Halo |OT7| You may leave, Juices. And take Team Downer with you.

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"We already have a thread for this, these questions should be edited in the weekly update DO NOT ASK YOU'RE QUESTIONS HERE" and kind of came off condescending like i was someone new to the community. Eh

Did a mod tell you that, or was it a wannabe mod? If it means anything, I'd get another thread up in the General Discussion forum, explain that you're from GAF and have already got input from there as well as THC, and why you're doing this. I'm honestly surprised if you got a comment like that from a mod.
Did a mod tell you that, or was it a wannabe mod? If it means anything, I'd get another thread up in the General Discussion forum, explain that you're from GAF and have already got input from there as well as THC, and why you're doing this. I'm honestly surprised if you got a comment like that from a mod.

Some Wannabe. I'm not going to promote this any more, Feel free to push it around to other communities if you want id love it to get filled out more but i just seem to get ignored.
Thread link


Trailer soon plz.


343i Lead Esports Producer
My niece broke my headset again. Same spot lol. She just learned how to say my name so I guess I can forgive her hahaaha. I'll have to glue it again.


Dear playlist manager(s):

You need to reweight objective on Defiant maps. Because the achievements that you put in are horse shit.

the Halo: Reach population

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Navy blue HaloGaf shirt ordered! Will wear it the day of the panel.

Should there be a hidden page/member page on the HaloGaf site where we can give each other our phone numbers? Also real names? Might be nice to have for contact.
I just wanted to take this time to remind everyone that America shit on everyone at the Olympics and we landed a robot thinger on Mars. So theres that.

Related: Whos playing/streaming Reach tonight? Be home in about a half hour.


GGs guys. At least I managed to get a few of the achievements.

Can you put it in your file share? I want to find the part where FyreWulff and I go back and forth blinking in and out of camo.

I should still have it. I also need someone to capture the amazing assassination on Hypertrooper that I will never repeat ever.
3 month out and we have no idea if Hunters/Brutes/Drones/Engineers/Skirmishers/Prophets will be returning in Halo 4

You know exactly what I meant.

i'm gonna go out on a limb and say we wont see Skirmishers, as pawns (crawlers) seem to do the same thing.

prophets probably wont show up, unless the storm covenant are run by a minor prophet.

Engineers, maybe. it is a forerunner world after all, but im just gonna say we won't see them.

drones fly, rooks (watchers) fly, maybe there are some rooks with guns?(autoturret?) could replace drones.

i don't think Brutes will show up, i think they are either, wiped out. or they are slaves to the elites. or they have their own fleets, so maybe they might show up. would be interesting to see brutes show up and fight the elites to get control of requiem. 5 way battles, infinity marines, storm covenant, brutes, prometheans, ancient evil(depending on what this is). requiem could be one giant clusterfuck.

i believe Hunters will definetely show up. i have a feeling they'll just have the original 4 enemies for covenant. elites, grunts, jackals, hunters.

also, i wont give up the dream of awesome promethean names.


So for those still needing the "Don't Touch That!" achievement(Defiant One-Flag), this Saturday I'm gonna be on around noon-ish CST. I'm gonna uninstall Noble and Anniversary, so the only DLC that shows up is Defiant. We'll need a group of 10 people to go into Team Objective. Who is up for it?

-Mister Negative
-The Real Napsta

I'm probably going to update this once or twice before Friday.
So for those still needing the "Don't Touch That!" achievement(Defiant One-Flag), this Saturday I'm gonna be on around noon-ish CST. I'm gonna uninstall Noble and Anniversary, so the only DLC that shows up is Defiant. We'll need a group of 10 people to go into Team Objective. Who is up for it?



I'm probably going to update this once or twice before Friday.

I need it.
Ask your teammates to cooperate.

In Reach you'd be lucky if anyone else in the game has a mic, let alone a teammate!
Even in MLG where it is really a select group of competitive gamers, it is hard to find teammates who talk.

Lol I remember back when Halo 3 launched, almost EVERYONE in Rumble Pit was boosting achievements together.
That damned Mongoose Mowdown, so frustrating, never forget.
So for those still needing the "Don't Touch That!" achievement(Defiant One-Flag), this Saturday I'm gonna be on around noon-ish CST. I'm gonna uninstall Noble and Anniversary, so the only DLC that shows up is Defiant. We'll need a group of 10 people to go into Team Objective. Who is up for it?



I'm probably going to update this once or twice before Friday.
I am in.


So for those still needing the "Don't Touch That!" achievement(Defiant One-Flag), this Saturday I'm gonna be on around noon-ish CST. I'm gonna uninstall Noble and Anniversary, so the only DLC that shows up is Defiant. We'll need a group of 10 people to go into Team Objective. Who is up for it?



I'm probably going to update this once or twice before Friday.

I've been wicked busy with life/work but I keep a little spot in my heart for you folks. Every damn time I am getting dressed and see my HaloGAF shirt don't think I for a minute that I don't crack a smile.

Really looking forward to seeing everyone again at PAX. As excited as I am for Halo 4, PAX is more and more becoming something more of a social experience than about games. So I hope to get time to hangout with all of you guys again, perhaps go out for some light night drunken debauchery, who knows!

Bonus pic of my new Kitchen!
The Induction Stovetop, Refrigerator, Button Switches, Trak-lighting and Under Counter lighting is the best parts. Ditch that Keurig though.
I just wanted to take this time to remind everyone that America shit on everyone at the Olympics and we landed a robot thinger on Mars. So theres that.

Randomly Arrogant Juices is my favorite!

good games Bregmann Roche ..

True Skill lol
Good Games NeoMonster Balls. We almost achieved the dream of 50-0, but for now it must remain a dream.

******** the ********!

Am I swearing or am I posting the name of an unreliable sales number site? You decide!

Why can't it be both??!!
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