BGG says $7.99 for San Juan.
I love the game, but $7.99?
San Juan is good. Is it maybe overpriced without async? Sure. But it's a solid implementation -- very polished.
Didnt know it was out, DLing now.
Ive barely played Scotland Yard, Le Havre, Or Magic 2013 though, my last 3 purchases I think. Oh well!
San Juan is way easier to learn than all of those thankfully. Really a fun light game.
Yeah man thought we might have a stalemate on our hands. Quite exciting.GG Astro, I messed up at the end there and moved my summoner to the wrong spot to be able to hit and run away proper. Those JE champs have soooooo much HP and so hard to deal with.
I'm in two games in which I'm playing ad Vanguard against Cloaks right now with mercviper and Ray... Mildly confusing to say the least.
Finally finished my game with wideawakewesley!
wideawakewesley -104
tm24- 104
New update to Ticket to Ride iPad gives the option to purchase the Legendary Asia map IAP along with several other new features (see below).
Also check out Days of Wonder co-founder and CEO Eric Hautemont talkin' gobbledygook with Macworld; briefly addressing why you don't need async and sound reasoning for multiple apps :
Picked up San Juan. Tutorial makes it seem like a pretty good implementation. It would be better if I knew the illustrations well enough to know what all the cards did.
It would also be nice if there were actual people playing online but I can't find a single quick game. But oh wait nm async sucks and should never be supported.
Yeah hautemont's logic really doesn't hold water given the length of a turn in other (not to mention more popular) digital implentations of games.
I think they're saying that a lot of people are playing online, but not many are playing async.I really think it's just pure rationalization for not putting in the work. A "very vocal minority"? mean your fans who want to be able to play your games in the best way possible? Yeah, fuck them, let's cater to the people who just buy games and never play them. They're great for word of mouth and sustained success.
I think they're saying that a lot of people are playing online, but not many are playing async.
Everyone should implement online to the level of Carcassonne. It is bizarre that no one has copied it.
Everyone should implement online to the level of Carcassonne. It is bizarre that no one has copied it.
I really wish Small World got a proper iOS game, it'd be so good![]()
Uh...yeah? You can always count on DoW to fuck things up though. Would be so fun async with multiple players. Isn't their abandonware app local 2P only? Hahaha.
Let's let PlayDek finish Agricola first.It's ipad only anyway, so I wouldn't know. But 4p async Small World would be sooooo gooood. Give it to Playdek, they'd make it SW-ish and we'd all be happy![]()
We're both Winners Ray! yay!7/20 for both of us in the NSHex game, in case it disappears for you
I hate to do it because DoW is so frustrating lately, but I love the Asia map so I begrudgingly bought this. I'll make my stand at TTR Pocket Europe though, even though I'd love to play iPhone vs iPad with my wife on the Switzerland map. >__<New update to Ticket to Ride iPad gives the option to purchase the Legendary Asia map IAP along with several other new features (see below).
eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got The Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24
If you've tried to hook up with your opponent with no luck refresh my memory. Thanks!
eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got The Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24
If you've tried to hook up with your opponent with no luck refresh my memory. Thanks!
eznark vs Of All Trades
InaudibleWhispa vs Smiley90
soldat7 vs Got The Shakes
wideawakewesley vs tm24
If you've tried to hook up with your opponent with no luck refresh my memory. Thanks!
Inaudiblewhisper said on Monday (?) that he'd forgotten his ipad over the weekend, but I tried contacting him to see if he's got it back, but haven't heard from him... So our game is still in a stall, since July 27.
Also Ray okay, I'll start next timeit's not like I pick teams that counter your picks... If such a thing even exists...
EDIT: he just made a turn, we're back OTW!![]()