Halo |OT7| You may leave, Juices. And take Team Downer with you.

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I'm hopping on now for some achievement grabbing. I personally need the Defiant One-Flag achievement.

Deadly, you're still going to PAX correct? Maybe we could work something out for you to get some swag for me?
Woah, woah, hang on a sec. If you order at least 3 shirts you get free shipping. How bout a group buy since all of us are going to PAX?

Edit: Actually it's 4 shirts for free shipping, but I still think it'd be a good idea to try to get a group buy.

I haven't ordered yet. Let me know.

You can also use the code DORM10 for 10% off.


Just played first game of SWAT in Halo 4. Sheer white-knuckle terror.

DMR or BR?

Depends on the level.



Man... Fuckin jealous. Not even jelly... Jelli... Jellis... Whatever. I. Am. Jealous.

Light rifles, carbines, DMRs, BRs.

Oh God.

Will do weird shit for gameplay.
It's going to be incorporated into Team Slayer along with Team Snipers :D

learn from mistakes please

I remember back in ranked H2, back when getting level 25(after it got bumped up from level 16) was legit. Game before I was gonna get my 25, Team SWAT. The most intense game of SWAT of ALL-TIME.

tl;dr bring back ranks


Clothed, sober, cooperative

oh boy oh boy oh boy! Can't wait to play swat with hitscan BR's again!

DMR + BR SWAT with four people on a HUGE level still worked. Dat hitscan. The TERROR. I think it was sound effects. I do NOT get scared playing SWAT normally. But today, diaper filling.


DMR + BR SWAT with four people on a HUGE level still worked. Dat hitscan. The TERROR. I think it was sound effects. I do NOT get scared playing SWAT normally. But today, diaper filling.

You might want to consult a doctor. You should have more control over your sphincter than that.
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