Halo |OT7| You may leave, Juices. And take Team Downer with you.

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willow ve

In Reach you'd be lucky if anyone else in the game has a mic, let alone a teammate!
Even in MLG where it is really a select group of competitive gamers, it is hard to find teammates who talk.

Lol I remember back when Halo 3 launched, almost EVERYONE in Rumble Pit was boosting achievements together.
That damned Mongoose Mowdown, so frustrating, never forget.

That's actually a good reason to buy the game on launch day. Everyone is boosting right at the start. Those were good days in 3. "Meet at the bottom of Construct if you're boosting"... Sigh.


That's actually a good reason to buy the game on launch day. Everyone is boosting right at the start. Those were good days in 3. "Meet at the bottom of Construct if you're boosting"... Sigh.

I vaguely remember doing a trick (when H3 first came out) were you could change your preferred language in the matchmaking settings and you would only get matched up with people achievement boosting. Some how it actually worked.
Nah, make a thread in gaming about that info.


Hold the phone here... Is there something about that site that I should know about?

It's a banned website.

Forum FAQ said:
One site in particular, VG Chartz, tends to come up a lot. VG Chartz numbers are considered unreliable, and because sales discussions often degrade into console war-style arguments between posters, it's really important to us that accurate sales numbers are posted for discussion. Users are generally banned for posting VG Chartz numbers because of the way it derails threads and prevents good discussion.

Also, fun games guys. We even got a rare appearance from mic'ed Neoism.

vv You suckas just got Franklined!
So for those still needing the "Don't Touch That!" achievement(Defiant One-Flag), this Saturday I'm gonna be on around noon-ish CST. I'm gonna uninstall Noble and Anniversary, so the only DLC that shows up is Defiant. We'll need a group of 10 people to go into Team Objective. Who is up for it?



I'm probably going to update this once or twice before Friday.

I need it too.


Hold the phone here... Is there something about that site that I should know about?
From the FAQ:

Banned Sites

A number of sites have been banned from being posted on GAF. Trying to post one will get the URL replaced with asterisks. The reasons for each individual site ban vary, and new sites are added and old ones removed every so often. In general, sites are blocked after either a history of posting false information, or a history of self-promotion. If you notice that you've posted a banned site, just edit your post and look for a better source.

If you're reading a HUGE rumour ("Nintendo going third party") from some random Blog you've never heard of, use some common sense. If you don't believe the rumour yourself, don't post it. Posting something obviously crazy and calling it a rumour is not a defence.

One site in particular, VG Chartz, tends to come up a lot. VG Chartz numbers are considered unreliable, and because sales discussions often degrade into console war-style arguments between posters, it's really important to us that accurate sales numbers are posted for discussion. Users are generally banned for posting VG Chartz numbers because of the way it derails threads and prevents good discussion.

Edit: Beaten like a *****

Edit: Hey trey! Here's your tray, cuz you just got SERVED!


Amazing how the CCs wasted their time on that garbage while the Zealot spawn trap goes unfixed.

Played some BTB tonight with a full group and heavies got picked every time no matter what map. 8000+ people searching BTB too. I just spent my time killing vehicles with PL, Laser and Rockets. Vehicles in Reach are sooo weak.
Amazing how the CCs wasted their time on that garbage while the Zealot spawn trap goes unfixed.

Fixing the Zealot spawn trap isn't something the CCs would ever be tasked with, which is sad, because they would've fixed it by now.

As for Heavies...I don't enjoy it very much, but I can't call it a failure since so many BTBers enjoy it. May God forgive them.
3 month out and we have no idea if Hunters/Brutes/Drones/Engineers/Skirmishers/Prophets will be returning in Halo 4

And I hope it stays that way :] The less we know about the Campaign, the better the first/lasting impressions will be IMO

That's actually a good reason to buy the game on launch day. Everyone is boosting right at the start. Those were good days in 3. "Meet at the bottom of Construct if you're boosting"... Sigh.

Ahh how well the community comes together for a common goal.. Those achievements were pretty damn fun lol


Amazing how the CCs wasted their time on that garbage while the Zealot spawn trap goes unfixed.

CC's are not given access to the matchmaking and playlist back end. Probably for the best, I'd have deleted most of the playlists and replaced them with three devoted to variations of Firefight Limited.

On the last night of Firefight Doubles, the only remaining Reach playlist I enjoy, I spent all my time evaluating community maps. No farewell game for me. I was planning to hit Inheritor the night before Halo 4 came out; I was tracking to do so well just based on my normal play. I don't think I'll ever get there now. There is literally not a playlist in Reach that tempts me any longer.

I'm genuinely sad about that.
Thanks for the achievement help tonight guys, I finally have 69/69 in Reach! Now I just need 4 more in Anniversary and probably a ton in Halo Wars that I will never get, lol.

So, update about my dog cause I need to vent.. He has been whimpering in pain all day today, which is odd because one, there is nothing wrong with him that should be causing pain, and two he usually takes things like a champ.. It has gotten worse as the night when on, and now I noticed some rash/scab like things on his belly that is causing him pain, that he did not have before the vets.. I called em, and they said they will have a doctor call me in the morning.. Blah. I usually would play it safe and get him seen but I literally maxed out my cards so thats not an option.. This poor dog has been through hell, and its all due to our past vets negligence via doing a surgery wrong, twice.. He has had a total of four surgeries and many emergency visits.. Blah. Im probably gonna stay up a while tonight to make sure it doesn't get worse.

3 month out and we have no idea if Hunters/Brutes/Drones/Engineers/Skirmishers/Prophets will be returning in Halo 4

Im sure Hunters will be back, and if the toys are anything to go by, I believe McFarlane showed a box for a Halo 4 Hunter back in feb..no pics of course. As for the Brutes? I really, really hope they return.. They are the one species that desperately need a visual refresh, and I imagine 343 could nail the look.. On top of that they can be a blast to fight, and terrifying. Plus I want the Brute weapons and vehicles back. If Drones return, and I doubt they will, I hope we don't have to fight them.. Rather just see a swarm of them fly by busy with something else or something..or they could be friendly? Skirmishers would be awesome, but once again I would be surprised if they come back.. Engineers are a must, but this time as non covenant.. let them float by, be curious and fix things. Finally, I would kill to see a Prophet.. they were always fascinating. That said, i really couldn't see Elites working with them after being betrayed, even if the Storm faction are a bunch of religious zealots.


As for the Brutes? I really, really hope they return.. They are the one species that desperately need a visual refresh,


, and I imagine 343 could nail the look..

Really sorry to hear what your dog is going through, demon. I hope everything gets better, it's a horrible feeling to see one's pet go through stuff like that.


My favorite part of Reach is the time I spend at black screen when people quit or quit before games start.

It's like, hey, what's happening?! And then it's like lol.


Welp, it's official.

With Black Ops 2 Treyarch is embracing e-sports to a greater extent than any Call of Duty game. "We think there is a tremendous opportunity here to bring e-sports to the masses, and we think Call of Duty is the game to do it," Vonderhaar said.
Treyarch has introduced League Play, a skill-based matchmaking system that sorts players into divisions. It is hoped it will mean players of all skill levels can get something out of the game, traditionally inhospitable to newcomers. To rank up into a division, you'll need to win and win consistently, Vonderhaar said.
Complimenting this is Codcasting, a new system that lets shoutcasters "put a show together". Shoutcasters have a number of viewing options they can switch between, and more information is displayed in the UI, including the score panel and a large name plate on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Feeds include an overhead map view and a picture in picture view, which shows the action on the left and player information on the right. Shoutcasters can also tune in to the players themselves, listening to communication during a match.
But perhaps the most exciting new e-sports related feature is Live Streaming. This work-in progress system is designed to allow players to stream their games from within the game itself with the press of a single button. Vonderhaar showed a live game running on multiple iPads, suggesting we'll be able to watch matches from multiple devices.

There is little information on Live Streaming at present. There is room for players to use a USB camera to show themselves picture in picture. "You're going to need some decent upstream bandwidth," Vonderhaar added. "You do not need a high end PC. You do not need complex streaming software and hardware." More information will be revealed closer to launch.
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