or anything else if we just throw out everything we know. Again I base my statement on the facts we have at hand. Not what it could have. No one is saying they know it all, what we are saying is everything we do know is this.... If you can find proof that back up it having sm5 or anything else then that would change the debate.
I'm not going to find proof to back up nothing I'm saying; because unlike you I'm not claiming anything.

I'm just saying you can't pull those "facts" out with a custom gpu whose architecture certainly reached sm5.0; if Nintendo wants it to be sm 5.0 it'll be; and even if not I'm pretty sure since it's a closed platform they can get creative in order to re-create such effects; it's not like it's fixed function/can't be programmed (notice how I'm not saying performance will double, unlike a past argument of yours :p)

You're threading unknown waters and throwing your guesses as facts, good luck with that.
However, if WiiU has a modified GPU able to "run GPGPU code," how can you be so certain that it is "terrible at running this code?" Has there been any indication, or PROOF, that this is the case? We barely even know what's under the hood and we can suddenly infer such things?
He's guessing the gpu sucks at gpgpu (and therefore is not sm5.0/can't possibly do compute shaders right) because how developers are having problems with their ports due to the cpu part; because when dealing with a new architecture and with stuff they never dealt with before (gpgpu) they'll move their resources exactly there.

Yup, that's actually it.


Sure and the wiiu could have a 7970 in it or anything else if we just throw out everything we know. Again I base my statement on the facts we have at hand. Not what it could have. No one is saying they know it all, what we are saying is everything we do know is this.... If you can find proof that back up it having sm5 or anything else then that would change the debate.

The Wii U's GPU is more capable in features than any R700 chip ever produced? is that the fact you are talking about? because that's about the only thing we do know about Wii U's GPU and it's DX11 capable feature set, "2011/2012 bells and whistles" was another way it was put. That doesn't sound like the card you are talking about at all.


I'm not going to find proof to back up nothing I'm saying; because unlike you I'm not claiming anything.

I'm just saying you can't pull those "facts" out with a custom gpu whose architecture certainly reached sm5.0; if Nintendo wants it to be sm 5.0 it'll be; and even if not I'm pretty sure since it's a closed platform they can get creative in order to re-create such effects; it's not like it's fixed function/can't be programmed (notice how I'm not saying performance will double, unlike a past argument of yours :p)

You're threading unknown waters and throwing your guesses as facts, good luck with that.He's guessing the gpu sucks at gpgpu (and therefore is not sm5.0/can't possibly do compute shaders right) because how developers are having problems with their ports due to the cpu part; because when dealing with a new architecture and with stuff they never dealt with before (gpgpu) they'll move their resources exactly there.

Yup, that's actually it.

But you are claiming this GPGPU? I claiming exactly what we know. You putting this sm5 and other stuff that I havent seen anywhere.

I'm not guessing, I stated the the r700 that the wiiu gpus based on and its not good at running compute shaders. Seems you agree with this statement since you put out sm5 and now "they will find away around this."

So let stick to what we know. the gpu is r700 based, if this is still correct, Would you agree or disagree with my statements? If they wanted sm5 or anything else they would have started on evergreen that was already out.

The Wii U's GPU is more capable in features than any R700 chip ever produced? is that the fact you are talking about? because that's about the only thing we do know about Wii U's GPU and it's DX11 capable feature set, "2011/2012 bells and whistles" was another way it was put. That doesn't sound like the card you are talking about at all.
What new features are in the wiiu gpu? We have the leak sdk that seem to back up the r700.

We been over all these statements and now BG even at the point were he still believe its a r700 core. Correct me if im wrong on this BG. To what you guy are saying would change the core of the gpu.


My source is my ass!
A tiny bit of info about Wii U SDK post-E3

It seems the version 2.05, released around E3, is buggy, especially for sound, and some studios prefer to stay on the 2.04 while waiting for the 2.06.
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