Halo |OT7| You may leave, Juices. And take Team Downer with you.

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Updated. Colors changed. Blue -> Green -> Red in increasing count, with darker = more.

6 total grenades (2 plasma), pistol and shotgun. No skulls. I can make a quick run to go get more pistol ammo and a health pack (have several that are still accessible that I left behind earlier in the mission), but the number of bars doesn't matter all that much. Once they get your shield down, it doesn't take much more to drop you.

I recommend staying in the back of the room and killing them off as they come along. Grab that pistol ammo. Give that a few tries.

But I'm not the most experienced person when it comes to CE on Legendary.


These are the sorts of things that remind me that "yeah, the Midwest... people actually live out there".

Updated. Colors changed. Blue -> Green -> Red in increasing count, with darker = more.


Why don't you make the green and red closer to the gamut from the blue so it feels more like a spectrum than distinct label colors?


These are the sorts of things that remind me that "yeah, the Midwest... people actually live out there".

Why don't you make the green and red closer to the gamut from the blue so it feels more like a spectrum than distinct label colors?

Because California and Florida ended up in the middle of the spectrum of green and red respectively, so their jumps look kind of weird. I think I'll just customize the palette next go-round instead of using the premade selection.

Here's the original size scratch-work version


I just can't believe that 343i....
1. Removed Squad Slayer
2. Cloned Team Slayer and added TU
3. Kept the stupid playlist despite consistently doing worse than Squad Slayer did.

Halo 4 better have different people running the playlists.

el oh el
So I've only seen the USA map appearing a few times in the thread when I get a chance to pop in.

What is it? Amount of HaloGAFfers per state?

Yeah. He'll be bringing in an update which will actually go global, unlike the TU :p

Edit: Or else it'll just include Europe and possibly Austrailia, which is like the TU :lol


god finally have my internet back.
Achievement discussion yeah. The zombie ones and paper beats rock are my missing ones in reach.

And some people have a problem to get the legendary achievement for Halo 2 it is so easy?
but not legit

I also need a lot of Anniversary, Wars and Halo 2 MP
I've done it but i never got any achievement for it.
not on the right map maybe ?
Fucking bloom.

Fucking armor abilities.

Fucking slow movement speed.

Fucking nuke grenades.

Fucking jetpacks. God I hate jetpack.

Fuck why am I playing Power Slayer on Uncaged? All I want is fucking Boom Ball.

Holy fuck I have the pro-pipe. Okay, where is a dude...oh, hey, it's another jetpacker...I JUST FUCKING PRO-PIPE'D YOU OUT OF MIDAIR AND I AIN'T EVEN ON HEAT, YOU JERK.


Yeah game sucks, we know that already, play Halo 3!

I do kinda want to play Reach in the run up to 4 because after Halo 4 comes out nothing will get me on it but the bad gameplay and fact that its seen its last update where new stuff is added (I presume), is off-putting. Thats not to say I want 343 to waste time and energy on it, just that theres literally nothing to entice putting in that disk.
Played 2 Games of Halo 3 Earlier, Don't think im going back to H3 or Reach before H4.

Just cannot enjoy either of them really i get frustrated to easily.


Fucking bloom.

Fucking armor abilities.

Fucking slow movement speed.

Fucking nuke grenades.

Fucking jetpacks. God I hate jetpack.

Fuck why am I playing Power Slayer on Uncaged? All I want is fucking Boom Ball.

Holy fuck I have the pro-pipe. Okay, where is a dude...oh, hey, it's another jetpacker...I JUST FUCKING PRO-PIPE'D YOU OUT OF MIDAIR AND I AIN'T EVEN ON HEAT, YOU JERK.


Welcome to Reach.

Last night I had one challenge left to get the weekly: 23 kills in a MP game, or the L.D. Long Night of Solace challenge.

I tried a game of Grifball. Dude with blue flames had host, murdered everyone.

I started a FFA game, spawned low on Powerhouse. Look around, start to get pinged by DMR fire so far away I can't see the shooter. I fill with despair.

L.D. challenge it was.

Wasn't worth it.

Tomorrow, the only playlist in Reach I like gets deleted. This comes a few months after the other only playlist I liked got deleted.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
Updated. Colors changed. Blue -> Green -> Red in increasing count, with darker = more.


WV is Gray which I assume means 0 people. Myself and Vanguze are both in WV. So you can add 2.


Sort of aimed at Frank O'Ellis, but could 343 talk about their plans for Halo 4 post launch support sometime? Mainly about playlist management. Either in a bulletin, podcast, maybe even here?

Im assuming they've learned a few things from Reach and they won't be crunching on Halo 5. At least not initially.
we shud play it legendary run b4 I go.
you know i don't like that FOC
its pronounced "fuck"

When do you go?

I think I'm gonna have to put another bioshock run in (my tenth), some time soon.

Because, it's gonna be all about H4 after it launches, for a long time.


I still play Reach regularly. It's like my past MW2 addiction, I know it's bad for me but I am still drawn by what is does right. The feel of the DMR, the look of the sniper and the fun BTB forge maps still make me come back.


0 / 200 - 25000 cR
Earn 200 Multikills in multiplayer Matchmaking this week.
new weekly heh?.. Easiest done in Grifball .. god no.

Playing till Halo 4?
I think I'll play Darksiders 2 and Borderlands 2 the most time and in the last weeks before Halo 4 hits, I'll replay the Halo campaigns

(with some games of Reach and Halo 3 in between)


I still play Reach regularly. It's like my past MW2 addiction, I know it's bad for me but I am still drawn by what is does right. The feel of the DMR, the look of the sniper and the fun BTB forge maps still make me come back.
I don't think I'd put BTB, forge maps, and BTB forge maps on things Reach did right.

willow ve

I don't think I'd put BTB, forge maps, and BTB forge maps on things Reach did right.

Some of the Forge maps could have been good... if the framerate didn't drop so low or maps that are actually supposed to be symmetrical (Asylum, cough) were actually symmetrical.
now is a good time as any to play other games. Don't burn out on Haloz.
Do a run through of a few different games.

Yeah thats what ive been doing, just finished Dues Ex, which was awesome. With Reach though, as I know its basically going untouched once Halo 4 comes out I kinda wanna play it at sometime.

Still got the free games trial till the end of the month, then its not too long to go until Halo 4 anyway.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I have a few Halo 3 and a few Reach achievements I'll seemingly never get. Put me in the boat of hating achievements for specific gametypes on specific maps. :(
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