I am ashamed that Jidal and Haley are of Indian (Desi) heritage
Looks like it made it to the news.
So, with that happening...
Why do some governors and law makers insist that, when it comes to cuts, they need to cut education and something to do with health care?
Because it's not immediately noticeable.Why do some governors and law makers insist that, when it comes to cuts, they need to cut education and something to do with health care?
Makes the blood boil.I had this conversation with a friend of mine yesterday about Jindals' implementation of the ACA here in Louisiana, and I thought you guys would be interested:
Because it's not immediately noticeable.
Most people are healthy, and you find out that you have dumb kids only years after the fact.
Same reason why infrastructure and research money is always first on the chopping block.
Already posted?
"Our use was 100% proper, under fair use, and we plan to defend ourselves," said a Romney campaign spokesperson.
Good lol.OK I have seen 3 Romney ads here tonight in Iowa, is he seriously spending millions of dollars in ads to say "Naw Obama is lying about me"??
Jindal's such a fuck.,
Obama called Immelt one of the nations most respected and admired business leaders, adding that that he selected him to chair the new council in part because of his success at G.E., which the president believes can be a model for other businesses.
Bill O'Reilly laid out the Romney attack plan to these Bain attacks - just run every video of Obama praising GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, note all their plants outside the country and the fact that they paid $0 in federal taxes in 2010. How Obama hits Romney for outsourcing on one hand, and on the other hand:
Bill O'Reilly laid out the Romney attack plan to these Bain attacks - just run every video of Obama praising GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, note all their plants outside the country and the fact that they paid $0 in federal taxes in 2010. How Obama hits Romney for outsourcing on one hand, and on the other hand:
I'm more concerned about the local races. The republicans taking the MN house and senate has stopped the Minnesota Health Act dead in its tracks (single payer health care bill that passed both the senate and house with identical language, but is designated as a two year bill and so requires an additional reading/vote in the house).
Make sure everyone you know votes, Erasure! (and make sure everyone votes no on the Voter ID amendment and the marriage amendment)
Looks like it made it to the news.
So, with that happening...
Why do some governors and law makers insist that, when it comes to cuts, they need to cut education and something to do with health care?
Bill O'Reilly laid out the Romney attack plan to these Bain attacks - just run every video of Obama praising GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, note all their plants outside the country and the fact that they paid $0 in federal taxes in 2010. How Obama hits Romney for outsourcing on one hand, and on the other hand:
He'll have something when Obama endorses Immelt to be the next president.Bill O'Reilly laid out the Romney attack plan to these Bain attacks - just run every video of Obama praising GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, note all their plants outside the country and the fact that they paid $0 in federal taxes in 2010.
Bill O'Reilly laid out the Romney attack plan to these Bain attacks - just run every video of Obama praising GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, note all their plants outside the country and the fact that they paid $0 in federal taxes in 2010. How Obama hits Romney for outsourcing on one hand, and on the other hand:
Thing is, Obama supports social safety net programs that would help people affected by offshoring/outsourcing while Romney offers...nothing.Bill O'Reilly laid out the Romney attack plan to these Bain attacks - just run every video of Obama praising GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, note all their plants outside the country and the fact that they paid $0 in federal taxes in 2010. How Obama hits Romney for outsourcing on one hand, and on the other hand:
I don't think the VP pick will be who you guys think it will be.
They'll pull a Palin. They'll get someone of contrast, someone who isn't from the corporate side, probably someone extremely religious and war-mongering, even thought the whole terrorism thing is sort of going over people's heads now.
Romney is limited in his ability to cover those topics. They'll get someone who's going to attract the spotlight, to take it away from Romney.
It will still be a losing strategy, but at this point it seems to be a risk-all or GTFO situation.
Looks like it made it to the news.
So, with that happening...
Why do some governors and law makers insist that, when it comes to cuts, they need to cut education and something to do with health care?
Yeah, but in the case of mental health, which is always there and apparent, and then in the case of South Carolina where incidents of rape is high, it doesn't make any sense to cut something like that.
Bill O'Reilly laid out the Romney attack plan to these Bain attacks - just run every video of Obama praising GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, note all their plants outside the country and the fact that they paid $0 in federal taxes in 2010. How Obama hits Romney for outsourcing on one hand, and on the other hand:
Kosmo and Bill O' attacking Obama from the left. Oy vey.
lol. If BillO thinks Mitt Romney will attack Jeffrey Immelt, he is hell lot more dumb than previously thought.
Is Giuliani still trying to be relevant? The only downside is he would piss off the social conservatives but they're already lukewarm on a Mormon president.
The problem with choosing a more popular conservative is that they either don't want to risk their career on Mitt's chances, or they just don't like him (Santorum).
edit: Democrats better never let Immelt run for them. After Obama it's either Clinton or Ron Reagan, even if Reagan is unlikely to want to run, the guy would win hands down.
It's not about policy, it's about our guy winning.whats this world coming to?
Wonderful Idea. I thought Romney was against attacking Capitalism though?
Forget it, Giuliani would not be the pick, 100% sure. Way too big to be just a VP by now.
...I just had a fevered dream where Martin O'Malley and Ron Reagan ran on the same ticket in 2016 and won in a landslide.
The guy was a mayor, ran for president and lost, and now nobody's heard anything about him for 3 years. He's not exactly a political whale. Also, it's been long enough that bringing him back will keep the news channels distracted for a few weeks.
Romney needs to stop looking for a political viewpoint and get a cheerleader to speak for him. Choosing a candidate from a swing state shows a lot of obvious bias and choosing a true-believer or a minority/female makes it look like you're trying to make another Palin. I think Giuliani would actually be a reasonable choice for Romney.
If Romney is really choosing his VP this week, then he's doing it just to distract from the Bain attacks. I don't see anybody being surprised enough by someone like Portman for that goal to be accomplished.
Hey bad dudes.
I'm trying to find a good resource full of highlight articles from this past June. Anyone know a good one?
The "Look who Obama's hugging now" defense?Defend Romney by attacking Obama for praising someone else. lol
But Romney has no religious backing, Giuliani wouldn't have much more either. He's been quiet because the whole terrorism schtick was his only schtick. Romney needs someone religious, loud and crazy, and at the same time someone who makes Romney look good. Giuliani would be too big.
Between gay marriage and abortion, religious people are mostly concerned with abortion. Romney doesn't want somebody who will piss off female voters more than he has already by beating the drums of scaling back birth control options. Even if he picks Giuliani (who's pro-choice), the religious base will still choose Romney over the other guy.
Romney's whole post-primary strategy has been to distract from everything he's ever said. Getting somebody like Santorum just hurts him by showing he's taking a shotgun approach to adopting all conservative principles. If he chooses Giuliani, he gets to show some actual focus. On an issue he has no experience with, and therefore cannot have flip-flopped on.
The scary thing is, I think I may have convinced myself that Giuliani is a realistic pick.
Uh? Which issue would that be?
This is why Romney needs to take "Bain" back by embracing Amrit Bains.
Plus the autotune factor means crossover appeal to robots!
Terrorism, foreign policy.
lolAfter 9/11, Romney “Downplayed Any Threat Posed By” Bin Laden To Winter Olympics, Saying Real Threat Lay With Homegrown Animal Rights Activists.
Starts at page 66, and page 78
Here's a random nugget: lol