It's not a ranking system because no one plays it. 0 players.
Terrible implementation off the start tarnished the name. They should have ditched the name and thew it on more playlists the day it went win loss.
It's not a ranking system because no one plays it. 0 players.
Nah, it's not like that. I'll definitely be playing Halo 4 over this game. I'm just salty about these things.Something, something, abandon ship, #TheDeathOfHalo.
This is awesome. (Not a dig against 343, Bungie, or Halo)
All platforms, you can watch on pc and moible too.
Yeah, it seems backwards. It'd be like if they added join in progress, customizable loadouts, and care packages activated by kill streaks to Halo.Wow. Seriously, wow.
If CoD can do it, then seriously, why doesn't Halo 4 have it?
Call of Duty isn't even a major part of e-sports, and yet it gets a full suite of competitive options.
I wonder what the limitations are, atleast on the consoles.I wonder how the stream on consoles? Do the dedis render the video?
You're cute. See you on Halo 4!Well its official. If Halo 4 doesn't have 1-50 I'm not getting it.
I wonder how the stream on consoles? Do the dedis render the video?
You're cute. See you on Halo 4!
All platforms, you can watch on pc and moible too.
I wonder how the stream on consoles? Do the dedis render the video?
I do not know anything about Halo 4 that you don't, but... son, let's face it. You are going to buy and play Halo 4 even if they replace the ranking system with an handicap system where every time you win your shield is halved in the next game.
Nah man, the conspiracy is the people trying to make up all this shit about the system being abused to enforce their wimpy socialistic "everyone's a winner" agenda. It's so bad they even had the Franchise Development Director for 343 Industries posting on message boards about how their "research" showed that there was a "huge" problem with boosting. We know better. Overdoz1z exposed the lies with a sarcastic reply.Also where is your proof there were 50s being created by underground mafia of cheaters that didnt get caught? Cause in my experience I saw tons of great players getting 50s legit not giving a shit about keeping the account and selling them to websites that listed the GT, Game History, and Price. So its kindof my word vs yours scenario. Is there a link to this said underground organized Halo crime. Besides the kids that bought them never played their 50 so what does it matter if they buy them they went into playlists at their 45 skill level after anyways.
These improvements are great news for e-sports fans, but they come with some limitations. The CODcasting (ugh) feature only works for custom games and local play live; league play and public match games can only be casted with the new tools by doing so over a theater replay. Live streaming will be limited by Activision’s own network capacity and meeting an unspecified minimum number of viewers. In fact, live streaming is unlikely to make it for launch though it looks like the casting tools are in for sure. Additionally, live streaming only works for league play. Neither feature looks to be coming to the co-op Strikeforce mode or single-player in any fashion.
Nah man, the conspiracy is the people trying to make up all this shit about the system being abused to enforce their wimpy socialistic "everyone's a winner" agenda. It's so bad they even had the Franchise Development Director for 343 Industries posting on message boards about how their "research" showed that there was a "huge" problem with boosting. We know better. Overdoz1z exposed the lies with a sarcastic reply.
IW is pretty much dead. Sledgehammer games took over a project that was half dead. They didn't have the timeframe and I'd say the know how to do what treyarch did with black ops and bo2I just dont see a ranking system working well in CoD, that game is individualistic to its core. I guess its good that it has it, Treyarch are pretty decent when it comes to trying to push things forward but I hope on a gameplay level they ignored a lot of the stuff IW did for MW3.
I just dont see a ranking system working well in CoD, that game is individualistic to its core. I guess its good that it has it, Treyarch are pretty decent when it comes to trying to push things forward but I hope on a gameplay level they ignored a lot of the stuff IW did for MW3.
EDIT: Hopefully 343 can match them, on a features, media and hype level they seem to be going for it, I imagine the threat of a full Halo game kept them coding till late. With the game coming out a week after Halo populations could be in flux.
a powerful optic that can see stationary enemies at close range through walls and objects.
They made the kill streaks into score streaks, and give a lot more score for objective play.
That will change the whole game up, people will want to play objectively, AKA win.
I was watching one of the gameplay videos, besides the cool streaming options, the game seems like nothing special.
It is same old COD. The only futuristic elements are really the gun attachments and the kill streaks, but they all still function the same way.
Nothing surprising really.
Halo still looks like a lot more fun, although it is unfortunate we don't have at least spectator mode.
Maybe this will influence 343i into applying the bandwidth to making it happen.
IW is pretty much dead. Sledgehammer games took over a project that was half dead. They didn't have the timeframe and I'd say the know how to do what treyarch did with black ops and bo2
Arena wasnt a bad idea, it was just implemented poorly.
I actually like Arena. Just wish it was more popular and had better rulesets from the beginning.
I actually like Arena. Just wish it was more popular and had better rulesets from the beginning.
Dat 60fps trailer.
I had a friend who made hundreds of dollars selling 50's. He could get a new account from 1-50 in like 20 games or so if I remember right.The console has already rendered it to show the player why wouldn't it send THAT and not have to render twice?
Also where is your proof there were 50s being created by underground mafia of cheaters that didnt get caught? Cause in my experience I saw tons of great players getting 50s legit not giving a shit about keeping the account and selling them to websites that listed the GT, Game History, and Price. So its kindof my word vs yours scenario. Is there a link to this said underground organized Halo crime. Besides the kids that bought them never played their 50 so what does it matter if they buy them they went into playlists at their 45 skill level after anyways.
Do you know something we dont!? TELL US! Seriously I rechanged it to if Halo 4 doesnt have a SOLID ranking system* *This might also change.
Why dont you think they will do this again? Have they ever had their settings right? Have you never screamed at Shishka for starting you with AR's on Avalanche? Why did NinjaOnFire think it was a good idea to start Arena with AR+Pistol and not give players DMRs? Do you think its them, or Bungie/343 philosophy forcing them to make it that way?
I sort of think 1-50 sucks, but I agree there needs to be a solid ranking system.
Arena was a good idea, half-implemented. It should basically just be Starcraft's league system, with progression available across three basic playlists (Head-to-Head [1v1], Team Doubles [2v2], Team Slayer [4v4]) that all contribute to the same TrueSkill calculation, and with victory the metric, not individual performance. Everything else you care to name (BTB, Action Sack, etc.) should be 'social' and unranked.
Basically, the idea of putting people into brackets according to their TrueSkill was cool, but assessing that individually was misguided, the window in time it occurred during was too short, and the whole system was too opaque. Adjustments to your ranking are based solely on whether or not you won the game, a season should be four months long, and everything has to be heavily transparent, so that a given player can know they're, e.g., 87th out of the 100 people in their current Division (and can see that the players they're facing in the next game are 3rd, 17th, 42nd, and 47th, presenting a great opportunity to move up).
Ideally, you would also be able to initiate challenges that can be played out in the Head-to-Head playlist.
I don't know what they'll do or what to think. I'm just saying for the most part I like(d) Reach's Arena, especially once it was based off wins, DMR starts, limited AAs, and decent maps. I like the ranks resetting every few months and I like how the divisions work.
I think I'd like to see a progression on Arena ranks for Halo 4, but make it more clear to understand, easier to get to the stats, and don't make a requirement for games to be played each day, just in the season overall, if that'd work mathematically.
I had a friend who made hundreds of dollars selling 50's. He could get a new account from 1-50 in like 20 games or so if I remember right.
Liking this too pretty simple. Clear cut system 1-1 like Halo used to have.
Why dont you think they will do this again? Have they ever had their settings right? Have you never screamed at Shishka for starting you with AR's on Avalanche? Why did NinjaOnFire think it was a good idea to start Arena with AR+Pistol and not give players DMRs? Do you think its them, or Bungie/343 philosophy forcing them to make it that way?
Im not a fan of the in game BO2 UI, every time you get something as simple as a double kill it seems like they flash it top centre of your screen in an oversized medal lol.
Im not a fan of the in game BO2 UI, every time you get something as simple as a double kill it seems like they flash it top centre of your screen in an oversized medal lol.
The weird thing is that the text isn't annoying until you focus on it. Watch the UNSC Weapons video and the transitions on the text make my eyes irritated and somewhat itchy.It makes me give thanks for the white text in the middle of Halo 4.
Not just their number placement in abstract, but have them be able to go online and refresh a list that shows where they are sitting in their division and who is around them right now. Starcraft sorts players into groups of 100 even within a category like 'Bronze' or 'Silver', so it gets even more granular and personal.They did percentages, which is just another form of a number where you are in your division. So you want the percentage dropped, show the placement as a number, with instant after game feedback, and longer seasons?
Do you think the instant feedback and longer season is enough to redeem Arena?
IMO I think the fact they can change and patch SC so often and update and hotfix their games. ALONG with the fact that RTS is a slower methodical game (sometimes lasting 30 minutes or more per match) facilitates a slower moving ranking system.
I think 1-50 has been proven to be great but marred with things that were fixed since Arena. Cheating is lower, you're not getting modded like you were in H2 anymore. I think they should apply the resetting seasons that were in Arena to the 1-50, and drop the highest rank indicator. This way you cant ever become complacement on your rank and have to keep replaying not for brag status but for quality game assurance in MM. This would also not allow people to sell 50's because a player who buys one unlegitimately will lose their 50 in a month/couple months.
There's no reason you can't set up more contemplative 15 minute games. In fact, I'd encourage that and have it be to a set timer, not to a score finish (so games can finish with scores as variable as 70-13 or 14-13, and it's no longer just a headlong rush to 50). Football, basketball, soccer... they're all played to a time, not a score.
People (incl. 343, I'm guessing) would argue that you would get a lot of cagey stalemates between evenly matched teams, and a lot of negative play by the leading team close to the end of the game, but the kind of people who enjoy the inherent rewards of competitive ranked play tend to like cagey stalemates between evenly matched teams, and even deliberately negative play.I would like to see that as a playlist once. Good idea.
Would a time-based round work though? I like the idea, but I can't see a team that's losing sticking around if the gap is decent. With ending at a set amount you can always say "Meh 10 more kills to its over, might as well stay." I dunno, what do you think?
This is a ranked-only proposal. You quit (or disconnect) from a ranked game, it counts as a loss, and it goes on your record. Quit too many games, you get put in a quitters' division for the rest of that season.Would a time-based round work though? I like the idea, but I can't see a team that's losing sticking around if the gap is decent. With ending at a set amount you can always say "Meh 10 more kills to its over, might as well stay." I dunno, what do you think?
In a ranked playlist, I think people would be hopeful that a comeback could happen. Plus the gloom and doom of the dreaded quit ban they've added. Introduce a ranked slap on the wrist like, you dont just lose this game you also lose that last game you won if you quit. Players will be sure to stay the full game
Social...Yea probably wouldn't work at all.
I think the timed thing would be a fun way to switch it up.
This is a ranked-only proposal. You quit (or disconnect) from a ranked game, it counts as a loss, and it goes on your record. Quit too many games, you get put in a quitters' division for the rest of that season.
I am not proposing that unranked 'social' games have anything other than drop-in, drop-out, to-the-score shenanigans where people can just kick back and you are encouraged to stick around for everyone's benefit.
BLOPS2 just took it to the next fucking level.
I'm actually kind of shocked at how ambitious they're being with this.
Nope, ex-IW was always the best.Spoiler:
Treyarch was always the better CoD team
Nope, ex-IW was always the best.